KidRex - Kid Safe Search
filtered for kids. Used google on backend
KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids! KidRex searches emphasize kid-related webpages and are powered by Google Custom Search and use Google SafeSearch technology. Google's SafeSearch screens for sites that contain explicit sexual content and deletes them from your child’s search results. Google's filter uses advanced technology to check keywords, phrases, and URLs. No filter is 100 percent accurate, but SafeSearch should eliminate most inappropriate material. In addition to Google SafeSearch, KidRex maintains its own database of inappropriate websites and keywords. KidRex researchers test KidRex daily, to insure that you and your child have the best web experience possible. We do our best to keep KidRex as up-to-date and comprehensive as possible, but inappropriate sites will sometimes slip through the cracks. If you find websites containing offensive content in your results, please visit our webpage removal request tool to tell us about the site you found.
Official Site. Fun and Safe Search for Kids, by Kids!
interested in this
Safe search for kids, by kids!YouTube - David After Dentist
LMFAO I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!Personal Health - Babies Know - A Little Dirt Is Good for You -
Dr. Weinstock goes even further. “Children should be allowed to go barefoot in the dirt, play in the dirt, and not have to wash their hands when they come in to eat,” he said. He and Dr. Elliott pointed out that children who grow up on farms and are frequently exposed to worms and other organisms from farm animals are much less likely to develop allergies and autoimmune diseases. .... Also helpful, he said, is to “let kids have two dogs and a cat,” which will expose them to intestinal worms that can promote a healthy immune system.
researchers are concluding that organisms like the millions of bacteria, viruses and especially worms that enter the body along with “dirt” spur the development of a healthy immune system.
Ask mothers why babies are constantly picking things up from the floor or ground and putting them in their mouths, and chances are they’ll say that it’s instinctive — that that’s how babies explore the world. But why the mouth, when sight, hearing, touch and even scent are far better at identifying things?Teaching kids how to write computer programs, by Marshall Brain
If you want to introduce your kids to programming, there are MANY different ways to do it. If you want to go down this road, Google is your friend. It is amazing how much stuff is out there. Just start looking, try different things with your kids, and see what works for you. It can be a lot of fun.Letters to God - FUnlimited
awwwwww lol funny kids letters to god
This is so cute and probably illegal.YouTube - kittens inspired by kittens
holy #$%@#$%@#$%@#$%!!!!!!!!!!
OMGROTFLMAO. Watch it twice. At least. [via waxy]Tiny Art Director
In which toddlers are hilarious.
Nice little blog by an artistic directed by his young daughter, cute and funny and worth the read
Bill Zeman’s daughter is the Tiny Art Director. She tells him what to draw and then tells him just exactly how much she hates it. Bill has been recording her comments and posting them with his art since she was two and a half.
"I just want everyone to know that although she is a very outspoken critic of my artwork, my daughter is really a delightful and well behaved girl!"Social websites harm children's brains: Chilling warning to parents from to
Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, an eminent scientist has warned.
uh ohThe Serious Need for Play: Scientific American
play children psychology parenting science ; Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed. ; KEY CONCEPTS: Childhood play is crucial for social, emotional and cognitive development. Imaginative and rambunctious “free play,” as opposed to games or structured activities, is the most essential type. Kids and animals that do not play when they are young may grow into anxious, socially maladjusted adults.
Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed By Melinda Wenner
Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed.
"Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed."Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation | No Fear
No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives. This restricts children’s play, limits their freedom of movement, corrodes their relationships with adults and constrains their exploration of physical, social and virtual worlds. PDF
No Fear joins the increasingly vigorous debate about the role and nature of childhood in the UK. Over the past 30 years activities that previous generations of children enjoyed without a second thought have been relabelled as troubling or dangerous, and the adults who permit them branded as irresponsible. No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives. This restricts children’s play, limits their freedom of movement, corrodes their relationships with adults and constrains their exploration of physical, social and virtual worlds.
"Over the past 30 years activities that previous generations of children enjoyed without a second thought have been relabelled as troubling or dangerous, and the adults who permit them branded as irresponsible. No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives."Kideo Player!
Finding kid safe videos on YouTube can be a time consuming process. Kideo Player makes it easier to locate videos appropriate for students in pre-K through second grade. Kideo Player plays a continuous stream of videos for pre-K through second grade students. When a video you like is playing, click on the the YouTube icon and you will be taken to the original YouTube source where you can find out more about each video and grab the embed code. Clicking your keyboard's space bar allows you to skip ahead in the video clips.
no search, but still fun
Wow, a beautifully simple idea for parents with young children. Plays kidsafe youtube videos..Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves
vintage children's book blogWhy not, right?
Archive / RSS Submissions (please read the Disclaimer and include sources) and/or image removal requests can be sent to wtfdyhak[AT] / DISCLAIMER Apr 03 Permalink becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 Apr 02 Permalink becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell Permalink becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy Permalink becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck Permalink becuz the cigarette isn’t lit submitted by Julie becuz the cigarette isn’t lit submitted by Julie Apr 01 Permalink becuz life isn’t hard enough for a high school goth couple w
becuz life isn’t hard enough for a high school goth couple who hang out at the mall (by way of mr jjpp)
so bad, so sad, but yet, so goodQimo 4 Kids | Software For Kids
Light-weight linuxZORIAH - A PHOTOJOURNALIST AND WAR PHOTOGRAPHER'S BLOG: Guest Photographer/Photojournalist: G.M.B. Akash — Child Labor
check back
Bilješka dajte stavite to ko viejst
Un superbe reportage sur les conditions de travail de près de 6,3 Millions d'enfants de moins de 14 ans au Bangladesh.Top Educational Websites For Children That Are Fun |
If every child was unschooled -- given the chance to explore and discover and learn in the real world what they love to do, what they're uniquely good at doing, and what the world needs that they care about -- then we would have a world of self-confident, creative, informed, empowered, networked entrepreneurs doing work that needs to be done, successfully. We would have armies of people collaborating to solve the problems and crises facing our world, instead of going home exhausted at the end of the day seeking escape, feeling helpless to do anything that is meaningful to thems or to the world. We would have a world of producers instead of consumers, a world of abundance instead of scarcity, a world of diversity instead of what Terry Glavin calls "a dark and gathering sameness". We would have a world of young people choosing their lives instead of taking what they can get, what they can afford, what is offered to them.
No way, the current system is in place not because those "in power" want it that way but because we live in a democracy and democracy often produces silly rules.Stop worrying about your children! | Salon Life
A reasonably sensible look at the risks affecting children in modern life.Kidlandia Maps
make your own maps!Dept. of Science: Don’t!: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Once Mischel began analyzing the results, he noticed that low delayers, the children who rang the bell quickly, seemed more likely to have behavioral problems, both in school and at home. They got lower S.A.T. scores. They struggled in stressful situations, often had trouble paying attention, and found it difficult to maintain friendships. The child who could wait fifteen minutes had an S.A.T. score that was, on average, two hundred and ten points higher than that of the kid who could wait only thirty seconds.
who could wait only thirty sec
The marshmallow test -- longitudinal studies show that it may predict future success better than intelligence
The ability to delay gratification is a far better predictor of academic performance than I.Q. "Intelligence is really important, but it's still not as important as self-control."
In the late nineteen-sixties, Carolyn Weisz, a four-year-old with long brown hair, was invited into a “game room” at the Bing Nursery School, on the campus of Stanford University. The room was little more than a large closet, containing a desk and a chair. Carolyn was asked to sit down in the chair and pick a treat from a tray of marshmallows, cookies, and pretzel sticks. Carolyn chose the marshmallow. Although she’s now forty-four, Carolyn still has a weakness for those air-puffed balls of corn syrup and gelatine. “I know I shouldn’t like them,” she says. “But they’re just so delicious!” A researcher then made Carolyn an offer: she could either eat one marshmallow right away or, if she was willing to wait while he stepped out for a few minutes, she could have two marshmallows when he returned. He said that if she rang a bell on the desk while he was away he would come running back, and she could eat one marshmallow but would forfeit the second. Then he left the room.
Don’t! The secret of self-control.Internet generation leave parents behind | Media | The Guardian
This expensive private report is summarised in this Guardian article which monitors changes in childrens behaviour in terms of reading and the internest
Artikel uit The Guardian over de internetgeneratie en hun ouders
Internet generation leave parents behind • Change in communication creating divide, says study • Children spend six hours a day in front of screens
UK stats anmd trends presentd by the Guardian.
According to research children cram in nearly six hours of screen time per day
The report is based on an annual survey, now into its 15th year, of 1,800 children at 92 schools across the country. "This year has seen a major boost to the intensity and the independence with which children approach online activities," the report says. Annotated link Secrets to Raising a Happy Child | Zen Habits
One Laptop Per Child OSKids’ why questions
Interessante Website, die typische WARUM-Fragen der Kinder beantwortet (englisch)
site for parents to help answer those "Why" questions from your kids
A nifty site that tries to make accessible the answers to young children's "why" questions, like "Why is the ocean salty?"Op-Ed Columnist - The Best Kids’ Books Ever -
reminds me of community service with childrenWe Make Stories
Here you can create your own story, share it with friends and visit the gallery to see what other Storymakers have made.
Fer històries
oh wow - this is fun;)
mi piace la grafica
Enables digital stories to be made and shared with friends.
Book publishers Penguin have developed a website where children can write, illustrate (and add sounds) and publish their own stories.Unraveling how children become bilingual so easily - Yahoo! News
Bi-lingualism and learning new languages
language childrenPlayful Learning Experiences
playful learning ideasPythonTurtle
A learning environment for Python suitable for beginners and children, inspired by Logo.
A logo like environment for learning python100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About | GeekDad |
For display during Teen Tech Week
100 Things Your Kids May Never Know Existed [from]30 Classic Games for Simple Outdoor Play | GeekDad |
When I was a kid, we played outside with the other kids in the neighborhood with most of our free time. We also made the most of recess at school. We kept ourselves quite occupied without any of today’s modern technologies. Listed below are some no-tech games that you may have enjoyed as a kid. I sure did. Some can be done indoors. Some can be done by yourself or with just one friend. But most of them are best when done outside with a group of people. Also, most of these games can be changed or improved by making up your own rules. Use your imagination!Top 7 Sites for Parenting How-To Videos
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **5 Websites To Keep A Kid Busy & Happy
Sometimes you just have to get some work done, when all your child wants to do is play with you. While playing with your kid should be your top priority, you can’t always neglect your work. Being a parent sure isn’t easy. I’ve had a colleague who sometimes had to bring her 3 year old son to work when the nanny was sick and no one else was available to take care of him. We all helped keeping him busy and now and then he would also enjoy some games on the computer. Here are five ways to distract your child for a few minutes when you absolutely need it.
saveRailsBridge : Teaching Kids Project : Blog : Teaching Ruby to High School Girls
pedagogical notes, interesting and useful
Teaching Ruby to High School GirlsOh, The Temptation on Vimeo
2 câmeras escondidas. Várias crianças. 1 marshmallow para cada uma. O resultado...
I'm pretty sure the geneva convention defines this as "cruel and unusual". And funny as hell.10 free Educational Game sites
10 free Educational Game sites These free sites provide students an opportunity to learn in a fun, interactive environment.'Reading Rainbow' Reaches Its Final Chapter
Series coming to an end. Children no longer presumed literate.
26 years! Wow! Not as long as Sesame Street, but WOW!
For 26 years, Reading Rainbow host LeVar Burton shepherded kids through the exciting world of books. The show, which fostered a love of reading, was the third longest-running program in PBS history, outlasted only by Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
I recommend this article for those of you who grew up with Reading Rainbow and who value children's literature.
After 26 years, the beloved children's show hosted by LeVar Burton will disappear from the airwaves. Today, educational funding favors programs that teach kids how to read, rather than why to read.
Even if you can't remember a specific Reading Rainbow episode, chances are, the theme song is still lodged somewhere in your head: Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high, Take a look, it's in a book — Reading Rainbow ... Remember now? Reading Rainbow comes to the end of its 26-year run on Friday; it has won more than two-dozen Emmys, and is the third longest-running children's show in PBS history — outlasted only by Sesame Street and Mister Rogers.
"Research has directed programming toward phonics and reading fundamentals as the front line of the literacy fight. Reading Rainbow occupied a more luxurious space — the show operated on the assumption that kids already had basic reading skills and instead focused on fostering a love of books."
"Grant says that PBS, CPB and the Department of Education put significant funding toward programming that would teach kids how to read — but that's not what Reading Rainbow was trying to do."the baby book for modern parents - lil'grams
online baby book blogg
UGC platform (blog / foto / video ..) for new parent ... with some social network elements added ...Playing chess helps children excel in maths — Chess Blog
siin räägitakse midagi tarka maletamisest!
food for thought to integrate into our current math program
chess learning; good for childrenSocial networks and kids: How young is too young? -
How young is too young for kids to be on facebook - the minimum age is 13 - but they have no way to verify how old kids who sign up actually are
Important article to read about children of all ages creating profiles. I believe this supports our driving need to incorporate instruction and discussion on this topic in schools. Annotated link
Researchers say a growing number of children are flouting age requirements on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, or using social-networking sites designed just for them. Facebook and MySpace require users to be at least 13. But they have no practical way to verify ages, and many young users pretend to be older when signing up. Some scientists worry that pre-adolescent use of the sites, which some therapists have linked to Internet addiction among adults, could be damaging to children's relationships and brains.A Story Before Bed
Read a story for a child
Record yourself reading a book to your kids and then it can be played back online with the pages of the book while you're away or from a distance.The Child Trap: Books: The New Yorker
The rise of overparenting. Insightful and amusing.
The literature on overparenting raises a number of sticky questions. For example, is it really wrong for us to push our children to excel in areas where they are talented?
“Young people have a marvelous faculty of either dying or adapting themselves to circumstances.” The article reviews books about the new "crisis" of overparenting. There are some helpful comments, but it is nice that the author acknowledges the pendulum swings in pop psychology and in parenting. Would be nice to follow some of the implications of these movements. The article briefly touches on the implications of the selfishness of current parents, but it is only hypothesis. I'd be intersted in a thorough analysis of implications from a historical perspective. Every generation seems to believe the next generation is spoiled and lazy, which seems to be the real critique behind the overparenting books.
The rise of overparenting.Designing Websites for Kids: Trends and Best Practices - Smashing Magazine
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust. A survey of 3,001 children aged nine to 16 found that 24% had their own blog and 82% sent text messages at least once a month. In addition 73% used instant messaging services to chat online with friends. However, 77% still put real pen to paper to write notes in class or do their school homework. Of the children who neither blogged nor used social network sites, 47% rated their writing as "good" or "very good", while 61% of the bloggers and 56% of the social networkers said the same. "Our research suggests a strong correlation between kids using technology and wider patterns of reading and writing," Jonathan Douglas, director of the National Literacy Trust, told BBC News. "Engagement with online technology drives their enthusiasm for writing short stories, letters, song lyrics or diaries." Mr Douglas dismissed criticisms about the inf
Children who use technology are 'better writers'
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust.School Library Journal’s 10 Best Digital Resources for 2009 - 6/1/2009 - School Library Journal
Our second annual “best of” list looks at products reviewed between June 2008 and the present. The past year saw many excellent and innovative projects—and narrowing them down to a top-10 list wasn’t easy. As we prepare for the next school year—or as public libraries develop the budget for a new fiscal year—these are the products for children and teens you sh...
includes subscription stuff as well as free
many resources for use in school libraries, some of which I've never heard.Too cool for school
Seb raised his hand during maths class and asked "If Kate (a large girl in his class) did not eat for five weeks, would she get skinny or die?"
"If I am standing on carpet and I get electrocuted, does everybody in the room die apart from me?"
Need to read all these little stories. Too funny.
Explaining the Playstation game Grand Theft Auto 4 to his grandmother "I don't shoot everybody, just the drug dealers and hookers."The top seven social networking sites for kids - Times Online
The top seven social networking sites for kids [from]
From the UK: A new study has found that young people are turning their backs on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, the number of 35 to 54-year-olds using such sites has rocketed by 25 per cent in the last year. So what can you do if you don’t want to be poked by your mum or added by your gran? Here’s a round up of the coolest sites and virtual worlds for children FreeRealms.com铂程斋--给小偷一个不偷你的理由——警察王大伟给您支招
hairy hot dogs!BBC NEWS | South Asia | The 'youngest headmaster in the world'
BBC's Hunger to Learn series
BBC Hungry to Learn series
teaching kids in india
ps fall as the children
interesting watching. What an inspirationDead Palestinian babies and bombed mosques - IDF fashion 2009 - Haaretz - Israel News
"I was in Gaza and they kept emphasizing that the object of the operation was to wreak destruction on the infrastructure, so that the price the Palestinians and the leadership pay will make them realize that it isn't worth it for them to go on shooting. So that's the idea of 'we're coming to destroy' in the drawing."
Dead babies, mothers weeping on their children's graves, a gun aimed at a child and bombed-out mosques - these are a few examples of the images Israel Defense Forces soldiers design these days to print on shirts they order to mark the end of training, or of field duty. The slogans accompanying the drawings are not exactly anemic either: A T-shirt for infantry snipers bears the inscription "Better use Durex," next to a picture of a dead Palestinian baby, with his weeping mother and a teddy bear beside him. A sharpshooter's T-shirt from the Givati Brigade's Shaked battalion shows a pregnant Palestinian woman with a bull's-eye superimposed on her belly, with the slogan, in English, "1 shot, 2 kills."The Atlantic Online | December 2009 | The Science of Success | David Dobbs
David Dobbs tells us about a new theory in genetics called the orchid hypothesis that suggests that the genes that underlie some of the most troubling human behaviors -- violence, depression, anxiety -- can, in combination with the right environment, also be responsible for our best behaviors. Most of us have genes that make us as hardy as dandelions: able to take root and survive almost anywhere. A few of us, however, are more like the orchid: fragile and fickle, but capable of blooming spectacularly if given greenhouse care. So holds a provocative new theory of genetics, which asserts that the very genes that give us the most trouble as a species, causing behaviors that are self-destructive and antisocial, also underlie humankind's phenomenal adaptability and evolutionary success. With a bad environment and poor parenting, orchid children can end up depressed, drug-addicted, or in jail -- but with the right environment and good parenting, they can grow up to be society's most cr
People that are genetically prone to being at risk in poor environments are also more successful in good environments
found via
"the very genes that give us the most trouble as a species also underlie humankind’s phenomenal adaptability and evolutionary success"
Most of us have genes that make us as hardy as dandelions: able to take root and survive almost anywhere. A few of us, however, are more like the orchid: fragile and fickle, but capable of blooming spectacularly if given greenhouse care. So holds a provocative new theory of genetics, which asserts that the very genes that give us the most trouble as a species, causing behaviors that are self-destructive and antisocial, also underlie humankind’s phenomenal adaptability and evolutionary success. With a bad environment and poor parenting, orchid children can end up depressed, drug-addicted, or in jail—but with the right environment and good parenting, they can grow up to be society’s most creative, successful, and happy people.
a bad environment and poor parenting vs the right environment and good parenting
“stress diathesis” or “genetic vulnerability” model Most of us have genes that make us as hardy as dandelions: able to take root and survive almost anywhere. A few of us, however, are more like the orchid: fragile and fickle, but capable of blooming spectacularly if given greenhouse care. So holds a provocative new theory of genetics, which asserts that the very genes that give us the most trouble as a species, causing behaviors that are self-destructive and antisocial, also underlie humankind’s phenomenal adaptability and evolutionary success. With a bad environment and poor parenting, orchid children can end up depressed, drug-addicted, or in jail—but with the right environment and good parenting, they can grow up to be society’s most creative, successful, and happy people. The Atlantic Online | December 2009 |Curious Pages
"recommended inappropriate books for children"
recommended inappropriate reading for children
"Inappropriate Children's Books"If Your Kids Are Awake, They’re Probably Online -
Teens and media use.From Fish to Infinity - Opinionator Blog -
A debut column on math features an introduction to numbers, from upsides (they're efficient) to down (they're ethereal).
I’ll be writing about the elements of mathematics, from pre-school to grad school, for anyone out there who’d like to have a second chance at the subject — but this time from an adult perspective. It’s not intended to be remedial. The goal is to give you a better feeling for what math is all about and why it’s so enthralling to those who get it.Childnet International
Welcome to Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”.
Internet safety website
Internet Safety
Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children.Parent Hacks: KidZui is a Kid Friendly Web Interface
KidZui is a child-safe internet front end that calls upon an enormous whitelist of websites, pictures, videos, and games that have all been reviewed by a group of volunteers composed of parents and educators. NEWS | Europe | Child elopers' Africa plan foiled
Two German children - aged five and six - have been stopped by police from eloping to Africa to tie the knot in the sun, reports say. The budding lovebirds, identified as Mika and Anna-Lena, packed bathing costumes, sunglasses and a lilo and headed for the airport. They even had the presence of mind to invite along an official witness - Anna-Lena's seven-year-old sister. The three got as far as Hanover railway station before police intervened. The young couple were "very much in love" and had decided to get married in Africa "where it is warm", police spokesman Holger Jureczko told the AFP news agency.
The cutest story ever. Two German children fall in love and try to run away together.
Two German children, ages 5 and 6, packed their swimming trunks and passports and attempted to sneak away to Africa so they could elope. And they even thought to bring along a 7-year old witness. Too cute.Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food | Video on
This is great speech about obesity
Sharing powerful stories from his anti-obesity project in Huntington, W. Va., TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver makes the case for an all-out assault on our ignorance of food.THE MONSTER AT THE END OF THIS BOOK
This is the full digital version of the Jon Stone's "The Monster at the End of this Book".
Click to turn the pages and read the story (no audio)StoryJumper: create your own children's book.
I’m not a psychologist, nor am I a parent, so let me start by saying she might be right that these sites are harmful in some cognitive way. But I think she’s wrong to assume social networking is devoid of a “cohesive narrative and long-term significance.” I can see where she’s coming from, but like a lot of people who don’t actually use these sites, she’s missing a fundamental shift from Web 1.0 chat room days to Web 2.0 social networks: Real identity.
Interesting discussion of social networking
Why social networking is good for kidsSugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
OLPC OS for your USB drive.
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project (still in Beta) gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told
"You might expect the child to plan for the future, think 'OK it's cold outside so the jacket will keep me warm.' But what we suggest is that this isn't what goes on in a 3-year-old's brain. Rather, they run outside, discover that it is cold, and then retrieve the memory of where their jacket is, and then they go get it."Petite Purls - Summer 2009
# Features # Patterns # Archives # Basics # Blog
RT @druchunas: This issue of is live, and I have TWO free patterns in it! @petitepurls (via @StefanieJapel)Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told | LiveScience
"If you just repeat something again and again that requires your young child to prepare for something in advance, that is not likely to be effective," Munakata said. "What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."
Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use.
Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use, a new study finds."What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."The case against Candy Land - Boing Boing
A good insight about a classic board game, and why video games are getting better at more than just entertaining.
What’s irritating about the games is that they are exercises in sheer randomness. It’s not that they fail to sharpen any useful skills; it’s that they make it literally impossible for a player to acquire any skills at all.Boy chosen by Dalai Lama as reincarnation of spiritual leader turns back on Buddhist order | World news | The Guardian
En utvald buddhistpojke hoppar av som utvald att vara en reinkarnation av en hög lamaledare i Tibet.
it is believed that he was reincarnation of... wait, what?
"Instead of leading a monastic life, Osel Hita Torres now sports baggy trousers and long hair, and is more likely to quote Jimi Hendrix than Buddha."
Yesterday he bemoaned the misery of a youth deprived of television, football and girls. Movies were also forbidden – except for a sanctioned screening of The Golden Child starring Eddie Murphy, about a kidnapped child lama with magical powers.
As a toddler, he was put on a throne and worshipped by monks who treated him like a god. But the boy chosen by the Dalai Lama as a reincarnation of a spiritual leader has caused consternation – and some embarrassment – for Tibetan Buddhists by turning his back on the order that had such high hopes for him.
As a toddler, he was put on a throne and worshipped by monks who treated him like a god. But the boy chosen by the Dalai Lama as a reincarnation of a spiritual leader has caused consternation – and some embarrassment – for Tibetan Buddhists by turning his back on the order that had such high hopes for him. Instead of leading a monastic life, Osel Hita Torres now sports baggy trousers and long hair, and is more likely to quote Jimi Hendrix than Buddha.
Can't wait to see the movie.Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids | Video on
TED Talks Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.
Being childish...being normal. --- Irresponsibility and irrational thinking Ann Frank, Ruby, Charley Simpson 100,000 lbs on a bike. World needs kids thinking. Why not to do things....everything were free and Eutopia. You must dream first Kids push the boundaries of possibilities Kids don't think about limitations. Kids do a lot of learning from adults - students should teach the teachers. If you don't trust them you place restrictions on them. Regimes becomes oppressive when they become fearful of keeping control Adults underestimates kids abilities Wrote 300 short stories To show you truly care you listen. Imperative to create opportunities for children to blow you away. "You must lend an ear today, because we are the leaders of tomorrow."
Video I can use for DEP; What adults can learn from kids
TED Talks Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.Small Basic Teaches Kids How to Program - ReadWriteWeb
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ReadWriteWeb ReadWriteTalk Enterprise Jobwire About Subscribe Contact Advertise RSS RWW Daily by Email RSS RWW Weekly Wrap-up Home Products Trends Company Index Best of RWW Archives Small Basic Teaches Kids How to Program Written by Lidija Davis / November 8, 2008 11:54 AM / 22 Comments « Prior Post Next Post » After a year in the making, and with very little fanfare, Microsoft last month launched Small Basic, a free programming language aimed at kids. Unlike Scratch and Alice, tools designed for kids to learn programming in a 'codeless' environment, Small Basic is essentially a small version of the BASIC language. Drawing inspiration from the original BASIC language, but based on the newer .Net Framework, Small Basic consists of three distinct pieces: The Language Consists of just 14 keywords, Small Basic is pure imperative code that runs on the .Net Framework. The Environment Small Basic's development environment is simple but provides features that professional developers hPoverty Goes Straight to the Brain | Wired Science from
:| (Also, wait, poverty-influenced stress can affect... your genes? Erm, what?)
"To test their hypothesis, Evans and Schamberg analyzed the results of their earlier, long-term study of stress in 195 poor and middle-class Caucasian students, half male and half female. In that study, which found a direct link between poverty and stress, students' blood pressure and stress hormones were measured at 9 and 13 years old. At 17, their memory was tested. Given a sequence of items to remember‚ teenagers who grew up in poverty remembered an average of 8.5 items. Those who were well-off during childhood remembered an average of 9.44 items. So-called working memory is considered a reliable indicator of reading, language and problem-solving ability — capacities critical for adult success. When Evans and Schamberg controlled for birth weight, maternal education, parental marital status and parenting styles, the effect remained. When they mathematically adjusted for youthful stress levels, the difference disappeared."
Does being poor make you physically less intelligent?
Growing up poor isn't merely hard on kids. It might also be bad for their brains. A long-term study of cognitive development in lower- and middle-class students found strong links between childhood poverty, physiological stress and adult memory.ePub Bud - Publish and share your own digital books in the open ePUB format!
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new stories for children, read by childrenThe last word: Advice from ‘America’s worst mom’ - THE WEEK
A year ago, journalist Lenore Skenazy caused a media sensation when she let her 9-year-old rideNew York City’s subway by himself. In a new book, she explains why she has no
This lady is NOT the worst mom in america: [from]
A year ago, journalist Lenore Skenazy caused a media sensation when she let her 9-year-old rideNew York City’s subway by himself. In a new book, she explains why she has no regrets.
Skenazy NY New York subway
Advice from the world's worst mom who let her 9-year-old ride the subway alone.FCH Lessons Index
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Free lessons for becoming good homemakers.Drawings of Scientists
From Pedro on FriendFeed:
[Found via Pedro Beltrão] "Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab."
percepcion de los científicos
Scientists - they CAN be col. Sweet before and after drawings of what kids think scientists are about
Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab. Lovely.
"Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab" AWESOMEOp-Ed Columnist - How to Raise Our I.Q. -
Another indication of malleability is that I.Q. has risen sharply over time. Indeed, the average I.Q. of a person in 1917 would amount to only 73 on today’s I.Q. test. Half the population of 1917 would be considered mentally retarded by today’s measurements, Professor Nisbett says. Another proven intervention is to tell junior-high-school students that I.Q. is expandable, and that their intelligence is something they can help shape. Students exposed to that idea work harder and get better grades. That’s particularly true of girls and math, apparently because some girls assume that they are genetically disadvantaged at numbers; deprived of an excuse for failure, they excel.
Poor people have I.Q.’s significantly lower than those of rich people, and the awkward conventional wisdom has been that this is in large part a function of genetics.
Good mythbuster and eye-opener on I.Q. Recommended.
"Intelligence does seem to be highly inherited in middle-class households, and that’s the reason for the findings of the twins studies: very few impoverished kids were included in those studies. But Eric Turkheimer of the University of Virginia has conducted further research demonstrating that in poor and chaotic households, I.Q. is minimally the result of genetics — because everybody is held back. "
praise effort more than achievement, teach delayed gratification, limit reprimands and use praise to stimulate curiositySocial Media Parenting: Raising the Digital Generation
dang it! apparently no app for good parenting *grmbl*
from Mashable
子供にどうソーシャルメディアを使わせるべきか、という記事。企業のソーシャルメディアポリシーの考え方に通じるところがあるのが興味深い。結局、どちらも教育と信頼関係が大事ということですかね。 – 徳力 基彦 (tokuriki)
open 18 ConferenceDrowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning
The new captain jumped from the cockpit, fully dressed, and sprinted through the water. A former lifeguard, he kept his eyes on his victim as he headed straight for the owners who were swimming between their anchored sportfisher and theAll Joy and No Fun
All Joy and No Fun | Why parents hate parenting (parents are more depressed than nonparents no matter what their...
read this when I have time...
particularly those of us who find moment-to-moment happiness a bit elusive to begin with.
Via Ben. Fascinating analysis of parenting, expectations, happiness, the history of parenting, etc.
"From the perspective of the species, it’s perfectly unmysterious why people have children. From the perspective of the individual, however, it’s more of a mystery than one might think. Most people assume that having children will make them happier. Yet a wide variety of academic research shows that parents are not happier than their childless peers, and in many cases are less so. This finding is surprisingly consistent, showing up across a range of disciplines."
Why parents hate parenting.
oh dear,
All Joy and No FunThe Creativity Crisis - Newsweek
Good read > The Creativity Crisis /RT @invisiblepilot
Back in 1958, Ted Schwarzrock was an 8-year-old third grader when he became one of the “Torrance kids,” a group of nearly 400 Minneapolis children who completed a series of creativity tasks newly designed by professor E. Paul Torrance. Schwarzrock still vividly remembers the moment when a psychologist handed him a fire truck and asked, “How could you improve this toy to make it better and more fun to play with?”
Important article detailing research that indicates that tests of creative performance by children, after rising steadily from the 1950s to 1990, have been dropping sharply since that point. Story attempts to discuss some of the reasons why, how educators (here and abroad) are attempting to inculcate innovative thinking and action in schoolchildren and what sorts of familial and societal conditions spark creativity.