Pages tagged cleaning:

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes :

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes
How to Declutter an Entire Room in One Go | Zen Habits
Sure. Like that's even possible.
My family is moving to another house this coming weekend, and to prepare for the move, we’re going through the entire house and getting rid of stuff we don’t need.
Retr0Bright » home
Anyone who has dug their old computer or console out of the cupboard or loft for some retro gaming will probably have noticed that it maybe hasn’t worn too well with the test of time. The plastics these machines were made of is called ABS and to make it flame retardant (just in case it catches fire after a marathon session) the plastics manufacturers added chemicals that caused the plastic turn yellow or, even worse, brown over a long period of time. It was originally thought that the yellowing was permanent and that the only solution to this was to paint the plastic in its original colour and cover the problem up. However...
Amazing process for un-yellowing plastics
Homebrew recipe for restoring the colour to old beige computer/electronics equipment
8 Smart Strategies to Make Your Home Dust-Proof | Housecleaning | Reader's Digest
The solution to most household problems is to attack the source. But you can't eliminate the sources of household dust. You can't even do much to reduce them, because more than 90 percent of household dust comes from people and fabric. Our bodies constantly shed tiny flakes of skin. Our clothes, bedding and furnishings constantly shed barely visible fibers. These flakes and fibers float on the slightest air currents and settle on every surface in your house. In a spot sheltered from air movement, the particles stay put. In other areas, they constantly rise and settle as doors swing open and people pass by. Even if fighting dust is a battle you can never completely win, you can save a lot of time and energy with these dust-busting strategies. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. 1. Keep closet floors clear for easy cleaning. Closets are dust reservoirs, full of tiny fibers from clothes, towels and bedding. Every time yo
hat aren't machine washable don't need weekly trips to the dry cleaners -- just take blankets and bedspreads outside and shake them. You can
The Many Uses of Vodka
Oh, I am so making a vodka face toner.
#16. Pour vodka over an area affected with poison ivy to remove the urushiol oil from your skin.
Some good tips in here
Interesting uses Edition
Nest Unclutterer
Fantastic tool for killing Twitter follow spammers (and you don't need to give them your twitter name or password as long as you're logged in to the website).
Apartment Therapy Re-Nest | Spring Cleaning Tip #10: Make A Cleaning Schedule
It's almost the end of May, and the end of Cleaning Month. So, until next year when we clean again...! No, no, just kidding. We hope you clean your house at least once before May 2010 (preferably even a few more times than that). Now that you've invested time and energy into deep cleaning your house, set a schedule for keeping it clean. Regular maintenance will cut down on the "ugh" factor. After all, one-hour cleaning increments are much easier to deal with than five-hour cleaning marathons.
This is taken straight from Maxwell's Eight-Step Home Cure: Daily Schedule:
Daily, weekly, monthly schedules for clean home
Well designed household chores todo lists.
Cleaning Your Laptop Cooling System
My main computer is an hp zv5000 - it uses two heat pipes with heat sinks and two fans to cool the processor. Through use, those heat sinks (copper?) and pipes collect quite a bit of dust reducing the machine's cooling capacity.
A Simple Guide to Keeping Your Counters Clutter-free | Zen Habits
RT @zen_habits New on Zen Habits: A Simple Guide to Keeping Your Counters Clutter-free [from]
Natural Homemade ‘drain-o’, or How To Unclog Without Harmful Chemicals | Bonzai Aphrodite
And this recipe is easy enough, but I swear it works like a charm. You don’t need complex, carcinogenic compounds lurking around your cabinets! Baking soda, baby, and a liberal splash of vinegar.
Next time I'll have to try covering the hole...that probably makes it work better than when I've done it in the past. Great little site. Drupal or Wordpress (Drupal). (One of these days I'll figure out how to tell the dif.)
Como usar a soda caustica para limpar
Spring Cleaning Tips-– Smart Spring Cleaning Tricks
Apartment Therapy Re-Nest | How To: Wash a Pillow Hot Post From One Year Ago
Use Vinegar and Baking Soda to Recharge Your Towels - Household - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Towels would seem to be such a utilitarian object that they could never need any sort of optimization. As your towels age however,
softening towels
How to Make New Towels More Absorbent - wikiHow
Top 10 Time-Saving, MacGyver-Style Cleaning Tricks - Cleaning - Lifehacker
Very few people truly enjoy spending time cleaning, and fewer still love buying expensive cleaners for every little task. Here's a handful of clever, time-saving DIY substitutes for common household cleaning jobs.
New Soap, Old Bottle sells brand new liquid soap packaged in old plastic soda bottles, plastic water bottles, and glass beer bottles — all of this aimed at keeping our environment healthy.
Company sells cleaning products and things packaged in sanitized reused soda bottles.
How to Fake a Clean House
How To Clean Your Filthy Gadgets - How to clean your gadgets - Gizmodo
Homemade Laundry Stain Pretreater Recipes :
A few simple recipes using household items.
The Simple Dollar » 12 Clever Substitutions That Save Money (Nearly) Effortlessly
One of my favorite ways to trim money from my spending is to find simple little substitutes for my regular expenses. If I can trim a few bucks from the cost of household supplies, routine purchases, and other things like that, over the long run, that can add up to a lot of money with virtually no change in my life. Here are twelve of my favorites (not including my “infamous” homemade laundry detergent).
spring cleaning for your sewing machine « Craft Nectar
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Make Your Clothes Last Longer (without spending big) | Wise Bread
Make Your Clothes Last Longer
| Wise Bread
Lifehacker - Clean Your Laptop to Keep It Running Smooth and Cool - Laptops
Recommended by Lifehacker
Stain Removal Solutions - University of Illinois Extension
"We've already done the dirty work to find all of the right stain solutions, and we've left the rest up to you. "
8 Liberating Strategies for Clearing the Queues in Your Life | Zen Habits
Gizmodo - Long-Exposure Shot of a Roomba's Path Shows Beautifully Organized Chaos - Roomba
Cool long exposure pic of a roomba at work: [from]
RT @bfeld: Retweeting @bwyman: Awesome long-exposure shot of a Roomba in action. [from]
「当て布」にもウールを使 うといわゆるテカリを防げます。
Multipurpose Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds offer more then just a fantastic drink, use the grounds around your home, garden and even as a beauty product.
25 ways to clean with vinegar on Shine
The cleaning aisle at just about any grocery store is stocked with a dizzying array of options—and when it comes down to it, there are a lot of expensive, toxic, superfluous products crowding the market. Chances are, you already have one of the…
If you're looking for a greener, petsafe cleaner, look no further than your own pantry! This article lists 25 ways to clean with vinegar
キーボードなどの汚れを根こそぎ吸い付けるジェルが人気 :教えて君.net
The Fix - Why isn’t my dishwasher cleaning my dishes? -
Dispelling myths about pre-washing dishes in a dishwasher, among other things.
“Pre-rinsing dishes is a big mistake,” said John Dries, a mechanical engineer and the owner of Dries Engineering, an appliance design consulting company in Louisville, Ky. “People assume that the dishwasher will perform better if you put in cleaner dishes, and that’s not true. Just scrape. Pre-rinsing with hot water is double bad, because you’re pumping water and electricity down the drain.” It’s actually triple bad, according to Mike Edwards, a senior dishwasher design engineer at BSH Home Appliances in New Bern, N.C. “Dishwasher detergent aggressively goes after food,” Mr. Edwards said, “and if you don’t have food soil in the unit, it attacks the glasses, and they get cloudy,” a process known as etching that can cause permanent damage. It’s also important not to use too much detergent, he said.
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40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
You may already keep a box in the fridge to neutralize odors, but baking soda can help out around the house in a multitude of ways.
Buenas recomendaciones para usar el bicarbonato de sodio
The End-All Guide to Getting Out From Under Your Office Crap
So you've got a messy office you'd like to tame. We've all been there, and many of us still are there. You may think that the people behind your favorite productivity and organization blogs are immune to such things like clutter and disorganization, but more often than not we're brimming with organization tips, tricks, and solutions because of our own struggles with disorganization. Check out
Get rid of office clutter.