Pages tagged car:

Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Driving and Travel Tips

10. De-ice your windshield with home-made solutions Dollar Stretcher blog's recipe for DIY de-icer—simply 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water in a spray bottle, applied before a cold and wet night. 9. Get better sound from your iPod 8. Put together a quality emergency car kit 7. Keep a level head, re-think your commuting strategy 6. Don't get pressured into 3,000-mile oil changes 5. Stay awake on long drives 4. Use your fuel efficiently 3. Learn the secrets of parallel parking 2. Get an honest mechanic (or at least avoid rip-offs) 1. Handle a traffic stop, possibly skip a ticket
Free Auto Vehicle Repair Videos at - Find your inner mechanic
GOOD Transparency - Getting Around
fuel use by method of transportation. I like how 16 burgers = 1/2 gallon of gas.
fuel per passenger for 350 miles
Fuel use of various modes of transportation.
A nice graphic showing how much energy is needed for various different modes of transport. Cycling comes out best.
Auto Parts Comparison Shopping | Compare Prices at Frugal Mechanic
oobject » formula 1 user interfaces
Questions the wisdom of allowing UI complexity of race cars trickling down to the consumer market. Wonder what fighter planes look like.
TRUECAR - The Authority on New Car Pricing
What is TrueCar? TrueCar is the fresh voice in new car pricing. We bring truth and transparency to the sales process by aggregating data from many different sources to show car buyers and dealers how much people actually paid for a particular car in their geographic area. We are a data-driven company, processing thousands of real transactions nationwide on a daily basis to generate objective and irrefutable Price Reports. TrueCar is offered online, all free of charge. Our hope is that consumers no longer walk into the dealership only partially informed and fully suspicious. Instead, they show up with our Price Report in hand and know how to strike a fair deal. Dealers offer the same buyers a TrueCar Price Report: car buyers who understand the dealer cost and price structure will know when to stop negotiating and buy with confidence. With TrueCar, buyer and seller both get a better deal. Team Management Scott Painter, CEO Philip Inghelbrecht, President Rob Taylor, COO Chris Lichti,
SWEET, TRANSPARENCY ON CAR PRICING (one of the worst rackets out there)
Figure out what you should really pay for your new car based on what others have paid.
Price of a car -- what is a good deal and what is not.
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Lancashire | Art student's car vanishing act
This is AMAZING!!!
EXCELENTE, auto transparente por estudiantes en UK
A design student made a battered old Skoda "disappear" by painting it to merge with the surrounding car park. Sara Watson, who is studying drawing at the University of Central Lancashire (Uclan), took three weeks to transform the car's appearance.
A design student made a battered old Skoda "disappear" by painting it to merge with the surrounding car park.
TRUECAR - The Authority on New Car Pricing
Nice way to display recent prices on sold cars.
Find the price people are paying for cars.
Car Dealer Tricks to Watch For - Buyers Info/Features/Classic Cars/High Performance/Hot Lists/Reviews/Car and Driver - Car And Driver
shopping automotive
What to be wary of when you’re negotiating your next new-car purchase.
How to Recharge the Air Conditioner in a Car - wikiHow
Do-it-yourself auto air conditioning recharging requires eye protection, a charging kit, refrigerant, and some practical knowledge.
iQ font - When driving becomes writing / Full making of on Vimeo
Two typographers and a pro race pilot collaborated to design a font with a car. The car movements were tracked using a custom software, designed by interactive artist Zachary Lieberman.
Free Money Finance: Life or Debt? 41 Financial Calculators for Major Life Decisions
Private Number Plates and Car Registrations or Personalised Number ...
Cool services...check it out
Compare Cheap Car Rental with Vroom Vroom Vroom. Compare Car Rental New York, Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, New York, Miami Avis, Budget, Hertz.
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Draw the sketch of your accident online and free
Draw a perfect sketch of the accident online just with a few mouse clicks and add your sketch to your personal digital accident report. Including helpful advices for your settlement of claim.
AccidentSketch uses a simple template system. Cars, road segments, signs, pedestrians, and more all snap to the grid and in the case of small objects like signs can be moved from there. You can change the colors of things, zoom in and out to get as close or wide as you need, and even assign information to parties involved like the license plate numbers of the cars in the accident. Once you create a diagram you can also generate a text-based report to fill in details that can't be easily conveyed by the picture. When you're done you've got a tidy accident sketch and report to submit to the interested parties. The service is free and requires no registration.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Parking
22 Tools You Should Keep in Your Car | Marc and Angel Hack Life
Click Here
duct tape, handwerkschoenen, opdraaibare zaklamp, reservegeld
Jalopnik Car Care: How To Decode Your Car's VIN
How To Decode Your Car's VIN - How To Decode A VIN Accelerate your car search
a search engine of car
similar to
Nuanced, Ambivalent, or Guarded Stickers: Products: Store
Nuanced, Ambivalent, or Guarded Stickers
Nuanced, Ambivalent, or Guarded Stickers: Products: : Goodbye, GM Michael Moore
It is with sad irony that the company which invented "planned obsolescence" -- the decision to build cars that would fall apart after a few years so that the customer would then have to buy a new one -- has now made itself obsolete
Don't put another $30 billion into the coffers of GM to build cars. Instead, use that money to keep the current workforce -- and most of those who have been laid off -- employed so that they can build the new modes of 21st century transportation. Let them start the conversion work now. Announce that we will have bullet trains criss-crossing this country in the next five years.
Beautiful and eloquent letter from Michael Moore, on the day of GM's "hand over" to its new shareholders: the US government and its taxpayers.
"Announce that we will have bullet trains criss-crossing this country in the next five years. Japan is celebrating the 45th anniversary of its first bullet train this year. Now they have dozens of them. Average speed: 165 mph. Average time a train is late: under 30 seconds. They have had these high speed trains for nearly five decades -- and we don't even have one! The fact that the technology already exists for us to go from New York to L.A. in 17 hours by train, and that we haven't used it, is criminal. Let's hire the unemployed to build the new high speed lines all over the country. Chicago to Detroit in less than two hours. Miami to DC in under 7 hours. Denver to Dallas in five and a half. This can be done and done now."
Michael Moore's suggestions as to what to do with GM seem good to me.
Haiti earthquake: 360° video - Special Coverage on
2009 Formula One season, wet & dry - The Big Picture - has one of the best photo sections on the web, and for some wonderful reason they seem to like F1 as well. It's gorgeous!
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Schöne Fotos des Formel 1 Bahrain Grand Prix 2009.
How To: Adjust Your Mirrors to Avoid Blind Spots - Feature - Auto Reviews - Car and Driver
YouTube - 4.1.5 Rob Gruhl - How to Buy a New Car - Ignite Seattle 2007
4.1.5 Rob Gruhl - How to Buy a New Car - Ignite Seattle 2007-8-8
Cheap Used Cars for $1,000 or less
cars for a grand
Cheap used cars for sale, all $1,000 and under. Find a cheap used car in your local area today
Find an inexpensive auto.
Aerocivic - aerodynamic mods for maximum fuel economy -
My car is a 1992 Honda Civic CX which I bought new, has an EPA fuel consumption rating of 47 mpg (US) highway / 39 city (5.0/6.0 L/100 km ... 20.0/16.6 km/L ... 56.4/46.8 mpg (Imp.)), and averaged mid 40's when driven "normally".
Boy this guys has spent a lot of time modifying his car to be as slippery as possible.
cost about 400. As much as 90mpg
I'd like to do this to my 1992 Honda Civic
If this is not a hoax, then this is why I am disgusted by every auto mfg on the planet: one person, inspired by a German design from the 1930s, mods an existing car to get twice the fuel efficiency.
15 Beater Cars That Won’t Disappoint
If you're buying a used car, it would behoove you to consider cars on this list.
「渋滞学」の権威、西成活裕東大教授が伝授! 目からウロコの“究極”の渋滞回避術 - デジタル - 日経トレンディネット
時速75km 車間距離40m (75/40=1.67) を保つべし!!
YouTube - Jeremy's Extreme Ford Fiesta road test - Top Gear - BBC Autos
With the Marines Beach Landing
The ultimate road test...including the British marines!
Top Gear takes the Ford Fiesta through its paces on the track, in a shopping mall, and as part of a Royal Marines beach assault.
The Top Gear boys are deeply offended by a fan letter claiming that they don't review cars properly anymore. To compensate, Jeremy Clarkson takes the new For...
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I believe that's an Atom being driven by Darth Vader...
General Motors | GM Reinvention | Corporate Information
Voorbeeld SM-website
Discover the new GM today, we are committed to reinventing the automobile and our company. Share your thoughts and ideas with CEO Fritz Henderson.
Your window into the reinvention of General Motors.
Lo spazio di incontro tra azienda GM e clienti con la possibilità di fare domande al ceo!
21c9phc.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x375 pixels)
ca s'invente pas
Social Media and Car Insurance: A Match Made in Heaven?
great case study to follow for primelink/relland
Case history for UK financial comparison company
AutoTempest - Find your next car... Faster.