どういうときにどんなグラフを使えばいいかが一発でわかるチャート - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Web解析を行っていると数字とにらめっこになるわけですが、そこで重要なのが可視化することだったりします。ここで紹介されている(最終的にはFlickrに遷移)チャートを選択するためのチャートは常にデスクに貼っておいても良いぐらい便利なものだと思いますよ。Chart Chooser by Juice Analytics: Download Tufte-compliance Excel and PowerPoint charts
Grapicas con CSS y PHP
"Have you ever even tried to create your own CSS graph? If you have, you will know how hard it is. Using Flash is one way to go, but you just can’t beat a beautifully crafted CSS Graph. Have a look at these tutorials and techniques."JS charts – The free JavaScript chart generator
JS Charts is a free JavaScript based chart generator that requires little or no coding. With JS Charts drawing charts is a simple and easy task, since you only have to use client-side scripting (i.e. performed by your web browser). No additional plugins or server modules are required. Just include our scripts, prepare your chart data in XML or JavaScript Array and your chart is ready!CSSでさくっと作れるグラフいろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
結構いろんなバリエーションつくれるLovely Charts | Free online diagramming application
Allows to create pretty charts for free.
Free online diagramming application
Lovely Charts is a drawing application that allows you to create professionnal looking diagrams of all kinds, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, and many more… For free.
With Lovely Charts's extremely simple and intuitive drag'n drop drawing mechanism, you'll be able to focus on what really matters. You won't have to draw boxes and arrows, you won't have to worry about what symbol to use.
Lovely Charts is a drawing application that allows you to create professionnal looking diagrams of all kinds, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes.Taking Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package - washingtonpost.com
thought you might be interested in this
The centerpiece of President Obama's domestic agenda is an $819 billion economic stimulus plan. The Senate will consider the measure this week, with an eye toward the amount of tax cuts and spending. Republicans and Democrats spar over what to consider a tax cut. An analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office tallies the tax-cut portion to be significantly less than the one-third Democrats claim it to be.
The Washington Post's breakdown of the stimulus package.
not the clearest visualization. could benefit from some compactness, perhaps via mouse interaction/exploration. but definitely a lot of good research and data in here.Pure Css Line Graph | Css Globe
My intention was not only to enable data visualization to people that don't feel comfortable with using various scripting languages but also to demonstrate the power of css and present a way of using css a bit differently. If you are not a fan of line graphs and data visualization in general, you may still read this article and think of it as css experiment and perhaps learn a thing or two about css sprites and positioning.
graphCreate Stunning Diagrams On The Web With LovelyCharts
online tool to create flow charts etc
Lovely Charts is an innovative web application allowing its users to create gorgeous diagrams (flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, …) of professional quality without requiring any drawing efforts or design skills.ONLINE GRAPHS AND CHARTS | create and design your own graphs and charts online | INDEX
On Onlinecharttool.com you can design and share your own graphs online and for free We support a number of different chart types like: bar charts, pie charts, line charts, bubble charts and radar plots.
On Onlinecharttool.com you can design and share your own graphs online and for free. We support a number of different chart types like: bar charts, pie charts, line charts, bubble charts and radar plots.
create and design your own graphs and charts online | INDEXEmChart | Aloe Studios Blog
CSSのem指定のサイズが一発でわかっちゃうFlowchart: Lovely Charts Creates Polished Diagrams
Comme gliffyEmChart
px pm 表
Great resource for converting pixels to ems and vise-versa
Bad ass.
via fq
px to emJS charts – Examples
Un composant Javascript d'affichage de graphes (line/bar/pie chart)A Completely Unscientific (Yet Accurate) Look at Social Sites
A review of Social Sites
Interested in joining a community based site but not sure which one is right for you? There are many different options out there that will cater to your specific interests and demographic. You can start by asking yourself a few questions. Is your interest in technology more Linux-based, or more camera-phone-to-take-picture-of-self-based? Would you like to make connections for business relationships or communicate to your legions of followers that you will be 'AFK' for the next 45 seconds while using the restroom? Yes, there is a little something for everyone here in cyberspace, and these demographic breakdowns of each social site will help you to choose the right community for you.6 jQuery Chart Plugins For Your App | Steve Reynolds Blog
charting and plotting with jquery.Useful scripts to plot charts in web pages
Awesome chart plotting scripts!5 Javascript Chart Alternatives | Steve Reynolds Blog
Last week I did a review of 6 jQuery plugins that were great for implementing charts. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a couple more alternatives that are outside of the jQuery realm, and arguably look like they could be real contenders for removing Flash’s dominance in this area, so let’s check them out:GOOD Transparency - Walk This Way
Visualized on GOOD Mag (via Karl Long)Conficker Eye Chart
i think this is the origional10 Useful Flash Components for Graphing Data
In this article, you will find ten excellent Flash components that will help you in building stunningly attractive, complex, and interactive data visuals. These components will help you create an assortment of graphs and charts to aid in presenting otherwise boring and stale numerical data.Protovis
Protovis A graphical toolkit for visualizationWe Are Hunted - The Online Music Chart
Awesome social music tracking site.
We Are Hunted is the Online Music Chart. We aggregate social networks, forums, music blogs, Torrents, P2P Networks and Twitter to develop a daily chart of the 99 most popular songs online.6 excellent charting libraries for php : CodeDiesel
Open source Charting tools using PHP. Useful for displaying data in charts.25 great free resources for making charts - FrancescoMugnai.com
Here you have a new roundup about a bunch of great tools for making charts and graphs. You can choose between web generators, flash, javascript libraries, Silverlight or PHP classes. At the end of the post you find also 3 tutorials to make pure css bar graphs and another one for Adobe Illustrator. JS Charts (JavaScript based chart generator)Involution Studios • Building a Digital Concept Car
via:information Aesthetics
# Interactive HTML+JavaScript
Involution Studios
# Browser Application
i dont know if i get this entirely but its pretty to look atクールすぎて本当に動的に作ったの?というグラフが描画できてしまう「visifire」:phpspot開発日誌
Visifire クールすぎて本当に動的に作ったの?というグラフが描画できてしまう「visifire」。 以下にある画像のような、ちょっと他ではなかなか無いグラフを提供してくれます。フリーで使えます。
資料作成に。Axiis : Data Visualization Framework
open source data visualization Axiis is an open source data visualization framework designed for beginner and expert developers alike. Whether you are building elegant charts for executive briefings or exploring the boundaries of advanced data visualization research, Axiis has something for you. Axiis provides both pre-built visualization components as well as abstract layout patterns and rendering classes that allow you to create your own unique visualizations. Axiis is built upon the Degrafa graphics framework and Adobe Flex 3.Axiis : Data Visualization Framework
우아한 차트를 만들어주는 프레임웍이란다jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
jqPlot is a plotting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line and bar charts with many features including: * Numerous chart style options. * Date axes with customizable formatting. * Rotated axis text. * Automatic trend line computation. * Tooltips and data point highlighting. * Sensible defaults for ease of use. jqPlot is an open source project by Chris Leonello
Gráficos diversos com jQuery [EXCELENTE]
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
may be relevant to my interests...
jquery library for charts12 jQuery based chart
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. As Web developers we are always in search of new tutorials and resources, tips, tricks for our readers . Today we listed Most Desirable Collection Of powerful jQuery etc. We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible
listing out 12 JavaScript based chart .
12 jQuery based chart20 Really Useful And Free Scripts To Plot Charts In Your Site Or Blog Pages @ SmashingApps
„Twitterer empfehlen Twitterer“ - nach dieser Methode entsteht aus deinen Empfehlungen ein Verzeichnis der interessantesten Menschen auf Twitter. Die Ranglisten zeigen, wem sich zu folgen lohnt.
„Twitterer empfehlen Twitterer“ - nach dieser Methode entsteht aus deinen Empfehlungen ein Verzeichnis der interessantesten Menschen auf Twitter. Die Ranglisten zeigen, wem sich zu folgen lohnt.jQuery Visualize Plugin: Accessible Charts & Graphs from Table Elements using HTML 5 Canvas | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Yes, finally. If I didn't find that I'd coded it myself now.Pure CSS Timeline – Notebook | MattBango.com
Pure CSS Timeline
おもしろいけど画像で作るべきだと思うな htmlを装飾に用いることになるからね
タイムラインをリスト要素で美しく実装するスタイルシートrwhdj.jpg (JPEG Image, 1440x2040 pixels)
Computer Hardware Chart: Hard Drives, Ports, Processor Card Slots, Processor Card Sockets, etc.
rwhdj.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 1440x2040 Pixel)Computer_hardware_poster_1_7_by_Sonic840.png (PNG Image, 1280x1813 pixels)
Images of various computer hardware componentsComputer hardware poster 1.7 by ~Sonic840 on deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.CHART OF THE DAY: How People Share Content On The Web
According to AddToAny, a company that provides Web publishers tools to let their users share content, more people use Facebook to share links than any other service -- including, to our surprise, email.
via passitalong Quote: Report in the Silicon Alley Insider on why people share online. Shows how Facebook is a preferred method but twitter gaining on them quickly and with far fewer users.
Gráfico mostrando como as pessoas compartilham conteúdo na web. A fatia maior é do Facebook (24%)
Just a nice overview of what's out there and how popular they are.The Computer Hardware Chart Identifies Your PC's Parts - Computer Hardware - Lifehacker
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference.
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference. Chances are you don't know the ins and outs of every single connector or piece of computer hardware you'll come across (even if you do have experience), and while we're sure the poster could cover even more territory (if we're being picky), it's a pretty great visual reference.How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com
A really cool graph.
The American Time Use Survey asks thousands of American residents to recall every minute of a day. Here is how people over age 15 spent their time in 2008.70+ Examples of Product Comparison Tables in Web Design
Shown below is a (single query) SQL-generated pie chart. I will walk through the steps towards making this happen, and conclude with what, I hope you’ll agree, are real-world, useful usage samples.
ASCII art via SQL
uery) SQL-generated pie chart. I will walk through the steps towards making this happen, and conclude with what, I hope you’ll agree, are real-world, useful usage samples. +-------------------------------------------------------
Pie Chart in SQL
create an ascii art pie chart with a single sql query
SQL でアスキーアート的なもの。How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com
super-interesting vizSpotify + We Are Hunted
Muchas gracias @agkamai por recomendarme http://sharemyplaylists.com/ y http://spotify.wearehunted.com/ [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/3224425588]
99 hottest songs in the world streamed live from SpotifyCreating Flash Charts From Google Spreadsheets - Nettuts+
m initiates by declaring a v
Creating Flash Charts From Google SpreadsheetsGeekologie
Referencia HardwareChartGo - Create bar graph, line graph or pie chart
fajne narzędzie do tworzenia prostych wykresów
ChartGo - Create Charts Online Fast and Free. Create Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Line Charts or Area Charts. Create Graphs.
Need to create charts? Capture a statistic visually? This website makes this task a little easier.Computer Repair Flowcharts
Many DC area consultants use flowcharts and work flows in their jobs. If you’re interested in following the diagnostic process of computer repair specialists, take a look at these flowcharts by Morris Rosenthal. They illustrate many of my thought processes when fixing a computer problem.gRaphaël—Charting JavaScript Library
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action.
raphael.js and any (or all) of g.line.js, g.bar.js, g.dot.js and g.pie.js into your HTML page, then use it as simple as:
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action. gRaphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library.Walk or Bus? - Visualmotive
Minutes until the next busA Free Open Source Alternative to Microsoft Visio
Do you diagram? Chart? Maybe you sketch room layouts or wiring schematics? How about flow charts? I was almost shocked to find such an awesome application for the low low price of FREE! Now let us check out DIA- it is a 16.5 MB download from Sourceforge over here. It is also available for Linux and can probably be run on a Mac as well.Religion Flowchart
The most immediate revelation, of course, is that at some point next year revenues from gigs payable to artists will for the first time overtake revenues accrued by labels from sales of recorded music.
Experiments in web journalism * Home * About Times LabsTimes Labs Blog Do music artists fare better in a world with illegal file-sharing? This is the graph the record industry doesn’t want you to see. It shows the fate of the three main pillars of music industry revenue - recorded music, live music, and PRS revenues (royalties collected on behalf of artists when their music is played in public) over the last 5 years.
Do music artists fare better in a world with illegal file-sharingYjWta.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x767 pixels)
Pick the right chart based on what you are trying to convey.
Chart Suggestions - A Thought Starter
Chart Suggestions - A Thought-Starter. What would you like to showSetting Pricing for a Startup - The Rule of 80% - Sachin Agarwal's blog
So here's my rule: The rule of 80%. For anyone selling on an incremental basis, set your break points that the per-unit costs of the new tier are 80% of the per-unit cost for the previous tier.
In just the last week, two different people have come to me to get feedback on their pricing. One was a startup selling a very sophisticated product to corporate enterprises. The other was selling consulting services to individuals, small businesses, and trade associations. In both cases, however, the questions were the same: how should I price this on a per-head basis? When should I charge a flat fee? How do I make sure I'm not leaving money on the table? How do I make sure I'm not losing customers?Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
ota25 Graph and Chart Solutions for Web Developers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
cool scripts for creating graphs28 Rich Data Visualization Tools - InsideRIA
nice web based viz tools
Amazing collection of web graphing tools. Nice to see data-driven graphics, for a change!dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library
See downloads, gallery and open issues dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them.
haded areas show its m
the coolPython Open Flash Chart (pyOFC2) — Home
some slick python charting softwareTufteGraph: beautiful charts with jQuery
Make pretty graphs with javascript, using jQueryJavaScript charting tools: an overview « Eltit Golb
使えるかな?一度、簡易スケジュール用ツールでも作ってみようかな。いまあるツール類は帯に短したすきに長しなんだよね。PHP/SWF Charts > Introduction
PHP/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful PHP tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data. Use PHP scripts to generate or gather the data from databases, then pass it to this tool to generate Flash (swf) charts and graphs. Any other scripting language (ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) can be used with XML/SWF Charts (the XML version of the same tool.) PHP/SWF Charts makes the best of both the PHP and SWF worlds. PHP scripts provide integration, and Flash provides the best graphic quality.Spice Advice
Where does the intense kid with the retractable keys fit?20 Fresh JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries
CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS - http://icant.co.uk/csscharts/
bar chart pure cssHow to Make a Heatmap – a Quick and Easy Solution | FlowingData
tutorial R
heatmapsどのグラフを使えばいいかを1枚の画像にまとめてみた…の図を日本語化してみた - 適宜覚書はてな異本
http://i.imgur.com/YjWta.jpgHighcharts Demo Gallery
gráficas chart usando javascriptBrush Up on Getting Things Done with an Updated Flow Chart - Getting Things Done - Lifehacker
תרשים זרימת עבודה מהספר החדש של GTD http://bit.ly/MCE66 [from http://twitter.com/talgalili/statuses/2888426780]10 Best Free JavaScript Charts Solutions | AjaxLine
Why Iran has such a sh1t government
concise and straight forward explanation of a decidedly complicated government
How Iran is ruled
Note:50% of the adult population is missing. So that's all what they call democracyJSLab PlotTool 1.0.0 beta
Javascript 开发的数学绘图工具
웹기반 그래프 작성
plotter, graficador de funciones, hecho en javascript13 Useful JavaScript Solutions for Charts and Graphs | Resources
CSS3サンプルGoogle Code Blog: Announcing Google Chart Tools
http diagram v3
updated version of Alan Dean's diagram
http flowchartGxzeV.jpg (800×825)
if you are a pirate this is what you get..
Wish my DVDs were as easy to launch as pirated works....
pirate vs legit dvd chartGrafico javascript charting library
Grafico is a javascript charting library based on Raphaël and Prototype.js. It is originally developed as Ico by Alex Young, but this version was developed by Kilian Valkhof at Wakoopa. Grafico's basic principles are to provide good, clean looking graphs inspired by work of Stephen Few and Edward Tufte, while still being flexible to implement and providing numerous api options to tweak the look of the graphs.. Some key things Grafico has: * Flexible ranges Grafico select the best range to display your data at * Hover options display additional information such as the value when hovering over charts * Mean lines A single line that display the mean. * Watermarks Use an image as a watermark over your graphsMost Promising Free Javascript Charting Libraries and Plugins | INSIC 2.0 Web Development & Design Blog
Most Promising #Javascript Charting Libraries & Plugins http://j.mp/deWvyn
most promising Free javascript charting libraries and plugins. - 10 of themThe Best Jobs In America
Problematic gender representation. Design is confusing: what are the units? color coding could have benefited with key directly underneath.5 Top jQuery Chart Libraries for Interactive Charts | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
jquery 图表插件A CMO's Guide To The Social Media Landscape | CMO.com
Social media marketing is expected to dominate this year -- but the growing list of online social media sites makes choosing the right route complicated. From Facebook to YouTube to Digg and beyond, which media outlets will net the most bang for the buck in terms of customer communication, brand exposure, traffic, and search engine optimization (SEO)? Includes a downloadable PDF version of a chart on leveraging social media optionsColorTheory_Screen_White.jpg (JPEG Image, 1224x792 pixels)
Useful Online Chart & Graph Generators
22 different chart generatorsElectroMagneticSpectrum1800.jpg (JPEG Image, 2350x1600 pixels)
Electromagnetic spectrum with a lot of histories!!
the electromagnetic spectrum, a radial image with a lot of information13 useful graphing solutions for web developers
lling the visualize() methodMac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart http://bit.ly/9YMByL
The chart below shows all available netbooks that, to our knowledge, will natively run Mac OS X.Bailout Costs vs Big Historical Events | The Big Picture
A diagram comparing the cost of the current economic crisis with large and costly events in US history
It is exceedingly difficult to convey exactly how much we are spending on all these bailouts. Whenever I start talking trillions (versus mere billions), I get puzzled looks from people. Humans have a hard time conceptualizing any number that large. I wanted a graphic way to clearly show how astonishingly ginormous the amounts involved were. So I once again went to Jess Bachman at Wallstats. I gave him my list of expenditures (inflation adjusted of course!) and he went to work. This early Bailout Nation graphic shows the the total costs to the taxpayer of all the monies spent, lent, consumed, borrowed, printed, guaranteed, assumed or otherwise committed. It is nothing short of astonishing.
18 jun 09 / early Bailout Nation graphic shows the the total costs to the taxpayer of all the monies spent, lent, consumed, borrowed, printed, guaranteed, assumed or otherwise committed. It is nothing short of astonishing. It includes the total outlay for all the bailouts to date. In just about one short year (March 2008 - March 2009), the bailouts managed to spend far in excess of nearly every major one time expenditure of the USA, including WW1&2 (omitted from graphic), the moon shot, the New Deal, total NASA budgets (omitted from graphic), Iraq, Viet Nam and Korean wars — COMBINED.9lessons: Draw Charts with Google Visualization API.
様々なブックマークをミックス! -
チャートマニアックスを使うと、様々なサイトのアクセスチャートを見ることができます。iPhone: Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support?
Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support? (Chart from Apple) http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3630 [from http://twitter.com/medwardsmusic/statuses/2278339524]
Feature matrix for various hardware models.
Handy list to have when deciding what to buy.Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench
RT @Pogue: Just how deep is BP's nasty oil rig? This'll give you some idea... http://bit.ly/b46Ktu (via @armenoush)Imagine A Pie Chart Stomping On An Infographic Forever - Smashing Magazine
A certain category of design gaffes can be boiled down to violations of audience expectations. Websites that don’t work in Internet Explorer are a heck of a nasty surprise for users who, bless their souls, want the same Internet experience as everyone else. Websites that prevent copying, whether through careless text-as-image conversions or those wretched copyright pop-ups from the turn of the century, cripple a feature that works nearly everywhere else on the Internet. Avoiding this category of blunders is crucial to good design, which is why I am upset that one particular pitfall has been overlooked with extreme frequency.
Some cool examples of info graphics.
A critique of some poor infographics
A importância de apresentar dados de forma clara e um showcase de infográficos ruinsJpGraph - Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Most powerful PHP-driven chartsCreate Beautiful 3D Graphs and Charts in Illustrator | Tutorial9
There is something gorgeous in aesthetically pleasing, visual representation of data. In this tutorial I'll show you how to put some style into graphs generated in Adobe Illustrator.How Does Google Work?
How to create a very cool 3D barchart with CSS3.Using Charts and Graphs for Content
Nice essay on using chart and graphs in designUsing Charts and Graphs for Content
@danielpink RT @Larryferlazzo: Using Charts and Graphs for Content http://bit.ly/dAtuL8SEOmoz | How To Make Awesome Ranking Charts With Excel Pivot Tables
How to Picot a Ranking Report by time and SE
On the "So You Want to Test SEO?" panel at this year's SMX Advanced Seattle, Branko Rihtman from SEO Scientist presented some spiffy looking ranking charts, measuring positioning by keyword, over time. A few people asked me how exactly you make a chart like that. Being something of an Excel fan, I was instantly inspired to share the approach with my fellow SEOmozzers. Here's a step by step on how to create a rankings chart using Excel.