Nerd Merit Badges
1.5", fully-embroidered, Velcro-backed. Attach to your jacket, your backpack, or the lid of your overclocked, battle-scarred laptop. Start a nerd sash!
So excited about this.How to Fold a T Shirt in Two Seconds - wikiHow
In today's increasingly casual fashion world, the trusty t-shirt is a staple of just about every wardrobe. While t-shirts are relatively hassle-free to care for, it's still quite a chore to fold a laundry load full of them--it's no wonder so many people just stuff them in a drawer or throw them on the floor. Fortunately it's easier than you may think to keep your t-shirts wrinkle-free. Follow these steps to fold a t-shirt in two seconds.Freehands | Welcome
jetzt völlig bescheuert oder was?
Another one of my business ideas that I wont get to do.
Freehands gloves feature fold-back index finger and thumb tips to let you use your iPhone, Blackberry, MP3 player or camera in the cold. They're even great for just getting in to your wallet on an icy winter day.Twitshirt
twitshirt this!
TwitshirtSew,Mama,Sew! Blog » » Spring Sewing ~ Spring Ruffle Top Tutorial
would make a cute apronVon Roxy | Designer Wear for the Graphic Design Community
Tailoring, tailoring-tailoring. Take the best suit money can buy, and leave off good tailoring and it'll hang on your body like a cheap suit. Buy a suit at Target and have it finely tailored ... ... and it'll look fantastic. It won't wear or dryclean great, but it'll fit you like a champ. I'm from the old school of suit wearing, allow me to impart my sage advice. ;) 1. Find a good local tailor, have 'em measure you. 2. Try on a few suit coats with said measurement, make sure they hang about right. Same with slacks. 3. Cuffs are good - contrary to belief they're never "out", and they have a functional advantage, they make slacks hang just right. They keep the pant legs from hanging getting caught in your shoes as well. 4. Dryclean the suit coat *and* the slacks at the same time. If you wear the suit on Saturday, get some gunk on the slacks, do NOT have just the slacks only cleaned. Even the best suit can fade a teeny tad with a cleaning, so keep the wear/fading even - clean both at th
buying suits
"Take Heed"The Uniform Project: Just a little green…
1 uniform, 365 different ways. Amazin'
一着のワンピースを365日着倒すプロジェクト。Tie-Knot.gif (GIF Image, 600x600 pixels)
Tie a tie know howto, windsor, shell, etc.How to Tie a Tie | The Art of Manliness
VIP, the exlusive site. Free Overnight Shipping on shoes, boots, bags, accessories, etc. Brands such as UGGs, Nike, New Balance, MBT, Hellys.Lifehacker - Dress Up Your Ties with the "Merovingian Knot" - Fashion Hacks
The realm of dress tie knots is dominated by a handful of traditional tie knots. Check out this rather unique tie knot and be the first on your block to sport it. If you're a very sharp-eyed fan of Matrix movie trilogy, you'll recognize the knot captured below as a rare specimen sported by "The Merovingian." The knot itself didn't originate with the movie, and isn't rightfully named "The Merovingian Knot," but the Ediety Knot. Still, it's nearly impossible to find any reference to it independent of the movie, so let's just keep the Wachowski-an etymology for now. As Henry notes during his demonstration in the video below, it'll get big raves from Matrix obsessives, but everyone else will at least admire your fancy "French knot."Grosgrain: 20 Minute Simple Skirt Tutorial AND GIVEAWAY!!!!
nice tutorial for a very simple skirt with elastic waistband (and no pattern!)--requires 1 yard of fabricLifehacker - Learn a New Knot and Expand Your Dress Tie Repertoire - Fashion Hacks
comments are the best part - these guys take their ties seriously
more cool tie knots (dress up)
Expand your dress tie repertoire here.Lifehacker - Learn to Fold a Dress Shirt Effectively - Packing
"At the very least, you get to wear some goofy shoes that encourage you to wiggle your toes."Exploded
tshirts with exploded diagrams of technological artifacts.
store with t-shirts of exploded boomboxes stereos retro electronicsCardigan Empire: How to Hem Jeans in 3 Easy Steps
Great Idea ! Notice the video for advertisingSvpply
Similar concept to ffffound but for shopping/finding products.
Svpply is a new retail bookmarking and recommendation service, basically fffffound but for retail items. It’s only been up for a month and in order to control the growth and quality of the site, Svpply members are typically added by invitation only.The Ultimate Round-Up Of T-Shirt Design Tutorials « Smashing Magazine
RT: @aravindajith: The Ultimate Round-Up Of T-Shirt Design Tutorials [from]Funny T Shirts | YouTube™ Inspired T Shirts | Shirts Taste Good
Hits do YouTube viram camisetas nos EUA - ^RADIOLA [from]Put This On
Intriguing men's fashion blog - dressing like a grown-upBurberry - Art of the Trench
Art of the Trench is a living celebration of the trench coat and the people who wear it, created by Burberry, some of the world's leading image makers, and you.
Love this. Great facebook connect integration.The Choosy Beggar
for men!
@umairh try ttp://, or for NYC [from]
A frank shopping guide to all the sales, deals, and trends fit for New York Men
sales - menswear - ny21 Awesome T-Shirts for Photographers
I'm a big fan of Threadless and the seemingly infinite stream of hilarious t-shirts designs that are constantly being created by its dedicated community. However, I haven't been able to find many shirts designed specifically for photographers on theMen's skincare and shaving
#30 may be true, but I can't see it myself.belle and burger: Panty Tutorial: How to make your own drawers
More notes on making underwear out of tshirts.
como hacer ropa interiorEtsy :: EveningArwen :: Star Trek Inspired Corset
Star Trek TOS corsets for sale, 200 USD. Wow, who would have thought of that.
oh my goodness! then you'd be ready for your date night with picard...!
This corset is designed after the Star Trek: Next Generation jumpsuits. The fabric was cut in the asymmetrical design and then pieced together. Inside the corse...Newbie Fashion Tips for Grown-Up Men - Stepcase Lifehack
for fools like meHow To: Fold a Dress Shirt
Folding your dress shirts instead of hanging them won't just free up precious inches of closet space, it'll help cut down on wrinkles (and dreaded ironing time). Follow these simple steps for a neat, flat Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt, Available in Various Sizes: Apparel
This is hilarious. Awesome hilarious. Via @notjustahatrack: Behold, Three Wolf Moon: Read the comments. [from]
hilarious reviews of stupid tshirtOut of Print Clothing
Cool!all manner of distractions » Blog Archive » It is like I made it myself!
"I put the shirt on and it fit fine. I couldn’t stop smiling. The whole thing was so damned surreal. Here I am in a Paul Smith changing room trying on a shirt that features a design element stolen from my Flickr site!"
ポールスミスが勝手にflight 404の人のデザインをパクったんじゃないかという嘘のような本当の話。Make Your Clothes Last Longer (without spending big) | Wise Bread
Make Your Clothes Last Longer
| Wise BreadA Guide to the Best Men’s Style, Grooming, And Etiquette Information on the Web | The Art of Manliness
If you've ever been curious about Jughead's hat, this is just the thing for you. It's really in depth and interesting.
The other night, while attending a small dinner party, the conversation turned suddenly to the subject of Jughead's trademark; his goofy, crown-like hat.
"Um, more like, uh, a kind of beanie - - ? You can see them in old movies, old comics and stuff, so surely people must have actually worn them. I guess they were popular with kids in the 1930s or '40s, during the depression. Homemade from, uh, felt or - - leather, maybe? Encrusted with buttons or bottle caps or other bling. Think of 'The Little Rascals'. Kids shining shoes on street corners, or - - y'know, teen-age delinquents riding around in jalopies."
On the origins of Jughead's hat.
what the heck is Jughead wearing on his head?
this is the coolest bit of pop-culture history I've seen in a whileTactical Bail Out Gear Bag Best Seller!
How to look sharp
In a perfect world it wouldn't matter what a genius JavaScript programmer or top-flight professional looked like In this world
How to Fold Wrinkle Free Clothes How to tie different tie stylesCustom Dress Shirts | Custom Men's Dress Shirts
Site online onde você pode personalizar diversos tipos de camisas e camisetas nos menores detalhes.
recommended by RWW:
Custom Dress Shirts - YES PLEASE! of Print Clothing
Catcher in the Rye t-shirtHello Rewind: Recycled t-shirts into custom laptop sleeves to support sex trafficking survivors in NYC
The Real Deal is a tarp hats and bags are made in Brazil and crafted from recycled tarps of Brazilian cargo trucks.
What better hat to take on a m/c trip than one made from recycled, battered old tarp material?oGMX9.gif (GIF Image, 600x600 pixels)
How to tie a Sewing 101: Hems