32 Coda Tips and Tricks | Mac Tricks And Tips
32 Coda Tips and TricksIn the Woods - 20 Excellent Coda Tips
I’ve been using Coda on a more consistent basis lately, primarily due to the inclusion of third party plugins. As I work, I’ll find myself missing a few features from TextMate bundles. Since it’s terribly easy to write your own Coda plugin, I’m going to make a consistent effort to write and maintain a small library of plugins over the coming months.
"That tool uses CSSTidy to allow a simple transformation of your CSS formatting. It will retain any comments, and leaves all properties as written (instead of converting to shorthand, for example.) Basically, CSS Tools brings that functionality to Coda. You’re able to convert a style sheet from single line to multi line and vice versa. You’re also able to compress your CSS if you’d like."Coda: A Collection of 120+ Plugins, Clips, Snippets and Tuts For Designers and Developers
Now, I’ve collected 120 of the best resources about Panic’s Coda: they include tutorials, clips, snippets, plugins and more.
Plugins and tips for Coda
20 of the best resources about Panic’s Coda: they include tutorials, clips, snippets, plugins and more.Joe Bergantine | A Coda Seestyle Theme based on Ryan Bate's Railscast Theme
coda visual text theme
Specials Board is a light-on-dark .seestyle theme for the Panic Coda text editorCoda-Slider 2.0 - Niall Doherty's dot biz
Everyone loves the Coda site so why not copy the style.
coda style slider jquery thing
Coda-Slider is a jQuery plugin I first released in September, 2007. It aimed to mimic the slider effect on the promo page for Panic’s Coda software.