Last-minute Conficker survival guide : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech Conficker tips
An article about Conficker virus.Informatik IV: Containing Conficker
Containing Conficker Tools and Infos
The following page contains the tools and analysis results described in our "Know your Enemy" paper "Containing Conficker - To Tame a Malware". The paper is published by the undefinedHoneynet Project and can be downloaded here: undefined Eye Chart
simple tool from the malware working group, but someone will have to rotate images.
This works because the virus tries to keep your computer from accessing various AV websites.
Easily test your computer for a Conficker infection
Hmm, is this real?
Conficker Eye ChartConficker Eye Chart
i think this is the origionalComputer Worms - Conficker| Microsoft Security
Viruses And That-ICT
Ha if a bounty shall do your hopelessness any good....
The Conficker worm is a computer worm that can infect your computer and spread itself to other computers across a network automatically, without human interaction.How To: Protect Your Windows PC from the Conficker Worm
People on windows PCs without updated virus software should probably take a look at this [from]W32.Downadup Removal Tool | Symantec
Annotated link
link al'eina per eliminar el cuc conficker