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Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
gregorylent - April 5th, 2009 at 9:12 am PDT
Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods.
Editor’s Note: Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods. George Godula is the co-founder of Web2Asia, an East Asian incubator and also a consultancy for Western startups trying to enter markets in China, Japan and Korea. David Li is a developer of social networking applications such as Growing Gifts, and he also was the developer of OnChat, an early in-browser graphical avatar chat system. Richard Yu is a Seattle native living in China, where he consults for Shanghai-based web startups while writing his blog.
George Godula. David Li, and Richard YuElectricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies - WSJ.com
Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software that could be used to disrupt the system.
Parece coisa de filme !Peering into North Korea - The Big Picture - Boston.com
From China
"News stories about North Korea have been quite frequent recently, with their test launch of a rocket over Japan, withdrawal from nuclear disarmament talks coupled with a threat to restart their nuclear program, reports that their nuclear attack capabilities may be larger than previously thought - and their recent arrest and indictment of two U.S. reporters on its border with China. Even with all this attention, photographs from North Korea are still restricted and hard to come by. One way around that has been for photographers to peer inside from across the border, a pastime that has also spurred a level of curious tourism in both neighboring South Korea and China. Collected here are a some recent photographs, looking into reclusive North Korea from the outside - and some of the reactions these observations induce"
Scroll down to number 25. All of my links today have been via http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/
Great shots.http://www.treas.gov/tic/mfh.txt
Treasury Stats on holders of US debt
Thailand ranked high
Foreign-held U.S. treasury debt
China our wingman with 750 billion in Treasury Bills.China vs United States: A Visual Comparison | Mint.com Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
simplified the data from the CIA World Factbook
As we discussed in yesterday’s post, whether the United States and China like it or not, the economic futures of both countries are intertwined. Everyone knows that China’s got more people and that its importance as an economic superpower has escalated in recent years. What you might not understand is how the differences between our countries, in economic philosophy, in population, in geography and in how the military is built and paid for ultimately play into the entire economic relationship. For many China remains something of a mystery. In order to help compare and contrast the economic differences, we have simplified the data from the CIA World Factbook. For the exact numbers in any category, check here.
China vs United StatesTracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network
This report documents the GhostNet - a suspected cyber espionage network of over 1,295 infected computers in 103 countries, 30% of which are high-value targets, including ministries of foreign affairs, embassies, international organizations, news media, and NGOs. The capabilities of GhostNet are far-reaching. The report reveals that Tibetan computer systems were compromised giving attackers access to potentially sensitive information, including documents from the private office of the Dalai Lama. The report presents evidence showing that numerous computer systems were compromised in ways that circumstantially point to China as the culprit. But the report is careful not to draw conclusions about the exact motivation or the identity of the attacker(s), or how to accurately characterize this network of infections as a whole. The report argues that attribution can be obscured. The report concludes that who is in control of GhostNet is less important than the opportunity for generating st
This report documents the GhostNet - a suspected cyber espionage network of over 1,295 infected computers in 103 countries, 30% of which are high-value targets, including ministries of foreign affairs, embassies, international organizations, news media, and NGOs. The capabilities of GhostNet are far-reaching. The report reveals that Tibetan computer systems were compromised giving attackers access to potentially sensitive information, including documents from the private office of the Dalai Lama. The report presents evidence showing that numerous computer systems were compromised in ways that circumstantially point to China as the culprit. But the report is careful not to draw conclusions about the exact motivation or the identity of the attacker(s), or how to accurately characterize this network of infections as a whole. The report argues that attribution can be obscured.The World's New Numbers
Added from delicious
“Here lies Europe, overwhelmed by Muslim immigrants and emptied of native-born Europeans.” That is the obituary some pundits have been writing in recent years. But neither the immigrants nor the Europeans are playing their assigned roles.
Apparently Europe is no longer going to be drowned in a sea of Muslim babies. Because I know you were all so worried.
"At the turn of this century, the conventional wisdom among demographers was that the population of Europe was in precipitous decline, the Islamic world was in the grip of a population explosion, and Africa’s population faced devastation by HIV/AIDS. Only a handful of scholars questioned the idea that the Chinese would outnumber all other groups for decades or even centuries to come. In fact, however, the latest UN projections suggest that China’s population, now 1.3 billion, will increase slowly through 2030 but may then be reduced to half that number by the end of the century." Fascinating article on demography, including the prediction that in 2050, Africa will have a majority of the world's Christians, in addition to being the demographic center of Islam.Remembering Tiananmen, 20 years later - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Good examples of photojournalism. These photographs are pretty amazing.Behind the Scenes: Tank Man of Tiananmen - Lens Blog - NYTimes.com
Not sure exactly what lesson tie-in I can use this for in a unit, but saving it anyway.
As the tanks neared the Beijing Hotel, the lone young man walked toward the middle of the avenue waving his jacket and shopping bag to stop the tanks. I kept shooting in anticipation of what I felt was his certain doom. But to my amazement, the lead tank stopped, then tried to move around him. But the young man cut it off again. Finally, the PSB (Public Security Bureau) grabbed him and ran away with him. Stuart and I looked at each other somewhat in disbelief at what we had just seen and photographed. I think his action captured peoples’ hearts everywhere, and when the moment came, his character defined the moment, rather than the moment defining him. He made the image. I was just one of the photographers. And I felt honored to be there.6 extraordinarily stubborn 'nail houses'
Honorable MentionsCollection: China - 1983
A selection of images throughout most of China, July - October 1983. Many cityscapes have changed beyond recognition since then ... I have arranged the sets on this page in the order that I visited the places named. I have also added sets for images of "transport interest" - steam locomotives, tramcars and trolleybuses. I traveled in China for three months in 1983, and managed to visit, or "pass through," every province except Tibet, Hainan (which part of Guangdong Province back then), and Taiwan (which I visited in 1980). Except for those traveling with carefully-selected groups, few Americans visited China following the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse on Vimeo
November 9th 2007 - November 13th 2008 one year on foot - 4646km through China unlimited beard & hair growth thelongestway.com
one day we should do something so intense创新工场 - 全方位的创业平台
Innovation-works company
中文Twitter用户目录Mo Radio-体味听广播的乐趣
在线广播电台收听平台,在这里您可以在线收听各地广播电台、网络电台以及voa、bbc等国外电台,体味听广播的乐趣China prepares for its 60th anniversary - The Big Picture - Boston.com
wow .... this spectacle will be better then Olympics opening
Fantastic photos as always.
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston GlobeLiu Bolin...The Invisible Man... - v1kram's posterous
This guy paints himself... no trick photography ... no photoshop ...he just paints himself...China celebrates 60 years - The Big Picture - Boston.com
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
The demise of the dollar - Business News, Business - The Independent
In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading.
Content Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1, size: 300,585 bytesWordPress | China
readme.htmlAmazing Pictures, Pollution in China | ChinaHush
October 14, 2009, the 30th annual awards ceremony of the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund took place at the Asia Society in New York City. Lu Guang (卢广) from
"Shanxi Province is the most polluted areas of China. It is also the province with the highest rate of birth defects. This loving farmer couple adopted 17 disabled children. April 15, 2009 “In Some areas of China people’s lives were threatened because of the environmental pollution. Residents suffering from all kinds of obscured diseases, the cancer villages, increase of deformed babies, these were the results of sacrificing environment and blindly seeking economical gain.”"
Amazing Pictures, Pollution in ChinaAnalysis of the Green Dam Censorware System
Green Dam
We examined the Green Dam software and found that it contains serious security vulnerabilities due to programming errors. Once Green Dam is installed, any web site the user visits can exploit these problems to take control of the computer. This could allow malicious sites to steal private data, send spam, or enlist the computer in a botnet. In addition, we found vulnerabilities in the way Green Dam processes blacklist updates that could allow the software makers or others to install malicious code during the update process.中华人民共和国国家知识产权局
政务 服务 互动 资讯
08-03-31中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例 08-03-31中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅关于进一步推行政务公开的意见 08-03-31国家知识产权局政府信息公开暂行办法
1 机构职能 国家知识产权局职能 国家知识产权局职能介绍 2 部门职能 内设机构及职责介绍 3 局领导情况 局领导简介、分工及公开发表的讲话等 4 全国专利代办处 全国专利代办处的职能、名录
中华人民共和国国家知识产权 专利Icy days and nights - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions.How do I know China wrecked the Copenhagen deal? I was in the room | Mark Lynas | Environment | The Guardian
China knows it is becoming an uncontested superpower; indeed its newfound muscular confidence was on striking display in Copenhagen. Its coal-based economy doubles every decade, and its power increases commensurately. Its leadership will not alter this magic formula unless they absolutely have toThe Chinese Language, Ever Evolving - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
We asked several experts to explain the roots of this shift, and how it might affect the future course of the written language.The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | How America Can Rise Again | James Fallows
Really great analysis.
America has been strong because, despite its flawed system, people built toward the future in the 1840s, and the 1930s, and the 1950s. During just the time when Frederick Law Olmsted designed Central Park, when Theodore Roosevelt set aside land for the National Parks, when Dwight Eisenhower created the Pentagon research agency that ultimately gave rise to the Internet, the American system seemed broken too. They worked within its flaws and limits, which made all the difference. That is the bravest and best choice for us now.
Is America going to hell? After a year of economic calamity that many fear has sent us into irreversible decline, the author finds reassurance in the peculiarly American cycle of crisis and renewal, and in the continuing strength of the forces that have made the country great: our university system, our receptiveness to immigration, our culture of innovation. In most significant ways, the U.S. remains the envy of the world. But here’s the alarming problem: our governing system is old and broken and dysfunctional. Fixing it—without resorting to a constitutional convention or a coup—is the key to securing the nation’s future.
Very good but doesn't *really* propose that strong of sol'ns. I think we need to try to infuse competition into the government. I also think that we need to cut military spending, my god how did he not mention this!
thoughtful - build on this to make the argument that our best way to change the system is by changing the people within it. If people in government were operating more altruistically, it wouldn't matter what system they operated within, good things would happen.Official Google Blog: A new approach to China
It appears China can't play nice with the other kids.
Very big news you should read this!
wow, good
Congrats to Google for raging against censorship, but WTF? A blog post accusing a foreign government of attacking them? Maybe they're getting a little too big? Ya think?
Whoa. China attacks Google (to steal business information and human rights activist email). Google withdraws from China.YouTubeCN
youtube gfwU.S. enables Chinese hacking of Google - CNN.com
Official misuses are bad enough, but it's the unofficial uses that worry me more. Any surveillance and control system must itself be secured. An infrastructure conducive to surveillance and control invites surveillance and control, both by the people you expect and by the people you don't. The problem is that such control makes us all less safe. Whether the eavesdroppers are the good guys or the bad guys, these systems put us all at greater risk. Communications systems that have no inherent eavesdropping capabilities are more secure than systems with those capabilities built in. And it's bad civic hygiene to build technologies that could someday be used to facilitate a police state.
Bajo el título amarillista "USA habilita hackeo de China a Google" hay un buen artículo, lleno de info importante. http://bit.ly/64uzts [from http://twitter.com/dariuus/statuses/8156429222]
"In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access. Google's system isn't unique. Democratic governments around the world -- in Sweden, Canada and the UK, for example -- are rushing to pass laws giving their police new powers of Internet surveillance, in many cases requiring communications system providers to redesign products and services they sell."
Schneier on how the mandated backdoor access system allowed for the China incident
articulo de Bruce Scheneier sobre el ataque de china a google. video hillary clinton sobre la libertad de internet
RT @dangoldin: RT @mikkohypponen: Bruce Schneier writes to CNN on Google & China http://bit.ly/6uMYkx [from http://twitter.com/davidajudd/statuses/8152550494]
In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access.Behind the Scenes: A New Angle on History - Lens Blog - NYTimes.com
A new image of "tank man", asks us to re-examine our views about history
RT @mathewi @GreatDismal New photo of Tiananman Square "tank man" just surfaced http://bit.ly/UTk7n [via @pkedrosky] #homeschool #history [from http://twitter.com/CircleReader/statuses/2032806101]
Everyone has now seen this alternative angle on Tank Man from Tiananmen Square.Translating "The Economist" Behind China's Great Firewall - Waxy.org
How the Ecocn.org folks work
A description of a group of volunteers translating every article in the weekly Economist into Chinese.
"a group of dedicated fans of The Economist newsmagazine are translating each weekly issue cover-to-cover, splitting up the work among a team of volunteers, and redistributing the finished translations as complete PDFs for a Chinese audience. "
They call themselves The Eco Team, a group of about 240 passionate Economist fans led by a 39-year-old insurance broker named Shi Yi.
The list of sensitive subjects includes China-Taiwan's political relationship, Tibet, Falun Gong, the Tiananmen Square protests, the Cultural Revolution, discussions of freedom of the press or freedom of religion, and any discussion of the establishment of a new Chinese political party.China's Lantern Festival, and an unfortunate ending - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Building burning at the end
An incredible series of photographs, with a spectacular, stunning conclusion: "Marking the end of the Chinese New Year, the Lantern Festival takes place on the 15th day of the year - during the first full moon. People across Mainland China and Taiwan celebrate the festival in many colorful ways, from fiery folk traditions to firework displays and laser shows. Unfortunately, this year's festival ended on a somewhat sour note as an unauthorized fireworks show set an unoccupied skyscraper on fire in downtown Beijing, and one firefighter lost his life fighting the blaze. Collected here are 27 photos of the festival, and a handful from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel fire in Beijing."
Marking the end of the Chinese New Year, the Lantern Festival takes place on the 15th day of the year - during the first full moon.On MicroSD Problems « bunnie's blog
"Effectively, Kingston is just a channel trader and is probably seen by SanDisk/Toshiba as a demand buffer for their production output. I also wouldn’t be surprised if SanDisk/Toshiba was selling Kingston “A-” grade parts, i.e., parts with slightly more defective sectors, but otherwise perfectly serviceable. As a result, Kingston plays a significant and important role in stabilizing microSD card prices and improving fab margins, but at some risk to their own brand image."
Apparently Kensington releases SD cards produced on "Ghost Shifts", with sub-standard materials.Why Warren Buffett is investing in electric car company BYD - Apr. 13, 2009
Wang about the company name. It's been reported that BYD stands for "Build your dreams,"
Warren Buffett is predicting all cars will be electric by 2030. He has invested substantially in Build Your Dreams. BYD has started with deployment of hybrids in China, and plans to come into the U.S. with the totally electric BYD e6.
The company itself is frugal. Until recently, executives always flew coach. ... This attention to costs is one reason that BYD has made money consistently even as it has expanded into new businesses. Each of BYD's business units - batteries, mobile-phone components, and autos - was profitable in 2008, albeit on a small scale. Overall, net profits were around $187 million. BYD, which is traded on the Hong Kong exchange, has a market value of about $3.8 billion. That's less than Ford (F, Fortune 500) ($7 billion at the beginning of April), but more than General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) ($1.3 billion). Near the end of our conversation, I ask Wang about the company name. It's been reported that BYD stands for "Build your dreams," but he says he added that as the company motto only later. Others say that as Motorola, Apple, and Berkshire Hathaway have made their way to Shenzhen, the name has taken on yet another meaning: Bring your dollars
A history and analysis of electric car company BYD and how it will compete with bigger carmakers.
edan in China, topping well-known brands like the Volkswagen Jetta and Toyota (TM) Corolla. BYD has also begun selling a plug-in electric car with a backup gasoline engine, a move putting it ahead of GM, Nissan, and Toyota. BYD's plug-in, called the F3DM (for "dual mode"), goes farther on a single charge - 62 miles - than other electric vehicles and sells for about $22,000, less than the plug-in Prius and much-hyped Chevy Volt are expected to cost when they hit the market in late 2010. Put simply, this little-known upstart has accelerated ahead of its much bigger rivals in the race to build an affordable electric car. Today BYD employs 130,000 people in 11 factories, eight in China and one each in India, Hungary, and RomaniMainland China service availability
A list of Google services availability in Mainland China.
Regularly updated page showing which Google services are still available in mainland China.
list of google services available in mainland china
Availability of Google Services in mainland ChinaShowcase Of Web Design In China: From Imitation To Innovation - Smashing Magazine
Válogatás kínai designerek munkáiból.Mainland China service availability
您对我很少参加院里的会议一直十分不满,我理解您的不满,但我坚持不参加,因为这些会议,大量的都只是充斥着官话套话的官僚会议,少量的学术会议中确也偶有闪光的思想,但总体而言,为这些会议花时间至少对我来讲是不值得的,我不能像买彩票一样去开会以增加学术性收益。等到哪天院里的学术活动正常化了,基本去行政化了,而不是您这个处长教授一手遮天了,我可能很愿意参加各类活动,包括会议。 大致回顾这六年来自己的工作,自省从未在学校、院里、课堂、会议上有过任何反人类言行,也从未有过违反学术伦理、教师伦理、滥用学术自由之言行,实在找不出停课的正当理由。那么,薛刚凌院长,您能否拿出正当的合乎学术规范的程序来告知我为什么停我的课?为什么侵犯我上课工作的权利?为什么侵犯部分学生听我的课的权利? 我不揣冒昧地猜想,中国政法大学可能并不需要一位以扼杀学术自由、扼杀教授自由、取缔教授自治为己任的法学院院长。 法学院教师:萧瀚 2010年3月21日wow
Let's go have some tea. We will take a mountain trail stroll in Chia - 1st - Let's take the tram up to the start of the trail...
Tem certeza de que você precisa ir NESSA casa de chá? O caminho é um pouco... difícil...
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Four versions of the iconic photo, with recollections by the photographers.
Few images are more recognizable or more evocative. Known simply as “tank man,” it is one of the most famous photographs in recent history.
tank man of Tiananmen squareChina Wholesale - Buy Wholesale Products from Chinese Wholesaler
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industrial zone is not a pretty place. You can’t rent a car, even if you wanted to. There is no public transportation. Pick-ups and drop-offs are pre-arranged with factories. The good news is that the factories love when I visit or, for that matter, when any Westerner visits. There’s a certain hospitality that can be found doing business in China that doesn’t exist to such a great extent in th
4hwwMinotaur China Shop :: Blurst
Andrew shared this link: http://dwdb1.tk [from http://twitter.com/Andrewstopheles/statuses/5282050993]
Funny flash game where you play a minotaur who owns a China shop
Play an adorable and earnest Minotaur wobbling around your delicate shop (you can earn money by selling goods, or by going nuts and smashing everything for a Rage Insurance payout).
Serve fine china to discerning mythological customers. Breaking items will cost you money. However, break LOTS of items and you'll enter Minotaur Rage, a crippling psychological condition. Your insurance will reimburse you for any items broken while enraged.EastSouthWestNorth: Daily Brief Comments, June 21-30, 2009
Building on the Lianhuanan Road in the Minxing district of Shanghai city toppled over
building falls_from silver girl @ delicious
1. First, the apartment building was constructed 2. Then the plan called for an underground garage to be dug out. 3. The excavated soil was piled up on the other side of the building. 4. Heavy rains resulted in water seeping into the ground 5. The building began to shift and the concrete pilings were snapped 6. due to the uneven lateral pressures. 7. The building began to tilt. 8. And thus came the eighth wonder of the world.
The building FELL OVER. Let me say that again. The *whole building* *fell over*.
"At around 5:30am on June 27, an unoccupied building still under construction at Lianhuanan Road in the Minhang district of Shanghai city toppled over."The professionals who become presidents | There was a lawyer, an engineer and a politician... | The Economist
8% wereldwijd is econoom; de meerderheid jurist
The presence of so many engineer-politicians in China goes hand in hand with a certain way of thinking.
ter, Wen Jiabao, specialised in g
Economist article on the prevalence of lawyers in U.S. and U.K. politics.Rent a White Guy - Magazine - The Atlantic
Not long ago I was offered work as a quality-control expert with an American company in China I’d never heard of. No experience necessary—which was good, because I had none.
Confessions of a fake businessman from Beijing
"And so I became a fake businessman in China, an often lucrative gig for underworked expatriates here. One friend, an American who works in film, was paid to represent a Canadian company and give a speech espousing a low-carbon future. Another was flown to Shanghai to act as a seasonal-gifts buyer. Recruiting fake businessmen is one way to create the image—particularly, the image of connection—that Chinese companies crave. My Chinese-language tutor, at first aghast about how much we were getting paid, put it this way: “Having foreigners in nice suits gives the company face.”" this is beautiful
And so I became a fake businessman in China, an often lucrative gig for underworked expatriates here. One friend, an American who works in film, was paid to represent a Canadian company and give a speech espousing a low-carbon future. Another was flown to Shanghai to act as a seasonal-gifts buyer. Recruiting fake businessmen is one way to create the image—particularly, the image of connection—that Chinese companies crave. My Chinese-language tutor, at first aghast about how much we were getting paid, put it this way: “Having foreigners in nice suits gives the company face.”YouTube - A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms
This transformer apartment makes me drool: http://bit.ly/d7Vvvm (tx @souris) – danah boyd (zephoria) http://twitter.com/zephoria/statuses/16414475411How to Make an American Job Before It's Too Late: Andy Grove - Bloomberg
The scaling process is no longer happening in the U.S. And as long as that’s the case, plowing capital into young companies that build their factories elsewhere will continue to yield a bad return in terms of American jobs.
Andy Grove writes interesting/controversial piece arguing for protectionism and other techniques to generate American jobs.
Fantastic piece from the former CEO of Intel on the problems with focusing on profit-margins over jobs. The possible decline of Silicon Valley looks rather similar to the collapse of manufacturing that the UK went through in the late-70s and 80s. The challenge for us is to work out how to recover from that problem.
How it works nowadays: successful companies rarely make what they create.
Startups are a wonderful thing, but they cannot by themselves increase tech employment. Equally important is what comes after that mythical moment of creation in the garage, as technology goes from prototype to mass production. This is the phase where companies scale up. They work out design details, figure out how to make things affordably, build factories, and hire people by the thousands. Scaling is hard work but necessary to make innovation matter. The scaling process is no longer happening in the U.S. And as long as that’s the case, plowing capital into young companies that build their factories elsewhere will continue to yield a bad return in terms of American jobs.
Today, manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is about 166,000 -- lower than it was before the first personal computer, the MITS Altair 2800, was assembled in 1975. Meanwhile, a very effective computer-manufacturing industry has emerged in Asia, employing about 1.5 million workers -- factory employees, engineers and managers. The largest of these companies is Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., also known as Foxconn. The company has grown at an astounding rate, first in Taiwan and later in China. Its revenue last year was $62 billion, larger than Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp., Dell Inc. or Intel. Foxconn employs more than 800,000 people, more than the combined worldwide head count of Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard Co., Intel and Sony Corp.
Die langweiligen Industrie-Jobs sind doch gar nicht so doof.Dark Roasted Blend: Battleship Island & Other Ruined Urban High-Density Sites
ocalyptic drama of Hashima, we can very easily imagine what the lives of the residents of the famous Walled City of Kowloon were like – in fact we can ask them, as their city was torn down in 1993. The reason why the Walled City gets so frequently mentioned as a ruin is, while it was there, it was as if the people who lived in it were living their lives in the guts of some great, monstrous, maze.
Famous Walled City of Kowloon: Living Inside the MazeDark Roasted Blend: Battleship Island & Other Ruined Urban High-Density Sites