A List Apart: Articles: This is How the Web Gets Regulated
about captioningjQuery Captify Demo
Caption plugin for images using jquery
jQuery CaptifySliding Boxes and Captions with JQuery
Coloca caption nas imagens de forma animada e interativa.
Sliding Boxes and Captions with JQuery
jquery 图片 信息
Nice sliding boxes to create interactive captionsCaptionTube: Home
Herramienta para ponerle subtítulos a un vídeo de Youtube.
Make captions for youtube videos
Para subtitular videos de Youtube
Add captions to Youtube
Using Caption Tube you can create captions for your own videos or for any other video that you find on YouTube. The editing tools for Caption Tube includes a timeline to help you match your video's images to the captions that you create. You can choose the duration of time for which each caption is displayed.Official Google Blog: Automatic captions in YouTube
This blog entry shows you how to create automatic captions for you YouTube videos.
"In addition to automatic captions, we’re also launching automatic caption timing, or auto-timing, to make it significantly easier to create captions manually. With auto-timing, you no longer need to have special expertise to create your own captions in YouTube. [...]"
"To help address this challenge, we've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short. Auto-caps use the same voice recognition algorithms in Google Voice to automatically generate captions for video. The captions will not always be perfect (check out the video below for an amusing example), but even when they're off, they can still be helpful—and the technology will continue to improve with time."
YouTube now does automatic captioning in some cases and automatic timing in all cases. Automatic timing lets you upload a transcript with a video and YouTube will do speech to text and figure out when the various parts of the transcript need to be displayed.jQuery Captify Demo (v1.1.3)
ptify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer.
Caption en Imágenes
Añade Caption a tus imagenes con jquery de una manera muy sencilla
Captify is a plugin for jQuery to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer. Captify was inspired by ImageCaptions, another jQuery plugin for displaying captions like these. The goal of Captify is to be easy to use, small/simple, and completely ready for use in production environments (unlike ImageCaptions at the moment). Also, it's only 2.3kb!HOW TO: Add Captions To Your YouTube Videos
This guide is intended to help users prepare citations for electronic resources from the Library of Congress Web site. The purpose of a works cited document is to acknowledge the source of information and give as much detail as possible to find the source of that information at a later date. Consistency and the intended audience are the guiding principles to the following suggestions.