Buzz Marketing for Technology: C Level Tweeters
CEOs who use Twitter
C Level TweetersYes, CEOs Should Facebook And Twitter -
Social networking has clearly reached a tipping point. Sites like MySpace and Facebook boast hundreds of millions of members. Barack Obama's presidential victory demonstrated that platforms like YouTube and Twitter could transform electoral politics. Yet in corporations where such tools have been expected to bring profound transformations, there has been strong resistance to change.How Executives Should be Using Social Media - BusinessWeek
How CEOs are using twitter
CEOs using Twitter.
From Digg's Kevin Rose to Sun's Jonathan Schwartz, 18 CEOs who tweet offer microblogging tipsWhat does a CEO do? A CEO Job Description by Stever Robbins
The roles of leader
quality. Not over-celebrating a team’s heroic recovery when they could have avoided a problem altogether sends a message about prevention versus damage control. People take their cues about interpersonal values—trust, honesty, openness—from CEO’s actions as well. Capital allocation is the CEO’s #4 duty. The CEO sets budgets within the firm. She funds projects which support the strategy, and ramps down projects which lose money or don’t support the strategy. She considers carefully the company’s major expenditures, and manages the firm’s capital. If the company can’t use each dollar raised from investors to produce at least $1 of shareholder value, she decides when to return money to the investors. Some CEOs don’t consider themselves financial people, but at the end of the day, it is their decisions that determine the company’s financial fate.CEOs Who Use Twitter: Tweets from the Chiefs - BusinessWeek
In August 2008 we reported on 18 chief executives who use the microblogging application Twitter to clue customers in on new services, help them with questions about their products, and generally get a little bit personal with customers, business associates, and the public. Not even a year later, we bring you nearly 50 CEOs who find tweeting a personal and professional delight. Twitter's growth has been astounding. As of August, for example, Digg founder Kevin Rose had only 61,000 "followers"— people who sign up to view a certain Twitter user's tweets—but now he has more than 600,000. So read on to learn how Virgin Group's Richard Branson,'s Tony Hsieh, and dozens more CEOs harness the simple powers of Twitter.
Dozens of CEOs who find Twitter to be a personal and professional delight. Here's how they use the service, and who they like to follow
In August 2008 we reported on 18 chief executives who use the microblogging application Twitter to clue customers in on new services, help them with questions about their products, and generally get a little bit personal with customers, business associates, and the public. Not even a year later, we bring you nearly 50 CEOs who find tweeting a personal and professional delight. Twitter's growth has been astounding. As of August, for example, Digg founder Kevin Rose had only 61,000 "followers"— people who sign up to view a certain Twitter user's tweets—but now he has more than 600,000.CEO Letter |
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A long but meaningful letter! I am so proud of them!The decade of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple - Nov. 5, 2009
mit keynote-cartoon kombinierenC-Tweet: Points to Consider for Twitter-Friendly CEOs and CMOs - Advertising Age - CMO Strategy
Talks about the increases of CEOs using twitter and other SoMe.
advice for ceo's who twitterPeter Thiel: Best Predictor of Startup Success Is Low CEO Pay
The lower the CEO salary, the more likely it is to succeed. The CEO’s salary sets a cap for everyone else. If it is set at a high level, you end up burning a whole lot more money. It aligns his interest with the equity holders. But [beyond that], it goes to whether the mission of the company is to build something new or just collect paychecks. In practice we have found that if you only ask one question, ask that.
In a long-ranging discussion today at TechCrunch50, investor Peter Thiel (PayPal, Facebook, Slide) gave his thoughts on what is the best predictor of startup success. At the Founder’s Fund, one of the most important factors he likes to look at before deciding to invest in a startup is how much the CEO is paying himself. (This is also a factor that one of his investments, YouNoodle, looks at to value private startups). Says Thiel: The lower the CEO salary, the more likely it is to succeed. The CEO’s salary sets a cap for everyone else. If it is set at a high level, you end up burning a whole lot more money. It aligns his interest with the equity holders. But [beyond that], it goes to whether the mission of the company is to build something new or just collect paychecks. In practice we have found that if you only ask one question, ask that.
see titleTweets From the Chiefs - BusinessWeek
How CEOs are using Twitter
RT @petergold99: CEO's on Twitter. Interesting news post. [from]How Andreessen Horowitz Evaluates CEOs // ben's blog
1. Does the CEO know what to do? One should interpret this question as broadly as possible. Does the CEO know what to do in all matters all of the time? This includes matters of personnel, matters of financing, matters of product strategy, matters of goal sizing, matters of marketing. At a macro level, does the CEO set the right strategy for the company and know its implications in every detail of the company? I evaluate two distinct facets of knowing what to do: Strategy—At Andreessen Horowitz, we like to say that in good companies, the story and the strategy are the same thing. As a result, the proper output of all the strategic work is the story. Decision making—At the detailed level, the output of knowing what to do is the speed and quality of the CEO’s decisions.How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results - [from]
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results #yam – Samuel Driessen (driessen) Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
RT @draenews: Del 10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design:
10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
1. Design can change businesses 2. Design is more than pretty pictures 3. Talks benefits not features 4. Thinks in flows not screens 5. Doesn’t make the user think 6. Starts with a great story 7. Uses design as a lever 8. Gets out of the office 9. Has a bible 10. Repeats & refines