Top 10 Online Tools to Connect With the Obama Administration
Herramientas que pone el estado Americano para contactar con la administración PublicaDerek Powazek - Programmers are Tiny Gods
Yes. Yes we are.
s, God creates thing
Like designers, if you give a programmer a problem with parameters, they’ll apply every bit of genius they have to solve it in the best possible way. If you tell them how to do it, you’ll suffer the wrath of an angry God.
I've found it best not to tell any professional how to do their job.The most effective debt collecting email I ever wrote | For A Beautiful Web
This exercise taught me that even the trickiest situations can be handled better and resolved faster by plain, honest speaking.Clear And Effective Communication In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
By Steven Snell Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good website. It is essential for a positive user experience and for a successful website that truly benefits its owners. All types of
Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good website. It is essential for a positive user experience and for a successful website that truly benefits its owners. All types of websites are affected by the need for good communication in one way or another. Regardless of whether the website in question is an e-commerce website, a blog, a portfolio website, an information website for a service company, a government website or any other type of website, there is a significant need to communicate effectively with visitors.
methods, challenges, content, and tips.Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think
Marshall McLuhan pointed out that whenever we get our hands on a new medium we tend to use it like older ones. Early TV broadcasts consisted of guys sitting around reading radio scripts because nobody had realized yet that TV could tell stories differently. It's the same with much of today's webcam video; most people still try to emulate TV and film. Only weirdos like MadV are really exploring its potential. A bigger leap will occur when we get better tools for archiving and searching video. Then we'll start using it the way we use paper or word processing: to take notes or mull over a problem, like Tom Cruise flipping through scenes at the beginning of Minority Report. We think of video as a way to communicate with others—but it's becoming a way to communicate with ourselves.
Article connecting YouTube with participatory culture.
"So here's my question: What exactly is this? What do you call MadV's project? It isn't quite a documentary; it isn't exactly a conversation or a commentary, either. It's some curious mongrel form. And it would have been inconceivable before the Internet and cheap webcams—prohibitively expensive and difficult to pull off."知らないと損するフレームワーク思考活用法 - GoTheDistance
* ロジックツリー(抜け漏れを見る) * マトリックス(観点を見る) * プロセス(順番を見る) 先に取り上げたエントリのフレームワークのほとんどは、マトリックスでした。異なる観点をクロスさせることで、その中の検討軸を見いだし意味があるかどうかを判断する ロジックツリーの最たる例は、WBSです。基本ルールとして親タスクは子タスクの集合体で、かつその集合体は親タスクを100%満たすモノ 仕事を行うための必要条件 * 目的 * 担当者 * 期間 * インプット * アウトプット 「投資」「浪費」「消費」「空費」に区切って考えるやり方
MESE(モレ・ダブりがない)をよく使うなぁ。切り口の引き出しをたくさん持っていることが大切。Keep Your Identity Small
Don't constrain your self by making too much part of your identity (reminds me of much of Tom Robbins's writing)
Paul GrahamPresentation Tips
For the thesis people out there, and to other entrepreneurs who needs to present things... >_<
Tufte gives presentation tips. cool
edward tufte
Useful pointers on giving presentations from Edward Tufte. Although I disagree on "always provide a handout," this list does appear to pre-date the days of easy DIY wikis and Google sites.
Some great tips for your next presentation. Ignore these at your peril: List Apart: Articles: The Details That Matter
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, the graphic arts industry was populated by full-time illustrators, production assistants and compositors. With only composing sticks for laying out type, straight edges for defining grids, a human proofer to catch spelling mistakes and an arsenal of X-acto blades for making edits, these guys lived and breathed detail. Mistakes were costly. It was a trade position that required lengthy apprenticeship; job security depended on getting all of the little things right.
good article on the business qualities that make a great & successful web designer/developer
Good article on being a good designer
Great summary of a Web designer's job...20 tips for better conference speaking ~ Authentic Boredom
Authentic BoredomZinsser
ZinsserMake Better Presentations - The Anatomy of a Good Speech |
comparing a good presentation to
Tips on making a better presentation.
I’ve been thinking about the anatomy of presentations, and what we can do to improve how we’re doing what we do.Facebook | On Facebook, People Own and Control Their Information
Facebook legt uit waarom de verandering in de licentievoorwaarden voor nodig was. Deze wijziging veroorzaakte al snel een storm aan "Facebook OWNS YOUR DATA" reacties.
In the year leading up to this talk, the web tool Twitter exploded in size (up 10x during 2008 alone). Co-founder Evan Williams reveals that many of the ideas driving that growth came from unexpected uses invented by the users themselves.
Talks Evan Williams: How Twitter's spectacular growth is being driven by unexpected uses
"Evan Williams reveals that many of the ideas driving that growth came from unexpected uses invented by the users themselves."362 - Greek To Me: Mapping Mutual Incomprehension « Strange Maps
"When a Hellenophone has trouble understanding something, his or her preferred languages of reference, as far as incomprehension is concerned, are Arabic and Chinese. And while for Arabs the proverbial unintelligible language is Hindi, for Chinese it’s the language of Heaven."6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
Recently, Britta Meyer of Eurekster, which makes an embeddable custom social search portal called a Swicki, posed a question on LinkedIn about how oneGamasutra - 1500 Archers on a 28.8: Network Programming in Age of Empires and Beyond
Network Programming
This paper explains the design architecture, implementation, and some of the lessons learned creating the multiplayer (networking) code for the Age of Empires 1 & 2 games; and discusses the current and future networking approaches used by Ensemble Studios in its game engines.The Phoenix
How did I not link to this before?
he reads a book and swears. great
What Obama should really say to his opponents; mp3 clips from his book; impersonations; slang dialogue; Obama's range of intonations and personae
dang, obama cussing!!
In his bestselling autobiography, Dreams From My Father, President Obama introduces us to his high school friend, “Ray,” who, like him, is bi-racial. Who, also like him, is casting about to find his place in the world. But, who, unlike him, has a potty mouth that would make a sailor blush. Best of all? When reading the audiobook version of his bio, Obama does impressions of Ray’s manner of speech. Swear words and all. It’s fucking awesome. And it’s a way of talking we probably won’t be hearing from him now that he’s POTUS.
goodness, this could be fun for new ringtones. (I'm sure everyone in my office is sick of The Avalanches by now.)Seth's Blog: Email campaign case studies (one good, one bad)
Examples of how and how not to conduct email campaigns.Dear Speakers - James Duncan Davidson
"Getting up on stage and speaking is a difficult and demanding thing to do. It’s natural to be nervous and for that nervousness to show. It’s also hard to know how what you are doing up there on stage is perceived by the audience."
Tips for presenters form a conference photographer. Good advice.
Some advice for speakers
Thoughts from a conference photographer on speaking... (as he photographed speakers)CAT COMMUNICATION
contentmentGrandCentral To (Finally) Launch As Google Voice. It’s Very, Very Good.
Other than a few good natured jabs at their marketing gimmicks and coverage of outages, that is.Official Google Blog: Here comes Google Voice
how to videos
[Official Google Blog]Make Small Talk - Wired How-To Wiki
need is an unlocked mobile phone — that is, a phone that’s not tied to one particular carrier. (In the United States, some carriers will unlock your phone if you ask; abroad, most phones come already unlocked.) whenever you arrive in new country, you can buy a local SIM card (sold at mobile phone stores and kiosks for $2 to $25, depending on the country) and make phone calls and send text messages without paying exorbitant international roaming fees. Simple enough. But for folks back home to reach you, you’ll need Skype. • Unfortunately, Skype does not exist for the iPhone. Instead, I use a free third-party application called Fring, which functions as a kind of Skype-to-cellphone phone gateway, letting me access my Skype account wherever I have a Wi-Fi signal. • Two weeks ago, Google announced a new service called Google Voice that operates much like Skype — only cheaper!Seth's Blog: Getting serious about your meeting problem
Seth on meetings, with some innovative ideas
Getting serious about your meeting problem Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight. If you're serious about solving your meeting problem, getting things done and saving time, try this for one week. If it doesn't work, I'll be happy to give you a full refund. 1. Understand that all problems are not the same. So why are your meetings? Does every issue deserve an hour? Why is there a default length? 2. Schedule meetings in increments of five minutes. Require that the meeting organizer have a truly great reason to need more than four increments of realtime face time. 3. Require preparation. Give people things to read or do before the meeting, and if they don't, kick them out. 4. Remove all the chairs from the conference room. I'm serious. 5. If someone is more than two minutes later than the last person to the meeting, they have...
Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight.BBC NEWS | Technology | Social networks 'are new e-mail'
Social network usage has overtaken email. More and more people are using social networks to communicate with others rather than email. This trend is evolving and growing.
Accessibility HelpSkip to contentSkip to searchLow graphicsHelpAccess keys help Search term Explore the BBCBBC News Updated every minute of every day One-Minute World News News Front Page Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Middle East South Asia UK Business Health Science & Environment Technology Entertainment Also in the news ----------------- Video and Audio ----------------- Have Your Say In Pictures Country Profiles Special Reports %
over Facebook die email vervangt
"'You used to e-mail content to people and you had to choose who you wanted to e-mail it to and you didn't know if your friends even wanted to see it. Now you can put something out there and let people engage with it.' The simplicity and ubiquity of some of these services is beginning to see activity feeds and status updates replace many of the uses to which e-mail was once put."
Status updates on sites such as Facebook, Yammer, Twitter and Friendfeed are a new form of communication, the South by SouthWest Festival has heard. "We are all in the process of creating e-mail 2.0," David Sacks, founder of business social network Yammer said.Omegle
Service for talking to strangers ... bizarro world.
Omegle is a brand-new service for meeting new friends. When you use Omegle, we pick another user at random and let you have a one-on-one chat with each other. Chats are completely anonymous, although there is nothing to stop you from revealing personal details if you would | Why Marriages Fail
This list of web tools is ideal for anyone working on a group project, whether you’re looking for task management support, scheduling and calendar organization, or just a place to collect all your materials and brainstorms.
a blog post with 50 tools for online collaboration. looks good.Seth's Blog: First, ten
good tips by Seth Godin
start a business by finding ten people who are interested in what you're doing. They will find other people they can interest in your work
This, in two words, is the secret of the new marketing. Find ten people. Ten people who trust you/respect you/need you/listen to you... Those ten people need what you have to sell, or want it. And if they love it,...Bonnie Bassler on how bacteria communicate | Video on
Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria "talk" to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning implications for medicine, industry -- and our understanding of ourselves.
bacteria communicate with each other and can tell self from otherWhen to NOT Use Social Media - ReadWriteWeb
Educators would be wise to examine if these are some of the reasons email, admin blogging and other forms of social media (twitter) are failing to work/catch on in the public school systems. Annotated link Gleeson on antisocial phone tricks | Video on
Send a telegram? Although it is not clear if this is a telegram or just mail.
ram they sent was a classic, something different to a greeting card, and it was so easy to do'Stop the Press: Building A Startup Presskit 101 - Chuw on this.
Need to build a presskit? This guide is fantasticHow to Revise an Email So That People Will Read It - David Silverman -
HBPublishing: How to Revise an Email So That People Will Read It [from]Seth's Blog: The hierarchy of presentations
Share with students (and administrators and teachers....)
A presentation is a precious opportunity. It's a powerful arrangement... one speaker, an attentive audience, all in their seats, all paying attention (at least at first). Don't waste it. The purpose of a presentation is to change minds. That's the only reason I can think of to spend the time and resources. If your goal isn't to change minds, perhaps you should consider a different approach.Nine Reasons to Twitter in Schools
Why should educators get involved with Twitter? Here are nine reasons.
reasons to twitter in - A Disciplined Way To Deal With Email
A Disciplined Way To Deal With EmailU.S. Soldiers' New Weapon: an iPod | Newsweek International Edition |
Tying the hands of a person who is speaking, the Arab proverb goes, is akin to "tying his tongue." Western soldiers in Iraq know how important gestures can be when communicating with locals. To close, open and close a fist means "light," but just opening a fist means "bomb." One soldier recently home from Iraq once tried to order an Iraqi man to lie down. To get his point across, the soldier had to demonstrate by stretching out in the dirt. Translation software could help, but what's the best way to make it available in the field?
iPod is becoming tool of choice for US Military
Apple’s New Weapon To help soldiers make sense of data from drones, satellites and ground sensors, the U.S. military now issues the iPod Touch.
The US military has been looking for a device that is both versatile and easy to use to help its soldiers make sense of information they receive from satellites, drones, and ground sensors while in the field. The iPod Touch has become that new device. It's cheaper than the current devices distributed to soldiers and Apple has already done all of the necessary research and manufacturing for the devices. As the iPod Touch gains more functionality, it is hoped that soldiers will gradually be able to shed soem of their other devices and just carry the iPod.
To help soldiers make sense of data from drones, satellites and ground sensors, the U.S. military now issues the iPod Touch.In defense of Twitter
An interesting article justifying twittering as an activity
A great post concerning how there is nothing inherent to the banality of Twitter updates; this banality exists in "real" conversations as well. It's a good point and one that I've been trying to make recently with friends who "just don't get Twitter."
Heraclitus would have had a f***ing Twitter feed.New Rules for the New Economy
This is a blog version of a book of mine first published in 1998. I am re-issuing it (two posts per week) unaltered on its 10th anniversary. Comments welcomed. ... The thesis of New Rules for the New Economy is that we are now living in an economy based on ideas and communication rather than energy and atoms. Further, this "new" economy has distinct laws or rules so it behaves differently than the previous industrial economy. To do well in the new regime, we need to grasp the new dynamics of information. I reduce the emerging principles to 10 guidelines, and suggest a few strategies for businesses based on each principle.
Kevin Kelly - Blog ver of book.Swine flu: Twitter's power to misinform | Net Effect
" I think it's only a matter of time before that the next generation of cyber-terrorists -- those who are smart about social media, are familiar with modern information flows, and are knowledgeable about human networks -- take advantage of the escalating fears over the next epidemic and pollute the networked public sphere with scares that would essentially paralyze the global economy. Often, such tactics would bring much more destruction than the much-feared cyberwar and attacks on physical -- rather than human -- networks. "
I am highly skeptical that any of the people I follow on Twitter are talking about swine flu to "fit in" or "gain popularity." This article does, however, make me want to start making stuff up.
twitter and the lack of context for what passes for conversations on it. agree up to a point but what people call noise is only that in their context. I suspect this has to do with assumption that there must be one right, correct and overriding context, which of course is not true.
Interesting post on the past 3 days of swine flu craze on Twitter and its impact.
"That aside, the “swine flu” Twitter-scare has once again proved the importance of context – and how badly most Twitter conversations are hurt by the lack of it"
Twitter and its bad efect
"...the “swine flu” Twitter-scare has once again proved the importance of context – and how badly most Twitter conversations are hurt by the lack of it."Why text messages are limited to 160 characters | Technology | Los Angeles Times
As he went along, Hillebrand counted the number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces on the page. Each blurb ran on for a line or two and nearly always clocked in under 160 characters.
Los Angeles Times article about the history of SMS text messaging
Alone in a room in his home in Bonn, Germany, Friedhelm Hillebrand sat at his typewriter, tapping out random sentences and questions on a sheet of paper. As he went along, Hillebrand counted the number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces on the page. Each blurb ran on for a line or two and nearly always clocked in under 160 characters. That became Hillebrand's magic number -- and set the standard for one of today's most popular forms of digital communication: text messaging. "This is perfectly sufficient," he recalled thinking during that epiphany of 1985, when he was 45 years old. "Perfectly sufficient." The communications researcher and a dozen others had been laying out the plans to standardize a technology that would allow cellphones to transmit and display text messages. Because of tight bandwidth constraints of the wireless networks at the time -- which were mostly used for car phones -- each message would have to be as short as possible. Before his typewriter
aditya: Why 160 characters for an SMS? —
Quá! Eu sabia que tinha que ter um alemão entediado envolvido...A List Apart: Articles: Taking the Guesswork Out of Design
How a Graphic Design consultant should operate.
Creativity breathes life into successful websites. However, creative ideas and solutions can sometimes seem like guesswork—and guessing is risky business. So what can designers do to show clients they’re using a solid strategy and have the best intentions? The following exercises are a great way to start discussing and documenting aspects of design to help clients shed their fear of creativity and encourage them to join the design process.Ning’s Social Networks Get Their Own App Platform
Ning’s Social Networks Get Their Own App Platform
Ning, the social network for social networks, recently hit the 1 million networks milestone. But with such a huge user base comes huge user demand for
Today, Ning is about to deliver some of that functionality to their 700,000 social network creators with Ning Apps, giving them more than 90 new toys — think apps like Qik, Twitter, Ustream,, Tokbox, WordPress, Mailchimp, and PollDaddy — that they can use to enhance their individual networks.
new apps for ningPresentation Zen: Making presentations in the TED style
Making presentations in the TED styleSpeaking and Presenting- Your Next Actions |
Presentations are important. They are a gifted opportunity, given to you by someone who hopes that you will educate and equip (and entertain!) the people who have gathered to participate. As such, I treat them as important opportunities, and I invite you to do the same, should you find yourself invited to speak in some form or another with people. I want you to succeed. It’s my hope that some of what I share with you is useful, that you can pick it up, that you can take some of what I come up with here and run with it yourselves. I call this “giving your ideas handles.” We’ll do three things with this post: talk about the audience, share with you my most concise advice about presenting, and give you some further resources.
a good post to read to get into the mindset of giving a presentation.How P2 Changed Automattic — Matt Mullenweg
web layout/feel for ideacus... I mostly like how the top makes you feel like it's a totally different page...
A post about and video showing the Twitter-like collaborative WordPress Theme P2.
P2 - twitter-like realtime-editable theme for wordpress
A intruiging blog theme for wordpress. Allows you to blog in real-time. Need to take a closer look at this
Jere, oliks tää P2 se teema jota sä näytit mulle aikasemmin? Aika lupaava mikrobloggaus-intranet-härveli ton videon perusteella...
이거 뭔가요?Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk
Brilliant Statistically proven ways that work.
Devil’s advocate example works with large organizations. Leaders who consistently seek out dissenting opinions earn more respect, and generally have better agreement with people in the room than those who rule by lying the law and persecuting dissenters.How To Network: For Introverts | Business Pundit
I have a problem. I'm an introvert. I'm not shy. I'm not afraid of being in public. But I am horrible at chit-chat and gossip. If I spend an evening at a social
this bookmark brought from the different place.価値の判断基準が自分の外にある人間は表現者になれない - 発声練習
見えていないものが多すぎるWhat Companies Should Know About Digital Natives « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
blog Jeremiah Owyang, digitální domorodci vs digitální imigranti strategist estrategiaGoogle Wave Preview
Google Wave is a new online communication and collaboration tool.
Learn Google Wave can make you more productive even when you're having fun.
this looks like a giant step, but I don't know in which direction... ah, winer compares it to opendocIntroduction (Google Wave Federation Protocol)
What if you used this for reports and you could comment on them in the wave?
Google's Wave may be the future of email, but looks like it will stump Grandpa and Grandma, who are barely grasping webmail. I wonder how well it can be miniaturized to fit on smartphones.Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Finally, we're moving beyond the confines of the format of the channel, and the point of it: communication: 'A "wave" is equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.'
Google Wave Official Blog
long but the vid
'You create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It's concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave.'About Google Wave
Micro-blogging platform Twitter has 32 million users, which is an increase from about 2 million a year ago, according to research mentioned in The Wall Street Journal. Some Internet measurement services show that figure increasing 50% to 100% month-over-month.
full articleMicrosoft Vine – Request an invitation
En su version Beta, una especie de red social pero basado totalemnete en el aspecto geografico, aun no se muy bien como fuinciona, pero parece interesante, aunquecon el inconveniente de siempre, servicio solo para EU
he Microsoft Vine Beta connects you to the people and places you care about most, when it matters. Stay in touch with family and friends, be informed when someone needs help. Get involved to create great communities. Use alerts, reports and your personal dashboard to stay in touch, informed and involved.Google Waves Goodbye to E - Webmonkey
The Web Developer's Resource
Google has set out to rewire the e-mail inbox with a new product called Wave. Wave is a web-based application that marries multiple forms of communication and collaboration, including chat, mail and wikis, into a unified interface. Everything inside Wave happens in real time: You can even see a comment being made as the person is typing it, character-by-character. There are few effective ways to communicate within small groups, whether co-workers, friends, or family. Most of us use e-mail, just addressing a new message to a bunch of people. This starts a thread, which eventually gets twisted and fragmented into side conversations and becomes more and more confusing. The more-organized among us use tools like IM or IRC chat rooms, wikis, group blogs or web apps built for threaded communications, such as FriendFeed.
Google has set out to rewire the e-mail inbox with a new product called Wave. Wave is a web-based application that marries multiple forms of communication and collaboration, including chat, mail and wikis, into a unified interface. Everything inside Wave happens in real time: You can even see a comment being made as the person is typing it, character-by-character.How to Give a Great Talk
While I'm preparing, I try to extract the main takeaways -- that is, the most important points of my talk, the points I most want the audience to remember. Those points will form the talk's skeleton. By not using notes, you force yourself to understand your takeaways very clearly. The reason you have to be so clear on them is that if you don't know what they are, your talk will have no structure, and you'll have a hard time remembering it when you do it live.The ducks in the bathroom are not mine
funny. how to deal with an overzealous apartment managerSix Ways that Google Wave is Going to Change Your Business, Career and Life | Think Vitamin
Extensions, Embedding APIs, Collaboration, Open Source, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), PlaybackHow Twitter Will Change the Way We Live -- Printout -- TIME
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live
Fantastic article by Steven Johnson on
6/05/09この「いじめ対策」はすごい! - 森口朗公式ブログ
いじめの認知は、本人、親、友人の誰からの報告であっても 「この事態を心配している人から報告があった」で統一する。 必ず、一人の教員ではなくチームで対応する。 複数の加害者(大抵そうです)と複数の教員が別部屋で1対1で対応 事実を認めた加害者に対し「泣くまで」反省を迫る すぐに誤らせる(「謝らせる」が正しいです)ことはしない 少なくとも一週間の時間を置いて、加害者に誤る(「謝る」)ことを許す 保護者を交えて、いじめの事実を報告おごるTV [] - ごはん、おごります。
ogoru.tvGoogle Wave: Our First Hands-On Impressions
have a play with it when possible? Google Wave: This Thing is Tidal
Mashable's review of Google Wave.
Mashable got their hands on an account for the demo version of Google Wave, and this in-depth review gives it an early thumbs up: "It’s already got certain aspects, like navigation, absolutely right. With some great 3rd party apps and greater customization, Google Wave could actually match its hype."Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk
Always useful to know how best to co-erce money out of loved ones.
f a sign imploring people not to steal pieces of petrified forest from the park. One mentioned large amounts of petrified forest taken away on an annual basis, the other one simply asked the visitors not to remove petrified wood. The first one actually tripled t50 Ways to Use Twitter in the College Classroom | Online Colleges
Twitter has caught fire across many professional fields as well as personally, but it seems to be in the beginning stages in the realm of higher education. The creative ways Twitter users have incorporated microblogging has become inspirational, so the recent trend of using Twitter at college is sure to keep evolving into an ever more impressive tool. Make sure you don’t get left behind by incorporating some of these educational and fun ways that Twitter can be used in the college classroom.
Twitter has caught fire across many professional fields as well as personally, but it seems to be in the beginning stages in the realm of higher education. The creative ways Twitter users have incorporated microblogging has become inspirational, so the recent trend of using Twitter at college is sure to keep evolving into an ever more impressive tool.
Make sure you don't get left behind by incorporating some of these educational and fun ways that Twitter can be used in the college classroom.Twitter is Not a Conversational Platform - O'Reilly Radar
Perhaps the most common reason given for joining the microsharing site Twitter is
If microsharing tools resemble wikis more than conversational tools and social networks, this has huge implications for how people and organizations approach use of this emerging technology. Solis suggests, I think rightly, that "sometimes it's effective to...maintain a presence simply by reading, listening, and sharing relevant and timely information without having to directly respond to each and every tweet."The Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense R | Human Resources |
But working with people in different cities and time zones with minimal face time presents a whole new set of challenges. While the tools available for working remotely are better than ever, it's how you use them that really counts. Constant and clear communication is the key to a good remote working relationship.
Over the past five years I've worked off-site and online for employers across the country using email, chat, and web-based collaboration apps. My work life has been the envy of my traditional nine-to-five friends. While they suit up in an office-appropriate outfit, grab the briefcase, and brave a commute every weekday, I get to work from home (and my employers get to save money on office space).自己実現をはかれる人の7 つのチェックポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
always looking for ways to improve my email etiquette.
for BI
Recently, I started using an old family friend as a travel agent. Before then, we’d never had occasion to email one another. From the start, I was shocked to find that she regularly wrote her emails exclusively in all uppercase letters. I politely mentioned that using all caps in an email is the equivalent of screaming in voice conversations and she said she appreciated the tip. Still, I couldn’t help wondering how a professional could get by today without mastering one of the most basic tenets of email manners.
Nothing that I didn't know, but some people I know should read this - just few people ;)How To Communicate Securely in Repressive Environments « iRevolution
Dopo l'Iran. Come usare Internet per comunicare.Introduction to Social Thinking
Teen thinking. Social Problems, workshop listings and gathering for Teachers
Social thinking is required before the development of social skills and successful social interaction.
Social Thinking -Michelle Garcia WinnerService Design Tools | Communication methods supporting design processes
Here are 10 insightful studies that give a flavour of what has been discovered about the dynamics of group psychology.
Good tools for learning groups/management techniques.You should follow me on Twitter | Dustin Curtis
Hey RIA and web vendors: how can your tools let people do this kind of experimenting?
You should follow me on Twitter
Experiment on increasing CTR to your twitter page
Experimenting with different phrases.Twitter関連ツール・まとめ - かちびと.net
"今現在は165個のツールがありましたが、今後追加していく可能性もあります。 TwitterWikiに載ってるサービスは極力載せていないつもりですが、若干被ってるかも。"BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Want to know how to handle all of these?
"It applies in all walks of life. Church services and prayer books are full of three-part lists. Research has shown that people know a prayer is finished when it ends with them praying for three things. They know to say 'Amen' and don't have to be prompted." Also, it is economical - a third word is the earliest point at which a possible connection, implied by the first two, is confirmed. If you carry on listing items, say speech-writing experts, you risk being criticised for "going on and on". It can be thRands In Repose: The Words You Wear
many good points in this post , steal it for the script!!!
"In business, words are like fashion. You try a word on because important people around you are saying it and getting results, but you may not actually know what it means. Every group in the company has their own unique set of words and every group uses these words to verbally define who they are, what they know, and what they own. These words, these phrases, have value when everyone is in agreement as to what they mean, but used outside of your part of the organization, their value decreases, especially the closer you get to engineering."
This is you think you’re saying, but this is what we’re hearing. Corporate Crap.
Heads-up — “You’re screwed.”5 Pet Peeves Designers Have With Developers (and How to Avoid Them) | Webdesigner Depot
Pet Peeves Designers Have With DevelopersShareflow: Focused conversations with people that matter | Zenbe
Create focused conversations, share documents, information flow among teams.
Conversation hosting tool.
alternative to Google Wave available nowSeth's Blog: How to make graphs that work
it's the third one, you can probably dispense with the graph altogether. And the fourth isn't really a presentation, it's a working session. Which means you're trying to light a fire, make a point, highlight a trend, cause action to be taken. Your gra
How to make graphs that work
Good results should go up on the Y axis. This means that if you're charting weight loss, don't chart "how much I weigh" because good results would go down. Instead, chart "percentage of goal" or "how much I lost."
good article about graphsGoogle's Wave of the future is genius, but will it work? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business
Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be.
Andy Ihnatko on Google Wave.
"A cursory viewing could leave you with the impression that Wave is a replacement for email and chat. [But ...] In truth, Wave is an ambitious, brand-new infrastructure for communication in general. [...] Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be. Google says that they’re open-sourcing 'the lion’s share' of the code that makes Wave services work, and they’re keeping no secrets about its standards. [...] Some of the real fire of the Google Wave demo video [...] comes at the end. A guy is sharing a Wave with someone and having a live text conversation. A robot is automatically translating all of the text so that the English speaker and the French-speaker are seeing their own native languages. And the translation is happening while they type."The Simple Dollar » Ten Unusual Ways to Improve Your Appearance of Confidence That Really Work
ほほー、なるほど。本気で使えばかなりいい情報収集装置になるんだな。9 Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old’s Lemonade Stand | Webdesigner Depot
Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old’s Lemonade Stand | Webdesigner Depot
Don’t just offer lemonade. Put in that extra sprig of mint
By the end of the day, Sophia had made a whopping eight dollars at her “free” lemonade stand. When it was all said and done, I realized that although my original business lessons didn’t stick with my daughter, I learned a lot about marketing.
The other day my daughter, Sophia, announced that she wanted to set up a lemonade stand. Seeing as how I didn’t really want to spend the better part of my好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。CEO Letter |
Zappos email to customers & Amazon video about Amazon & acquisition. WOW!
Free shipping BOTH ways, 365-day return policy, 24/7 customer service. Millions of men's shoes, women's shoes, girl's shoes, boy's shoes, handbags, men's clothing, women's clothing, Uggs, Nike shoes!
A long but meaningful letter! I am so proud of them!City Brights: Howard Rheingold : Crap Detection 101
Excellent advice on thinking critically abt media & how to teach your children to do so from @hrheingold #homeschool [from]
legitimate websites
Annotated link
"The first thing we all need to know about information online is how to detect crap, a technical term I use for information tainted by ignorance, inept communication, or deliberate deception. Learning to be a critical consumer of Webinfo is not rocket science. It's not even algebra. Becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables. The hard part, as always, is the exercise of flabby think-for-yourself muscles."ChatPad|1クリックで始まる!見知らぬ誰かとのチャットサービス
チャット 匿名 ランダムHOW TO: Start a Petition on Twitter
Petitions are one of the most valuable tools organizers have to gather support for a cause and demonstrate the strength behind it. Even if they’re not always ultimately successful in enacting their goal, petitions are an amazing way to bring people together around an issue, spread awareness, and show others how many people care about a cause.
Tips på bra naminsamlingstjänster för Twitter.犬も歩けば 渋谷にあたる:オバマの問題解決能力
この事件、成り行きをどうなるのか、たぶん解決は無理と思っていた人がほとんどだったと思う。 もちろん解決することはできない深い問題だけれど、まぁ、叫び罵りあわずに、ビールでも飲んで話そうよ、ということを提案したことで、議論がとたんにポジティブになった
1、行動が迅速 2、直接に話をし、徹底的に説明する 3、自分の悪かった点についての反省 4、ネガティブな事件をポジティブなことに変える 5、まぁ、飲んで話そうよ、という落とし所Twitter is for old people, work experience whiz-kid tells bankers - Times Online
very cool story
Very relevant to sourcing and creating any type of media for YP. It gives me insight into what my (and other) children are on.7 Secrets to Tweeting Your Corporate Culture
follow us @BGChamber - we will keep you updated with ribbon cuttings, ground breakings and news around the South Central Kentucky area.Developer Evangelism - home of the Developer Evangelist Handbook
A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job.
from Yahoo's Christian Heilmann
"Developer Evangelism is a new kind of role in IT companies. A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job." Advice from Chris HeilmannHumans prefer cockiness to expertise - life - 10 June 2009 - New Scientist
Why is this no big surprise? "EVER wondered why the pundits who failed to predict the current economic crisis are still being paid for their opinions? It's a consequence of the way human psychology works in a free market, according to a study of how people's self-confidence affects the way others respond to their advice."
good stuffSeth's Blog: The bandwidth-sync correlation that's worth thinking about
very nice mapping of network & platform
Here are a dozen or so forms of communication, arranged on two axes.
Reason why webinars are so valued
nice way to understand why Broadband is key.a tiny thread
Simple forum that uses twitter. Small, simple, and kind of brilliant.
Twitter with threading.
finally here: threads for twitterEssay: Dumb-dumb bullets - July 2009 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy
Why PowerPoint kills decision making
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool
Sub-hed: "As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool"
"Unfortunately, by using PowerPoint inappropriately, we have created a thought process centered on bullets and complex charts. This has a number of impacts. First, it reduces clarity since a bullet is essentially an outline for a sentence and a series of bullets outline a paragraph. They fail to provide the details essential to understanding the ideas being expressed. While this helps immensely with compromise, since the readers can create their own narrative paragraphs from the bullets, it creates problems when people discover what they agreed to is not what they thought they had agreed to. Worse, it creates a belief that complex issues can, and should, be reduced to bullets. It has reached the point where some decision-makers actually refuse to read a two-page briefing paper and instead insist PowerPoint be used."
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool By T. X. HammesHow To Effectively Communicate With Developers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
eam. Often times, this is where design ends and development begins. As designers, this is where we should be most involved to ensure that the design concept is fully realized in the working application. Avoid just ‘throwing the design over the fence’, and hoping the developers implement it exactly how you have envisioned it in your
If you have ever worked with a developer or a development team, this article will probably strike close to home. As designers, we work with
Article on designer - developer communicationEpeus' epigone: How Twitter works in theory
Kevin Marks, 14 Aug 2009. Flow, faces, phatic, following, publics, mutual media, small-world networks. "The subtlety is that the publics are semi-overlapping ... we are the synapses in the global brain of the web of thought and conversation."
It is said that an economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders whether it works in theory. Twitter clearly works in practice - and if you want practical advice, watch Laura Fitton's Tech talk at Google, or read her Twitter for Dummies. I've learned a lot from talking to her and others about this phenomenon, and I wanted to write about some theories that help me understand it.
It is said that an economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders whether it works in theory. "Twitter clearly works in practice - and if you want practical advice, watch Laura Fitton's Tech talk at Google, or read her Twitter for Dummies. I've learned a lot from talking to her and others about this phenomenon, and I wanted to write about some theories that help me understand it."
At its heart Twitter is a flow - it doesn't present an unread count of messages, just a list of recent ones, so you don't have email's inbox problem - the implicit pressure to turn bold things plain and get that unread number down. Instead, you can dip in and out of it, when you have time, and what you see is notes from people you care about.
It is said that an economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders whether it works in theory. "Twitter clearly works in practice - and if you want practical advice, watch Laura Fitton's Tech talk at Google, or read her Twitter for Dummies. I've learned a lot from talking to her and others about this phenomenon, and I wanted to write about some theories that help me understand it."Answers to Social Media Questions You Should Know - Online Marketing Blog
Discussion of Costs and Benefits of Companies Having a Social Networking Presence
A few ways to discover where your customers are on the social web include: * Participation * Social Media Monitoring * Logging existing traffic and behaviors to your web site from social media web sites. * Surveys of your existing customers * Referencing demographic information supplied by social media sites that offer advertising. * Third party data sources
In the course of providing consulting services and conducting training programs for companies on social media marketing & PR or a combination of SEO and12 Simple Ways To Impress Your Boss (And Everyone Else) | ItStartsWith.Us
Just about everyone wants to do great work, look good in the eyes of their boss, and earn the respect of their peers.I'm OK; The Bull Is Dead
I'm OK; The Bull Is Dead June 21, 2004 (Computerworld) Early in my career, when I worked as an engineer, my boss had a process by which the engineering team was expected to report project status. He insisted that we use the following steps, in the specified order: 1. Punch line: The facts; no adjectives, adverbs or modifiers. "Milestone 4 wasn't hit on time, and we didn't start Task 8 as planned." Or, "Received charter approval as planned." 2. Current status: How the punch-line statement affects the project. "Because of the missed milestone, the critical path has been delayed five days." 3. Next steps: The solution, if any. "I will be able to make up three days during the next two weeks but will still be behind by two days." 4. Explanation: The reason behind the punch line. "Two of the five days' delay is due to late discovery of a hardware interface problem, and the remaining three days' delay is due to being called to help the customer support staff for a production problem."
Gode vaner i forbindelse med afrapportering på projekter... her er er en artikel jeg tror jeg vil vende tilbage til et par gange - jeg er nemlig ikke så hurtig ...
1. Punch Line 2. Current Status 3 Next Steps 4. Explaination
How to get to the pointapophenia: Twitter: "pointless babble" or peripheral awareness + social grooming?
This pov (Twitter as social grooming) makes a lot of sense to me. But I would also dispute the term "pointless babble" itself: the two examples of "phatic" (non-information-conveying) expressions given here, "hi", and "thank you", actually can convey quite a lot of information, depending on context.
Spirited and spot on defence of the cod analysis of Twitter that some commentators engage in as a form of denial...
Now, turn all of your utterances over to an analytics firm so that they can code everything that you've said. I think that you'll be lucky if only 40% of what you say constitutes "pointless babble" to a third party ear.
Refreshing perspective on twitter. Makes me want to tweet. (Aside: this shines some light on things I've been trying to figure out about IM lately too. It might as well be re-titled "why IM should never be logged".)Google Wave: 5 Ways It Could Change the Web
Google Wave arrives on September 30th. On that day, Google will start sending out 100,000 invites to non-developers to its much-anticipated real-time communication platform.50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom
Send snail mail letters online.La génération Y va tout changer | ReadWriteWeb France
Create an instant Groupsite to connect your association members online. Empower members to maximize their return on involvement by giving them a place to communicate, share and network
With Groupsites, people from a wide range of professional and social groups within companies, communities, non-profits, families and more are now able to instantly and easily communicate, share, network. Best of all, basic Groupsites are FREE to create and can be setup to be public is a self-serve platform for creating social collaboration communities called Groupsites.Online Dating Advice: Exactly What To Say In A First Message « OkTrends
OkCupid study using the messages sent by its users.
Online Dating Advice: Exactly What To Say In A First Message
Mmmmm stats applied to online dating - fascinating looking at what words work best. I wonder if similar principles apply to blog posts.
We analyzed over 500,000 first contacts on our dating site, OkCupid. Our program looked at keywords and phrases, how they affected reply rates, and what trends were statistically significant. The result: a set of rules for what you should and shouldn’t say when introducing yourself online. This is the second post of our statistical investigation into the optimal online dating messageBBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Facial expressions 'not global'
A new study suggests that people from different cultures might read facial expressions differently.
A new study suggests that people from different cultures read facial expressions differently. East Asian participants in the study focused mostly on the eyes, but those from the West scanned the whole face. In the research carried out by a team from Glasgow University, East Asian observers found it more difficult to distinguish some facial expressions.
HMS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, EMOTIONS As I was reading Lewis, et al., I remembered this recent study report on facial expressions. This study directly refutes the claims of Ekman reported on pp 39-40 and points up a bias in the Lewis text against cultural explanations. Obviously as an anthropologist, I am not sympathetic to a pure biology approach to love, but I still find Lewis et al. compelling. Does it matter than one small piece of their evidence has been proven empirically to be false?
东方人和西方人表达感情时候都差别──西方人用整张脸。而东方人都眼神更为精妙BBC NEWS | Africa | SA pigeon 'faster than broadband'
"A Durban IT company pitted an 11-month-old bird armed with a 4GB memory stick against the ADSL service from the country's biggest web firm, Telkom." Winston the pigeon took two hours to carry the data 60 miles - in the same time the ADSL had sent 4% of the data.
Broadband promised to unite the world with super-fast data delivery - but in South Africa it seems the web is still no faster than a humble pigeon.
Reality of Internet accessibility in Africa. Maybe this is what we should use to disseminate our publications in ACP countries....
scenic news
Quando il piccione viaggiatore è meglio di una connessione dati veloceGoogle Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
特定のサービス名称ではないTwitter, Twitter, Twitter… | ReadWriteWeb France
Beaucoup de gens pensent que Twitter est un flux de pensées futiles, symptomatiques d’une culture qui se perd, irresponsable et egocentrée, à la recherche d’un
Analyse de twitter: barrière, fonctionnement, usage, etc.Seth's Blog: The modern talking pad
Leave it beh
"I've been having great success with a hybrid of the yellow legal pad and a printed presentation from Keynote (or Powerpoint). I use it during small meetings where more interactivity is useful, and where the group is too small for a laptop to be the best way to present slides (I think running a presentation says, "I talk, you listen...")"
Thinking of my almost unused Muji Chronotebook..
I love how Seth's brain works... while so many people are thinking of how complicated and hi tech they need to become in order to make points and get through to people, Seth works in the opposite direction in order to simplify things and challenge the status quo. I never would have thought of this had he not posted it.
That's a good idea! A new way to do presentationsThe new rules of news | Dan Gillmor | Comment is free |
Some of this is happening already, of course, but a good list nonetheless. “[The anniversary coverage of the Lehman collapse] reminds me of a few pet peeves about the way traditional journalists operate. So here's a list of 22 things, not in any particular order, that I'd insist upon if I ran a news organization.”
Journalists need to stop being so lazy and unimaginative. Here are 22 ideas for changing the way news is produced. Ja klar. Wieder mal ein Text, in dem so ein Trainer-Buff, der keine Mannschaft trainiert, sagt, was die anderen Trainer machen sollten, wenn's nach ihm ginge. Das journalistische Reden über Journalismus ähnelt IMMER MEHR diesen sonntäglichen Doppelpassdiskussionen auf DSF, mit dem Unterschied, dass IMMER MEHR Diskutanten wie Udo Lattek sind. Meine Gillmor-Lieblingsregeln lauten: Keine Jahrestagsgeschichten mehr, keine Toptengeschichten mehr, und in Opinionstücken wird das Wort "muss" verboten. Da ist echt gedacht worden. Ich bin sicher, das wird jetzt wieder von 234.525 deutschen Twitteranten retwittert werden.
Journalists need to stop being so lazy and unimaginative. Here are 22 ideas for changing the way news is produced
Sehr lesenswert
Dan Gillmor hat 22 Vorschläge, um die Qualität des Journalismus zu verbessern. Beispiele: Mediennutzer an der Entstehung bzw. Weiterentwicklung von Themen beteiligen, auf Berichte zu Jahres- und Geburtstagen weitestgehend verzichten, hohe Transparenz durch Erwähnen ungeklärter Fragen etc.
Interesting take on the new media and journalism
Das wär so schön, wenn zumindest einiges davon mal wahr werden könnte.
"Journalists need to stop being so lazy and unimaginative. Here are 22 ideas for changing the way news is produced"Euroblog 2007 - Survey and Conference - Weblogs in Communication Management
Implications and Challenges for Communication Management and PR
Blog en inglés sobre asuntos sociales
informacion de blogs
manual de euroblog
Euroblog2007: Social Software-A Revolution for Communication
imlpications and Challenges for Communication Management
Informe anual de 2007 que habla de la sociedad de la informacion
Es un blog acerca de asuntos sociales
Esta pagina presenta a 400 expertos sobre la comunicacion
Implicaciones y cambios dentro de la comunicaciónユーザサポートでめちゃくちゃ感謝された経験について話す - はてなポイント3万を使い切るまで死なない日記
お客様本意のサービス設計をするときに重要なのは、お客様が本当に得をするかどうかではなく、どう感じるか、どう行動するかを想像することが重要だ。そのとき想像が具体的なほど、全員がそうじゃないので、対象となるお客様の人数も想像すべき。The End of the Email Era -
E-mail is dead. Long live e-mail.
Someone faxed this to me. I made photocopies and sent it to several friends via USPS: "Email, stuck in the era of attachments, seems boring compared to services like Google Wave..."
Why Email No Longer Rules…Google Wave crashes on beach of overhype
"DO NOT ASSUME THIS IS A TWITTER KILLER. It is not. It’s not even a good sharing engine, far worse than FriendFeed is. I’d recommend using a private room over on FriendFeed first."
Google Waveはノイズに満ちていて、カオスの世界。
DO TRY THE API if you are a developer. From what I’m seeing that’s where the real value in Google Wave will come, but we haven’t seen enough apps yet so end users won’t find much here to play with yet.
Google Wave crashes on beach of overhypeHOW TO: Use Social Media in Your PR Pitch Plan
Whether Google Wave succeeds is really irrelevant. More important is if the idea of Wave does. Again, the idea of passive-aggressive communication.
Die Umschreibung passiv-aggressiv ist in diesem Zusammenhang schlecht gewählt, aber sonst ist der Artikel auf TechCrunch eine gute Beschreibung für die Entwicklung der Online-Kommunikation.Google Wave's Best Use Cases - Wave - Lifehacker
"My fellow students and I are always struggling to keep up with taking notes. After each class we all email each other the notes that we took, and it's always up to us to compile all of the important info, and figure out the validity, etc. With Google Wave, we could have one master notebook, where we could verify all the info, highlight what will probably be the most important for the international exam, and just improve the process of studying completely."エンジニアがミーティングを嫌う理由 – バイリンガルの独り言
物を作る人にとって、ミーティングに参加するという事は「働くモード」を強制的に切り替えさせられることです。 — What problems does Google Wave solve?
Quote: "... People work on documents, presentations, etc. They have lengthy discussions over email. Pieces of work bounce back and forth across one or multiple organisations for weeks before they’re finalised. People are brought on to the conversation late in the day. Attachments get lost. Inboxes fill up and emails bounce. It’s a major pain."
It's corporate, geeks.
I STILL DO NOT BELIEVE IT EXISTS.How to Give a Lousy Presentation - BusinessWeek
Fifteen ways to make a bad impression7 Things Web Designers Hate Hearing from Clients
In this article, we'll discuss seven things that often make the job of web designers difficult when dealing with unreasonable demands from clients.Mozilla Labs » Raindrop
Raindrop is a new exploration by the team responsible for Thunderbird to explore new ways to use open Web technologies to create useful, compelling messaging experiences. Raindrop's mission: make it enjoyable to participate in conversations from people you care about, whether the conversations are in email, on twitter, a friend's blog or as part of a social networking site. Raindrop uses a mini web server to fetch your conversations from different sources (mail, twitter, RSS feeds), intelligently pulls out the important parts, and allows you to interact with them using your favorite modern web browser (Firefox, Safari or Chrome).
Looks promising as a client to manage email+Twitter+Facebook+Web2.0 messages and notifications.Twitterを全社導入して気づいたこと - EC studio 社長ブログ
■この1ヶ月間で得られたTwitterの想定外の効果について 「飲み会で飲み過ぎて行方不明になったスタッフの捜索状況」
よく導入出来たなMozilla Labs » Raindrop » Blog Archive » Introducing Raindrop
Today we’re introducing Raindrop, an exploration in messaging innovation being led by the team responsible for Thunderbird, to explore new ways to use Open Web technologies to create useful, compelling messaging experiences. We hope to lead and spur the development of extensible applications that help users easily and enjoyably manage their conversations, notifications, and messages across a variety of online services. A central principle behind Raindrop is that messaging should be personal — we want Raindrop to be people-centric both in how we process messages, and in how we can help give people control over their personal data and experiences.
Today we’re introducing Raindrop, an exploration in messaging innovation being led by the team responsible for Thunderbird, to explore new ways to use Open Web technologies to create useful, compelling messaging experiences. We hope to lead and spur the development of extensible applications that help users easily and enjoyably manage their conversations, notifications, and messages across a variety of online services. A central principle behind Raindrop is that messaging should be personal — we want Raindrop to be people-centric both in how we process messages, and in how we can help give people control over their personal data and experiences. When a friend’s link from YouTube or flickr arrives, your messaging client should be able to show the video or photos near or as part of the message, rather than rudely kicking you over to a separate browser tab. Notifications from computers and mailing lists should be organized for you.New evidence that bullet-points don’t work : Speaking about Presenting
Good article of collaboration
by James Manyika, Kara Sprague and Lareina Yee: Knowledge workers fuel innovation and growth, yet the nature of knowledge work remains poorly understood—as do the ways to improve its effectiveness. The heart of what knowledge workers do on the job is collaborate, which in the broadest terms means they interact to solve problems, serve customers, engage with partners, and nurture new ideas. Technology and workflow processes support knowledge worker success and are increasingly sources of comparative differentiation. Those able to use new technologies to reshape how they work are finding significant productivity gains. This article shares our research on how technology can improve the quality and output of knowledge workers.
Using technology to improve workforce collaborationThe Future of the Social Web | Brian Solis - PR 2.0
A List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
It's hard for clients to understand the true value of user experience research. As much as you'd like to tell your clients to go read The Elements of User Experience and call you back when they’re done, that won’t cut it in a professional services environment. David Sherwin creates a cheat sheet to help you pitch UX research using plain, client-friendly language that focuses on the business value of each exercise.Uncovering Steve Jobs' Presentation Secrets - BusinessWeek
For his new book, communications coach Carmine Gallo watched hours of Jobs' keynotes. Here he identifies the five elements of every presentation by the Apple CEO野心作Google Waveの壮大なビジョン. 新しいWebには新しいコミュニケーションプラットホームを
最初のフェーズは、Googleが作った製品としてのGoogle WaveがWebアプリケーションとして一般に公開される。第二フェーズのGoogle Waveはプラットホームだ。上で述べたように、一般のデベロッパが参加して何かを作っていく。そして第三フェーズでは、Google Waveはプロトコルだ。すなわち、Webコミュニケーションのための開発プラットホームになる(実装は自由で多様化)。Evolution: The Eight Stages Of Listening « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
As Social Customers Become More Empowered, Organizations Must Have A Listening Strategy As we approach 2010 planning companies need a strategy around listening. Sadly, most companies, and their agency partners don’t know why to listen or how. As a result, they must identify which stage of listening they are at, and then set a goal on which stage they see to aspire in 2010. I originally published this matrix for client workshops and a keynote presentation on developing listening and advocacy programs, and I’m going to continue to share more and blow-out each of my slides.
RT: @shakingtree: As Social Customers Become More Empowered, Organizations Must Have A Listening Strategy - by @jowyang [from]Blerp - post comments, photos, videos on any website, annotate the web with music, news, gossip, politics, share bookmarks, online forums, social bookmarking, discussion topics
Annotate or discuss a webpage.
Online post it program.
Annotate web pages and see what others have said about them as well.
Tool to let you annotate webpages
Site for annotating websites - collaboratively (alternative to diigo?)8 Sales Questions You Can't Live (and Sell) Without! - EVERYTHING IS SELLING...
Your challenge is to find oなぜ新人は聞きに来ないのか? - teruyastarはかく語りき
ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ããã°ã©ãã§ãçãã¦ãã: ã°ã°ããªå±éº ããããæ°äººãæ¤ç´¢ã«é ¼ã£ã¦ãã¾ããã¨ãå±éºè¦ããã®ã¯ãã³ããã®å¯ãéãã§ããªãã¨ãªãåãã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã¡ãã£ã¦ãããã§èªåã¯ä»äºãéæããã¨ããé¯è¦ã«é¥ã£ã¦ãã¾ãããã§ãã ããã¦ãã®å ´åãæ°äººããã°ã©ãã«ã¯ããã¡ãã¨ããã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã... ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ - ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ã«è¿½å reima reima ä»äº, èªã¿ç©
ググるなカス!State of the Art - Twitter Is What You Make It -
Twitter, in other words, is precisely what you want it to be. It can be a business tool, a teenage time-killer, a research assistant, a news source — whatever. There are no rules, or at least none that apply equally well to everyone. In fact, Mr. Williams said that a huge chunk of Twitter lore, etiquette and even terminology has sprouted up from Twitter users without any input from the company. For example, the people came up with the term “tweets” (what everyone calls the messages). The crowd began referring to fellow Twitterers by name like this: @pogue. Soon, that notation became a standard shorthand that the Twitter software now recognizes. The masses also came up with conventions like “RT,” meaning re-tweet — you’re passing along what someone else said on Twitter.
Notes on how to find people and things on twitterManage a Team - Wired How-To Wiki
Managing a team means more than just doling out work. Chances are, you'll be dealing with different personalities and working styles and that you'll be juggling multiple deadlines at once. It's a job that requires both a high level of organization and what they call "people skills." Your job as a leader is to make each project fun, but also keep it on track and on deadline. The primary goal of a good manager is to get everyone focused, make sure everyone is communicating and keep spirits up. It certainly goes beyond organizing team parties centered around stale supermarket cake. Learning how to effectively motivate and manage a team takes some planning, the right tools and good communication. So, start taking notes! This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Got extra advice? Log in and contribute. For Each Project: 1. Compose a Mission Statement. Not a memo, a mission statement. You don't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough (or a breakdown) to know your pr
All about project managementTwitterの公式RT、非公式RT、QTの違いを分かりやすく図で描いてみた - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
攻撃手口City Brights: Howard Rheingold : Twitter Literacy (I refuse to make up a Twittery name for it)
why twitter - one of the best articles to explain why
Twittermania is definitely sliding down the backlash slope of the hype cycle. It's not just the predictable wave of naysaying after the predictable waves of sliced-breadism and bandwagon-chasing. We're beginning to see some data. Nielsen, the same people who do TV ratings, recently noted that more than 60% of new Twitter users fail to return the following month.
When I recently participated in a live discussion onstage, we projected in real time the tweets that included a hashtag for the event, an act that blended the people in the audience together with the people on the panel in a much more interactive way than standard Q&A sessions at the end of the panel. After years as a public speaker and panelist, I found it fascinating and useful to have a window on what my previously silent audience was thinking while I was talking. You have to be sure enough about what you are saying onstage to keep from being distracted or thrown by the realtime feedback. Backchannel twitterers have been to virtually mob speakers they felt were wasting their attention.
Excellent post on social media literacy using Twitter as the key example. It is not about the tools, it is about an online culture. This article attempts to identify characteristics of this culture. For example; "Twitter is not a community, but it's an ecology in which communities can emerge...It is a platform for mass collaboration. To oversimplify, I think successful use of Twitter means knowing how to tune the network of people you follow, and how to feed the network of people who follow you."Google Wave's Massive Potential for Business Users
Google Wave is an innovative new way for people to communicate and collaborate. Taking the time to understand Wave and how it works might be a worthwhile investment for business users. Here’s what Wave could mean for the future of business communication and collaboration.5 tricks for wicked good writing on Shine
Tips from Constance Hale.
"Trick #1: Write in English, not Jargon. ... Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. ... Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. ... Trick #4: Avoid fluff. ... Trick #5: Find the right pitch."
Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. Nouns are cornerstones of writing—they give us characters, images, and themes. Search for the most evocative and exact. Why choose “house” when the options include cottage, shack, duplex, dacha, bungalow, and bachelor’s pad? (Stay away from abstractions like abode, dwelling, domicile, or residence.) Beware clusters of abstract nouns. When a principal wrote to parents urging a “communication facilitation skills development intervention,” he should have asked them “to help kids write better.” Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. All verbs are either static (to be, to seem, to become) or dynamic (to whistle, to waffle, to wonder). Static verbs pour out naturally when we write—“is” clutters most first drafts. But dynamic verbs give writing action, power, drama. Do a verb brush-up on every draft, tossing out static verbs and perking up your prose.7 Little Tricks To Speak In Public With No Fear - Stepcase Lifehack
There was once a time when I had no fear. I was 11 years old and I entered a story telling competition. I was confidently telling the story and captured
Still feel that lingering fear when speaking in Public? There is no need for that. Stepcase Lifehack presents you with 7 tricks to take the fear away, or even better, prevent it from getting to you at all.Microblogging Will Marginalize Corporate Email « I’m Not Actually a Geek
great post, badly laid out, awesome content
This is an excellent post. Great to link the emergence of microblogging to the theory of Christensen on disruptive innovations! Reading his books are the best way to truely understand the business impact of web 2.0 technologies.
Will Microblogging overtake email? [from]The Importance of Social Media Audits « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Types of audits, pricingSeth's Blog: The power of smart copywriting
Words sell.Cursive writing may be fading skill, but so what? - Yahoo! News
Charleston resident Kelli Davis was in for a surprise when her daughter brought home some routine paperwork at the start of school this fall. Davis signed the form and then handed it to her daughter for the eighth-grader's signature.PubSubHubbubでRSSもTwitter並にリアルタイムに - @IT
「PubSubHubbub」(パブサブハブバブ)という奇妙な名前のプロトコルが注目だ。2009年8月5日にグーグルはRSSリーダーサービスのGoogle ReaderでPubSubHubbub対応を明らかにしたほか、国内ではライブドアが、同じくRSSリーダー「livedoor Reader」とブログサービスの「livedoor Blog」でPubSubHubbubに初対応したことを8月18日に発表している。まだ対応サービスは少なく、その“効能”も「ブログの更新がRSSリーダーに反映されるのが、ほぼリアルタイムになりました」というだけで小さく見えるかもしれない。しかしPubSubHubbubは、ネット全体のリアルタイムコミュニケーションプラットフォーム化を促す重要なキーとなるかもしれない。Why Twitter Will Endure -
Really liked this. There's a lot more going than most realize.
"Not that long ago, I was at a conference at Yale and looked at the sea of open laptops in the seats in front of me. So why wasn’t my laptop open? Because I follow people on Twitter who serve as my Web-crawling proxies, each of them tweeting links that I could examine and read on a Blackberry. Regardless of where I am, I surf far less than I used to."
Like many newbies on Twitter, I vastly overestimated the importance of broadcasting on Twitter and after a while, I realized that I was not Moses and neither Twitter nor its users were wondering what I thought. Nearly a year in, I’ve come to understand that the real value of the service is listening to a wired collective voice.
I can remember when I first thought seriously about Twitter. Last March, I was at the SXSW conference, a conclave in Austin, Tex., where technology, media and music are mashed up and re-imagined, and, not so coincidentally, where Twitter first rolled out in 2007. As someone who was oversubscribed on Facebook, overwhelmed by the computer-generated RSS feeds of news that came flying at me, and swamped by incoming e-mail messages, the last thing I wanted was one more Web-borne intrusion into my life.
article on twitter
So you’re drowning in a sea of information. Perhaps the answer is more information.The Presentation Secrets Of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs presentation techniquesプレゼンテーションを成功させるための9つのステップ - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
LTでは使えないな。時間がない。How to Deliver a Great Presentation Like Steve Jobs
More and more small business folks are giving in to what seems like an insurmountable mountain of hype and jumping on the twitter bandwagon. Lke all social media and marketing tactics, before you can determine if something makes sense you need to analyze your objectives. So, instead of asking why you would use it, ask how it might help you achieve some other already stated objectives.A Little Less Conversation
It's a particularly insidious problem for fast-growing start-ups. When you're really small and you're just starting out, you don't have that many people, so keeping everyone in the loop on everything doesn't really take that much time. But as you get bigger, the number of people who might potentially get involved in any particular discussion increases, and the amount of stuff you're doing as a company increases, and the amount of time you can waste overcommunicating becomes a serious problem.
"Have you ever invited employees to a meeting just so they wouldn't feel left out? If so, you may be an overcommunicator."Philip Guo - Geek behaviors present during conversations
This is pretty funny, and true.
"This article presents some common behaviors I've observed from my past few years of interactions with geeks, nerds, and other highly-smart technical people. For brevity, I will simply use the term "geek" throughout this article as a catch-all term for such people. I don't mean to pass any value judgments on people who exhibit such behaviors; these are simply my observations and personal theories for why these behaviors occur."The Book of Body Language
CalendarFly is the next generation free scheduling solution. CalendarFly is uniquely suited for school systems, sports teams, families, and any other organization because it automatically maintains and updates the schedules of teachers, administrators, coaches, parents, and students--making it easy for all of them to connect in real time and real places.「Twitter始めたはいいけれど・・・」 そんな人に
ふぁぼったー俳優経験者が指南する「人前で上手く話すためのティップス10選」 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
2009.07.01おとなのマナー完璧講座 2009 冠婚葬祭編 - L-Cruise - 日経トレンディネット
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Results like these suggest that feeling good about yourself may in part be a matter of having a hard time feeling bad, and that confidence and even success might be triggered by interventions that do nothing but make failure seem the more intimidating possibility. The human brain, for all its power, is suspicious of difficulty, but perhaps we can learn to use that.
Phrases that are easier on the ear aren’t just catchy and easy to remember, McGlone argues, they also feel inherently truer.
Annotated link
in any situation where we weigh information. It’s a key part of the puzzle of how feelings like attraction and belief and suspicion work
"Cognitive fluency is simply a measure of how easy it is to think about something, and it turns out that people prefer things that are easy to think about to those that are hard. On the face of it, it’s a rather intuitive idea. But psychologists are only beginning to uncover the surprising extent to which fluency guides our thinking, and in situations where we have no idea it is at work."
Cognative fluencyBBC NEWS | Entertainment | Stephen Fry on joys of Twitter
Stephen Fry has become a huge fan of Twitter, a social networking service that thousands of people have signed up to, including many celebrities. He says he now has 50,000 'followers' who give him advice such as how to deal with a bat on the loose in his house...
Video clip. Fry explaining why he uses Twitter.
I've always struggled when other people ask 'What's Twitter?' Now I'm just going to send them this link to a short video of Stephen Fry perfectly encapsulating what Twitter is, how it works and why it's good.「きわめて短時間にそこそこの成果を上げる人間」の取説とその弱点 - ミームの死骸を待ちながら
なんか扱い方とか見てると自分のこと言われてるような気がしてならないのだが……いやでもそんなに人脈広くないしなあ……The Science of Building Trust With Social Media
Como establecer la verdad cuando nuestra identidad online esta poco mas que un avatar y pocas lineas de texto?
Few, if any, educational institutes teach the art of proper digital communication. Most of us have simply made up an impromptu strategy and crossed our fingers in the hopes that disaster doesn’t strike. With a bit of help from our friends in the fields of psychology and information technology, we can apply the age-old intuitions of face-to-face conversation to whatever advances in technology come our way.
Alright, so we keep talking about how government agencies need to gain the trust of our communities so they'll follow our recommendations. In the same breath, we declare that social media will be that silver bullet that will make everyone believe what we say and will allow our response/outreach/efforts to succeed beyond our wildest dreams. Turns out there's some research into how that actually happens. Take note and maybe your next response will be met with open ears and not wary eyes.
소셜미디어의 핵심은 진정성, 동영상으로 사례 설명한 부분이 인상적10 reasons to avoid talking on the phone - The Oatmeal
via kottkeYouTube - Ed Catmull, Pixar: Keep Your Crises Small
Ironing out the little problems can make it so companies can avoid big disasters. At 24:14
pixar guy talks about their process
Very nice talk, lot's of agile aspects in this story about what went wrong at the succefull Pixar company
Fantastique vidéo de Ed Catmull sur les méthodologies de travail des films chez Pixar et sur les processus de Pixar en tant que compagnie.
how pixar builds high performance teams -
Ed Catmull, Pixar: Keep Your Crises Small
Ironing out the little problems can make it so companies can avoid big disasters. Recorded: January 31, 2007Related Article: Preferred By Students, But Nothing Beats Texting - ReadWriteWeb
nu stiu
«Today's high-school and college students got their first email account at an average age of 13. Most students have had one of their email addresses for 8 years and have an average of about 2.4 addresses each. But if you really want to reach these students, you should forget email. Send a text message instead.»
article about how students communicate with different technologies. For quest. 4 of hzau09.How to Give a Presentation Part I: It's Not About You | Psychology Today
FourSquare data + Google Maps interface
pretty slickSchneier on Security: The Future of Ephemeral Conversation
We type on, engrossed in conversation, forgetting we're being recorded and those recordings might come back to haunt us later. Oliver North learned this, way back in 1987, when messages he thought he had deleted were saved by the White House PROFS system, and then subpoenaed in the Iran-Contra affair. Bill Gates learned this in 1998 when his conversational e-mails were provided to opposing counsel as part of the antitrust litigation discovery process. Mark Foley learned this in 2006 when his instant messages were saved and made public by the underage men he talked to. Paris Hilton learned this in 2005 when her cell phone account was hacked, and Sarah Palin learned it earlier this year when her Yahoo e-mail account was hacked. ... Ephemeral conversation is dying. Cardinal Richelieu:If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged."
"Conversation used to be ephemeral. Whether face-to-face or by phone, we could be reasonably sure that what we said disappeared as soon as we said it. Organized crime bosses worried about phone taps and room bugs, but that was the exception. Privacy was just assumed. This has changed. We chat in e-mail, over SMS and IM, and on social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, and LiveJournal. We blog and we Twitter. These conversations -- with friends, lovers, colleagues, members of our cabinet -- are not ephemeral; they leave their own electronic trails. We know this intellectually, but we haven't truly internalized it. We type on, engrossed in conversation, forgetting we're being recorded and those recordings might come back to haunt us later."
When he becomes president, Barack Obama will have to give up his BlackBerry. Aides are concerned that his unofficial conversations would become part of the presidential record, subject to subpoena and eventually made public as part of the country's historical record.
"When he becomes president, Barack Obama will have to give up his BlackBerry. Aides are concerned that his unofficial conversations would become part of the presidential record, subject to subpoena and eventually made public as part of the country's historical record."
But as technology makes our conversations less ephemeral, we need laws to step in and safeguard ephemeral conversation.
"The younger generation chats digitally, and the older generation treats those chats as written correspondence. ... until we have a Presidential election where both candidates have a complete history on social networking sites from before they were teenagers -- we aren't fully an information age society." (via Oblinks)「mixiって何ですか?」大分県の現役高校生が語るケータイ事情
一言でうまく言えない。考えることは多いPhonebooth Cloud Phone System – Virtual PBX & Business Voicemail
Phonebooth is the cloud PBX phone system that is perfect for small businesses. With Free & Unlimited versions, Phonebooth fits any SMB from 1-100 users.
Phonebooth Free is the cloud phone system that is perfect for small businesses, freelancers and independent professionals. And when you're all grown up, flip the switch to Phonebooth OnDemand, a full-featured office phone system with support for HD desk and conference phones.The 11 Commandments of Corporate Tweeting | The Big Money
# We can articulate the company vision in 140 characters or less # We are willing to give credit to cool, innovative, or thought-provoking ideas # We are willing to challenge a potentially destructive position . # We are willing to listen to and engage with others # We will not get carried away # We will dedicate time each week to reading what others have to say and promise to retweet # We will never include in a press release, speech, or annual report # We actually have something meaningful to say. # If we don't have something to say, we'll find the person in the organization # If we cannot live up to these commandments we will reflect on whether corporate marketing is the right role for us. # We will use our Twitter channel not just to bump out cheery news, but to keep customers informed in the event of bad news.
From The Big Money
Last week, the Department of Defense issued its social-media policy, an admirably permissive guide for military personnel governing their use of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Flickr, and YouTube. The upshot? It's all good, the Pentagon says.Mediagazer
IBM’s got BlueTwit. Oracle’s testing OraTweets. SAP’s experiments include ESME, SAP Talk (, ShoutIt and apparently others. Yammer has an ad-hoc base at thousands of companies. But so ...
Internal microblogging/sharing at Best Buy.ウェブデザインにおける効果的なコミュニケーションの取り方 | コリス
あとで読みましょう「Twitter」が日本でブレークするための条件 勝間和代 ビジネス-最新ニュース:IT-PLUS
「Twitter」が日本でブレークするための条件 勝間和代ケータイユーザーの“本音” 女子高生に聞いた10代後半のケータイ事情
料金, 端末価格, アドレスにソフトバンクダサい, 音楽は掲示板よりレコチョク(早さ、信用), 買うまでもない曲はケータイ, 日記、リアル(一言ブログ)、プロフは過去のものアウトプットができない人がまずやるべき3つのこと:DESIGN IT! w/LOVE
アウトプットが出せない人の大きな問題は、我が強くて他人の話が聞けないことに依るものが大きい。The Best Sites For Making International Calls |
free callsClimate Change and Argumentative Fallacies
So the setup is “snappy, intuitively appealing argument without obvious problems” vs. “rebuttal I probably don’t have time to read, let alone analyze closely.” If we don’t sometimes defer to the expert consensus, we’ll systematically tend to go wrong in the face of one-way-hash arguments, at least outside our own necessarily limited domains of knowledge. Indeed, in such cases, trying to evaluate the arguments on their merits will tend to lead to an erroneous conclusion more often than simply trying to gauge the credibility of the various disputants. The problem, of course, is gauging your own competence level well enough to know when to assess arguments and when to assess arguers. Thanks to the perverse phenomenon psychologists have dubbed the Dunning-Kruger effect, those who are least competent tend to have the most wildly inflated estimates of their own knowledge and competence. They don’t know enough to know that they don’t know, as it were.
Via Brad Plumer, I see Cato’s Jerry Taylor is riled at responses to an open letter ad the Institute published in which a group of scientists signed off on a statement questioning the strength of the case for catastrophic climate change. I’m broadly sympathetic with his irritation at the proportion of ad hominem attacks in debates like these, but I’m not sure I agree with his bottom line in context: An argument’s merit has nothing to do with the motives of the arguer, the credentials of the arguer, or the popularity of the argument. Full stop. No exceptions.
The one-way hash argument is an excellent illustration of why argument from authority is not always wrong.The Great Brazilian Sat-Hack Crackdown
GReader: The Great Brazilian Sat-Hack Crackdown [feedly] [from]
Much of this country's geography is remote, and beyond the reach of cellphone coverage, making American satellites an ideal, if illegal, communications option.
An article on how Brazilian satellite hackers use high-performance antennas and homebrew gear to turn U.S. Navy satellites into their personal CB radios.
Brazilian satellite hackers use high-performance antennas and homebrew gear to turn U.S. Navy satellites into their personal CB radios.Twitter Blog: Down Time Rescheduled
Astounding. Twitter gets a network upgrade rescheduled because a country's fate is, you know, in balance. [from]
A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran.
jm: from twitter's mouth Annotated link
RT @biz NTT America proves again why they are such an awesome partner and reschedules urgent network maintenance [from]
Our partners are taking a huge risk not just for Twitter but also the other services they support worldwide—we commend them for being flexible in what is essentially an inflexible situation. We chose NTT America Enterprise Hosting Services early last year specifically because of their impeccable history of reliability and global perspective. Today's decision and actions continue to prove why NTT America is such a powerful partner for Twitter. - via Gaultier
RT @znmeb: Twitter Blog: Down Time Rescheduled [from]
A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran. Tonight's planned maintenance has been rescheduled to tomorrow between 2-3p PST (1:30a in Iran).リアルタイム度No.1のTwitterって、ただのつぶやきツールではなかったのか。 :MarkeZine(マーケジン)
あとで読むPublic Speaking – How I Prepare Every Time
The 4-hour work-week guy夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 - ヲハニュース
動画一覧】夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座CommentsAdd Starneojin36nuke 一部年齢制限があるのでYouTubeのアカウントがないと見れなかったり。 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 2 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 3 YouTube - 加藤鷹SEXテクニック講座 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-1 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-2 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 2 (動画は重複あり)
YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 2 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 3 YouTube - 加藤鷹SEXテクニック講座 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-1 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-2 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 2 Social Engagement Spectrum
Doing a bit of thinking of how to frame up some of the differences between traditional, digital and social initiatives—each has it's own set of properties, there is some overlap and there are also distinct characteristics. Thought it might help...無意識にやってしまっている人は要注意! 周りをイラッとさせるNG会話術|トレンド|無料動画 GyaO[ギャオ]|
たちつてとなかにはいれ-> 食べ物 、 地域 、通勤 、 天気 、 富・景気、名前 、 体・健康 、ニュース 、 流行 、 異性 、 レジャー
困ったときの話題の選び方として「たちつてとなかにはいれ」「木戸に立てかけし衣食住」という鉄板マニュアルもあるそうなので、以下を参考にしてください。 ■「たちつてとなかにはいれ」 た(食べ物)、ち(地域)、つ(通勤/通学)、て(天気)、と(富/景気)、な(名前)、か(からだ/健康)、に(ニュース)、は(流行り)、い(異性)、れ(レジャー) ■「木戸に立てかけし衣食住」 き(季節)、ど(道楽)、に(ニュース)、た(旅)、て(天気)、か(家庭)、け(健康)、し(仕事)、衣(衣服)、食(食べ物)、住(住居)
【人の話を全く聞かずに、自分が言いたいことばかり話す】【まず否定から入る】 【面白い話をするとき、途中で自分で笑いだしてこっちには何の事だかわからない】 【相手の話にいちいち対抗したがる】 【「それ“で”いいよ」「“けっこう”好き」など、すっきりしない言い回しを多用する】【他人に気を遣わせる自虐ネタが多い】 【どんな話題に対しても批評や批判をしたがる】 【「ここだけの話」を多用する】 【詮索好きで、質問責めにしてくる】Seth's Blog: Saying 'no'
Via @orian
I work with and associate with a lot of talented people in this space. On a rare occasion people mistake me for talented. This post is a great reminder that it’s okay to say no to some requests, in fact, sometime it’s a game changer.
Saying no to loud people gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities.15 Free Tools to Turn Your BlackBerry into a Communications Powerhouse
The BlackBerry isn't just about business. Here are 15 free tools to turn your BlackBerry into a communications powerhouse.SMAPのリスクコミュニケーション
起きてしまったことを、どうコミュニケーションすることで、前向きに受け取ってもらうかHow to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience « Usability Post
How to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience
Active Listening consists of a set of communication techniquesEnemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War - PowerPoint -
“When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war,” General McChrystal dryly remarked, one of his advisers recalled, as the room erupted in laughter. “It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control,” General McMaster said in a telephone interview afterward. “Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable.”
Commanders say that behind all the PowerPoint jokes are serious concerns that the program stifles discussion, critical thinking and thoughtful decision-making. Not least, it ties up junior officers — referred to as PowerPoint Rangers — in the daily preparation of slides, be it for a Joint Staff meeting in Washington or for a platoon leader’s pre-mission combat briefing in a remote pocket of Afghanistan. Commanders say that the slides impart less information than a five-page paper can hold, and that they relieve the briefer of the need to polish writing to convey an analytic, persuasive point. Imagine lawyers presenting arguments before the Supreme Court in slides instead of legal briefs.
Great article about misuse of powerpoint!
“PowerPoint makes us stupid,” Gen. James N. Mattis of the Marine Corps, the Joint Forces commander
bullets create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control...not to mention the huge waste of time in creating the things in the first placeEnemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War - PowerPoint -
“It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control... Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable.” --Brig. Gen. H. R. McMaster
"Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer that was meant to portray the complexity of American military strategy, but looked more like a bowl of spaghetti.... 'When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war,' General McChrystal dryly remarked, one of his advisers recalled, as the room erupted in laughter...."Brain-Twitter project offers hope to paralyzed patients -
Adam Wilson posted on twitter "SPELLING WITH MY BRAIN." No keyboards, just a red cap fitted with electrodes that monitor brain activity, hooked up to a computer flashing letters on a screen. Wilson sent the messages by concentrating on the letters he wanted to "type," then focusing on the word "twit" at the bottom of the screen to post the message.
Adam Wilson posted two messages on Twitter on April 15. The first one, "GO BADGERS," might have been sent by any University of Wisconsin-Madison student cheering for the school team.
RT @andrea_r @sherina: WOW. <= Twitter direct from the brain, right here in my hometown! (Telepathy, here we come!) [from]
Brain-Twitter project offers hope to paralyzed patients: (via my Dad) [from]
RT @sherina: WOW. { AMAZING } [from]リアルタイムで共同編集できるテキストエディタ『EtherPad』 | 100SHIKI.COM
世界のユニークなドットコムサイトを日替わりで紹介していくブログです。The Differences Between Good Designers and Great Designers
Use good typography
[object Object]Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters
Dealing with negativity online can be tough, which was why we were all ears when Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week, took the stage at The Next Web ‘10 event in Amsterdam to discuss how to learn to love haters. While Mashable recently offered you advice on how to deal with negative feedback specifically in the social media realm, Ferriss takes the concept a step further with advice on how to contend with — and benefit from — criticism across all platforms. We caught up with Ferriss backstage at the event to find out more about his seven principles for dealing with haters. Read on for some interesting ideas and let us know which work for you — as well as your own strategies — in the comments below.
Tim Ferriss' "7 Tips for Dealing with Haters" is brilliant. I'd just add "listen well enough to know when you're wrong" – Chris Anderson (chr1sa) Designer Who Delivers - Smashing Magazine
information architecture map「人見知り」を少しずつ直すための4つの心がけ : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
今度出向するので…5 Tips for Making Your Business Presentations More Social
1. Create Anticipation, 2. Create a Social-Friendly Presentation, 3. Use Interactive Polling, 4. Use the Backchannel, but Wisely, 5. Keep the Conversation Going After You’ve Left the Podium
Great for press conferences, speaking opps, power points, etc
Use social tools to build buzz ahead of time, stage interactive text-message polls or get your audience talking by moderating a back-channel Twitter discussion, suggests Chuck Dietrich. "These methods allow you to connect with your audience before, during, and after you deliver your message," he adds.
Plodding through a dull PowerPoint presentation is no way to impress your audience. Seal the deal with social engagement using these 5 strategies.
nice hints for #fsln10 seminar on making presentations more social: to work with “stupid” people
-How to work with “stupid” people Horror: On Working Remotely
What we did last week What we're planning to do this week Anything that is blocking us or we are concerned aboutSeth's Blog: Which comes first, the product or the marketing?
seth_godin advertising marketing
just about every successful product or service is the result of smart marketing thinking first, followed by a great product that makes the marketing story come true.
This is only sort of true. The danger with starting the marketing first is that its very easy to over promise and under deliver. Just ask Microsoft. However, marketing clearly plays an important role in every product and subsequent launch.
Marketing FTW.
Marketing is not the same as advertising. Advertising is a tiny slice of what marketing is today, and in fact, it's pretty clear that the marketing has to come before the product, not after.Why is Business Writing So Awful?
Couldn't Agree More!
Nearly every company relies on the written word to woo customers. So why is most business writing so numbingly banal?
One of my favorite phrases in the business world is full-service solutions provider. A quick search on Google finds at least 47,000 companies using that one. That's full-service generic. There's more. Cost effective end-to-end solutions brings you about 95,000 results. Provider of value-added services nets you more than 600,000 matches. Exactly which services are sold as not adding value? Who writes this stuff? Worse, who reads it and approves it? What does it say when tens of thousands of companies are saying the same things about themselves?How to Come up With Good Conversation Topics - wikiHow
Even if you know how to start a conversation and make it a good one, there's still the issue of choosing what you're going to talk about. Some topics are inappropriate in some situations, and some are just plain boring. Here are some topics to keep the conversation alive while keeping your foot out of your mouth.名刺にメールアドレスではなくWaveアドレスを書く時代がすぐそこに? - アンカテ
Google Waveはいろいろな顔を持っていて、これが何であるかについていろいろな意見が出ると思うが、私は、まずは「更地から再構築したWiki」であると見るべきだと思う。
なるほどなー と思う。メッセージのやり取りがまずあるんでなくて、そもそもの目的はメッセージ交換によって何かしらを作る・決めることだものな。 >最初に空の対話ログがあって、そこに二人の人が交互に文章を追記していく。その過程を共有することで、おまけとしてメッセージのやり取りが行なわれる。そういうツールがあれば、メールの代わりになるというのが、「もし今の技術でメールを再構築したら」という言葉の意味なのだろう
「各人は、メールアドレスと同じように、個人名@ドメインの形式で wave アドレスを持ち、これを交換することで、誰とでも Waveドキュメントの共同編集(=メッセージの交換)を行なうことができる。 共同編集は、一つのサーバに全員が直接接続するのではなく、各人が自分のサーバに接続し、サーバ同士が連携することで行なわれる。(上記の文書はそのサーバ同士の連携に使うプロトコルを説明しているものだ) 当然、グーグルのことだから、複数のwaveサーバがそれぞれのユーザの要求にしたがって、あちこちのwaveサーバと接続する時のスケーラビリティを考慮している。 この waveサーバ、 waveアドレス、連携プロトコルのあり方は、EMailと全く同じである。つまり、誰もが自分のメールアドレスとメールサーバを持ち、メールサーバ同士が連携してメッセージが配信されるように、誰もが自分のwaveアドレスとwaveサーバを持ち、waveサーバ同士が連携してwaveドキュメントの共同編集が行なわれることになる。」
これは面白そうだ。半分ほど読んだのであとで全部読む。BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | How to understand risk in 13 clicks
What are we to make of all those stories that warn of lifestyle dangers and slap a giant percentage sign in the headline? Michael Blastland introduces the Risk-o-meter to his regular column.
nice presentation, and even nicer correlation visualization if you scroll down further.
Ценнейший материал о том, как создавалась и тестировалась на читателях социальная реклама, представляющая сложные факты в виде наглядной инфографики.
What are we to make of all those stories that warn of lifestyle dangers and slap a giant "%" sign in the headline? Michael Blastland introduces the Risk-o-meter to his regular column.Seth's Blog: Warning: The internet is almost full
Warning: The internet is almost full Due to the extraordinary explosion in video, blogs, news feeds and social network postings, the internet is dangerously close to running out of room. Nothing can grow forever, and exponent
Seth Godin's point about information overload seems well made: Ten years ago, you had a shot of at least being aware of everything that mattered. Five years ago, you had to be really selective about what you took in, but at least it was possible to know what you didn't know. Today, it's impossible. Today, you can't even read every article on a thin slice of a thin topic. You can't keep up with the status of your friends on the social networks. No way. You can't read every important blog... you can't even read all the blogs that tell you what the important blogs are saying. Used to be, you could finish reading your email, hit "check email" and nothing new would show up. Now, of course, the new mail is probably a longer list than the mail you just finished processing. The internet isn't full, but we are.
Of course, the decentralized nature of the net means that it will never be physically full. As long as we can keep making hard drives, we won't run out of space to store those inane videos of your Aunt Sally. What is full is our attention.
Great insight on the digital/internet ageThe Google Wave Will Change Education Forever | ISTE’s NECC09 Blog
new way to collaborate on the Internet
Google Wave info: check this out later就職面接でよくある10の質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
就職面接でよくある10の質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
外国の話だけども・・・Internet Evolution - Cory Doctorow - Don't Judge New Media by Old Rules
hat tip to Delaney Cunningham. Great article touching on medium influences message--new media means new type of stories. Worthwhile--not just rant. But there's another reason that these new media tell stories in different ways from their old media predecessors: They're telling different stories. TV sitcoms, novels, feature films, and other traditional forms are cages as well as frames. The reason that every sitcom lasts 22 minutes is that no one tries to make sitcoms about stories that take five minutes to tell. The reason movies last 90 minutes is that no one tries to make feature films about subjects that take 30 seconds to elucidate -- or 30 days.
heretoforeHow to Revise an Email So That People Will Read It - David Silverman -
Optimiser ses courrielsSeth's Blog: The first law of mass media
"One by one, the mass marketers have insisted on robocalling, spamming, jingling and lying their way into our lives. " / "The public works tirelessly to flee to actual interactions between real people, and our organizations work even more diligently (and with more leverage) to corporatize and anonymize the interactions. The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win."
Organizations will work tirelessly to de-personalize every communication medium they encounter. The public works tirelessly to flee to actual interactions between real people, and our organizations work even more diligently (and with more leverage) to corporatize and anonymize the interactions. The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win.
"The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win." - think about thisStaying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap - Frugal Traveler Blog -
notes for using cell, data, internet, chat, when traveling abroad
NYT one bests the local SIM card solution I used in Italy with Skype In/Out workaround. [from]Where have all the agents gone?
Key point: anonymous agents are interchangeable and virtually worthless. Agents that don't do anything but help one side find the other side in a human approximation of Google aren't so helpful any more.
Now, the best ones are paid by the traveler, not the airline. The best ones provide a differentiated service that is worth paying for. Instead of being middlemen, then, they are the front men, the attraction, a key asset to the traveler.
Where have all the agents gone? /Seth's Blog/ - Travel agents... gone. Stock brokers... gone. Real ... [from]
Travel agents... gone. Stock brokers... gone. Real estate brokers... in trouble.
To thrive in a world of self-service, agents have to hyperspecialize, have to stand for something, have to have the guts to say no far more than they say yes.イランとメディア - Vox
・イランでは情報統制が従来から非常に厳しかった。それをかいくぐってきた人たちだからこそ 今回のように情報統制が行われてもネットで情報を出せているのではないか。 ・メディアでは「イランから起きたTwitter Revolution」的な取り上げられ方も多い中、 実際はTwitterユーザはイラン国内には少なく、メディアリテラシーが高い人ばかりではない。 イラン国内でデモを組織する等の情報交換は、あくまでSMSや電話、口コミといった従来型のツールが使われているらしい。 ・Twitterは情報を世界中に伝播するツールとしては極めてパワフル。 イランからの少数の情報の元、アメリカでTwitterを使って情報がどんどん増幅されているというのが実態であるもよう。 ・ただし、Twitterにはデマや誤情報も多く、伝播してしまう場合もあるので要注意。 ・現在、既存メディアも多くの情報をTwitterから得ている。 ・イランではTwitterよりFriendfeedの方が使われていたのだが、真っ先にアクセスブロックされてしまった。 現在proxyを経由して使えている人たちは、Friendfeedをプライベートモードで使っており、 我々には不可視なコミュニケーションが粛々と行われているらしい。 ・Facebookはお知らせをするには最適で、Mousavi氏もFacebookを使っている。 ・現在なぜか情報統制がゆるんでいるのでこんなに情報が出されているのではないだろうかという専門家も。 政府は現在の抗議活動の情報を記録して、落ち着いた後に逮捕していくのではないかとの懸念が囁かれている。
本当に良記事です。この記事を見ていたら身震いしてきた。ReTweet や各種 twitter 関連サービスによるネットワーク外部性により,もはや完全な検閲は不可能というところか。twitter などのミニブログからジャーナリズム革命を感じる。「本当の大変化はこれから始まる」 by umedamochio "しかし、Twitterの情報の広がるスピードはあまりに速く、間違いもそのまま広がっていってしまう可能性が高い。スピードと会話をとるか、事実確認をとるか。" "Twitterはツールであり、twitter.comのサイトが全てでない点においてFacebook等のSNSと比べて検閲しにくい"
さらに続編、すごいまとめですHow to Destroy Your Twitter Brand in Minutes
It's exactly what it sounds like.Presentation Zen: 10 rules for making good design
10 design rules to keep in mind (1) Communicate — don't decorate. (2) Speak with a visual voice. (3) Use two typeface families maximum. OK, maybe three. (4) Pick colors on purpose. (5) If you can do it with less, then do it. (6) Negative space is magical — create it, don't just fill it up! (7) Treat the type as image, as though it's just as important. (8) Be universal; remember that it's not about you. (9) Be decisive. Do it on purpose — or don't do it at all. (10) Symmetry is the ultimate evil.Three-Quarters of the World’s Messages Sent by Mobile - eMarketer
Worldwide communication in the future will be done through mobile devices. According to TNS Global, 74% of the world’s digital messages were sent through a mobile device in January 2009, a 15% incre
Worldwide communication in the future will be done through mobile devices. According to TNS Global, 74% of the world’s digital messages were sent through a mobile device in January 2009, a 15% increase over the previous year.
"In Japan, 40 out of 100 e-mails sent are from a mobile device. In North America, 69% of those using e-mail on their mobile phone use it daily, high compared with 43% worldwide."How to be a Brilliant Conversationalist - Stepcase Lifehack
Well I can't get any worse at making conversation
You probably shy away from some people on social occasions. Their conversations are tedious. You groan inwardly when they approach for you know that they
CommunicationStreet Giant » Leroy Stick – the man behind @BPGlobalPR
"The point of this story is that if someone is terrorizing your neighborhood, sometimes it’s alright to grab a stick and take a swing. Social media, and in this particular case Twitter, has given average people like me the ability to use and invent all sorts of brand new sticks. I started @BPGlobalPR, because the oil spill had been going on for almost a month and all BP had to offer were bullshit PR statements. No solutions, no urgency, no sincerity, no nothing. That’s why I decided to relate to the public for them. I started off just making jokes at their expense with a few friends, but now it has turned into something of a movement. As I write this, we have 100,000 followers and counting. People are sharing billboards, music, graphic art, videos and most importantly information. I think.. people can smell the bullshit and sometimes laughing at it feels better than getting angry or depressed over it. At the very least, it’s a welcome break from that routine. "
My name is Leroy Stick and I am the man behind @BPGlobalPR. First, let me begin by explaining my name.
Leroy Stick – the man behind @BPGlobalPR
Effing fantastic: Street Giant » Leroy Stick – the man behind @BPGlobalPR [from]Top 10 Secrets of Effective Liars | Psychology Today
The gist: Links are distracting, so what if we tried putting them off till the end of each post?
read this too, this is the man who said the thing I was interested in the other week . LInk from Scripting News
delinkificationFive Best Web-Based Conferencing Tools
Cinco melhores ferramentas baseadas na Web Conferencing10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard | Social Media Examiner
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard – (weknowmore)
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard by @chrisgarrett – Calvin Lee (mayhemstudios) simple steps to meeting someone
Una chat web
i need to have a conversation with a couple people. there's email, but i get pretty sick of the copied text that quickly gets out of control, the unnecessary repetition of everyone's signuatures... overlapping responses. and, i get so much crap in my inbox as-is--it can be cumbersome to try and isolate relevant emails and then the important parts of them. i don't like instant messaging. there are so many clients out there, and, sure there are tools to help them come together, but there are some people that will never use im (i don't blame them, i just haven't had the choice.) twitter is right out. then, there's one of my favorites: irc. but, let's face it: it's mostly for nerds. google wave may be an option... someday. even so, in my experience with the beta so far i'd have to argue that multi-threaded chats are actually less productive. so, i needed something different. a slightly different approach sixty-nine, dudes! your future us's use anologue! anologue is like comments,
ith anologue you can quickly and easily engage in an anonymous (or not) linear dialogue with any number of people (within reason). no accounts. no installations. no way?! yes, way! your "chat room" is created by the time this link loads. invite whoever you want by giving them your unique link, and chat away.
anologue is like comments, meets im, meets irc, meets your favorite paste app, meets instant coffee. actually, instant coffee sucks. with anologue you can quickly and easily engage in an anonymous (or not) linear dialogue with any number of people (within reason). no accounts. no installations. no way?! yes, way! your "chat room" is created by the time this link loads. invite whoever you want by giving them your unique link, and chat away. let's make this better, together perhaps best of all: this is open source. built with php 5.3.1, using the most non-heinous, totally rad lithium framework, couchdb, jquery, a few other scripts as well as some classy, original and established iconography for ui; all coming together for the conversational goodness you're about to experience. contribute to the core or download the source and setup your own. this one's for you, internets.
i need to have a conversation with a couple people.How To Make Sure People Will Remember Your Ideas — Zachary Burt's Blog
How To Make Sure People Will Remember Your IdeasHow To Make Sure People Will Remember Your Ideas — Zachary Burt's Blog
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives. – baldy7 (baldy7)
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives.
"It's time to start living in 21st century reality: a reality that is both on- and offline. Acknowledge online life as real, and the Internet's transformative potential opens up..."
There's no denying the differences between life online and off. In our online lives we shake off the limitations of our physical selves, perhaps even our names and consciences, too. What remains are the fundamentals: human beings, human conversations, human communities. To say that "reality" includes only offline beings, offline conversations and offline communities is to say that face-to-face matters more than human-to-human.
What if we stopped all the hand wringing and really honored our online lives? #wrbm #life_online
RT @MichaelSurtees: RT @Malbonnington: 2 sides to a story: The bliss found in switching off:; & the joys of being onl ...10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
via jared / ida
Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."Janet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
10 writing tips everyone can benefit from: (h/t @kottke)
ooo! gonna come back to this: 10 rules for writers (via @jkottke) #bookmark
1. Write the sentence, not just the story. 2. Pick a better verb. 3. Kill the cliché. 4. Variety is the key. 5. Explore sentences using dependent clauses. 6. Use the landscape. 7. Smarten up your protagonist. 9. Write in scenes. 10. Torture your protagonist.Janet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
Some of the best creative writing advice I have seen
1. Write the sentence, not just the story 2. Pick a better verb 3. Kill the cliché. 4. Variety is the key. 5. Explore sentences using dependent clauses. 6. Use the landscape. 7. Smarten up your protagonist. 8. Learn to write dialogue. 9. Write in scenes. 10. Torture your protagonist.
Good rules for any writer.
Click here to find out more!The Web Means the End of Forgetting -
This article needs a great big "citation needed" slapped on it. Yes, people need to think about what they post on the web, but no, that stuff will not stay around "forever." If anything, the web suffers from the opposite problem: memory loss.
"We’ve known for years that the Web allows for unprecedented voyeurism, exhibitionism and inadvertent indiscretion, but we are only beginning to understand the costs of an age in which so much of what we say, and of what others say about us, goes into our permanent — and public — digital files. The fact that the Internet never seems to forget is threatening, at an almost existential level, our ability to control our identities; to preserve the option of reinventing ourselves and starting anew; to overcome our checkered pasts....It’s often said that we live in a permissive era, one with infinite second chances. But the truth is that for a great many people, the permanent memory bank of the Web increasingly means there are no second chances — no opportunities to escape a scarlet letter in your digital past. Now the worst thing you’ve done is often the first thing everyone knows about you."
Use a lot of thought and caution before posting to the never forgets and is a critical part of what others may see about your one-time identity...even if it was 40 years ago!
La Red significa "el fin del olvido". Súper interesante artículo en el NYTimes. (para los que gustan de la tecno y...
By Jeffrey Rosen
Interesting article about how the Internet remembers everything we put in it and how it would be better both for us and our society if it forgot with time (like humans).
When historians of the future look back on the perils of the early digital age, Stacy Snyder may well be an icon. The problem she faced is only one example of a challenge that, in big and small ways, is confronting millions of people around the globe: how best to live our lives in a world where the Internet records everything and forgets nothing — where every online photo, status update, Twitter post and blog entry by and about us can be stored forever. With Web sites like LOL Facebook Moments, which collects and shares embarrassing personal revelations from Facebook users, ill-advised photos and online chatter are coming back to haunt people months or years after the fact. Examples are proliferating daily: there was the 16-year-old British girl who was fired from her office job for complaining on Facebook, “I’m so totally bored!!”; there was the 66-year-old Canadian psychotherapist who tried to enter the United States but was turned away at the border — and barred permanently from vi
How best to live our lives in a world where the Internet records everything and forgets nothing—where every online photo, status update, Twitter post and blog entry by and about us can be stored forever.
thx, lg :) RT @AmirKassaei: Great Read! NYTimes: The Web Means the End of Forgetting
NYTimes: The Web Means the End of Forgetting
The digital age is facing its first existential crisis: the impossibility of erasing your posted past and moving on.Scott Adams Blog: High Ground Maneuver 07/19/2010
On iPhone4 Antennagate: how Steve Jobs did the I'm sorry trick, and turned attention away from iPhone.
I have long had a name for Jobs' clever move. I call it the "High Ground Maneuver." I first noticed an executive using it years ago, and I've since used it a number of times when the situation called for it. The move involves taking an argument up to a level where you can say something that is absolutely true while changing the context at the same time. Once the move has been executed, the other participants will fear appearing small-minded if they drag the argument back to the detail level. It's an instant game changer. For example, if a military drone accidentally kills civilians, and there is a public outcry, it would be a mistake for the military to spend too much time talking about what went wrong with that particular mission. The High Ground Maneuver would go something like this: "War is messy. No one wants civilians to die. We will study this situation to see how we can better avoid it in the future."Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks | Video on
why we need a place for whistle blowers
Disagree with the comments that this is manipulative and only out to make money. If being for profit was an issue we wouldn't be able to trust anything in most books, journals or papers.【英単語】たった一語変えるだけで、ネイティブのように話せる8つの英単語 | 鹿田尚樹の「読むが価値」
GoPhone for iPhone, 3G, 3GS
This is kool!!!