Pages tagged contest:

Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study - O'Reilly Radar

"So what about the actual business numbers? Namecheap's site traffic increased more than 10 percent in December, driving a 20 percent increase in domain registrations. In addition, Michelle says, "The increase in Twitter followers allowed us to see a 30 percent increase in traffic when we ran a Super Bowl promo on Twitter [in February]."
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study
Practice Your Code-Fu: Programming Contests and Puzzles Online | GrokCode
New, Free Twitter Follower and Value Building Tool
brad callen twitter follower giveaway service script
mixcss | Mixing the best designs on the web.
MixCSS is a beautiful, functional design gallery based on the Gallery Theme, a Thematic child theme for WordPress by Chris Wallace. This theme is a beautifully simple CSS gallery-style theme that makes use of custom fields within WordPress. Gallery is a beautiful, free, GPL-compatible gallery-style WordPress child theme built on the Thematic framework. It is extremely flexible and can be used as a starting point for many different types of websites: design gallery, book review site, e-commerce storefront (with the appropriate plugins), inspiration gallery, and so much more! Gallery is packed with loads of cool features like a jQuery slide effect on thumbnails, built-in twitter and delicious links and seamless integration with the WP-PostRatings, BuySellAds, and the Contact Form 7 plugins.
mixcss | Mixing the best designs on the web.
Apps for America 2: The Challenge
Apps for America is a special contest we're putting on this year to celebrate the release of! We're doing it alongside Google, O'Reilly Media, and TechWeb and the winners will be announced at the Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase in Washington, DC at the end of the Summer. Why we're doing it Just as the federal government begins to provide data in Web developer-friendly formats, we're organizing Apps for America 2: The Challenge to demonstrate that when government makes data available, it makes itself more accountable and creates more trust and opportunity in its actions. The contest submissions will also show the creativity of developers in designing compelling applications that provide easy access and understanding for the public, while also showing how open data can save the government tens of millions of dollars by engaging the development community in application development at far cheaper rates than traditional government contractors.
Social Designer — Welcome!
we should send some stuff into this - most of it is a little rough
"Social designer curates and creates smart products that tune into the greater good. You can join the cause by submitting designs for our competitions, weighing in with your opinion, purchasing goods or just simply talking about them. After all, every good idea (and every good cause) starts with a conversation – the more, the merrier."
Mario AI Competition 2009
Hell yeah
Android Developer Challenge
Cool apps that surprise and delight mobile users—built by developers like you—are a huge part of the Android vision. To support you in your efforts, Google launched the Android Developer Challenge, which will provide awards for great mobile apps built on the Android platform.
For each of the 10 categories:
10 Creative Contests Powered by Social Media
Home | Trollim
Trollim is a skill evaluation and comparison platform assessing the coding level, performance and skill set of programmers worldwide. Programmers of similar skill sets and coding languages compete against each other either by one to one or many to many coding challenges (Battles).
National Geographic's International Photography Contest 2009 - The Big Picture -
12 Photo Contests to Enter Right Now: Win Fame, Glory and an Army of Minions!
list na photojojo
Changer le design des résultats de Google.
5 Tips for Creating a Successful Social Media Contest
Simple steps to ensure the initiative doesn't lose focus.
Apple - iTunes - 1 Billion App Countdown
All time top apps
All Time Top Apps from Apple Website
Foi mais rápido do que eu imaginava. Entre este post e hoje, a Apple conseguiu zerar a contagem regressiva. Em apenas 9 meses de seu lançamento a Apple chegou à marca de um bilhão de aplicativos baixados da sua App Store. A marca oferece mais de 25 mil aplicativos (pagos e gratuitos) para download. A App Store ajudou a marca a registrar incremento de 15% em seus lucros, mesmo com toda a crise.
The TOP 6 Premium WordPress Themes For FREE | Noupe
The TOP 6 Premium WordPress Themes For FREE
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
Loq se puede hacer con el CSS3
CSS3 Design Contest and encouraged designers to experiment and get creative with CSS3. As expected, we have received many creative and original submissions. To choose the winners of the contest, we considered the originality of the technique or approach and its uniqueness. The idea mattered more than the execution
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine