Pages tagged conference:

Freezing cold, no internet, boring: it's a French web 2.0 conference! | Technology |

Want to know how Britain should spend that billion pounds it has earmarked for internet startups? On a vodka-fuelled conference in a sauna in London. It would sure put LeWeb into the shade. Though almost anything would.
The Guardain rips into Loic Le Meur's recent tech conference.
So, LeWeb kindof sucked then, huh?
"Everyone has something interesting to say," Coelho said at one point, clearly showing that he's never had a conversation with one of his fans.
"And even more satisfying than all of that is the fact that the idea of a huge state-sponsored piss-up is such an anathema to Americans that there's no way they can outdo us. Instead Kara, Michael and all those other smug Valley dwellers will be forced to look on enviously as Europe drinks, sweats, networks and bonds its way to a new dot com boom."
Καυστικός Guardian για το LeWeb...
20 tips for better conference speaking ~ Authentic Boredom
Authentic Boredom
How to Present While People are Twittering | Pistachio
Good advice and tips. Noticing this more and more that people are tweeting from phones during presentations. Wave of the very near future.
Thanks to Paul Stewart for this one via Twitter :)
Annotated link
How to manage back-channeling during workshops and conference presentations.
People used to whisper to each other or pass hand-scribbled notes during presentations. Now these notes are going digital on Twitter or via conference-provided chat rooms. Up until now, this back-channel has been mainly confined to the Internet industry and technology conferences. However, a survey of leadership conferences from Weber Shandwick shows that there is a significant increase in blogging and twittering at conferences. So the next time you present at a conference, instead of being confronted by a sea of faces looking at you, you may be phased by a sea of heads looking down at their laptops. The challenge is how to adapt to presenting with the back-channel.
8 things I learnt about using twitter as a participation tool : Speaking about Presenting
Today, I presented a session remotely at the Presentation Camp at Stanford University, California. My session was on “How to engage your audience with Twitter” and I tried to do exactly that during my presentation.
Or "How to address an audience that's tweeting." This takes a very skilled presenter. Especially with all of the down heads.
27 Things To Do Before a Conference |
useful tips
meet people connect network
No conferences in my future, but would love to go to PRSA in the fall
Library Related Conferences
Library Related Conferences compiled by Marian Dworaczek University of Saskatchewan Library Last updated: March 24, 2009 Created: October 17, 2006 HOME PAGE See also Past Conferences Changes and additions are greatly appreciated.: Date Place Conference Name
simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
initiate chat or conference from anywhere.
Login :
A free webcam-based conferencing system for up to 24 users, valid for up to 24hours, available 24/7
File under: Something to look at later is a web conference system for up to 24 users for 24/7. (We have a pro account option menu.) Only a meeting host user needs to create a user account. Other members can join the meeting by web browser without registration or login. It's so easy. (If you use your browser in English, all texts convert in English automatically and you can use it at international conference.)
up to 24 users in one online conference -- Conferences
Google jockeying on the back channel. is tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time. is a tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time.
Can ask questions and get feedback during your presentation
simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
Wow, I have to say this looks really cool.
simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
The key to is simplicity. First you make a “drop,” which is’s term for storage space, and add any required media in two clicks. You get a unique URL for your drop to share it with your participants. Then you activate a presentation, and everyone viewing your drop will be able to access your presentation. Everything the admin of the presentation does is seen in real time by the participants. Open a picture, video or a document, everyone sees it. Participants can also see your cursor as you click through options. Like any web conferencing presentation software, participants cannot click on and affect your presentation, since it is not a collaborative space. works well with document presentation, and you can open the document into full-screen mode for more detailed viewing. Audio and video presentations work in the same way. You can also open up a chat window at any time for real-time text chat..
Geekなぺーじ : みんなが知らずに使ってるAkamai
Akamaiについて全般的な話。おもしろい。有名どころ・ユーザが多いサービス=トラフィックが多いってことでよく知られる企業が多く利用しているのね。 細かいことだけど「(インターネットは)冗長性を実現するために信頼性を犠牲にしています。」がちょっと気になった。その後に書いてある速度の話は信頼性に分類されるのかな。
ISTE’s NECC09 Blog | Celebrating 30 Years of Ed Tech Vision
The biggest back channel for the upcomming ISTE NECC conference. Definitely watch this and join the twitterverse
iste blog
braindump: NOSQL debrief
NOSQL debrief
braindump: NOSQL debrief
First ever meeting of the NoSQL community. Lists all the presentations that were given.
Welcome - ISTEvision
ISTE vision for videos from NECC
videos from ISTE
Gov 2.0 Summit - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, September 09 - 10, 2009, Washington, DC
Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, September 09 - 10, 2009, Washington, DC
Team Apart - Real simple. Real-time.
collaborative real time sharing
Meet face to face with others to quickly and efficiently share information. Go ahead, try it out now! Communicate with others using a webcam/microphone. Sketch out your ideas and visions on the whiteboard. Real-time Notepad Create a To-Do list or take meeting notes with others, synchronously!
Super simple online collaboration in real time. Meet face to face with others to quickly and efficiently share information.
Team Apart is browser-based application that provides small teams with a place to meet and collaborate in real-time. A Team Apart meeting includes tons of great features to help you collaborate, including document and image viewing, whiteboarding, simultaneous text editing, and screen sharing. Team Apart also allows for face-to-face interaction through your computer webcam and microphone.
MSDN Up North : Downloadable NDC2009 videos
developer videos from NDC2009
StackOverflow DevDays
Some of the most well known people I know never assume people they talk to know who they are. Sequoia Capital partner Roelof Botha, for example, introduces himself to me every time I see him, and asks if now is a good time to talk. I’ve known him since 2006, and it’s far from necessary. But I always appreciate how polite he is. Want to be like Roelof someday? A good start is basic business etiquette. Just because someone can’t register your face, name and workplace in less than the second it takes for you to say hello to them doesn’t mean they don’t want to help you out. Just help to avoid that awkward moment by giving them all the information they need. And then watch body language for your cue to wrap things up.
An article on business etiquette for conferences, etc.
Good advice from @arrington to startup CEOs everywhere [from]
It’s time for a quick primer on the proper way to interact at conferences and other business events. Since I just came back from one of those types of events, this is on top of mind for me. By Arrington
Best way to introduce yourself to a powerful person at an event or conference
Good practice on how to approach people politely during conferences, etc.
Building a Conference Website and Giving It All Away: How It Was Done at DrupalCampLA 2009 | was built on Drupal 6 using core & contributed modules to handle event registration, sponsorship management, featured speakers, user bio's, and session proposals.
handling of sponsorship pages example.
djangocon / Slides
Home | Moses Znaimer's ideaCity09: Ideas Change the World
Talks and keynotes
TEDTalks as of 10.09.09 - Google Docs
How Speakers Should Integrate Social Into Their Presentation « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Whether you're a professional speaker, company representative, or panelist at a conference, you must develop a social strategy during your speaking. The Audience Continues To Gain Power Over Speakers A few years ago, the first major eruption
via Corbin Ball
Present socially! 1. Prepare more; know your audience; monitor the backchannel (with help); interact with audience; use technology to converse mid-speaking
Web Conferences Roundup: Events from Around the Globe « Smashing Magazine
How to Market an Offline Event Online
Workshop Handouts
Texas Computer Education Asso 2009 Convention & Exposition...many, many handouts all varied topics
rec. web20classroom; credit original source
apophenia: spectacle at Web2.0 Expo... from my perspective
spectacle at Web2.0 Expo... from my perspective
Backchannel gone bad
But in return, please come with some respect. Please treat me like a person, not an object. Come to talk with me, not about me. I'm ready and willing to listen, but I need you to be as well.
Videos :: Microsoft PDC09
Nov 17-19; Workshops-Nov 16 (Los Angeles Convention Center) The Professional Developers Conference (PDC) is Microsoft's premier gathering of leading-edge developers and architects.
Twitter Trumps Online Conference - Six Steps For Using Twitter For Your Conference Or Event
Forget Skype: TinyChat Launches Dead-Simple Video Chat
When you want to do a one-on-one video chat with someone else, what do you use? The first thing that probably comes to mind is Skype. While Skype is a
Forget Skype: TinyChat Launches Dead-Simple Video Chat [from]
To test this thing out, Mashable’s (Mashable) Christina Warren and I just went to the same link (let’s say Once we were there, TinyChat connected to our webcams and … presto! The live chat was working. It even blocks others from entering once there are two participants, so you know your privacy is protected.
John Resig - Talks at the 2009 jQuery Conference
Unit-testaus javascriptissä yms.
jquery conf
Confreaks: RubyConf 2009
Expert recording and networking services for conferences, seminars and workshops.
Scotland on Rails | Union Station
Assistir esses videos
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
It is hard to moderate a conversation of 40 people and there are times when several people want to make a point but one gets the opportunity. I started to notice that the others would simply post their thought to twitter instead which allowed the rest of the room to see what they wanted to say in parallel with the point that was being made live.
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
I tend not to write too much about Twitter these days. God knows enough gets written about it elsewhere. But we had such a great experience with Twitter at Hacking Education on Friday that I feel compelled to share it with everyone.
Hacking Education was what we call a "Union Square Sessions" event. We've done a number of sessions events now and we use the same format for all of them. We find a nice venue here in NYC, we put together a big table where everyone faces each other, and we talk for five or six hours about a single topic. There are no presentations, no panels, just discussion that is lightly moderated by the Union Square Ventures team. We record, transcribe, and photograph the event so its easily bloggable. And there have been some terrific blog posts that have come out of these events in prior years. This year we added Twitter to the mix.
Web Ink Now: Top ten tips for incredibly successful public speaking
From David Meerman Scott
7 Must-See Web Design Videos and Presentations - Noupe
Web Design Videos and Presentations
Andy Budd::Blogography: 7 Ways to Improve your Public Speaking
As a self confirmed conference junkie I speak at a dozen events each year, and attend many more. As such I’ve probably seen close to a thousand talks over the last five years. Because of this I’ve got a pretty good idea what makes for an exciting talk and how you can guarantee your session will suck. As somebody who also organises two conferences, UX London and dConstruct I’m really keen on getting new talent into the speaking circuit while still maintaining quality. As such I’ve put together a quick guide to help both new and experienced speakers kick arse/ass. Most of these tips aren’t new, but you’ll be surprised how few people actually follow them. However if you do, you’ll be well on your way to being the next Jeff Veen, Jared Spool or Jason Santa Maria.
Chirp » The Official Twitter Developer Conference
footer avec buildings
about twitter - nice website
Home |
BigBlueButton is an open source video conferencing application which is specifically built for remote learning but can be used for standard meetings as well. The application enables multiple users to login & share their webcam or communicate via VOIP at the same time. It is a very ideal application for presentations as users can upload PDF or office documents & keep everyone in sync with their current page, zoom, pan, mouse pointer etc.
Open source web conferencing software.
BigBlueButton is an open source project that is built on over fourteen open source components to create an integrated web conferencing system that runs on mac, unix, or PC computers.
Functioning Form - Interface Design Blog (Weblog)
Seth's Blog: Intentionally building communities (More hallway!)
Intentionally building communities (More hallway!) /Seth's Blog/ - If you think about the tribes you belong ... [from]
The challenge is to look at the rituals and events in your organization (freshman orientation or weekly status meetings or online forums) and figure out how amplify the real reason they exist even if it means abandoning some of the time-honored tasks you've embraced. Going around in a circle saying everyone's name doesn't build a tribe. But neither does sitting through a boring powerpoint. Working side by side doing something that matters under adverse conditions... that's what we need.
Working side by side doing something that matters under adverse conditions... that's what we need.
Resources | Web Directions
Presentations from previous conferences. Slideshows and podcasts from the speakers.
Presentations from past Web Directions and @media conferences
resources on web design and strategy presentation
have to use conference call (no VOIP) but a free one is included; show anything (any media, docs, etc.); multiple presenters (anyone logged in to your drop as admin is a co-presenter); anyone logged in to your drop at the time is invited to your preso when you start it up (incase they get there before you do); for anyone a URL and PW is created to invite them and they don't have to download anything; unlimited size audience; text chat available; they are locked in to what you are doing--can't switch to other things on their own pc I think (a beta service of every drop has a built in presentation mode. log in to the drop as the 'admin' (Using the administrator's password) and you can instantly start a real-time web based media presentation to everyone else on your drop. No one needs to download anything, there is no registration or installations - it just works, 100% in your browser. So you can say, "meet me at, and let me walk you through the meeting materials" to as big a group as you want.
* (a beta service of every drop has a built in presentation mode. log in to the drop as the 'admin' (Using the administrator's password) and you can instantly start a real-time web based media presentation to everyone else on your drop. No one needs to download anything, there is no registration or installations - it just works, 100% in your browser. So you can say, "meet me at, and let me walk you through the meeting materials" to as big a group as you want.
14 Tips on Pitching and Presenting Well
Doing a 15 Minute Presentation in 10 Easy Steps « The Other Librarian
10 Things to Do Immediately After a Networking Event
facebook twitter linkedin combine straitgy
The true color of networking is often revealed after the event itself.
Excellent post for people to whom social networking doesn't come naturally or comfortably - would be especially good for teachers or students who are new to social media.
These are all mysql oriented, but it sure seems like there are some fantastic principles to be pulling from here. Ex "covering indexes; orders-of-magnitude improvements." Or one on optimizing disk i/o.
Slides from a great variety of sessions @ Percona Performance Conference 2009 (April)
slides of the conference are available onliny
Geeking with Greg: Jeff Dean keynote at WSDM 2009
Google Fellow Jeff Dean gave an excellent keynote talk at the recent WSDM 2009 conference that had tidbits on Google I had not heard before. Particularly impressive is Google's attention to detail on performance and their agility in deployment over the last decade.
Independent TED event at UBC - great talk by Allen Manser
Erlang Factory - SF Bay Area 2009 - Talks
great erlang talks
SOMEWHAT FRANK : Web/Tech, Social Media & Marketing Conferences
TED2009: Program Guide
TED program guide
futuriffic Dead Simple Web-Based Presentations is known for really simple file sharing. Whether you’re hosting and sharing files with contacts, or using for media-rich chat rooms, makes it easy and fast. Now there's reviews is known for really simple file sharing. Whether you're hosting and sharing files with contacts, or using for media-rich
no setup, no software online solution that combines real-time presentations with images, audio, documents, and video.
Hacker News | Ask HN: What is your favorite TED talk?
Pixelated - Your New Business Conference Starts Now Online | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog and Podcast - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image
Pixelated is a an online video mash-up inspired by Brian Eisenberg that is a full-day online conference all from the comfort of your own computer. This is Mitch Joel’s conference that will educate you and motivate you to think differently about your business. Featuring remarkable videos from people like Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, J.J. Abrams (creater of Lost), and one of my favorite speakers Benjamin Zander.
Pixelated is a free full-day online conference with some of the world's leading speakers on the topic of how business is changing including: Sir Ken Robinson, Seth Godin, Chris Anderson, Avinash Kaushik, Chris Brogan and many more.
Online conference platform
Google I/O 2010
Applications Google
Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below. Session types * 101: 101 sessions don't require previous knowledge of a particular product or technology. They include overviews of a technology and introductions into new areas. * 201: 201 sessions provide a deeper dive into a technology or product. These sessions go beyond the basics and are aimed at developers already familiar with a technology. * 301: 301 sessions assume an advanced understanding of a technology or product. * Fireside Chats: Q&A is often the best part of a session, as it gives developers a chance to ask what's on their minds. Fireside chats are a chance to talk to the product engineering teams. * Tech Talks: Google has a tradition of holding informative Tech Talks on campus that offer insight into an area. In that tradition, Google I/O features Tech Talks on subjects of
Session Videos - Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below.
"Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below."
Five Best Web-Based Conferencing Tools
Cinco melhores ferramentas baseadas na Web Conferencing
How To Live Tweet A Conference
Mark Stelzner, writing on the Inflexion Advisors blog, offers a compact post full of tips on the right way to live-tweet conference proceedings on Twitter.
New Adventures In Web Design conference | Nottingham | 20th January 2011
interactive explanations