20 Fascinating Ancient Maps
Fantastic!!!!!Dark Roasted Blend: Unusual and Marvelous Maps
mapas map maps
"Hideous monsters devouring ships? Old map symbols, correctly showing storm frontsTile Drawer
Really quickly get an Amazon EC2 instance up and running Open Street Map.
Tile Drawer makes designing and hosting custom maps simple and straightforward. The project lets anyone run their own OpenStreetMap server in the cloud with one-step configuration and zero administration.
Create own EC2 openstreetmap tile generator
The project lets anyone run their own OpenStreetMap server in the cloud with one-step configuration and zero administration.Cartographers' Guild - Powered by vBulletin
map making
Fun with maps. Somewhere on it a useful discussion about building your own fantasy/alien world maps can be found, I have been told.
People who draw maps. :)Welcome to Cartography 2.0
Animated and interactive mapsPulse Laser: Here & There influences
Schulze describes some of the influences behind the projection prints of NYC. I loved these maps at first sight, but missed this in-depth piece shedding light on some of the thinking behind them.
A great example of the erudition that Schulze and Webb display. "I’ve been observing the look and mechanisms in maps since I began working in graphic design. For individuals, and all kinds of companies, cities are an increasing pre-occupation. Geography is the new frontier. Wherever I look in the tech industry I see material from architects and references and metaphors from the urban realm. Here & There draws from that, and also exploits and expands upon the higher levels of visual literacy born of television, games, comics and print."Natural Earth
Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110m scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | Google Maps
Fascinating site where you can overlay historic maps onto Google Earth images; compare and contrast then and now. Very cool.indiemapper
indiemapper - Elegant Thematic Digital Cartography (coming soon) http://retwt.me/1LmXy #maps #gis [from http://twitter.com/geoparadigm/statuses/7290862695]oobject » 12 of the worlds most fascinating tunnel networks
urban geography
This year the MIT class ring, the Brass Rat, hides a hackers’ diagram of a subterranean campus wide tunnel network. Networks of secret passages and tunnels have been built on a giant scale, from components of the Maginot line to the Viet Cong Cu Chi Network. Others perform a peacetime function, such as the half mile tunnel network H.G. Dyar built under his Washington home, as a hobby, the passageways under Disney’s Magic Kingdom or the unbelievable 5000 year old Lizard People tunnel network under Los Angeles that the L.A. Times published a diagram of during the depression. Here is a collection of our favorite tunnel network diagrams, drawings or models.
interesting subterranean stuff
This year the MIT class ring, the Brass Rat, hides a hackers’ diagram of a subterranean campus wide tunnel network.
My friend Chris would like this. So sweet.BBC - The Beauty of Maps - Home
Via Henrique (FB).
Seeing the art in cartography.indieprojector
Indieprojector is a free web service that re-projects digital map files and converts them to SVG for use in vector graphics editing software. Map projections are an essential part of map making but we found the existing tools to be too expensive, inflexible or complicated. Indieprojector is the smarter, easier, more elegant way to reproject and convert geographic data. It's a preview of our indiemapper technology that will bring map-making into the 21st century using web-services and a realtime visual approach to cartographic design.
Free geographic projection and data conversion tool with SHP / KML import, geographic projections and SVG export.
free geographic projection and data conversion tool: indieprojector
Site for converting various map formats into svgTen of the greatest maps that changed the world | Mail Online
1) Dimitri Moor propaganda map of the USSR during the civil war, 2) circa 1490 world map used by Columbus to garner support for his expedition, 3) earliest known Chinese globe from 1623, 4) Waldseemuller world map, first naming the American continent, 5) Google Earth ("Google Earth presents a world in which the area of most concern to you can be at the centre, and which - with mapped content overlaid - can contain whatever you think is important. Almost for the first time, the ability to create an accurate map has been placed in the hands of everyone, and it has transformed the way we view the world."), 6) 1889 map of London poverty, 7) post-Revolutionary War map establishing USA-Canada border, 8) Harry Beck's London tube map, 9) the Peters equal-area projection world map, and 10) a late medieval world map that "marks the birth of English patriotism".