Home - j - GitHub
j keeps track of where you’ve been, and how much time you spend there. Source it into your .bashrc, and then you can say j foo to jump to the most used directory that has the substring (actually regex) foo in i
j is a "learning cd", a shell/awk script that captures your directory changes and remembers the most frequently visited directories, allowing you to hop to them with a simple 'j dirname', no matter where you are in the filesystem.
Tool to jump around directories
j is replacement for cd that learns the directories you use most oftenChung Dha Lam: Pop up beak CD packaging
Look at this CD holder --http://www.chungdha.com/2009/02/pop-up-beak-cd-packaging.htmllive-android - Google Code
LiveAndroid, a LiveCD for Android running on x86 platforms Goal: To provide a LiveCD(and LiveUSB) for common X86 platform
onNero - Free Version
Whether you're moving, short on cash, or running out of storage space, you've got plenty of reasons to ditch your physical media. Hard drives are cheap; here are our recommended methods of saving, selling, and trading your CDs, DVDs, and video games.
Been thinking about backing up my DVDs for a long time. Would like to just stream them from my NAS drive to my tv, perhaps via PS3. Maybe this guide will actually get me going...
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Whether you're moving, short on cash, or running out of storage space, you've got plenty of reasons to ditch your physical media.How To Create Your Own Custom Windows Live CD | MakeUseOf.com
Live CDs as you know allow you to boot your computer from a CD-ROM and performs various functions on your system. Such Live CDs are excellent for recoveringDownload Windows 7 System Recovery Discs — The NeoSmart Files
Windows 7 System Recovery Discs
Create Windows 7 recovery disks
NeoSmart Technologies is hosting a copy of the Windows 7 Recovery Disc for your convenience. It's a 143 MiB download (165 MiB for the 64-bit version), and in the standard ISO format, ready to burned directly to a CD or DVD. Don't wait until your PC crashes to download a copy! Download and burn your recovery disc today, so that when the time comes, you'll be ready!
The Windows 7 Recovery Disc can be used to access a system recovery menu, giving you options of using System Restore, Complete PC Backup, automated system repair, and a command-line prompt for manual advanced recovery.Recycled CD iPhone Dock | Geeky Gadgets
I wanted to make a dock for the iPhone from stuff I had lying around the house, but I also wanted to make sure that it would look cool sat on my desk whilst my iPhone was charging so I came up with the idea of using old CDs, you could also use DVDs as well.5 great free CD and DVD burning apps for Windows
A powerful toolset for rescue & repair of infected machines.
The AVG Rescue CD is a powerful must-have toolkit for the rescue and repair of infected machines. It provides essential utilities for system administrators and other IT professionals and includes the following features: * Comprehensive administration toolkit * System recovery from virus and spyware infections * Suitable for recovering MS Windows and Linux operating systems (FAT32 and NTFS file systems) * Ability to perform a clean boot from CD or USB stick * Free support and service for paid license holders of any AVG product * FAQ and Free Forum self-help support for AVG Free usersTuneCore, Amazon Set to Unveil On-Demand CD Sales | Epicenter | Wired.com
TuneCore is poised to partner with Amazon’s on-demand CD-printing-and-distribution service, Wired.com has learned. It’s a deal that could put powerful new physical publishing options in the hands of musicians, even as the world goes increasingly digital.
"TuneCore is poised to partner with Amazon’s on-demand CD-printing-and-distribution service, Wired.com has learned. It’s a deal that could put powerful new physical publishing options in the hands of musicians, even as the world goes increasingly digital."
RT @feliciaday Go Tunecore: http://bit.ly/FcQyV Cutting out middle-man=lovely. [Less upfront risk for cash-strapped indies.] [from http://twitter.com/skipzilla/statuses/1877133840]DIY: Pop-Up Paper CD Case
팝업카드를 응용한 cd케이스 만들기Lifehacker - PatchMateXP Creates a Windows Update CD - Windows
Windows only: Updating your Windows install over a slow connection, or as part of multiple installations, can be a time-consuming pain. PatchMateXP bundles all current updates onto an easy to use deployment disk.Totally Free Burner, 100% Free CD DVD Burning Software
Quemador de CD y DVD gratis.
Totally Free Burner is a CD/DVD burner with a nice, minimalistic interface and an excellent range of features which will cover most people's CD/DVD burning needs.Paper: Paper Case Bookmarklet Makes Auto-Filled CD/DVD Cases
The Liquid Mongoose site has a neat bookmarklet tool that creates fold-able cases for audio CDs or movie DVDs from
A4の紙1枚でCDケースを作る方法Singer's Creations » Install-It
Eine kleine Software, die es erlaubt mehrere Programme automatisch von einer CD installieren zu lassen.
cd auto start program
When burned to the root of a CD, Install-It will automatically launch when the CD is inserted and display a list of program setup files which have been burned onto the CD.
crea liste di installazione
Free app Install-It puts a small auto-starting application on any removable drive that makes installing applications a double-click affair.
crea una lista di applicazioni da installare tramite CDCorporate Design-Manuals | Design Tagebuch
Corporate Design-Manuals
ドイツ語で「Corporate Design-Handbücher」は「コーポレートデザインマニュアル」だった。 こんなの載っけていいのかな・・・。でもすごく役に立ちそう。 あ、でもそのまえに、ドイツ語がわからなかった・・・。What is DVD-Ranger? | DVD Copy software
ISOBuddy is an especially user friendly ISO image file processing tool that converts almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger (http://dvd-ranger.com) on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is a very user friendly ISO image file processing tool that can convert almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger (http://dvd-ranger.com) on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is there for you. It burns or converts nearly any image file—even the Mac-specific DMG. ISOBuddy is as simple to use as it is wide-ranging in its compatibility. Point it at the file you're sure is a disc, but your system isn't sure how to handle, and tell it where you want the output file to go, or hit Burn to load it onto a disc. It covers all the super-specific formats put out by specialty burning software, and as stated above, can convert and burn Mac DMG files. Once you've got an ISO out of ISOBuddy, you can usually burn it from any burning program you prefer, or use a compress/decompress tool like 7-Zip to view and extract its contents.