Open Web Messenger
Open Web Messenger - - Create a free chatroom
TinyChat is about as simple as a build your own web chat page could be. You just click a button to create a room and then enter the room or copy the link to share with others.
ห้องแชท กดปุ๊บ ได้ปั๊บๆๆๆ(ไม่ใช่ละ)
"With TinyChat you can create your own chatroom and invite people through one simple link. Try it."Aardvark
I wonder if we missed the boat fighting it out over our similar ideas
social question answering, where you trade answering questions for answers to questions
good idear... then store that time-stamped content and make it searchable by anyone ... hate that term "crowdsourcing," must be a more elegant way to say this
A strange, but fascinating service. Kind of reminds me of the "Usenet Oracle":Wikipedia:The_Internet_Oracle, but over "IM":IM and without all the insane stories.Omegle
Service for talking to strangers ... bizarro world.
Omegle is a brand-new service for meeting new friends. When you use Omegle, we pick another user at random and let you have a one-on-one chat with each other. Chats are completely anonymous, although there is nothing to stop you from revealing personal details if you would like.simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
initiate chat or conference from anywhere.Build Your Own Openfire Chat Server on Debian Linux (Page 1) |
Setting up an Openfire chat server on Debian Linux 5 (page 1) -- Conferences
Google jockeying on the back channel. is tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time. is a tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time.
Can ask questions and get feedback during your presentationGmail/Facebook Style jQuery Chat | anant garg
chat con jquery
Everyone loves the gmail and facebook inline chat modules. This jQuery chat module enables you to seamlessly integrate Gmail/Facebook style chat into your existing website.APE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Real time data streaming
Comet & Reverse AJAX pushAPE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Real time data streaming
APE is a Server for pushing real-time data to Rich Internet Applications, no pull! Data is sent, live, to thousands of clients, in a JavaScript socket fashion. It allows you to write real-time web applications without using any client plugins (Java, Flash...).LGDTXTR.COM
Online translator for translating teen text messaging lingo to regular English. The tool can come in handy for parents to keep in the know of what kids are texting about or simply for those who want to learn the text messaging lingo.
Recommended by Download Squad
Mobile texting "decoder"
texting shorthand definitionsTop 5 Twitter Related Trends to Watch
Here are five important Twitter trends to keep your eye on right nowSavor Chat - A better group chat for Facebook and Twitter
A better group chat for Facebook and TwitterPropane for Campfire™
be good!twitcam \ Stream Live on Twitter
Video twitter
Stream Live on Twitter
a dead simple tool that lets you live stream immediately using your Twitter credentialsHow to Create A Simple Web-based Chat Application - Nettuts+
combination of Youtube and Facebook
Un servizio che permette a due o più internauti di guardare contenuti video (ma non solo) contemporaneamente, sincronizzati al frame. Di fatto si tratta di un browser che allo schermo affianca una chat video. Il tutto in un’unica finestra e in condivisione fra più utenze
Watch it too
edit your videos from YouTube
Video sharing software; allows synchronous viewing of YouTube content (individual videos or playlists) for multiple users.ChatPad|1クリックで始まる!見知らぬ誰かとのチャットサービス
チャット 匿名 ランダム10 Things You Didn’t Know About Emoticons :) - Neatorama
10 ting du ikke visste om emoticons: [from]
RT @florinpuscas: RT: @problogger: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Emoticons :) [from]
History of emoticons
Surely you've used emoticons before, or at least encountered them while surfing the Intertubes, but did you know that they've been around since the 1800s? Or that a computer scientist came up with the smiley emoticon? Here are 10 Things You Didn't Know About Emoticons:Olark - easy live chat for engaging visitors and converting sales
Increase online sales and improve customer service by chatting with visitors to your website using a standard chat client.
Live chat with users on your website. A great way to engage. Considering how it might make visitors feel though?Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room | CSS-Tricks
Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room
CHAT BÁSICO!Live Stream Box - Facebook Developer Wiki
<iframe src="" width="400" height="500" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>Forget Skype: TinyChat Launches Dead-Simple Video Chat
When you want to do a one-on-one video chat with someone else, what do you use? The first thing that probably comes to mind is Skype. While Skype is a
Forget Skype: TinyChat Launches Dead-Simple Video Chat [from]
To test this thing out, Mashable’s (Mashable) Christina Warren and I just went to the same link (let’s say Once we were there, TinyChat connected to our webcams and … presto! The live chat was working. It even blocks others from entering once there are two participants, so you know your privacy is protected.5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms
5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms -
Since the proliferation of the Internet, instant messaging (IMing from here on in) has become a very popular means of communicating on the Web. Even with the rapid growth of Twitter, many people still communicate using IM. Now, there is no shortage of IM protocols out there; these include ICQ, AIM, GTalkGtalkGtalk, Yahoo, and FacebookFacebookFacebook, to name a few. IM aggregators aim to solve the mess of having all these programs open at once. Here is where it gets complicated. Depending on whether you’re on the web, Windows, Mac, or a mobile device, there are a number of aggregators from which to choose. To help you figure things out, here are five great instant messenger aggregators for multiple platforms.
Just what the title says. Mashable does it again.How to add Twitter and Facebook IM support to Pidgin for Windows - Download Squad
Pidgin is a great multi-protocol IM client. Out of the box it provides support for 15 different protocols, including most of the important ones: MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, ICQ, and XMPP to name a few. Two glaring omissions include Facebook IM and Twitter - both of which are built-in to Digsby by default.SmallWorlds
Toddles Lightworker is in here, hated the "mission" paradigm, looking a NZVS ( Virtual School -== distance learning ) but what ever taht means it is not the same as Virtual Environments or Virtual Reality
13 upsynchtube beta : Watch Videos With Friends in Real Time
Ever want to share a video with your friend or family, but wish you were there with them to watch so you could enjoy the moment together? synchtube solves this problem by allowing you to share a video in real-time. Simply paste a YouTube link and create a room. You can share this room with others, and watch videos in real-time... well enough talking, just try it already!
synchtube beta : Watch Videos With Friends in Real Time
A service that lets you create a chat channel that people (students) can comment on a video as you watch it together.Official Gmail Blog: Really new in Labs this time: SMS Text Messaging for chat
The first time I entered ChatRoulette—a new website that brings you face-to-face, via webcam, with an endless stream of random strangers all over the world—I was primed for a full-on Walt Whitman experience: an ecstatic surrender to the miraculous variety and abundance of humankind. The site was only a few months old, but its population was beginning to explode in a way that suggested serious viral potential: 300 users in December had grown to 10,000 by the beginning of February. Although big media outlets had yet to cover it, smallish blogs were full of huzzahs. The blog Asylum called ChatRoulette its favorite site since YouTube; another, The Frisky, called it “the Holy Grail of all Internet fun.” Everyone seemed to agree that it was intensely addictive—one of those gloriously simple ideas that manages to harness the crazy power of the Internet in a potentially revolutionary way.
I found myself fantasizing about a curated version of ChatRoulette—powered maybe by Google’s massive server farms—that would allow users to set all kinds of filters: age, interest, language, location. One afternoon I might choose to be thrown randomly into a pool of English-speaking thirtysomething non-masturbators who like to read poetry. Another night I might want to talk to Jets fans. Another night I might want to just strip away all the filters and see what happens. The site could even keep stats, like YouTube, so you could see the most popular chatters in any given demographic. I could get very happily addicted to a site like that. Read more: Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
"Eventually, I realized that clicking “next” was not so much a rejection as it was pure curiosity, like riding a train past an apartment building at night, looking briefly into as many lit windows as possible."chat roulette on Vimeo
Dude. We did this EXACT experiment last night!
a movie about chat roulette.
a movie about chat roulette. i don't know what really know what else could be said. a movie by casey neistat NaSA Entertainment 2010iJab - XMPP Hosting and XMPP web client services
Chatroulette map mashup
RT @zephoria: Oh boy. Now ChatRoulette users being photo'd & geo-mapped. Not so anonymous anymore. Will this curb m ...
The most fascinating part of this Chatroulette map is the large concentrations of users in Turkey and DC [from]
Cams in Maps
RT @neogeografen: pt der er 10 danskere på Chatroulette jfr. Google Maps (via @KeirClarke)
Chatroulette MapYouTube - Chat Roulette Funny Piano Improv #1
"Your host, Merton, freestyling in real-time with random strangers on Chat Roulette."
Geweldige video over Chatroulette pianist:
Brilliant to the nth degree.
Your host, Merton, freestyling in real-time with random strangers on Chat Roulette.To answer some viewer questions:No piano lessons, Merton is self-taught.No...
Improv piano chat roulette will definitely make you smile realtime
Dropio realtime collaboration with their file sharingHOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat
HOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat -
HOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat #facebook #twitter #chat
RT @mashable: HOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat - [from]
Mr. Weaver's Lounge
Mr. Weaver's website.
M. Weavermixi Engineers’ Blog » 100行のCプログラムでWebチャットを実装する方法
Tokyo CabinetSimple Wins : Daytime Running Lights
Background on jchrisa's Toast (standalone chat app in CouchDB+JS+HTML)
The point is to show how CouchDB's "databasey" features, because they are implemented using HTTP, can be leveraged to make powerful end-user experiences, with just a minimum of code.Video: Major Facebook security hole lets you view your friends’ live chats
You've got to hand it to Facebook. They certainly know how to do security -- not. Today I was tipped off that there ...anologue
Una chat web
i need to have a conversation with a couple people. there's email, but i get pretty sick of the copied text that quickly gets out of control, the unnecessary repetition of everyone's signuatures... overlapping responses. and, i get so much crap in my inbox as-is--it can be cumbersome to try and isolate relevant emails and then the important parts of them. i don't like instant messaging. there are so many clients out there, and, sure there are tools to help them come together, but there are some people that will never use im (i don't blame them, i just haven't had the choice.) twitter is right out. then, there's one of my favorites: irc. but, let's face it: it's mostly for nerds. google wave may be an option... someday. even so, in my experience with the beta so far i'd have to argue that multi-threaded chats are actually less productive. so, i needed something different. a slightly different approach sixty-nine, dudes! your future us's use anologue! anologue is like comments,
ith anologue you can quickly and easily engage in an anonymous (or not) linear dialogue with any number of people (within reason). no accounts. no installations. no way?! yes, way! your "chat room" is created by the time this link loads. invite whoever you want by giving them your unique link, and chat away.
anologue is like comments, meets im, meets irc, meets your favorite paste app, meets instant coffee. actually, instant coffee sucks. with anologue you can quickly and easily engage in an anonymous (or not) linear dialogue with any number of people (within reason). no accounts. no installations. no way?! yes, way! your "chat room" is created by the time this link loads. invite whoever you want by giving them your unique link, and chat away. let's make this better, together perhaps best of all: this is open source. built with php 5.3.1, using the most non-heinous, totally rad lithium framework, couchdb, jquery, a few other scripts as well as some classy, original and established iconography for ui; all coming together for the conversational goodness you're about to experience. contribute to the core or download the source and setup your own. this one's for you, internets.
i need to have a conversation with a couple people.