Pages tagged city:

nycgo / this is new york city™
35 Examples Of Beautiful City Photography | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
The Demon-Haunted World

Matt Jones talk at Webstock. Superb!
Fabulous slideshare presentation by Matt Jones about city magic drawing connections between urbanisation and digitalisation.
so cool
It's about technology and the city. Or if you'd like, the city as technology. The car changed the development of the city irreversibly in the 20th century. I'd claim that mobiles will do the same in the 21st.
hackers are building sensors, bots and software into everything around them bottom-up, fast, cheap and out-of-control. They're creating environments that react, adapt and respond to us - and perhaps more importantly - each other: The Demon-Haunted World. Matt's session will be a whistlestop tour of those days of future past and pointers to some practical futures we can start building right now, together.
Matt Jones on "city magic"
"Archigram thought of behaviour as the raw material they were building with". They also used the term "social software" in 1972... motherfuck the fringe is hard to mine for valuables! :0
Derinkuyu, the mysterious underground city of Turkey | Corner Mystery
Pictures from an underground city built circa 1400 BCE. The map is amazing.
In 1963, an inhabitant of Derinkuyu (in the region of Capadocia, central Anatolia, Turkey), demolishing a wall of his house-cave, discovered astonished that behind the same was a mysterious room that never had seen; this room took to another one, and this one to another one and another one… By chance the underground city of Derinkuyu was shortage, whose first level could be excavated by hititas around year 1400 a.C.
Derinyuku es una de las ciudades subterráneas antiguas más fascinantes que se han encontrado hasta ahora, una autentica ciudad bajo tierra.
Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » Procedural City, Part 1: Introduction
Great series of blog posts about creating a 3d city scape.
Change of pace. In the last week I’ve had an idea clawing at the back of my head, and it’s clear the thing isn’t going to leave me alone until I do something with it. I don’t usually blog about my little programming projects (with the exception of the Terrain Project) because I like to imagine this site has some sort of focus, but the choice here is for me to blog about this or leave the site fallow for a week. So I’m blogging it. Perhaps you’ll find it entertaining anyway.
The creation of a procedurally generated cityscape
Google City Tours
YouTube - Pixel City - Procedurally generated city
This is a demonstration of a program I wrote to generate and fly through a dynamically generated city. You can read the step-by-step of how it was made at my...
街 ジェネレート ビル
RT @AliyCia Pixel City. Programando la belleza (urbana). Me ha encantado el video. [from]
Pretty slick
Google City Tours
From Google Labs, take tours of cities.
Building Rome in a Day
Wonderful stuff - constructing 3D models of Rome based on Flickr photos alone, with no geodata
Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city
Cool project at the Univeresity of Washington: "Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city and the pose of the cameras that captured these images."
The technical geekery required to make this happen is just too damn cool.
Monopoly City Streets
Monopoly City Streets
David Byrne’s Perfect City -
Osaka's robot-run parking lots mixed with the Minneapolis lakefront; a musician's fantasy metropolis
«Osaka's robot-run parking lots mixed with the Minneapolis lakefront; a musician's fantasy metropolis»
CitySourced - A real time mobile civic engagement tool.
CitySourced is a real time mobile civic engagement tool. CitySourced provides a free, simple, and intuitive tool empowering citizens to identify civil issues (potholes, graffiti, trash, snow removal, etc.) and report them to city hall for quick resolution; an opportunity for government to use technology to save money and improve accountability to those they govern; and a positive, collaborative platform for real action. Our platform is called CitySourced, as it empowers everyday citizens to use their smart phones to make their cities a better place. CitySourced is powered by FreedomSpeaks, the leader in interactive civic engagement
a real time mobile civic engagement tool
Alex Payne — So You're Moving to San Francisco
Writing about a place is difficult. You can spend months, years, even a lifetime in a city and still not really know it. More challenging still, everyone experiences a place differently. Two people who’ve grown up in the same place might fundamentally disagree on what the most scenic landmarks are, if the locals are friendly, the best places to eat, and so on.
I’m going to skip right to the heart of what I want to say about this city: if you’ve never lived in a major city before, you’ll probably like San Francisco. However, if you’re coming from another notable city, you may be disappointed. Hopefully, that’s pretty uncontroversial.
sive, and cold. As above, it’s easy to meet people through work or a common
Alex describes why he will leave SF when he can. Me, I'm leaving for these and more complex reasons. He's so in the tech bubble and the world of food and art, he never mentions California's political mess, or the desertification going on. He's the sort of person he is warning us about: "oung white men with high technical proficiency and lots of disposable income."
A LA CARTE MAPS - Discover the world à la carte
A la Carte Maps provide a unique approach to traveling by combining guidebook, tourist map and a piece of art in one. No matter whether you travel for business or for leisure, with our "My City à la Carte" Maps you have a local friend in exciting cities all over the world. Not only will this friend provide you with the most important information about your city, he or she will also reveal the city's best-kept insider tips by writing them on a beautiful hand-drawn map.
hand-drawn maps for several global cities
Von Künstlern handgezeichnete Karten verschiedener Städte. Für jede Stadt einen eigenen Künstler.
subway architecture
Showcase of City Tourism Website Designs - Noupe
Only putting this up here to test how the sharing thing works.
Städte-Websites, Stadt
Site de turismo de várias cidades do mundo
Dark Roasted Blend: Battleship Island & Other Ruined Urban High-Density Sites
ocalyptic drama of Hashima, we can very easily imagine what the lives of the residents of the famous Walled City of Kowloon were like – in fact we can ask them, as their city was torn down in 1993. The reason why the Walled City gets so frequently mentioned as a ruin is, while it was there, it was as if the people who lived in it were living their lives in the guts of some great, monstrous, maze.
Famous Walled City of Kowloon: Living Inside the Maze
Dark Roasted Blend: Battleship Island & Other Ruined Urban High-Density Sites