Entropy Production: All Medical Science is Wrong within a 95 % Confidence Interval
or: A Review of Taubes' "Good Calories, Bad Calories"
Recommended by Art
law of thermodynamics
Recently I read a very impressive book by Gary Taubes, previously a reporter for the journal Science. The work in question is, "Good Calories, Bad Calories."' In the book, Taubes collects research to challenge the common knowledge of nutrition: that fat is bad for you, that we should eat polyunsaturated vegetable oils, that we should exercise for sixty minutes a day, etc.
nice theory on how puritanicalism informs, in this case, our common dietary 'wisdom'Carbs against Cardio: More Evidence that Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart: Scientific American
Whether the new thinking will be reflected in this year's revision of the federal dietary guidelines remains unclear