Free and High-Quality Cloud Textures
Free and High-Quality Cloud Textures
11 texturas de alta qualidade DE NUVENSShowcase Of 40 Website Designs Featuring Clouds And Skies | Spyre Studios
Clouds are cute!
clouds and skies
Showcase Of 40 Website Designs Featuring Clouds And SkiesWeird, Rare Clouds and the Physics Behind Them | Wired Science |
Why crazy clouds form the way they do.
Nubes extrañas y sus principios físicos subyacentes
got your head in the clouds [from]The Weirdest Clouds that You’ll Ever See | Webdesigner Depot
Photoshop Quick Tips #6: Cloudy Text | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials -
I love jonBBC - Today
"The Cloud Appreciation Society says we need to recognise a new cloud type. Alongside cirrus and cumulus clouds, say hello to the asperatus." I don't know why I find these photos so nightmarish - they look so unnatural.
The Cloud Appreciation Society says asperatus should be to recognised as a new type of cloud
Asperatus — a new kind of clouds
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I've never seen clouds like these.
Article relating to Gavin Pretor-Pinney's quest to gain a new classification of cloud - the AsperatusBellflower
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