How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air - TED 2009 « GreenSpaces Blog
With only three varieties of plants, we can “grow our own fresh air” indoors, to keep us healthy. Areca Palm, Mother-in-law tongue, Money plant. Bueno!!!!
Ever heard about these plants: (a) Areca Palm, (b) Mother-in-Law's Tongue, or (c) Money Plant? The authors state that, "We have tried and tested these plants for 15 years at Paharpur Business Centre and Software Technology Incubator Park (PBC- STIP) in New Delhi, India. It is a 20 year old, 50,000 ft2 building, with over 1,200 plants for 300 building occupants. PBC- STIP is rated the healthiest building in Delhi by the Government of India.* Their study found that there is a 42% probability of increasing blood oxygen by 1% if one is inside the building for 10 hours."40 Stylish, Minimal and Clean Free Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine
My main computer is an hp zv5000 - it uses two heat pipes with heat sinks and two fans to cool the processor. Through use, those heat sinks (copper?) and pipes collect quite a bit of dust reducing the machine's cooling capacity.A Showcase of Super Clean Web Designs | Web Design Ledger
The completely naked theme for WordPressApartment Therapy Re-Nest | How To: Wash a Pillow Hot Post From One Year Ago
Fantastic E-Commerce Designs! Clean and Inspirational!10 Super-Simple Web Designs | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
A Fresh Coat of Paint
cool big header images that change with each articleHow to Make New Towels More Absorbent - wikiHow
clean installing Windows 7 with Upgrade media
Clean install of widows 7 from upgrade mediaSuper-Clean and Minimal Web Designs: 70+ Stunning Examples and Resources | Inspiration | instantShift
Super-Clean and Minimal Web Designs: 70+ Stunning Examples and Resources | Inspiration | instantShift - Design Blog » 50 Clean, Sleek, and Modern Website Designs
It has been a while since I did one of these sort of posts and I think its long over due. Being that I am in a real simple design state of mind lately, I thought I would do a showcase of websites that feature very organized and clean designs. While many designs that fall into this category tend to be “minimal” themes, that’s not always the case. Some of the examples below are proof of that.How to Fake a Clean House
Clean and minimal designs are my favorite type of design style - they have a very classy, professional, and timeless look to them that really appeals! With more and more designers adopting this type of style there are now lots of great clean and mini
Top 25 Clean and Minimal Web Designs - Stylish, Minimal and Clean Free Wordpress Themes
What has happened to blogging, minimal design seems to be a forgotten style within blogging, everywhere you look the themes are graphically and content heavy and the basic premise of blogging is missing, a simple online diary. Lets make blogging look like its supposed to look! Minimalism as a term is used to describe a design style that has been reduced to its bare elements, were only the content and navigation are evident and with limited graphics. Below, we present 40 Minimal Wordpress Themes - Lets make blogging look like its suppose to!A Showcase of Clean White Web Designs | Web Design Ledger
Finding the right typeface or font for a design can be a tricky process. So it's good to have a nice selection of fonts at your disposal. With this article,
20 Super Clean Free Fonts for Minimal Style Design | Web Design Ledger50 Beautiful Clean and Simple Web Designs
When it comes to web design, my experience demonstrates to me that it’s easier to add to a design rather than to take away from it. The challenge with minimalist layouts lies in the conundrum of making something beautiful with basic design elements —and with as few of them as possible.
50 Beautiful Clean and Simple Web - Keep it Clean!
The goal here is to take text formatted like this:And render it like this instead:That way, when it's rendered with a nice variable-width font, it ought to look more or less like this: In the above, take particular note of a few points: * "Doublequotes" were correctly translated to “smart” quotes in the order in which they appeared in the source text; * The second opening doublequote in the first paragraph did not cause the opening doublequote in the second paragraph to mis-render out of order; * The "--" em dash on the second was correctly turned into an em dash (—); * Straight apostrophes are not (yet) turned into nice ’s; Beware! Pasting large blocks of text into a textarea in Firefox is liable to take several seconds to complete; Internet Explorer 8 seems to be about the same speed as FF 3.5; and Google Chrome is quite a bit slower. Execution time is mostly dominated by the running time of string.replace() and the overhead of the function call executed for each m
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これ凄い。フォローバックしていない人/フォローしてるけど全然つぶやいていない人/元気につぶやいている人などを自動解析。まとめてアンフォローできたりする。40 Excellent Minimalist Web-Designs From Which To Draw Inspiration | Spyre Studios
Minimalism is beautiful. It truly is. The best part about minimalism in web design is that it comes in many styles, colors and sizes, but they always have the same goal in mind - saying the most while saying the least.
Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.60 Beautiful Clean and Light Web Designs for Inspiration
We bring you this collection of light and clean websites, separated into different categories.HOW TO: Clean Up Your Facebook Profile
Comment faire un peu de ménage sur votre profil #Facebook - to Analyze, Clean Out, and Free Space on Your Hard Drive - Disk Space - Lifehacker Minimal and Super Clean Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
60 Minimal and Super Clean Web Designs to Inspire You20 Elegant Fonts for Clean Design | Freebies
webdesignledger | Freebies48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration
48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration
48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration - Up the New Ubuntu Grub2 Boot Menu - How-To Geek
Grub2. Configuración del gestor de arranque Grub2.30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog –
30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog – -
30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog – Professional Clean Fonts For Your Designs
90 Sites Clean
RT @carolHoffmann: Esse é para guardar nos favoritos :-) Clean and Minimal Web Designs for Design Inspiration Beautiful Examples of Minimal Design for Inspiration | Graphic and Web Design Blog
40 Beautiful Examples of Minimal Design for Inspiration -
This concept of creating a web page tends to emphasize the idea that “less is sometimes more”. Nowadays all the websites are using big headers, enormous footers all full of colors and amazing pictures; much more an important page should have at least a Flash application.
White space helps content breathe.20 Big and Bold Free Fonts for Beautiful Typography | CreativeFan
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