Pages tagged conferences:

20 tips for better conference speaking ~ Authentic Boredom

Authentic Boredom
How to Present While People are Twittering | Pistachio
Good advice and tips. Noticing this more and more that people are tweeting from phones during presentations. Wave of the very near future.
Thanks to Paul Stewart for this one via Twitter :)
Annotated link
How to manage back-channeling during workshops and conference presentations.
People used to whisper to each other or pass hand-scribbled notes during presentations. Now these notes are going digital on Twitter or via conference-provided chat rooms. Up until now, this back-channel has been mainly confined to the Internet industry and technology conferences. However, a survey of leadership conferences from Weber Shandwick shows that there is a significant increase in blogging and twittering at conferences. So the next time you present at a conference, instead of being confronted by a sea of faces looking at you, you may be phased by a sea of heads looking down at their laptops. The challenge is how to adapt to presenting with the back-channel.
27 Things To Do Before a Conference |
useful tips
meet people connect network
No conferences in my future, but would love to go to PRSA in the fall
Library Related Conferences
Library Related Conferences compiled by Marian Dworaczek University of Saskatchewan Library Last updated: March 24, 2009 Created: October 17, 2006 HOME PAGE See also Past Conferences Changes and additions are greatly appreciated.: Date Place Conference Name -- Conferences
Google jockeying on the back channel. is tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time. is a tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time.
Can ask questions and get feedback during your presentation
Gov 2.0 Summit - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, September 09 - 10, 2009, Washington, DC
Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, September 09 - 10, 2009, Washington, DC
Top 7 Places to Watch Great Minds in Action
Showcase of '09 Festivals and Conferences | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Some of the best festivals and conferences of the year are gone by now, but if we’d just want to judge them by their online presence we can do it from the comfort of our couch. There was some research involved in this article, you wouldn’t believe it how many of the biggest events in the world have so flat and unexciting websites. However, we’ve finally managed to find quite a few cool ones, so we wish you a pleasant and inspirational journey. In this post we present some of the beautiful, original and inspirational web designs of festivals and conferences that took place or are going to take place this year. Please feel free to add links to further designs in the comments to this post!
Webs de festivales
Some of the most well known people I know never assume people they talk to know who they are. Sequoia Capital partner Roelof Botha, for example, introduces himself to me every time I see him, and asks if now is a good time to talk. I’ve known him since 2006, and it’s far from necessary. But I always appreciate how polite he is. Want to be like Roelof someday? A good start is basic business etiquette. Just because someone can’t register your face, name and workplace in less than the second it takes for you to say hello to them doesn’t mean they don’t want to help you out. Just help to avoid that awkward moment by giving them all the information they need. And then watch body language for your cue to wrap things up.
An article on business etiquette for conferences, etc.
Good advice from @arrington to startup CEOs everywhere [from]
It’s time for a quick primer on the proper way to interact at conferences and other business events. Since I just came back from one of those types of events, this is on top of mind for me. By Arrington
Best way to introduce yourself to a powerful person at an event or conference
Good practice on how to approach people politely during conferences, etc.
Home | Moses Znaimer's ideaCity09: Ideas Change the World
Talks and keynotes
Web Conferences Roundup: Events from Around the Globe « Smashing Magazine
Google Wave vs Twitter at conferences | FreshNetworks Blog
Google Wave is going to take digitally-enabled conference back-channel a step further through collaborative sharing activities
Twitter has quickly become the must-have channel for conference back-chat. Reading what other people tweet during a speech provides an extra dimension as you get a sense of what the audience is thinking. And just like passing notes in class, it’s also a lot more fun than simply sitting and listening. (and empowering – remember that Facebook interview from SXSW’08?) Twitter is also a great way to attend a conference without actually being there – just follow a conference hashtag (e.g. #smib09 or #figarodigital) and find out all the gossip and the key points from the comfort of your desk. But watch out Twitter. Google Wave is going to take this digitally-enabled conference back-channel a step further.
Google Wave as a backchannel at conferences
Setting a twitter back channel during conferences is a way to communicate your thoughts to the rest of the crowd during a presenation. However at a recent conference the same functionality was completed using a Google Wave, except with Wave the attendees were also able to create note sheets for each speaker using the 'knowledge of the crowd', Wave + 1.
Back-chat during conference presentations using Gogle Wave and Twitter
A good comparison of Google Wave vs Twitter as platforms for conference communication.
apophenia: spectacle at Web2.0 Expo... from my perspective
spectacle at Web2.0 Expo... from my perspective
Backchannel gone bad
But in return, please come with some respect. Please treat me like a person, not an object. Come to talk with me, not about me. I'm ready and willing to listen, but I need you to be as well.
IDEO Labs » Keynote Tweet: Participate in the backchannel of your own presentation
Tweets from keynote for public presentation
"Enter Keynote Tweet, a simple open-source script that provides the capacity to participate in the backchannel by combining Twitter with Apple Keynote. All you have to do is add text wrapped in [twitter] and [/twitter] tags in the presenter notes section of a slide. When that slide comes up in the presentation the script grabs that text and sends it to Twitter on your behalf."
Twitter Trumps Online Conference - Six Steps For Using Twitter For Your Conference Or Event
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
It is hard to moderate a conversation of 40 people and there are times when several people want to make a point but one gets the opportunity. I started to notice that the others would simply post their thought to twitter instead which allowed the rest of the room to see what they wanted to say in parallel with the point that was being made live.
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
I tend not to write too much about Twitter these days. God knows enough gets written about it elsewhere. But we had such a great experience with Twitter at Hacking Education on Friday that I feel compelled to share it with everyone.
Hacking Education was what we call a "Union Square Sessions" event. We've done a number of sessions events now and we use the same format for all of them. We find a nice venue here in NYC, we put together a big table where everyone faces each other, and we talk for five or six hours about a single topic. There are no presentations, no panels, just discussion that is lightly moderated by the Union Square Ventures team. We record, transcribe, and photograph the event so its easily bloggable. And there have been some terrific blog posts that have come out of these events in prior years. This year we added Twitter to the mix.
SOMEWHAT FRANK : Web/Tech, Social Media & Marketing Conferences
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events | Social Media Examiner
Twapper Keeper
3 usos de Twitter para cubrir eventos #medios #periodismo #periodistas #redessociales – Gerardo Albarrán (saladeprensa)
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events (via @smexaminer) #AmmanTT – Mohamad Khawaja (mkhawaja)
3 cool tools to help create socially mediated events
How To Live Tweet A Conference
Mark Stelzner, writing on the Inflexion Advisors blog, offers a compact post full of tips on the right way to live-tweet conference proceedings on Twitter.