cest_what: Fic: I, Robot (Machines Just Wanna Have Fun), Ryan/Brendon
Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated.
Bandom (Panic at the Disco) | Ryan/Brendon | 2,400 words | PG Summary: Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated. Warning: Real Person Fiction Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I don't know any of the members of Panic at the Disco, and don't in the least imagine that this is what goes on in their bus. No offence is meant. A/N: Not beta'd. Typo spotting earns you grateful smiles.
Not-a-robot-Robot!Ryan "You sang me back home," Ryan said quietly. Then he frowned. "No, wait, that sounded really lame." "You're writing lyrics right now, aren't you?" Brendon asked, the laugh spilling into his voice. "Like, while we were kissing, you were totally putting half your attention into working out synonyms."
Standalone. Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated.
"Oh my god," Spencer said, "Ryan is not actually a robot, Brendon." || Ryan get whammied by a fan, and starts acting strangely. Cracky and hilarious at the beginning, but actually kinda creepy, until it all ends in adorable.
In which the band wake up one day and find that Ryan turned into a robot. Only he didn't (and Jon also managed to break him. But not on purpose).
2,400 words. Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated. -- this is adooooorable. i am confused but very happy.
Brendon giggled, breathless. "He's a broken robot," he said. "Oh, wow, this is messed up."