• Community-powered gem compatibility for ruby 1.9
great way to determine gem compatibility
“The Ruby community needs your help. Install Ruby 1.9.1 then try out your favourite gems and provide feedback here”
Is it Ruby 1.9? Listing Ruby Gems and showing their Ruby 1.9 compatibilityWhen can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.
"Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies" (This page lists several advanced web features, like data URIs, for instance, and offers recommendations on when it may be safe to use them.)When can I use...
Comprehensive listing of support for upcoming web features by the five major browsers.
IE、Firefox、Safari、Chrome、Operaの主要ブラウザの各バージョンでの各種ウェブテクノロジーのサポート状況の一覧表7 Fresh and Simple Ways to Test Cross-Browser Compatibility | Freelance Folder
browser compabilityIEBlog : Site Compatibility and IE8
Reports of broken sites are an important part of the feedback the IE team receives from the community. When we receive a report of a broken site, we take it and identify the core issue causing the problem. A number of these issues end up being side effects
Reports of broken sites are an important part of the feedback the IE team receives from the community. When we receive a report of a broken site, we take it and identify the core issue causing the problem. A number of these issues end up being side effects of changes we deliberately made in IE8, but even these are useful. They help us identify which IE8 changes have the broadest compatibility impact. In this post I'll share some of these issues with you so you can quickly identify problems affecting your site when migrating from IE7 to IE8.SitePoint » How to Build the Best Browser Test Suite
Install Multiple Versions of Internet Explorer Multiple versions of IE can be installed on a single PC. Standalone versions of IE6 (and any version back to v3.0) can be downloaded from the browser archive. XP users can simply extract the files and create a shortcut to iexpore.exe. Unfortunately, they do not work in Vista. An alternative is the Xenocode Browser Sandbox which provides IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Chrome, Opera and Safari. These are single .exe files that use virtualization technology to ensure the browser runs in its own segregated environment without affecting your core system. Finally, there is IETester from DebugBar. This is certainly the easiest application
Good article we use some of this stuff. Something to consider7 JavaScript Differences Between Firefox & IE « Web Design Articles & Tutorials
A web design blog from a Toronto based web designer, with articles and tutorials covering practical web design tips and solutions.CSS - Contents and compatibility - mobile
phew. praise be to the universality of javascript.
"In this web site I have collected various JavaScript tests, to display code samples, have them run and check web browser compatibility." (This page tests various advanced JavaScript operators against common browsers.)
A report on compatibility of various JavaScript features & functionality against common web browsers.isolani - Web Standards: IE8 Blacklist: forcing standards rendering opt-in
isolani - Web Standards:
To pre-empt this nonsense the practical course of action is to add the IE8 Compatibility view to your pages now before your sites get added to a blacklist. Exactly what Microsoft announced a year ago. They've routed around the web standards community. Again. Two extra browsers to test in And to spite us, last week I noticed that the IE7 Compatibility mode doesn't render pages exactly the same as Internet Explorer 7 itself.
"The gist of it is if you want to be sure your site renders in standards compliant mode in IE, you have to explicitly opt into it. Otherwise you risk being blacklisted and thrown into IE7 Compatibility mode."
users install Windows 7 Beta or the next IE8 update, they get a choice about opting-in to a list of sites that should be displayed in Compatibility View. Sites are on this list based on feedback from other IE8 customers: specifically, for what high-volume sites did other users click the Compatibility View button? This list updates automatically, and helps users who aren't web-savvy have a better experience with web sites that aren't yet IE8-ready.
RT @gezlemon: IE8 Blacklist: forcing standards rendering opt-in: (via @isofarro_public) [from]
IE7 Compatibility Mode separately.
Microsoft in sneaky u-turn shock7 Awesome Resources to Test Cross Browser Compatibility of Your Website
a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Below is a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the most recent operating system from Apple. Please collaborate by sharing your experiences using each application and by adding applications not already listed. Simply click EDIT at the bottom of the page to contribute.Mac OS X v10.6: About incompatible software
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard is designed to protect your Mac from certain incompatible software that can quit unexpectedly or cause other issues in Mac OS X v10.6. When you install Snow Leopard or migrate to Snow Leopard, known-incompatible software is moved to a folder named Incompatible Software on your hard drive. Snow Leopard also prevents known-incompatible software from opening. If you see an "Incompatible software" message, contact the software's vendor or visit their website for a later, compatible version.
"During installation, Snow Leopard moves known-incompatible software to a folder named Incompatible Software at the root level of the hard drive. If you see this folder on your Mac, use the table below to check with the software vendor to see if any Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard-compatible updates are available."Browser Sandbox - Run any browser from the web
Browser Sandbox - Run any browser from the webHTML5 Features at a Glance
一份html5支持清单Useful Tools for Testing Cross Browser Compatibility | Web Design Ledger
It's another IE bug caused by placing a list with a background set within a floated <div> that has been relatively positioned. Problem and solutions discussed here.
IE hacks, fixes for css
In today's scenario browser bugs with CSS can be an incredible source of frustration for Web designers and developers. In this post I'm sharing some most common CSS browser compatibility Issues/Bugs. Here's the following list:
10 Common CSS Browser Compatibility Issues/Bugs You Must KnowCode a Backwards Compatible, One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3 – Inspect Element - Web Design & Development Blog
Great tutorial for a 1 page portfolio with HTML5 & CSS3 features.
This is a run through of the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 while still paying attention to older browsers.CSS hacks & browser version detection – a new approach | Reinhold Weber
browser detection with php
A more elaborate way of dealing with css browser inconsistencies using a little PHP magic.10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browserIntroducing EnhanceJS: A smarter, safer way to apply progressive enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Introducing EnhanceJS, a JavaScript framework designed specifically to deliver a usable experience to the widest possible audience, by testing the browser to determine whether it is capable of correctly supporting a range of essential CSS and JavaScript properties, and delivering features only to those that pass the test.John Resig - How do Mobile Browsers Behave?
Mobile Browsers Compatibility Table
A study on how mobile browsers work...CSS Bugs and Inconsistencies in Firefox 3.x | Webdesigner Depot
There aren't many articles covering incompatibilities, or CSS differences in Firefox alone — and for good reason. Firefox has always done an excellent
Good article on Firefox CSS bugsWeb Design - HTML5 & CSS3 Checklist
During the last year I've ported a number of gems and Rails apps to Ruby 1.9. I feel it's important we as a community get the transition from 1.8 done and over with as soon as possible so we can get back to doing real work. I suspect that many of you have installed a Ruby 1.9 and that it lingers somewhere on your harddrive without much use. Maybe you're even one of those performance trolls, childishly happy reading articles like The Great Ruby Shootout and then goes back to coding in yesterdays Ruby like it's '99. ;)The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
142/160 for Chrome 5.0.371.0 (Official Build 43900) dev / Mac10.5.8
The HTML5 test score is only an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard. It does not try to test all of the new features offered by HTML5, nor does it try to test the functionality of each feature it does detect. Despite these shortcomings we hope that by quantifying the level of support users and web developers will get an idea of how hard the browser manufacturers work on improving their browsers and the web as a development platform.Cross-Browser CSS Gradient
Cómo hacer gradientes usando CSS3 que funcionen en Firefox, Safari, Chrome e Internet Explorer
gradiente por CSS em todos os browsersCSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer - Smashing Magazine
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color='#969696', Direction=145, Strength=3);Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
The chart below shows all available netbooks that, to our knowledge, will natively run Mac OS X.The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources - Noupe
The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources
크로스브라우징을 위한 리셋 및 테스터When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Ah, how exactly this matches what I wonder on a daily basis...
den stora frågan med html5 är när vi kan använda alla features. ger delvis svaren... #w2e – Martin Belak (belak) Principles Of Cross-Browser CSS Coding - Smashing Magazine
It is arguable that there is no goal in web design more satisfying than getting a beautiful and intuitive design to look exactly the same in every currently-used...Complete Guide to Cross-Browser Compatibility Check | Tools