Lifehacker - Clean Up and Revive Your Bloated, Sluggish Mac - Mac OS X
A good list of Mac performance tips
I think you should do this.Leave No Trace: How to Completely Erase Your Hard Drives, SSDs and Thumb Drives - Data wiping - Gizmodo
Data Permanent Eraser
"With stories abounding of identity theft aided by information lifted from discarded storage devices, you want devices you no longer plan to use to have no usable information when they head out the door. Here's how to wipe them clean."
Leave No Trace: How to Completely Erase Your Hard Drives, SSDs and Thumb Drives - Data wipingHOW TO: Clean Up Your Facebook Profile
Comment faire un peu de ménage sur votre profil #Facebook - TO: Spring Clean Your Twitter Account
Spring clean your twitter account6 great free cleanup utilities for Windows
Photo collection tools