Pixelmatrix Design – Announcing Uniform
A plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
Custom browser form controls with jQuery. Nice.
As a UI designer, I have to deal with form controls quite a bit. I hate how I can’t make selects, checkboxes, and radio buttons look consistent in all the browsers, so I wrote a plugin to solve just that. Introducing Uniform, a plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
jQuery plugin that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.Introducing iPhone-style Checkboxes
JQuery plugin to make iphone-like checkboxesiPhone Toggle Switches // Elijah Miller
"Way back in June, Thomas Reynolds released iPhone-style-checkboxes for jQuery, a progressive enhancement for checkboxes which makes them into the beautiful iPhone toggle switches. I really like these switches on the iPhone so I went about finishing up his version for the Prototype framework. Of course, I couldn't help but add some new features along the way!"Pretty checkboxes with jQuery | Aaron Weyenberg
I was working on a project recently where form checkboxes were required, but the standard UI would not do. I needed something a little more engaging. So in this short tut, I’ll show how to turn this…Filament Group Lab Example Page from: Accessible, Custom Designed Checkbox and Radio Button Inputs Styled with CSS (and a dash of jQuery)
form art
via cpbtdreyno/iphone-style-checkboxes @ GitHub
no/off jquri
github.com/tdreyno/iphone-style-checkboxesSliding Checkbox Actions Menu with jQuery | Codrops
mobile-google inspired floating toolbar