Pages tagged client:

vmware-view-open-client - Google Code

The idea's a clever one. Take your Windows desktops, virtualize them in your data center with VMware, and then access them with Linux thin client machines. VMware View Open Client lets you connect from a Linux desktop to remote Windows desktops managed by VMware View. It is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL v 2.1). En klient med öppen källkod lanseras till VMware View. Det ska ge företagets parners möjlighet ta fram individuellt anpassade lösningar. VMware View låter ett företags anställda arbeta med sitt personliga skrivbord, oavsett vilken klient i nätverket de använder. Bolagets IT-avdelning administrerar och lagrar användarnas personliga inställningar direkt i datacentret. Genom att dela med sig av källkoden i klientmjukvaran hoppas WMware ge sina parners möjlighet att vidareutveckla och anpassa åtkomsten till View. View Open Client släpps under GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. Bland specifikationerna hittar vi bland annat f
Most Popular Twitter Clients Revealed
Twitter Clients
Twitter Clients
Twitter Clients, Feb 16, 2009 Shows Twitter client usage for all accounts tracked by @twitstat.
xmpp client
Strophe is a library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages. The implementations are production ready, well documented, easy to use, and easy to extend.
A library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages.
"Strophe is a library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages. The implementations are production ready, well documented, easy to use, and easy to extend."
5 Great Alternatives to the Twitter Interface | LostInTechnology
tweetdeck twhirl alternative
Some tools to enhance your Twittering.
It's been probably a year since I typed I do use Twitter daily, just not the Twitter site. Sometimes, I use desktop-based applications
10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience | Noupe
Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user's needs, while others are not.
Employees need to access their email from wherever they happen to be – on the road, at customer sites, remote offices, and at home. WebMail clients allows receiving and sending email messages using POP3 and SMTP protocols through both local and remote mail servers. Providing secure filtering of unsafe content while viewing HTML-formatted email messages. WebMail clients can operate under different popular web platforms (PHP, ASP.NET, ruby on rails, java). Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user’s needs, while others are not. So You must check their license to know the rules.
10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience
Seesmic Desktop is a desktop app, operated by Adobe Air. Seesmic Desktop allows you to view multiple accounts in one window.
Twitter App
42 Questions Every Freelancer Should Ask Their Clients | Freelance Folder
Questions to stablish some work references for projects.
5 Things Your Clients Should Know | Webdesigner Depot
Must read: RT @boagworld: the Web Designer Depot has released my article '5 Things Your Clients Should Know' ( [from]
This is not a criticism of clients, however. There is so little information that clearly defines their role. Sure, there is no shortage of material on usability, accessibility, online marketing and copywriting, but who has the time to read all of it? The problem is that the client does need to have a very broad understanding (certainly more than can be communicated in a single article), however I have found that understanding certain key issues can make an enormous difference to the efficiency of a client. What follows is a list of the 5 things that I believe will have the biggest impact on a client’s site. At least they should, if the client understands them and chooses to implement them.
MOONGIFT: » 開発者必見!WindowsでGitを便利に「Git Extensions」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
TwitZap (101) What's Happening
TwitZap lets you slice Twitter into channels of stuff that matters to you. Once your channels are set they will update in real-time, all in a familiar interface.
Twitter search tool that lets you create channels to monitor activity in realtime.
Elliott Kember dot Com
So, you work at a big corporate, huh? And you're not allowed to use Twitter... Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a Twitter tool that looked just like Excel?
Nice work Elliott..... very funny indeed :)
How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Fragen des Webdesigners an den Kunden
How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire It might not be possible to have a meaningful relationship with price shoppers, but it’s worth taking the time to learn what your potential clients want in a website. This article will help you create a prospect qualification questionnaire that can be used via telephone or Internet or in face-to-face meetings.
Paul Dix Explains Nothing: Breath fire over HTTP in Ruby with Typhoeus
Might be a good alternative to Net/HTTP for Context Hero. How hard would it be to incorporate caching?
Mac Lounge Beta
the best desktop twitter client i've used
YouTube - The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations
m.don This has never happened to me, all clients are accommodating and understand the flexible and changing needs of all the factors, including market, technology and business priority.
"so you're gonna show us how we can make it on our own at home, k?"
Hilarious YouTube video
Beak — An innovative Mac Twitter client
Great online web 2.0 twitter tool
twitter 第三方web端
TwitZap is the ultimate Twitter client. Real-time Twitter monitoring. Tweet while Twitter is down.
Mixero -
iPhone Version Soon
The new generation Twitter client for people who value their time and are tired of information noise.
もっと評価されてしかるべき Twitter クライアント: TweetDeck |
ではなぜ TweetDeck が便利かというと、次の3つの機能が組み込まれていて、たとえ大勢の人を follow していたとしてもかかる手間が少なくてすむという理由があります。
sobees integrates a large number of Internet services. sobees automatically pulls information from friends on different social networks together with news, photos, videos, and other data from the Web.
gerenciador de twitter
Friendfeed is still down. And I'm trying this new Twitter client, bDule [from]
Nice looking Twitter/Facebook client. Windows only.
Canary. The sexiest bird to twitter with.
Open-source Twitter client.
Posting from the #Seesmic new web service . After desktop (which I love) here comes seesmic web. Clever @loic. [from]
Sécurisé par oAuth
Tweeting from the Web? Nine Alternative Web Clients
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 2 | Webdesigner Depot
When you’re working with clients remotely it can sometimes be difficult to keep everyone happy and your project on track. Without the benefit of face-to-face meetings, it’s easy for a client to feel neglected or out of the loop. The key to successful remote work relationships is frequent and honest communication and trust between both parties. The tips below will help improve your everyday interactions with clients, no matter how far away they may be.
18 Questions to Ask a Client Before Designing a Logo | Blake McCreary Design
18 questions to help on research for logo designing.
[N] ツイッターのウェブクライアント「HootSuite」が高機能すぎてヤバい!!
The Right Way To Kick Off A Web Design Strategy Client Call | The Blog of Joren Rapini
The Top 21 Twitter Clients (According To TwitStat)
How To Identify and Deal With Different Types Of Clients « Smashing Magazine
Great for client develpoment
Tipos de Clientes
7 Things Web Designers Hate Hearing from Clients
In this article, we'll discuss seven things that often make the job of web designers difficult when dealing with unreasonable demands from clients.
Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5+ and iPhone OS 3.0+.
Présentation en français ici :
Getting Clients: Approaching The Company - Smashing Magazine
A defining factor in any freelancer or agency’s success in gaining new business is their ability to market their skills effectively. In this three-part series, we will explore ways in which designers can strategically promote themselves to get new clients. Securing new business by approaching companies can be a very challenging process, full of pitfalls. Here, we will look at 10 steps to impressing potential clients and avoiding the most common mistakes.
Most established organizations put a vision statement on their website. This will give you key insight into a company’s values, history, growth and future direction. This information is invaluable because it will help you better understand how the business operates and, thus, how you can tailor your approach to it. For example, if the company has a progressive stance on sustainability and the environment, you could approach them with ideas for paperless advertising and communication.
Clients From Hell
opensource клиент для Facebook с богатым функционалом.
Fishbowl -
Desktop app that runs facebook in a cleaner sleeker setup
Fishbowl brings Facebook to your desktop. Experience your Facebook content in new ways with a trial desktop client application that lets you personalize how you read your newsfeed, update status, comment, like, browse and upload photos.
Windows only: Fishbowl, the Facebook client demoed at Microsoft's introduction to Silverlight 4, is now available for download—and it adds quite a few new desktop features to the Facebook experience, including badges, a mini news feed, and more.
How To Create The Perfect Client Questionnaire - Noupe
How To Create The Perfect Client Questionnaire
How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell - The Oatmeal
Be prepared to fire your client
source:stumbleupon kwd:funny
How To Explain To Clients That They Are Wrong - Smashing Magazine
Good Riddance to Deadbeat Clients [Work Smarter]
Contractual Terms For Your Contract
Tips for clauses in the contract to make getting paid easier
Article by Chris Gatewood - Richmond Attorney
Git Client - SmartGit
SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Though it is unfortunately a (free as in free beer) proprietary software, SmartGit is the best GUI client I found for GIT (so far)
Pixelmatrix Design – How to work with a professional designer
In the 3 years Ive been in business Ive seen many different job requests come in. However, of all my job requests, only about 10% actually ever go through. There are all sorts of reasons, but many times its due to some common issues. This leads me to believe that many people out there dont know the preferred practices when it comes to working with, and hiring designers.
A good list of do's and don'ts that all potential clients should read (hah!)
Useful Web Design Proposal Resources, Tools and Apps - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Lounge — Goose Apps
Cliente de twitter para iphone.
@myen #Bookmarks Lounge — Goose Apps - Twitter client [from]
Twitter client
» 22 Questions to Ask Before Developing a Website :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
CSS Killswitch
CSS (short for "Cascading Style Sheets") is the markup that makes the internet look the way it does. CSS Killswitch works by creating a unique, inconspicuous, and innocuous stylesheet that you'll link the potentially problematic client's site to. Should negotiations go south and passwords get changed before you receive payment, that stylesheet can be activated to superficially black out the site, returning to you the upper hand. * When relations return and you've received payment, the killswitch is easily deactivated and its traces removed. Not convinced? Try a two second demo of what it could do to this page. Oh, did I mention this is free? Because it's free.
CSS Killswitch lets you non- destructively black out a difficult client's website with the click of a button.
14 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before and After a Project | Design Reviver
14 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before and After a Project | Design Reviver -
client questionnaire
72 Questions to Ask New Web Design Clients with PDF Chart | BonFX - Logo Designer & Freelance Graphic Designer
How many times have you hung up the phone after a chat with a new prospective client and then immediately slapped your forehead and said “I can’t believe I forgot to ask ______!”. Yes, fill in the blank. You have done this, right? If not, you will shortly. Well, I jotted down my own personal list of forgetful-questions, and did a quick survey of the top 20 results for “questions to ask new web clients” and related searches. Aside from semantic fluctuations, there was zero overlap: we all ask the same stuff. So I present below the best 72 questions to ask prospective web design clients, along with a PDF chart.
How many times have you hung up the phone after a chat with a new prospective client and then immediately slapped your forehead and said “I can’t believe I forgot to ask ______!”. Yes, fill in the blank. You have done this, right? If not, you will shortly. Well, I jotted down my own personal list of forgetful-questions, and did a quick survey of the top 20 results for “questions to ask new web clients” and related searches. Aside from semantic fluctuations, there was zero overlap: we all ask the same stuff. So I present below the best 72 questions to ask prospective web design clients, along with a PDF chart. Get your graphic design brain moving When I brainstormed the list, it was initially very group-oriented and linear, as the brainstorm process naturally is. However, I chose to mix the list results up deliberately for several reasons: * When a list is in random order, you actually have to read it * Random lists will stimulate the brainstorming process in you * Ordered
iJab - XMPP Hosting and XMPP web client services
UpShot: interactive communication tool for creative people
not checked it out yet
Clients - A Designer’s Surival Guide | Designious Times
“Yeah, how about if you change that color to green and make the logo bigger, oh and I don’t like the photo of the girl nor the background could you use something else? And could you have it ready by tomorrow?”
How To Successfully Educate Your Clients On Web Development - Smashing Magazine
A down to earth view on the reality of putting your cool web agency feelings to one side and thinking about how to communicate with clients in a language they understand.
thirteen23 :: *chirp :: wpf touch screen design and development
@VivienBarousse Chirp ! [from]
A twitter app for Windows
10 Twitter Clients For Linux |
This post is not about persuading you to use twitter (maybe a little bit), but if you already do use twitter and only use it via web you should be glad to know that there are a number of desktop clients available for us Linux users which makes using twitter a lot easier.
How To Spot A Sketchy Client (Plus A Contract Template) - Smashing Magazine
The question arose on a blog about how to screen a client. Perhaps talking about it in terms of how to spot a sketchy client would be a bit much, but like any freelancer, I need to dump my anxieties on those who sign my paychecks. From corporate clients to the single-owner businesses, clients are our lifeblood… and they can be a cruel, cruel mistress. No wonder we drink.
Getting Started with HTML5 Local Databases « Dark Crimson Blog
HTML 5 local databases. Gives step by step instructions for setting one up!
Starting with Safari 4, iPhone/iPad OS3, Chrome 5, and Opera 10.5 (Desktop), HTML5 Local Databases are now supported. I’ve been reading about local databases for quite some time and decided to do a write up with some basic examples on how to get started.
14 Starting with Safari 4, iPhone/iPad OS3, Chrome 5, and Opera 10.5 (Desktop), HTML5 Local Databases are now supported. I’ve been reading about local databases for quite some time and decided to do a write up with some basic examples on how to get started.
cloudhead's http-console at master - GitHub
"Speak HTTP like a local"—a simple, intuitive HTTP REPL
interact with a website via a console http verbs
""Speak HTTP like a local"—a simple, intuitive HTTP REPL". Hint: you don't need to install npm to use this, just git clone the repo and run bin/http-console directly
http-console is a simple and intuitive interface for speaking the HTTP protocol.
"HTTP-console est un outil en ligne de commande qui vous permet de faire des requêtes HTTP et d'examiner la réponse. C'est donc une sorte de Curl, mais son mode interactif en fait un outil très pratique si vous avez à débugger une API Rest. Pour ceux qui préfèrent les interfaces web à la ligne de commande, vous pouvez regarder ("
Why Design-By-Committee Should Die - Smashing Magazine
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Setting sail on the content management sea? Well here’s a navigational chart that’ll help avoid the ragged rocks and hidden shoals. Don’t leave shore without it!
Knowing in advance what the CMS is going to be used for is critical to selecting the correct one. And the use of content on the web is extraordinarily varied. Consequently so are the content management systems that are out there. Let’s start with some simpler ones. There are two main types of website. Most larger websites are dynamic websites where, after receiving a request from a user, generate the HTML on the fly. For these you need to have your CMS embedded on the server side. But simpler websites, ones that have static HTML documents can have their content managed by much simpler CMS’. And some of the simplest CMS’ out there are entirely web based.
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview -
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
# Multilingual # Delegation, permissions # Roll-back, versioning # User generated content # Asset management # Templates for new pages # Meta-data management # WYSIWYG Preview # Workflow management # Design and layout # Extensibility # End use
Missing Drupal and Joomla but still a need to know overview - Content Management Systems /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat – Alice (Muttiishere)
RT @Muttiishere: Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview – Ramón (websenat)
Article outlining some different CMSs of differening levels. so of the key CMSs have been missed but they are highlighted in the comments.