Pages tagged colin_bradley:

spiny: The Horse and His (Co-star's) Boy

RPS; Bradley's cousin thinks he's gay. Hilarious stuff :)
It started with an email from his cousin.
It started with an email from his cousin. I can't believe I didn't know you were gay!!!, it read. But Mum says she always thought so and anyway I know a guy who coaches rugby who is totally gay too, you should meet him next time you come home! He is really cute!!! // Bradley read through this carefully and then pressed the reply button. Your sense of humour is dreadful, he typed. Work harder in school so that you may not turn out to be a complete failure at everything. Love Bradley. [This is adorable. ADORABLE. *hugs* "Bradley-character" (let's remian sane, and fully convicted that this is not the actual actor)]
"Hello," he said. "Good horse. You're a real beauty, aren't you." He reached up to scratch the horse behind the ears; dogs always seemed to like that. "What's your name, then, hey? Something heroic obviously. Maybe something Arthurian." "His name's Twiddle," said a passing animal steward, giving the horse a firm slap on the rump. "Oh," said Bradley.
It started with an email from his cousin. I can't believe I didn't know you were gay!!!, it read. But Mum says she always thought so and anyway I know a guy who coaches rugby who is totally gay too, you should meet him next time you come home! He is really cute!!! Bradley read through this carefully and then pressed the reply button. Your sense of humour is dreadful, he typed. Work harder in school so that you may not turn out to be a complete failure at everything. Love Bradley.
Bradley read through this carefully and then pressed the reply button. Your sense of humour is dreadful, he typed. Work harder in school so that you may not turn out to be a complete failure at everything. Love Bradley.
It started with an email from his cousin. I can't believe I didn't know you were gay!!!, it read. But Mum says she always thought so and anyway I know a guy who coaches rugby who is totally gay too, you should meet him next time you come home! He is really cute!!! // Bradley read through this carefully and then pressed the reply button. Your sense of humour is dreadful, he typed. Work harder in school so that you may not turn out to be a complete failure at everything. Love Bradley.
ifyouweremine: FIC, Wherein Wooing Colin is Somewhat More Difficult than Anticipated, Bradley/Colin, PG-13
Summary: “If you were hypothetically me and I were hypothetically courting Colin, what would you—and by you I mean me—do to win his heart and make him let you carry him off into the French sunset for a lifetime of sweetsweet lovemaking?” said Bradley. |__| JC Chavez. He is this generation's shakespeare for real
“Yes, but you have magnificent breasts that make people do what you say. I need a plan that doesn’t involve your hypnotic knockers,” said Bradley.
“If you were hypothetically me and I were hypothetically courting Colin, what would you—and by you I mean me—do to win his heart and make him let you carry him off into the French sunset for a lifetime of sweetsweet lovemaking?” said Bradley. Bradley/Colin
Bradley goes to ridiculous lengths, which include stalking and 90's karaoke, to win Colin's affections.
Bradley/Colin, PG-13. “If you were hypothetically me and I were hypothetically courting Colin, what would you—and by you I mean me—do to win his heart and make him let you carry him off into the French sunset for a lifetime of sweetsweet lovemaking?” said Bradley.
“If you were hypothetically me and I were hypothetically courting Colin, what would you—and by you I mean me—do to win his heart and make him let you carry him off into the French sunset for a lifetime of sweetsweet lovemaking?” said Bradley. HAHAHAHA.
Usually the whole real people in fics thing freaks me out, but this one touched my heart somehow and I found myself liking it a lot.
“If you were hypothetically me and I were hypothetically courting Colin, what would you—and by you I mean me—do to win his heart and make him let you carry him off into the French sunset for a lifetime of sweetsweet lovemaking?” said Bradley.
moogle62: Fic: Merlin RPF: We Will Become Silhouettes, Colin/Bradley, PG.
Interesting, weird thinky thing where Colin's identity blurs with Merlin's.
The lines between merlin/arthur and colin/bradley blur as art imitates life...subtle, great characterisation, not too sappy
Bradley is not Arthur, Colin is confused and both of them end up in a lake.
“Wimp,” says Bradley, and Katie lets out a fresh cackle of merriment. “I want a drink. Get us some drinks, won’t you, Colin?” When Colin returns, clutching four sizable coffees, there is an odd sort of silence in the room for the briefest of moments, like someone was talking about him, like someone knows something he doesn’t, but then Bradley rolls off the bed and lands on his face, and everyone laughs, and Colin forgets.
Bradley is not Arthur, Colin is confused and both of them end up in a lake
my handbasket has racing stripes - merlin rpf fic | Thank You, Mr Stanislavski
Looking back on it, Bradley thinks that was the point at which he ought to have heard warning bells or something.
"He's got a love scene with Tony," Bradley points out spitefully, and then reaches for a pint. Katie's eyes widen and she goes back to reading the script. "Oh really?" Angel says, her tone more interested than appalled. Bradley is oddly disappointed. Colin blushes faintly. "I do. It's pretty short, though I don't know Merlin's going to be able to look Uther in the eye for a while." "Looks like he has more than one with you, James." Katie shoots him a sly look over the pages. "Of course, that won't change how Merlin and Arthur interact at all."
Looking back on it, Bradley thinks that was the point at which he ought to have heard warning bells or something. (The one where Tony ropes them into playing in a WWII US cop drama.) [Complex, hot, and very interesting. I liked this a lot.]
Bradley and Colin get cast in a film where they play gay lovers and have to do explicit sex scenes.
Bradley and Colin get cast as gay lovers in a film and have to do explicit sex scenes.
Bradley and Colin get cast in movie together, where they have love scenes.
It was still nearly two months to the end of shooting on series two when Tony mentioned in passing that he had a project lined up for hiatus. He suggested Bradley and Colin audition for it as well, because it was "an exciting opportunity for a pair of promising young actors like yourselves". Looking back on it, Bradley thinks that was the point at which he ought to have heard warning bells or something.
"She tilts her head a bit and looks at Colin. "The mysterious seductress who leads our hero astray?" A beat. "Yeah, I can see that." Colin and Katie laugh, and then Katie says, "You're too pretty by half, Morgan," and gives Colin a saucy wink. "He's got a love scene with Tony," Bradley points out spitefully, and then reaches for a pint. Katie's eyes widen and she goes back to reading the script. "Oh really?" Angel says, her tone more interested than appalled. Bradley is oddly disappointed. Colin blushes faintly. "I do. It's pretty short, though I don't know Merlin's going to be able to look Uther in the eye for a while." "Looks like he has more than one with you, James." Katie shoots him a sly look over the pages. "Of course, that won't change how Merlin and Arthur interact at all." "Fuck off, Katie," Bradley says, and reaches to take the script back. Katie raps him on the knuckles with it and keeps reading. Bradley's doomed."