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Sheppard's Law

"Murphy's law," John blurted. He knew he should be afraid, but he just felt numb. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong: they're just waiting for something to kill me."
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"
John Sheppard, January 5, 1967—December 20, 1973, Beloved Son
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!" [SGA, McKay/Sheppard, 34,472 words]
I almost missed this!
Quantum Leap, SGA style: When aliens punish John by disrupting his timeline, Rodney has to travel back in time (over and over) in order to save his life (over and over). Forty years of John in 40,000 words.
Author's Note: This is the story of...John Sheppard's whole life, and it takes about forty years to tell. *facepalm* No, seriously; I apparently need to keep building John up from scratch. This was actually really hard to write, and I wouldn't have gotten through it without lim and astolat and julad and Terri. (Actual beta convo: julad: OH MY GOD WHY DO YOU HAVE TO WRITE SUCH COMPLICATED STORIES) Anyway, I hope you like it. John & Rodney, ILU. P.S.: This is my formal apology to Pru for totally failing at underaged sex. :::: "What?! Oh, yes, they're dead, because that's what I do, I run around killing people, I--wait, no, no, no, no, no," the man said, waving his phaser wildly as John skittered another few steps back. "I was being ironic! Oh my God, you're five, you don't know what irony is! Irony is like--kidding for adults!" John zeroed in on the important point. "I'm ten," he corrected
Author's Note: This is the story of...John Sheppard's whole life, and it takes about forty years to tell.
"No, but--" Rodney protested, "if you're you, and you've always been you, you're the human equivalent of a quantum superposition! We're back to Schrödinger's cat; inside the box, anything's possible: it's only outside that things settle back into rational, measurable determinacy. So inside the box, the cat is gay and not gay at the same time--"