Pages tagged comics:

Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering

Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering
comics typografi
Grammar of word balloons.
Comic book lettering has some grammatical and aesthetic traditions that are quite unique. What follows is a list that every letterer eventually commits to his/her own mental reference file
xkcd - A Webcomic - Base System
Dating used to be so simple LOL
Architects Rule! : Real-life Dilbert manager quotes
Pointy haired boss -lainauksia, oikeasti.
howtonotfailatlifepn3he9.png (PNG Image, 698x11322 pixels)
DISCLAIMER - I am not endorsing anything here!
xkcd - A Webcomic - Security
Xkcd o dlouhem rsa klici a jinem francouzskem...
xkcd - A Webcomic - Boyfriend
statistically significant other
stat humor. gotta love it.
Dinosaurs Fucking
xkcd - A Webcomic - 11th Grade
Praise Perl
Wow, as long as you enjoyed that weekend playing with perl this is absolutely true.
Arcade game
Retro arcade game for Watchmen
75 comics being made into films - Den of Geek
notables: Gambit, Ghost in the Shell, Green Lantern, .Hack/Slash, Old Boy, Tintin. They forgot Watchmen.
84 movies. 84? 84! Not even counting Scott Pilgrim!
xkcd - A Webcomic - I Know You're Listening
From xkcd.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Faust 2.0
Mephistopheles encounters the EULA.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Kindle
Amazon's Guide to the Galaxy.
Now this is original!
World_War_Two__Simple_Version_by_AngusMcLeod.jpg (JPEG Image, 1275x11277 pixels)
funny ww2 comic
via seetha
xkcd - A Webcomic - Correlation
*MUST* mouse over link :)
I know you may have already seen it... but I love love this one. ^_^
Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing 'look over there'
Mijn favoriete onderwerp, in cartoon.
Saturday Morning Watchmen
hilarious children's cartoon version of watchmen
Better Watch out for the Watchmen!
Myebook - get it out there!
Frank Miller's Charlie Brown
Schulz City: That Yellow Shirted Such-and-such
When your style is this inflexible, it's time to hang it up or stock up on the heavy drugs and have either a creative breakthrough or a good medical reason for staying in your rut.
30 Funny Twitter Comics | Webdesigner Depot
30 Twitter comic strips that reflect on how the world is using and reacting to Twitter.
As you probably already know, Twitter is hotter than ever. Everyone seems to be tweeting these days about anything and everything that's on their mind. If
40 Comics Strips for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
With the massive exodus towards online publishing, many people hardly reach for the newspaper these days. If there’s one thing I truly miss from the newspaper, it would be reading the comic strips. There’s something magical about comic strips that seems to lighten your day and make you feel good. There’s certainly something to be said about starting your day with a bit of humor. I figured that we’re so immersed in the Internet that it would be cool to compile a list of funny strips related to web design, the Internet and of course blogging. Take a few minutes from your busy day to relax, have some fun and see how many of these situations relate to you… :)
xkcd - A Webcomic - Students
recurring dreams
All too true in my case...
What Watchmen Did Next: 9 Comics To Follow Watchmen
Creepy illustration | Home
Animation online - create an account and get creative.
Draw and animate online easily, collaborate with friends and other artists by reusing props.
DoInk is a place to enjoy art and animation, and make your own. Draw and animate online easily, collaborate with friends and other artists by reusing props. There's an audience here for you - So if you want to be entertained, learn something new, or create something fun, do it on DoInk. | Draw, Animate, and Collaborate
xkcd - A Webcomic - Alternative Energy Revolution
don quixote
Hark, a vagrant: 164
Historical humor
Mary Seacole
xkcd - A Webcomic - Swine Flu
Mocking the hysteria of swine flu on Twitter
LOL @ Swine Flu on twitter
Best Artwork of Superheroes from the Most Talented Comic Artists | The Design Inspiration
**look at this later**
xkcd - A Webcomic - Can't Sleep
This is integer overflow ...
Some nights... when I can't sleep, I surf XKCD: [from]
The Calvin & Hobbes Super-Stupendous Guide to Design
RT 새 단어 하나 배웠네~ :-) @pixpix The Calvin & Hobbes Super-Stupendous Guide to Design [from]
The Calvin & Hobbes Super-Stupendous Guide to Design
Good to see I'm on the right track :-]
about DIGITAL COMICS by ~Balak01 on deviantART
Creating a comic in the digital medium
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.
Illustration tutorials
How to draw stuff!
Dilbert on User Experience- 90 Percent of Everything
Dilbert on User Experience
Dilbert on User Experience May 26th, 2009 by Harry Brignull • 8 comments A selection of Dilbert strips. Oldies but goodies…
A selection of Dilbert strips. Oldies but goodies…
25 Best Programmer WebComic Strips
If you are a programmer. this is HILARIOUS - Programmer Laugh of the Day
25 Best Programmer WebComic Strips
xkcd - A Webcomic - Troll Slayer
Enjoy reading Comic
Twilight vs 4Chan
blog 30 x 30: Which Student are You?
art psychology humor; student types
La realidad alterna (muy bueno) -
Bueno Gente, este es un post un poco raro. pero me gusto la idea!... como quien salir un poco de la realidad jejeje Casi todos los trabajos son Fan
Figuras Anime de interes general..
Notice how bad ass Wolverine is.
Iran's Post-Election Uprising: Hopes & Fears Revealed
Persepolis 2.0 - great web comic. Must read!
Since the Revolution in 1979, Iranians have coped with an increasingly repressive regime. Attempts for greater social and political freedoms have resulted in brutal crackdowns by the hardline government. The ensuing apathy and significant boycott of the 2005 presidential elections led to the election of the ultraconservative mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Four years later Iran has become increasingly alienated and its people more polarized than ever before. The campaign of former Prime Minister Mir Hussein Moussavi galvanized voters hoping for change, especially among the youth – two thirds of Iran’s population is younger than 32. On June 12th 85% of eligible voters cast their ballots and what happened next changed Iran forever…
Images from Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis were provided with new captions and dialogue to illustrate the day before and the first few days after the election in Iran.
The authors of Persopolis 2.0 were inspired by the work of Marjane Satrapi.
Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers
to use humor in presentations and classroom material
Comics in the classroom
Understand how comics are beneficial in schools and ways they can be used.
200905amusingourselvest.png (PNG Image, 950x7583 pixels)
so true.
Huxley vs Orwell
The Official George W. Bush Presidential Librarium
Worth a look
Perk Up Your Projects with Web 2.0 - home
For Bunny
Tired of assigning the same old boring PowerPoint presentations again and again? Want to challenge your students a bit more than the traditional tri-fold or poster project? Come learn a whole host of new tools to spice up your students' projects and your lessons. Explore and experiment with a variety of Web 2.0 tools including animated avatars, comic creators, digital scrapbooks, image creators, interactive timelines, logo generators, slideshows, streaming video, and the web resources that will serve as "containers" for the different elements. Check out the pages to the left to navigate through the different elements to learn how you can re-invent your teaching and your students' learning with the use of a few engaging, motivating, and fun resources.
wiki with a lot of ways to integrate tech in the classroom
xkcd - A Webcomic - Estimation
So true!
I thought this was hillarious
Uh, hay que esperar por lo menos hasta que se apague el sol! Ah, no, ahora son 2 minutos...pero cada vez falta más O.o
xkcd - A Webcomic - Sheeple
"I'm the only conscious human..."
"Look at these people. Glassy-eyed automatons going about their daily lives, never stopping to look around and *think!* I'm the only conscious human in a world of sheep."
haha :)
Me recuerda una frase de Ciorán: «El diálogo a solas con la idea incita al desvarío, anula el juicio y produce la ilusión de omnipotencia».
Colorburned | Create a Character Mascot with Adobe Illustrator CS4
Mascots are becoming increasingly popular in web design. In this intermediate Illustrator tutorial we will show you how to create a vector character mascot from
Create a Character Mascot with Adobe Illustrator CS4
Colorburned |
This is an intermediate Illustrator tutorial, show how to create a vector character mascot from a sketch in Adobe Illustrator CS4. Need pen sketch, scanner, Illustrator, easy to follow Tut.
Creaza - Home
a suite of web-based creativity tools.
Amazing Video Editor via @TeachaKidd
Video editor, comic strip creator and more.
xkcd - A Webcomic - TED Talk
A dilemma I have at least once a week: [from]
xkcd - A Webcomic - Tech Support Cheat Sheet
The next step after, "have you tried turning it off and on again?"
It's funny because it's true... :-)
It's true, this really is how I do tech support for friends and family...
Comixed - Picture. Caption. Repeat.
40 Awesome Cartoon And Comic Fonts For Designers
Archive Binge
At Archive Binge you can create a custom RSS news feed for a webcomic, which will take you through the archive, at a rate faster than the new comics update.
Brilliant. The kind of thing where one wonders why no one thought of it before. Subscribe to webcomic RSS feeds from the beginning, but at a faster rate than they're published. Eventually, you catch up.
Awesome idea! You can create a feed so that back issues of your favorite comic are delivered at a rate faster than the comic updates so you can catch up.
At Archive Binge you can create a custom RSS news feed for a webcomic, which will take you through the archive, at a rate faster than the new comics update. This lets you get up to date on comics with large archives, without spending hours or days trawling the archive in one go. Rather than spend a whole day or more bingeing on a comic archive, set up an Archive Binge feed. You can start from the beginning, or wherever you're up to. You can set your custom feed to deliver a strip every day, 4 strips every weekday, or whatever you want, up to 10 strips a day. Anyone can read 10 strips a day! If you get a spare hour and read the next 50 strips, you can update your position in your feed. You can even pause your feed if you go on vacation, and turn it on again when you get back.
catch up on webcomics a bit at a time
Doles out a few comics, in order, from an archive, to catch you up slowly
Moserware: A Stick Figure Guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
good explanation of AES Rijndael.
tallguywrites: Schizophrenia
A mental health nurse's comic about schizophrenia.
A comic about schizophrenia.
Very well done.
Bleeding Cool
This site will not so much pull back the curtains of the comic book industry, as give you a series of upskirt shots. But as well as news, rumours and gossip, there will be reviews, previews, features, interviews, videos and columns.
Jeffrey Thomas's Portfolio: Twisted Princess
Words cannot describe how absolutely awesome these are. Eat your heart out, Disney! (Literally.)
Disney Princesses... Made really really badass! Mulan is my favorite. DON'T MESS WITH HER!
it's all a matter of perspective
xkcd - A Webcomic - Lease
I'm a gronwup?
@madwit17 How DARE you accuse me of being an adult! [from]
Wondermark » Archive » #554; The Fiction Generator.
The Electro-Plasmic Hydrocephalic Genre-Fiction Generator 2000
Genre-Fiction Generator
Top 10 Ways to Provoke a Geek Argument | GeekDad |
Geeks, as a general rule, are pretty easy-going. We like to think things through, so passionate confrontations aren't commonplace for us. When we get well and
“Mac, Windows, or Linux? Does it really make a difference?”
Geeks, as a general rule, are pretty easy-going. We like to think things through, so passionate confrontations aren't commonplace for us. When we get well and properly provoked, though, watch out! We won't stop talking until every last point that we can think of has been made at least twice. So, what do you say to provoke a geek? Glad you asked!
Top ten ways to provoke a geek argument: (via @JinniDotCom) [from]
not so productive argument.....
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE on the Behance Network
How would the characters from "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" look like as hipsters? Too funny...
ilustrações ótimas com super heróis :D
He-man is fashionable if you're a damn hipster!
Comic hero hipsters
Dresden Codak » Archive » 42 Essential 3rd Act Twists
Create Your Own Comic | Marvel Super Hero Squad | The Official Web Site
Create a comic or comic book character online for free.
Create marvel comic strip or book
papercraft pictures by trogdoriangrey - Photobucket
trogdoriangrey/papercraft Photobucket album
Gerry Canavan: Grown-Up Calvin and Hobbes
via Nicole. I saw the second one before, loved it. Want to know where it comes from originally
Pictures of Calvin (and Susie) all grown up. Some strips linked in comments somewhat NSFW.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Not Enough Work
Not Enough Work
Our pages are now haiku compliant
I'm almost up to my old typing speed in Dvorak / Our servers now support Gopher, just in case / Our pages are now HTML, XHTML-Strict, and Haiku-compliant / Hey! Have you guys seen this webcomic?
I always make sure my HTML is haiku-compliant (HTML humor FTW!)
Tap Into The World Of Comics
presentation on how to use comics in the classroom
20 uses for comics in the classroom
Twenty ways to use comics in your classroom
Using comics in the classroom.
fault-tolerance.png (PNG Image, 784x393 pixels)
(PNG-Grafik, 784x393 Pixel)
All I want for Christmas is a SQL database with no JOINs, secondary indexes, UNIONs, views, character sets or anything else. Just exact and range primary key lookups, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, LIMIT and SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS.
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
Just awesome.
"These charts show movie character interactions. The horizontal axis is time. The vertical grouping of the lines indicates which characters are together at a given time." The Lord of the Rings box is the most impressive; also done for Star Wars (original trilogy), Jurassic Park, Primer, and 12 Angry Men.
Wondermark » Archive » #566; Supernatural Collective Nouns.
A racket of banshees. A congress of ghosts... (h/t TNH)
A vexation of zombies.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Parking
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
not an insult
Great comic strip on "normal" people.
Cool comic about how there is no such thing as "normal".
people are weird
A blog that shows the process of creating comics pages from initial sketches to finished piece.
Memoov - Animation Studio online
create animated movies online
consente di creare buffe animazioni in stile cartoon da condividere nel web.
Memoov is an open online platform that enables you to create & share your animated videos. Check it out. It's all free.
online movie generator
Ubunchu! The Ubuntu Manga is now in English « DoctorMO’s Blag
Ubunchu! The Ubuntu Manga is now in English « DoctorMO's Blog
xkcd - A Webcomic - CNR
Could not reproduce
"Can't and shouldn't."
Bug resolution. Hilarious!
xkcd - A Webcomic - Terminology
I Agree
How Twilight Works - The Oatmeal -
A few weeks ago I had the miserable experience of reading Twilight. A friend bought it for me and I took it with me to read on a long flight from Seattle to Houston. I knew it was going to be crappy, but I thought it would be a guilty pleasure kind of crappy - where you know it's bad but you still get enjoyment out of it. I actually managed to power through around 400 pages until I gave up and started reading Sky Mall. I've been seeing Twilight everywhere lately, especially with Vampire Teens II New Moon's release, so I thought I'd break down why chicks go apeshit for it.
"If you're male and you like Twilight, you're gay. I don't mean that in the derogatory sense, I mean it in the "you want to put your testicles against another man's testicles while gripping handfuls of chesthair" kind of way." /via @seldo
"If you're male and you like Twilight, you're gay. I don't mean that in the derogatory sense, I mean it in the 'you want to put your testicles against another man's testicles while gripping handfuls of chesthair' kind of way."
xkcd - A Webcomic - Depth
Best yet!
How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell - The Oatmeal
Be prepared to fire your client
source:stumbleupon kwd:funny
How Everything Goes to Hell During a Zombie Apocalypse - The Oatmeal -
Top 10 comic book cities | The Critics | Architects Journal
The Architects' Journal lists its top ten comic book cities.
via ll.d
From Gotham City to Mega City One, the Architects’ Journal presents a selection of the greatest illustrated urban spaces
Why It's Better To Pretend You Don't Know Anything About Computers - The Oatmeal
Happens at least once in a week
Why I'd rather be punched in the testicles than call customer service - The Oatmeal
xkcd - A Webcomic - Game Theory
love - the only winning move is to not play... no wait... dammit
Schöne Wargames-Hommage.
love: the only winning move is not to play
Game theory AI. love.
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling - The Oatmeal
@ The Oatmeal
Check out the little bloke on Neptune...
Cool graphic comparing gravity wells of solar system.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Numerical Sex Positions
Numerisk kluss
xkcd - A Webcomic - Alternate Currency
save pictures in your hard drive
Alternate Currency
@Niki7a @iamnowmai I thought xkcd established the new currency as funny pictures saved to your hard drive: [from]
6 Famous Characters You Didn't Know Were Shameless Rip Offs |
They say there are no original ideas out there, and we can believe that. Storytelling themes are universal and we understand when a character or scene gets "borrowed" here and there. But it's hard not to feel betrayed when you find out that some of the stories around which your entire childhood revolved were, for the most part, copied and pasted in with a cavalier attitude of, "the little bastards will never know the difference!" We're talking about...
6 Famous Characters You Didn't Know Were Shameless Rip Offs. This article originally written by CNN.
CalvinHobbs.BMP (image)
"15 year old Calvin and Hobbes strip with almost clairvoyance on how we got into our current financial crisis.‏"
Calvin needs a bailout - via Explains it so well! [from]
Letters of Note: Your pal, John K.
Wonderful letter to fan from Ren and Stimpy guy
"In 1998, aged just 14, aspiring young cartoonist Amir Avni decided to get in touch with the creator of Ren & Stimpy, John Kricfalusi. Being a hardcore fan of Kricfalusi's work, Amir sent him an introductory letter along with a few cartoons he'd drawn, some of which contained relatively unknown characters of John's. To call Kricfalusi's response 'generous' would be an understatement."
Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell To Make Us Miserable - The Oatmeal
Under The Influence: He-Man Available Artwork
He-Man Available Artwork
The Wondermark Goodsery - Greeting Cards.
I have found next year's Christmas cards
How to use a semicolon - The Oatmeal
other entries NSFW or just gross.
The Grimace Project
xkcd - A Webcomic - Going West
Google maps - sorry, we don't have any imagery at this zoom level
awesome addicting webcomics
Great Google Maps reference
How to Suck at Facebook - The Oatmeal
Awesome stuff
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
wow, i had really strong feelings for this one
If the Mars Spirit Rover could talk...
Aw, man.
Bill Watterson, creator of beloved 'Calvin and Hobbes' comic strip looks back with no regrets | Living - - -
I love the fact that after 15 years of being a recluse Watterson gives an interview only by email and then is charmingly flippant throughout.
This marks the 15th year since "Calvin and Hobbes" said goodbye to the comics pages. Creator Bill Watterson, who grew up in Chagrin Falls and still makes Greater Cleveland his home, recently answered some questions via e-mail from Plain Dealer reporter John Campanelli. It's believed to be the first interview with the reclusive artist since 1989. With almost 15 years of separation and reflection, what do you think it was about "Calvin and Hobbes" that went beyond just capturing readers' attention, but their hearts as well? The only part I understand is what went into the creation of the strip. What readers take away from it is up to them. Once the strip is published, readers bring their own experiences to it, and the work takes on a life of its own. Everyone responds differently to different parts. I just tried to write honestly, and I tried to make this little world fun to look at, so people would take the time to read it. That was the full extent of my concern. You mix a bunch of i
The only part I understand is what went into the creation of the strip. What readers take away from it is up to them. Once the strip is published, readers bring their own experiences to it, and the work takes on a life of its own. Everyone responds differently to different parts. I just tried to write honestly, and I tried to make this little world fun to look at, so people would take the time to read it. That was the full extent of my concern. You mix a bunch of ingredients, and once in a great while, chemistry happens. I can't explain why the strip caught on the way it did, and I don't think I could ever duplicate it. A lot of things have to go right all at once.
His first interview in 15 years.
Cleveland Ohio living section: Get lifestyle, food, religion, home and garden news and more. Comment on the articles and join the forums at
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger
An interesting story about how two people approached a "stranger" they admired to have dinner, and give money to charity for the privilege. I bet it would be pretty easy to set up a marketplace for this kind of thing.
A very cool story, illustrated wonderfully. Also an interesting idea in terms of charity donations.
Good Girl Art Vintage Paperbacks
Good Girl Art, usually shortened to GGA, is the term that describes certain types of Vintage Art, and specifically Paperback Cover Art. Richard Lupoff in his The Great American Paperback defines it as "A cover illustration depicting an attractive young woman, usually in skimpy or form-fitting clothing, and designed for (mild erotic interest). The term does not apply to the morality of the 'good girl', who is often a gun moll, tough cookie, or wicked temptress." The GGA designation seems to have originated with comic books and is usually applied to attractive sexy young women who are either in peril or are perpetrating the peril like my favorite gun moll on the right. So it is often politically incorrect but can also be empowering when at the right end of a gun. There are two Galleries where you will see some of my favorite GGA covers from early Paperbacks and Pulps. You can go directly to Gallery 1 or Gallery 2, or go to the Table of Contents, to see what is here. For those of you who
Good Girl Art, usually shortened to GGA, is the term that describes certain types of Vintage Art, and specifically Paperback Cover Art. Richard Lupoff in his The Great American Paperback defines it as "A cover illustration depicting an attractive young woman, usually in skimpy or form-fitting clothing, and designed for (mild erotic interest). The term does not apply to the morality of the 'good girl', who is often a gun moll, tough cookie, or wicked temptress."
Batman & Robin Comic Generator
60 Marvelous Superhero Wallpapers | Wallpapers
60 Marvelous Superhero Wallpapers | Wallpapers
10 reasons to avoid talking on the phone - The Oatmeal
via kottke
UNL Digital Collections | Browse
Government comic book collection.
Comics created or commissioned by the US Government. Over 180 items.
Propaganda Comics
Government publications, comic books format
government comics on variety of topics (firefighting, army motors, conservation &c &c) … front page thumbnails to data page, from which download pdf.
Vintage public service pamphlets/booklets in which recognised artist-illustrators contributed drawings, often featuring their famous cartoon/comic characters. You can see the front page of these works as jpeg images but you need to d/load as pdfs. [University of Nebraska-Lincoln collection via CONTENTdm structure]
xkcd - A Webcomic - Packages
Showcase Of Brilliant Comic Book Cover Art | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
The Brads – a comic about web design » The Brads – Why DRM Doesn’t Work
The Brads – a comic about web design »
DRM doesn't work
The Brads – a comic about web design »
Flickr: The Far side Reenactments Pool
Awesome! (via Neatorama?)
The Mechanics of Comics - VECTORTUTS
via ssuge
RT @NickBray: New favourite site: << love it!
xkcd: Devotion to Duty
When it comes to devotion to duty, no matter what the obstacles are, duty is a duty ^_^
xkcd - A Webcomic - Outreach
Professor Improbable
- A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
LOL another oldie, but Goodie. Scientists rock.
cg0505bacon.gif (GIF Image, 780x566 pixels)
Why do you get up in the morning?
Unreality - The Most Badass Alphabet Ever |
Unreality - The Most Badass Alphabet Ever |
Awesome alphabet! Just look at entry "J" to be convinced.
So Moved - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
Angel of Death Ep 1 "Edge" starring Zoe Bell | Crackle
Most awesome ACTION web series ever! Zoe is a pro stunt woman, doubled for Uma in Kill Bill, starred in Grindhouse: Death Proof. Now kicks ass amazingly in this web series that could have been a feature film, it's so good!
Top 10 graphic novels by Danny Fingeroth | Books |
WTF? Where's the capes?!?!?
Danny Fingeroth is an American comic book writer and editor, and an expert on superheroes. Author of Superman on the Couch, his latest book is The Rough Guide to Graphic Novels
xkcd - A Webcomic - Matrix Revisited
too bad they never made any sequels
xkcd - A Webcomic - #566: Matrix Revisited
xkcd - A Webcomic - Fermirotica
as awesome as dimensional analysis is, it's still a pain in the ass
xkcd - A Webcomic - #563: Fermirotica
Hyperbole and a Half
Abstruse Goose » True Things
"There are many things I know are true... ... but don't really believe"
Hyperbole and a Half: The Alot is Better Than You at Everything
I care about this alot
The Alot is Better Than You at Everything As a grammatically conscientious person who frequents internet forums and YouTube, I have found it necessary to develop a few coping mechanisms. When someone types out "u" instead of "you," instead of getting mad, I imagine them having only one finger on each hand and then their actions seem reasonable. If I only had one finger on each hand, I'd leave out unnecessary letters too!
I want my own alot.
The Alot is an imaginary creature that I made up to help me deal with my compulsive need to correct other people's grammar. It kind of looks like a cross between a bear, a yak and a pug, and it has provided hours of entertainment for me in a situation where I'd normally be left feeling angry and disillusioned with the world. For example, when I read the sentence "I care about this alot," this is what I imagine:
xkcd - A Webcomic - Fiction Rule of Thumb
Fiction Rule of Thumb
The probability that a book is good decreases as the number of words made up by the author increases.
I'm Learning To Share!: Search term: "Jughead's hat"
If you've ever been curious about Jughead's hat, this is just the thing for you. It's really in depth and interesting.
The other night, while attending a small dinner party, the conversation turned suddenly to the subject of Jughead's trademark; his goofy, crown-like hat.
"Um, more like, uh, a kind of beanie - - ? You can see them in old movies, old comics and stuff, so surely people must have actually worn them. I guess they were popular with kids in the 1930s or '40s, during the depression. Homemade from, uh, felt or - - leather, maybe? Encrusted with buttons or bottle caps or other bling. Think of 'The Little Rascals'. Kids shining shoes on street corners, or - - y'know, teen-age delinquents riding around in jalopies."
On the origins of Jughead's hat.
what the heck is Jughead wearing on his head?
this is the coolest bit of pop-culture history I've seen in a while
3141139302_45d5b3b0a6_o.jpg (JPEG Image, 900x628 pixels)
via NPR's Planet Money @planetmoney on Twitter. Great commentary from a great kid.
Em inglês
Web Comic Strip Creator - Chogger
Pagina para crear comics (parece facil de usar)
Make your own comic strips with your own images!
a free comic strip creation tool offering a good selection of editing tools. Chogger allows you to draw images from scratch or use your existing images. You can even connect your webcam ...
Chogger lets you create and share web comics online! You can build comic strips by adding drawings, photos, and speech balloons
banktron [waupwaupwaupwaup] <-transformer noise
This comic pretty much sums up the bank bail-out of 2008.
New comic book delivery system
Abstruse Goose » Computer Programming 101
Feel free to nod in recognition.
Thank God some people don’t need to see so far under the hood
Funny comic strip
Via <a href="">the Code Project</a>.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Tones
My phone has always made a ringing sound too.
I hate ringtones
RT @tcea: New #animated #comiccreator called #Stage'd available at Use it to create #3D digital plays!
From Kelly Tenkely: Stage’d is a tool that helps students to tell digital stories in a new 3-d way. Students can create a stage full of characters and dialogue as if they are directing their own digital play. They can choose characters, costumes, animations, set design and provide characters with dialog. When the 3-d comic has been saved, it can be emailed or linked to with a unique url. Stage’d is perfect for use in any classroom, to save a comic requires no personal identifying information or even an email address. All students have to do is type in the name of the director (first name only or a pseudonym)."
Staged is a very simple to use 3D comic design webtool that allows students to create animated comic strips that speak with speech bubbles. It would be a great way to have students act out a scene from a novel or history.
create a 3C comic
A digital toy for creating animated comics.
No Media Kings » Free Anarchomic Released
Time Management for Anarchists
Time Management for anarchists - comic
xkcd - A Webcomic - Voynich Manuscript
The obvious explanation for the mysterious Voynich Manuscript that has defied linguists and cryptographers.
xkcd - A Webcomic - #593: Voynich Manuscript
PHD Comics: Tales from the Road - MD Anderson Cancer Center
Link to Piled Higher and Deeper
stuff no one told me
What it's like to own an Apple product - The Oatmeal
Ein Comic on The Oatmeal
The 3 Most Common Uses of Irony - The Oatmeal
A Arte da Ironia
Hyperbole and a Half: This is Why I'll Never be an Adult
Funny blog post on anti-adulthood...with illustrations!
Classic Pop Icons Seen In A Different Light (PICS) | I Can Has Internets
RT @Pobla: Pop Icons In A Different Light | I Can Has Internets
xkcd: Infrastructures
amazing xkcd on social media / ownership
Very funny ! RT @jobsworth: Recovering from after effects of pharmacological warfare. Thank God for Randall Munroe... [from]
Gutters » Issue #01 by Lar deSouza
Gutters - Issue #11 by Atilio Martin -
Awesome! This just made it to my 'Must See' list.
Un aire nuevo a los super heroes XD
A webcomic parody of the comic-book industry by Ryan Sohmer and rotating comic artists, updating every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Super Heroes vs. the Westboro Baptist Church - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
Comic Con vs Westboro Baptist: "Magnets How the *?*! do they work???"
Westboro baptist church tries to protest Comic-con. Nerds make hilarious signs satirizing them.
Article on Westboro Baptsist Church protesting Comic Con
Kill all humans!
They've faced down humans time and time again, but Fred Phelps and his minions from the Westboro Baptist Church were not ready for the cosplay action that awaited them today at Comic-Con. After all, who can win against a counter protest that includes robots, magical anime girls, Trekkies, Jedi and...kittens?
RT @comicsalliance Super Heroes vs. the Westboro Baptist Church - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture,..