Pages tagged cool:

PWN! YouTube - How to download videos from YouTube for fair rights use

Convert youtube videos
1. View a video on YouTube. 2. In the URL location box, type pwn in front of youtube, and enter. 3. Get links to download the video!
baixar video fácil
Utilidad web para descargar videos de YouTube
Download a YouTube video from any web page:
Strange, Rare, Endangered Species: Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals and More Rare Animals | WebEcoist
Mexican Walking Fish!
Strange and bizarre endangered animal species: mexican walking fish, coconut crab, giant salamander, bird eating spider, komodo, glass frog, kagu and more.
How I Made a 1,474-Megapixel Photo During President Obama's Inaugural Address | David Bergman -- ALL ACCESS -- sports, concert, and music photographer
59,783 X 224,658 photo by David Bergman
Obama Inauguration. Awesome.
Amazing ultra high resolution picture of Obama's inauguration: you can see the entire crowd and zoom in on each person in amazing detail. Powerful...and scary » 24 Modern Mugs and Creative Mug Designs
wonderful mug collection..
Modern mugs and creative mug designs from all over the world.
Ultra sweet iPhone shirt.
camiseta del iphone
The T-Shirt: Artist Kevin Tong captures the invention of daVinci, the imagination of H.G. Wells, and the brilliance of Jonathan Ive in this Exploded Phone drawing. » Photo Manipulations by tebe_interesno
Map of Popular Super Bowl Words Used on Twitter - Interactive Graphic -
Yay, Rochester is tracked.
The 15 Coolest Cases of Biomimicry
"i like b-sides." MP3 Mix-Tape Generator. Find more songs!
Find the best new music possible, using your iTunes Library. Analyze usage patterns, star-ratings, and more!
Analyzes your itunes.xml file to find other songs you might like and songs in your current library that you might enjoy but be ignoring.
Photography: Create Your Own Bokeh for Beautiful Photo Effects
Dark Roasted Blend: Caves: The World Beneath the World
Enter a narrow natural passageway that may lead to simply mind-boggling underground world - to get away from the depressing sights like these... Caves may lurk right under your feet: a fascinating and unexpected environment, which is often known only to spelunkers and dedicated Gollum-seekers.
Some of the cave and rock formations: - Flowstone (also known as a Bacon formation) - Cave Pearls - Soda Straws
ze's page :: want to try something hard? voice drawing....
Using openFrameworks?
... hosheez. An etch-a-sketch controlled by the *volume of your voice*.
Ze Frank has made a Flash-based drawing application that takes sound as its input.
A madlib exercise
Dailymotion - Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance, a video from IgnitionVM. Ignition, Visual, Media, Oren, Sea
great stop motion of a girl on a bed and her dream
La Princesse in Liverpool - The Big Picture -
take this share
Incredible photographs of an incredible spider robot. Must see. Be sure to read the captions on this one. My favorite: "Huge special effects are used like something from a film but its right there in front of you." Amazing.
"As part of Liverpool's Capital of Culture year, the French group La Machine were commissioned to create a large piece of street theatre, on the scale of their earlier work, the Sultan's Elephant. Many were expecting to see something using the iconic Liverbirds, the symbol of the city but instead we got a spider."
A 50-foot mechanical spider, marauding through the streets of Liverpool...
The 20 Wildest Webcams - PC World
Friday Fun: Absolutely Amazing Video Game Remake Wallpapers
Endless Interestingness
Text Ascii Art Generator
Ascii art generator napisów grafik w ascii
3d effect, ascii, pixel
The 20 Best Free PC Games - 1–4 - Gaming by ExtremeTech,2845,2340697,00.asp
There are loads of free PC games out there, but many of them aren't worth your time. These will have you hooked for hours.
20 Best iPhone Photo & Video Apps - Sharing, Editing & Recording Applications
Top 10 Moments Caught on Google Maps Street View - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
از گوگل ارث شکار صحنه زیاد دیده بودم. این بار تصاویر جالبی از سرویس گوگل استریت ویور
How to build a Facebook app in Django — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
facebook, django
Pixel Cookies - a set on Flickr
un man qu eexplica paso a paso como hacer galletas de los space invaders
Frozen soap bubbles. How awesome is that?
via April B.
frozen bubbles
Welcome - Timer
Mind the crevasse: The amazing 3D pavement art that has pedestrians on edge | Mail Online
Dessins de rue.
Another article that depicts some cool 3D street art.
15 Incredible Conceptual Designs You Wish Existed
Toast Messenger
The Teenager Audio Test - Can you hear this sound?
This tone seems pretty low to not be picked up by people up to 40, let alone 25. That or my hearing at 33 is awesome...
Yep. Loud and clear.
Coolest business card ever
Cool Lego Businesscard
business card ever
Khoda on Vimeo
6,000 paintings created to form a psychological thriller of an animation.
a 5 minute video made of 6,000 paintings.
"My graduation film Khoda. Description: What if you watch a film and whenever you pause it, you face a painting? This idea inspired Reza Dolatabadi to make Khoda. Over 6000 paintings were painstakingly produced during two years to create a five minutes film that would meet high personal standards. Khoda is a psychological thriller; a student project which was seen as a ‘mission impossible’ by many people but eventually proved possible! Director and art director: Reza Dolatabadi Written by Reza Dolatabadi & Mark Szalos Farkas Animation by Adam Thomson Music by Hamed Mafakheri"
My graduation film Khoda. Description: What if you watch a film and whenever you pause it, you face a painting? This idea inspired Reza Dolatabadi to make Khoda. Over 6000 paintings were painstakingly produced during two years to create a five minutes film that would meet high personal standards. Khoda is a psychological thriller; a student project which was seen as a ‘mission impossible’ by many people but eventually proved possible!
"Over 6000 paintings were painstakingly produced during two years to create a five minutes film that would meet high personal standards."
short film where every scene is a painting.
The Internet's 99 Greatest Hits - TIME,8599,1881591,00.html
internet time
High Five Escalator at Improv Everywhere
Agent Lathan gave out 2,000 high fives by standing next to a subway escalator during the morning rush. Five additional agents spread out along the adjacent stairs, holding signs that prepared commuters for the upcoming high five fun. […] The subway station at 53rd Street and Lexington Avenue can be a nightmare in the morning. Thousands of commuters make a daily transfer from the E or V train to the 6 train. The first part of the transfer involves taking one of two giant escalators, which both run up in the morning to accommodate the huge crowd. […] Everyone is generally in a pretty crappy mood when they’re making this transfer with a herd of other people at the crack of dawn. It was definitely a location in need of a bit of fun.
Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places.
For our latest mission, Agent Lathan gave out 2,000 high fives by standing next to a subway escalator during the morning rush. Five additional agents spread out along the adjacent stairs, holding signs that prepared commuters for the upcoming high five fun
Oh very cute yes. Made me smile, anyway.
Drum Set
How old are you ? Picture rating - pic age guessing, how old do I look
age guessing
quelle age avez vous ...
schätzen lassen, wie alt man ist
The 20 Best Free PC Games - Gaming by ExtremeTech,2845,2340696,00.asp
Hey, times are tough. Games are expensive. What are you going to do, stop playing them? Hah! You can give your credit card a break and still stay up until 2am yelling at your computer monitor if you just know where to find all the best free PC games. Of course, the Web is a front of free entertainment. There are more lame flash games out there than you could possibly catalogue, and even a few really great ones. A Google search for "free games" will take you to any number of portals where you can play ad-supported flash games, or even awesome paid flash games like Robokill.
Some decent picks. I ended up playing Dyson for like 6hours after i read this. Worth browsing.
Laser Printing: Web Advertising - Google Business Card |
An Offset Printing Company using old methods to advertise new. A business card that quickly explains that the company can be found on the web. » Modern Showers and Creative Shower Heads
Top 10 Incredible Animal Videos: Readers' Choice | Wired Science from
Lugejate valik 10 parimat loomavideot
Local Weather / Select City
Real weather with real material.
15 Creative Wallpapers and Wallpaper Designs | WebUrbanist
Wallpaper isn't what it used to be. New ideas and revolutionary techniques have allowed artists and designers to bring two-dimensional surfaces to life. What's on YOUR wall?
Wallpaper (at-home, not on-screen) isn’t what it used to be, but we bet you never thought it could look THIS good! So you have your absolutely amazing house and insanely cool furniture - what comes next? New ideas and revolutionary techniques have allowed artists and designers to bring two-dimensional surfaces to life through creative wallpapers and wallpaper designs.
Freehands | Welcome
jetzt völlig bescheuert oder was?
Another one of my business ideas that I wont get to do.
Freehands gloves feature fold-back index finger and thumb tips to let you use your iPhone, Blackberry, MP3 player or camera in the cold. They're even great for just getting in to your wallet on an icy winter day.
Before and After: Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Cool Desktop setup
resume-infographic.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x927 pixels)
Visual representation of a resume
Pretty cool and makes sense to me.
BBC NEWS | Business | Inside a frozen pizza factory
Wo die Pizza herkommt...
While many retailers are feeling the pinch, the food industry is prospering with convenience food proving to be a popular item for many families who are eating out less than before. Two factories in the Irish Republic produce more than 150 million frozen pizzas a year.
i love the tomato sauce paint ball gun and the pepperoni slicer
Industrial Manufacturing process of frozen pizza...gross.
Et monument for menneskehetens fremmarsj.
The BEST FREE games to play this holiday | GamesRadar
we needed this for the van last year!
THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
youtube sampling mashups, getting some traction in the blogosphere for DRM and convergence, though in many ways this is just the next logical step.
Amazing series of songs created from YouTube videos.
The ultimate in content collaboration.
mash-ups of YouTube clips
Thru you to projekt niejakiego Kutimana, który wynajduje na Youtube klipy z osobami grającymi na instrumentach i traktuje je jako pojedyncze ścieżki dźwiękowe / sample do miksowanych przez siebie utworów. Żeby było jeszcze bardziej niesamowicie, Kutiman montuje też znalezione klipy w efektowne teledyski.
Periodic Table of Typefaces
26 New And Awesome Web Apps You Probably Don’t Know About
With TinyChat you can create your own chatroom and invite people through one simple link. Chat rooms are disposable and can be created within seconds.
various free software
weblog dedicated to reviewing some of the newest and best web and mobile apps on the web. Additionally, we have insights and analysis on some of the hotest topics from around the net
Pink dolphin appears in US lake - Telegraph
The world's only pink Bottlenose dolphin which was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA.
Its a PINK Dolphin!!
I still don't understand this. But I think she's cute. It is a she.
Albino Dolphin!
The world's only pink Bottlenose dolphin which was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA
SuperMagnetMan Magnets
click bored - Interactive DHTML demos
This shit is trippy.
Chrome Experiments - Home
We think JavaScript is awesome. We also think browsers are awesome. Indeed, when we talk about them, we say they are the cat's meow – which is an American expression meaning AWESOME. In light of these deeply held beliefs, we created this site to showcase cool experiments for both JavaScript and web browsers. These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world. Their work is making the web faster, more fun, and more open – the same spirit in which we built Google Chrome. Naturally, if you've made something fun and fast with JavaScript, please send it in. We can't post everything, but we'd love to see it. Thanks for visiting, and happy experimenting.
Google/Google Chrome推奨、canvas、ショーケース/ゲーム/投稿/デモ、物理演算/3D
YouTube - Extreme Sheep LED Art
We took to the hills of Wales armed to the teeth with sheep, LEDs and a camera, to create a huge amazing LED display. Of sorts.
Wonderful Wine Cellars For Any Room in Your House | dornob
Wonderful Wine Cellars For Any Room in Your House | wine cellar winecellar winewine
distinctive designs
Browser Ball
Browser Ball attempts, with only moderate success, to allow the configuration of a seemingly endless array of continuous spaces using multiple overlapping browser windows. Within this multivariate space, users are invited to toss a beach ball both hither and yon. If this sounds like a ridiculous use of everyone's time, that's only because it is.
Create music with balls and lines - TwitterThoughts...
a twitter thingy thing. Visualizing stuff in twitter.
advanced tool and mashup that visually graphs Twitter trends based on a variety of factors, such as number of tweets and followed total. It takes its information from a sample subset of Twitter accounts. The data can be complicated to work with, but it is a unique way to visualize data on Twitter.
visualization of twitter public time with google visualization API
mapping twitter thoughts similar to the I feel fine concept
THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
Cool things people are doing with you tube now. Mixing music with existing youtube clips. Very cool.
THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
Watch this!
THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube mash-up of youtube videos
Holi - the Festival of Colors - The Big Picture -
beautiful pictures, beautiful color!!!
Sur le blog Big Picture
Last Wednesday (March 11th), people in India and other countries with large Hindu populations celebrated Holi, the Festival of Colors. Holi is celebrated as a welcoming of Spring, and a celebration of the triumph of good over evil. What that translates to in action is an enthusiastic dropping of inhibitions, as people chase each other and playfully splash colorful paint, powder and water on each other. People also attend bonfires to commemorate the story of Prahlada, a Hindu figure and devout follower of Lord Vishnu who prevailed over his father and the demoness Holika with the power of his devotion. Collected here are photos from this year's Festival of Colors.
Forget Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day. THIS is the festival that I want to attend.
Photos of. I liked.
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Undo Send
50 Stunning Examples Of Architecture Photography - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Photojojo » How to Develop Film Using Coffee and Vitamin C! Srsly!
This is the Microsoft I want to see » VentureBeat
Future Technology
People sometimes ask me why I dislike Microsoft. The answer is simple: I don’t -- I’ve just been disappointed with ...
Microsoft concept video.
Fantastic little video from Microsoft, showing how technology (mostly AR - augmented reality) might work in the future.
Top 10 Time-Lapse Videos Show Nature at Work | Wired Science from
The world is filled with sluggish spectacles. Watching them would be painful were it not for time-lapse photography, which can make those long stories short and remarkably entertaining. When a
via delicious home
Short time lapse for science concepts
50 Beautiful Long Exposure Photos | Blog
deep collection, really makes me want to get a tripod
Below you'll find an impressive collection of 50 long exposure photos! 50 Photos taken with very slow shutterspeed. Enjoy!   HDR
16 Awesome Star Wars Papercraft Models
Some time ago I gathered a list of 100 Exceptional Free Paper Models and Toys that was quite well received by the readers of this blog. The amount and quality of paper craft models available for download is amazing. Chances are that anything that’s popular and geeky, has already been converted into a paper craft model.
8tracks | tylr | Songs that make you feel better
healing songs
70 Outstanding Out of Bounds Photos | Inspiration
digg_url = ''; Out of bounds (OOB) photos are post processed photos where the contents
The True Stories Behind 5 Famous WTF Images |
Truth is sometimes a little bit more awesome than fiction.
Most people have already seen the following images in the ‘WTF’ sections of social bookmarking sites, in threads dedicated to badass pictures or just circulated through their inboxes by the » 20 Unusual and Creative Ice Cube Trays - Design, Inspiration and Technology Blog
Cool :D
aM laboratory
Clever and Creative Bus Advertising
oobject » formula 1 user interfaces
Questions the wisdom of allowing UI complexity of race cars trickling down to the consumer market. Wonder what fighter planes look like.
GE | Plug Into the Smart Grid | Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
The Smart Grid integrates 21st century technology with the 20th century power grid. So GE can help you manage energy more efficiently than ever before.
The Official Site of Benjamin J Heckendorn
C64 Laptop
Hotels, Hotel Deals, Vacations, Resorts and Travel Deals - hotelicopter
Book hotels and travel deals
very nice site
tweenbots | kacie kinzer
Kacie Kinzer set out to discover how big city folk relate to their surroundings by releasing a number of cute, helpless robots onto the streets of New York with nothing but a sign asking passers-by to assist them in getting to their destination. Over the course of the following months the Tweenbots were successful in rolling from their start point to their far-away destination assisted only by strangers. Every time the robot got caught under a park bench, ground futilely against a curb, or became trapped in a pothole, some passerby would always rescue it and send it toward its goal. Never once was a Tweenbot lost or damaged. Often, people would ignore the instructions to aim the Tweenbot in the “right” direction, if that direction meant sending the robot into a perilous situation. One man turned the robot back in the direction from which it had just come, saying out loud to the Tweenbot, “You can’t go that way, it’s toward the road.”
heel leuk
Cardboard robots prove that crowdsourcing works and that people are nice.
The Reeves and Nass of the mini-robots. This is such a great result.
In New York City, we are very occupied with getting from one place to another. I wondered: could a human-like object traverse sidewalks and streets along with us, and in so doing, create a narrative about our relationship to space and our willingness to interact with what we find in it? More importantly, how could our actions be seen within a larger context of human connection that emerges from the complexity of the city itself? To answer these questions, I built robots. Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction to reach their goal. Given their extreme vulnerability, the vastness of city space, the dangers posed by traffic, suspicion of terrorism, and the possibility that no one would be interested in helping a lost
40 Beautiful Skateboard Designs | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Telegram Stop | Send a Traditional Classic Telegram the easy way
Send a telegram? Although it is not clear if this is a telegram or just mail.
ram they sent was a classic, something different to a greeting card, and it was so easy to do'
YouTube - Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009
Do watch when you get a moment. After all the crazy videos you see of people making a fool of themselves, this was really cool. I almost cried for her. Maybe because it is my favorite Les Mis song, but whatev.
Gizmodo - NYU Student Conducts Most Adorable Robot Experiment Ever - Tweenbot
Best. Art. Evar.
The tweenbot, a cardboard-bodied, cheerful little bugger, is equipped with a flag stating its intended destination. Since it can only move forward, it depends on the kindness of strangers to guide it and remove obstacles.
spaceb.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x8149 pixels)
earth compared to other stars and galaxies
Feeling small
Gizmodo - Time Travel Cheat Sheet - Time travel cheat sheet
So you've gone back in time with just a gun, a few clips and your pants. What now? This is what. [Topatoco via Buzzfeed - Thanks Audrius!]
Just in case. :)
what happens when and what you need(ed) to know/discover when
This is Photobomb
fotos divertidas (e ruins)
Infinite Photograph -- As Seen On Earth -- The Green Guide
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
The Barefoot Kitchen Witch: Coloring Eggs
Unique Easter Egg Coloring Idea ~ Somethin' 2 See! [from]
Why limit yourself to dying just the egg shells this Easter? Make a variation of Chinese tea eggs with a colorful twist on an old recipe.
Trippy illusion - Boing Boing
una imagen casi hipnotica que hace que uno vea todo muy raro luego de verlo 10 minutos
I-Movix SprintCam v3 NAB 2009 showreel on Vimeo
showreel on Vimeo
woooow. 1000fps (that's frames per second!)
YouTube - Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009
Parkour on a bike, on the streets of Edinburgh.
One of the most amazing collections of videos I've seen around an aggressive rider. Sent by @michaeltsmith
17 cool magnet tricks - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
21 Brilliant Photos That Look Like They’re Photoshopped But Are Not @ SmashingApps
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
21 Brilliant Photos That Look Like They’re Photoshopped But Are Not
namemasher - the best name generator. period.
the best name generator. period.
Combine names
…shot then » Blog Archive » 8-bit Hip Hop medley
this is awesome la musique hip-hop en 8 bit NINTENDO.
Honda Insight - Let It Shine on Vimeo
The desert hosts an unexpected light show in the latest television commercial for the Honda Insight
おお〜 vimeoのhtmlごとハック!
The desert hosts an unexpected light show in the latest television commercial for the Honda Insight. Find out how it was done: - Popular Online Videos
Gizmodo - Best Video I've Seen Today Will Make You Smile - Songs around the world
If this video doesn't bring a tear to your eyes and makes you smile for the rest of the day, you are a cold hearted bastard. Watch it from beginning to end—you won't regret it. This cover of Stand By Me was recorded by completely unknown artists in a street virtual studio all around the world. It all started with a base track—vocals and guitar—recorded on the streets of Santa Monica, California, by a street musician called Roger Ridley. The base track was then taken to New Orleans, Louisiana, where Grandpa Elliott—a blind singer from the French Quarter—added vocals and harmonica while listening to Ridley's base track on headphones. In the same city, Washboard Chaz's added some metal percussion to it. And from there, it just gets rock 'n' rolling bananas: The producers took the resulting mix all through Europe, Africa, and South America, adding new tracks with multiple instruments and vocals that were assembled in the final version you are seeing in this video. All done with a simple
Nice little music video.
If this video doesn&#039;t bring a tear to your eyes and makes you smile for the rest of the day, you are a cold hearted bastard. Watch it from beginning to end&mdash;you won&#039;t regret it.
Flickr: Norby's Photostream
That's a neat way to use Flickr
100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real | Webdesigner Depot (excellent collection!)
Concept designers are also referred to as visual futurists. These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to create
Twelve amazing shipping container houses | Yahoo! Green
houses constructed out of metal containers
arquitectura: casas hechas con containers
Twitnest 0.1 (by @nattster)
Very cool
Visualizing connections and relations between users in twitter. Nice relations.
Ferramenta que agrupa seus contatos e as relacoes entre eles.
Best and Worst Brain Foods on Yahoo! Health
If you want to make the right decisions in confusing times—Time to refinance? Explore a different career? Root for the singing spinster or the 12-year-old?—you need to pay special attention to what you eat. That’s right: Your grocery list can help with your to-do list. That’s because the right foods are a kind of clean-burning fuel for your body’s biggest energy hog: Your brain. A study in the Journal of Physiology makes the point that, though your brain represents only 2 percent of your body weight, it makes 20 percent of the energy demands on your resting metabolism. On our new Eat This, Not That! Web site, we rounded up the best foods to munch on when you need a mental boost—and found studies that show, in fact, that you can be up to 200 percent more productive if you make the right eating choices. Stock up on these items to halt mental decline, jog your memory, sharpen your senses, improve your performance, activate your feel-good hormones, and protect your quick-witted sharpness
It's from Men's Health magazine, so I question its scientific authority (harping on the Thanksgiving tryptophan thing still? pork has more than turkey, thank you), but in general this seems like solid advice.
40 Stunning and Creative Graffiti Artworks | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
40 Stunning and Creative Graffiti Artworks
40 Stunning and Creative Graffiti Artworks | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Stunning and Creative Graffiti Artworks |
YooouuuTuuube - Alice - 18 Rows - 18 Columns
soooo cool. A veces yo tambien veo alicias...
Você faz xixi no banho? Site com música divertida e layout engraçado
Disney Star Wars Weekend Posters are Awesome! (13 Total) - My Modern Metropolis
LOLOLOL okay seriously why is anything with Boba and carbonite!Han completely hilarious
Haha, these are GREAT.
in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project
a collaborative music/spoken word project. Which is brilliant.
"Trata-se de um projeto de música colaborativa online ("Bb" é o si bemol, em linguagem musical). É muito simples: o site exibe uma dezena de vídeos do YouTube. Você vai lá, clica na ordem que quiser e... surpresa!" (por @oprimo)
This is a really cool collabrative project
50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy | Inspiration
Restaurants, Hotels, Travel and Vacations -
42 Amazing Sources of Lego Inspiration and Creativity (and a touch of wit) : Speckyboy Design Magazine
lego groups and models- who knew?
Helpless on Vimeo
©2008 COPYRIGHT - All Rights reserved Project info @ Music: “HELPLESS” (S. Harland-Wright*/D. Jackson) © J. Albert & Son Pty Limited*/Control Performed by Headstrong featuring Shelley Harland Used with permission Thanks to Greenpeace Australia, Shelley Harland, Darrin Brindle, Abram Powell. For more information on the building of the sand whale featured in this short film visit: Artist info @ Project info @
Excellent use of time-lapse photography to make the real world look like a model.
©2008 COPYRIGHT - All Rights reserved Music: “HELPLESS” (S. Harland-Wright*/D. Jackson) © J. Albert & Son Pty Limited*/Control Performed by Headstrong featuring Shelley Harland Used with permission Thanks to Greenpeace Australia, Shelley Harland, Darrin Brindle, Abram Powell. For more information on the building of the sand whale featured in this short film visit: Artist info @ Project info @
11 Cool (& Sometimes Useless) Things You Can Do With Your Macbook |
Things You Can Do With Your Macbook
In the first part of “Utilize Your Mac SMS” series, we discussed a SMS-based application to prevent Macbook theft. Now we will discuss other cool applications utilizing the Sudden Motion Sensor feature of Mac laptops.
Apple SMS Apps
subprime on Vimeo
"watch the american housing market spiral out of control."
watch the american housing market spiral out of control.
watch the american housing market spiral out of control. / /
2zcg.gif (GIF Image, 300x231 pixels)
via calavera
Twitter / cwalken
If you need a single reason to be on twitter, this is it.
It is known I'm not a fan of Twitter due to its lack of... everything. However, this would be pretty entertaining regardless of presentation, and it's not like I need a comments section to reply to Christopher Walken.
Even if it's not him, it's still funny as hell
Travel photography: The Wave - Los Angeles Times,0,7729647.special
The Wave is a red-rock stunner on the border of Arizona and Utah, made of 190-million-year-old sand dunes that have turned to rock. L.A. Times photographer Spencer Weiner captured the swirling drama of this little-known formation that's accessible only on foot via a three-mile hike and highly regulated. (To apply for a permit, go to the Bureau of Land Management's Arizona Web page.) An earlier version of this text incorrectly said the sand dunes are 190 years old. Outside: Exploring the swirl Inside: Navajo sandstone and blue sky Inside: Walking on cinnamon taffy Outside: A vista of textures Outside: Desert-dwelling lizard READ ABOUT THE WAVE: • Arizona's The Wave a stone-cold stunner • Planning your trip to the Wave
#center {width:635px;} #main_wrapper {width:955px;} #left_navigation {display: none }
Cardapult the Business Card Catapult
This card would sure get my attention. Send one of these cards along with your resume and just see if you don't get a few call-backs!
Galactic Center of Milky Way Rises over Texas Star Party on Vimeo
on Vimeo — pretty frickin' cool!
Time lapse video of night sky as it passes over the 2009 Texas Star Party in Fort Davis, Texas. The galactic core of Milky Way is brightly displayed. Images taken with 15mm fisheye lens.
Time lapse video of night sky as it passes over the 2009 Texas Star Party in Fort Davis, Texas. The galactic core of Milky Way is brightly displayed. Images taken with 15mm fisheye lens.
101 Free Games 2009: The Best Free Games on the Web from
Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm | Video on
Mashupp City
Ziggy mashups
Last Day Dream [HD] on Vimeo
Watching a life passing by.
Man watches life pass before him in this short film shot w/ Lensbaby on 5D Mark II.
Very short. "a man watches his life pass before him". Very excellent.
Spam : Elliott Burford
An ongoing project illustrating the titles of emails found in your spam/junk box.
Spam Visualized - funny stuff
ilustrações de spam An ongoing project illustrating the titles of emails found in your spam/junk box.
The Best Backgrounds on GraphicRiver - Psdtuts+
Easily one of the biggest categories on GraphicRiver, backgrounds are handy not only in graphic design but in web and screen design too. From abstract to
Backgrounds muito animalescos!
Background utile for new concept
Download YouTube Videos as an MP3, WMV, AVI, MOV, WAV for FREE!
Download and convert webpage content. Youtube, Myspace and any other page.
"a free online tool that lets you extract and download multimedia content from websites and social networking services, including videos from YouTube and MP3 files from MySpace playlists"
para descargar videos de youtube etc
FARKIE (descargas desde youtube online)
Useful tool for grabing stuff from sites
CSS design gallery - 33 Excellent Web Layout Photoshop Tutorials
Dice-O-Matic hopper and elevator - GamesByEmail
Dice rolling machine. Very cool.
awesome random number generator. felt it deserved to be in my "randomness" bookmarks. via simonw
Dark Roasted Blend: Extraordinary Clocks and Watches
I'm not much of a clock/watch guy, but these are really nice &gt; Extraordinary Clocks and Watches [from]
- Hospital Food -
Microblog consacré aux repas d'hôpitaux.
Photos insolites de repas servis dans des hôpitaux des 4 coins du globe.
Gigapixel Photography - Image: Vancouver Yaletown Condos
Incredibly detailed photography
Gigapixel Photography Inc. creates Gigapixel images and custom technology solutions for marketing and presentation of high-resolution images
Gigapixel Photography - Image: Vancouver Yaletown Condos
igapixel Photography Inc. is a photography studio that creates gigapixel images and develops custom technology solutions for marketing and presentation of high-resolution imagery. A gigapixel image is a digital image composed of more than one billion pixels. It contains more than 150 times the detail captured by a typical 6-megapixel consumer camera.
In the Woods - 40 Really Awesome Resources for Design Inspiration
FLARVision: Augmented Reality and Papervision | InsideRIA
interessant voor master thesis
rendeznew - the NEW way to "meet in the middle"
40 Amazing 3D Art Pieces | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
40 Amazing 3D Art Pieces
25 Body Hacks to Supercharge Yourself
10 Awesome Free Serif Fonts | My Ink Blog
10 Awesome Free Serif Fonts
10 Awesome Free Serif Fonts | My Ink Blog
Can't have enough fonts.
Explosions and Boobs
A very simple website
Explosions and Boobs.
Иконза - Бесплатные цветные иконки для вашего сайта и блога
Иконза - Бесплатные цветные иконки для вашего сайта и блога ru
Бесплатные цветные иконки для вашего сайта и блога
Behind the websites
Amazing One Element Logos | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Ubuntu Themes: 61 Awesome Themes for Linux | TechNama
National Weather Service - NWS Spokane
On the evening of March 31st, 2009, Tim Tevebaugh was driving home from work east of Craigmont in the southern Idaho Panhandle (see map below). Across the rolling hay fields, Tim saw a very unusual phenomenon. The snow rollers that he took pictures of are extremely rare because of the unique combination of snow, wind, temperature and moisture needed to create them. They form with light but sticky snow and strong (but not too strong) winds. Some snow rollers are formed by gravity (i.e. rolling down a hill), but in this case, the snow rollers were generated by the wind. These snow rollers formed during the day as they weren't present in the morning on Tim's drive to work.
This is so cool, like tumbleweeds, only snow
Snow rollers.
weirdness... natural rolled up snow. It looks like what happens when I try to make a snowman.
Weird weather
email to anderson
Look at this! Cool!
Snow Rollers
YouTube - Damien Walters Showreel 2009
super Akrobatik - Manage your web time
Popups must be allowed for options 2 and 3
Sítio para controlar o tempo de uso na internet...
Manage your time on the web
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
AppleInsider | Apple stuns WWDC crowd with pulsating App Store hyperwall
Not really a webdesign item, but a stunning design effort nonetheless.
Quartz Composer + OpenCL
100 Beautiful Night Scene Photos | PXLshots
Hi guys! Today we will delight you with another beautiful image collection. Night scenes. 100 photographs of gorgeous urban and rural landscapes and views.
Stunning Photos of Night Scenes
Hi guys! Today we will delight you with another beautiful image collection. Night scenes. 100 photographs of gorgeous urban and rural landscapes and views. A mixture of darkness and lights, a real static show of contrasts and beauty.
JPG Magazine: Stories: The Project: Fallen Princesses
Wow. This photographer took photos of what she imagined Disney and fairytale princesses would be like in the real world where happy endings don't exist. The Rapunzel one if particularly disturbing and intense.
erikfrey's bashreduce at master - GitHub
whoah, wtf.
Map/Reduce in a bash script... hahahahahahaha
MapReduce done in BASH! Awesome!
Some mad bash magic for distributing stuff.
interesting hack -- apply Map-Reduce idioms to UNIX command lines across multiple machines or cores (via jzawodny, who's obviously looking at a lot of command line stuff recently ;)
funny laughter gallery
Just for Fun
Screenshot Tour: A First Look at Google Voice
Marco Brambilla: Civilization | Motionographer | Motion graphics, design, animation, filmmaking and visual effects
animacion en after o por lo menos eso creo
Artful statement about Civilization - Western Style
Installation Credits Title: Civilization (MEGAPLEX), 2008 By: Marco Brambilla Client: The Standard Hotel, New York Editor/Research Assistant:
Explore Google Search
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here&#039;s a glimpse at what they do, the features they&#039;ve built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
Explore Google Search: Movies, weather, public data, earthquake information and more. Check out these 15 second search tips from Google to help you save time and get the most of your online experience.
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here's a glimpse at what they do, the features they've built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
6 extraordinarily stubborn 'nail houses'
Honorable Mentions
The blue and the green | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
The overall pattern is a spiral shape because our brain likes to fill in missing bits to a pattern. Even though the stripes are not the same color all the way around the spiral , the overlapping spirals makes our brain think they are. The very fact that you have to examine the picture closely to figure out any of this at all shows just how easily we can be fooled.
Richard Wiseman comes one of the best color optical illusions I have ever seen.
Stunning pictures of 'hole in the clouds' as astronauts witness volcano eruption from the International Space Station | Mail Online
Photos of a volcanic eruption, and also of a "dark molecular cloud" in outer-space.
Awesome photos of an eruption in progress from the ISS. Also includes a bit about a "blank spot" in the night sky where a dense cloud about 500 light years away blocks light from reaching us.
from International Space Station
By Eddie Wrenn Last updated at 7:46 PM on 25th June 2009
100 Creative Twitter Backgrounds Featuring Illustration | Webdesigner Depot
Vous ne le savez peut-être pas mais Twitter vous permet de personnaliser le fonds d'écran (Wallpaper) de votre compte. Vous le verrez alors dès que vous vous rendrez sur votre page Twitter mais tous les visiteurs affichant un de vos Twitt le verront aussi. WebDesignerDepot nous propose à ce sujet une sélection de 100 très jolis arrières-plan récupérables pour votre propre compte Twitter... Enjoy !
Why are There 60 Minutes in an Hour? | Scienceray
Porqué hay 60 minutos en una hora.
30+ Creative Typography Art
Design ideas
Typography is the ultimate form of science meeting art. Space, size, type treatment/effects, contrast, color selection - and much more - go into every piece of design that involves the use of type.
La realidad alterna (muy bueno) -
Bueno Gente, este es un post un poco raro. pero me gusto la idea!... como quien salir un poco de la realidad jejeje Casi todos los trabajos son Fan
Figuras Anime de interes general..
Recent scenes from the ISS - The Big Picture -
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Animated Engines
Opis działania różnych silników
Billie Tweets - a Twitter tribute to Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean"
The lyrics to Billie Jean as found in public tweets and synchronized to the famous music video.
Tributo a Michael Jackson y una muy interesante aplicación de los twitts :)
The Video Bay - Extremly early test - HTML5 media tags
Extremly early test - HTML5 media tags
6 Gorgeous Twitter Visualizations
6 Gorgeous Twitter Visualizations
Flickr Photo Download: Resume infographic
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy [Fine Structure Constant] [Schrödinger's cat] [Frequency]
video science curious
Things to say during sex
ceiling porn
I'm a big fan of ceilings and it never fails to amaze me how drastically they can change the appearance and atmosphere of a space yet at the same time be completely ignored by most of the room's occupants. it's incredible how some people live their lives looking either straight ahead or down at the ground, the only ceiling they ever notice being the one above the bed.
Such lovely ceilings here...*waves cigarette in face threateningly*
A Paper Craft Castle On the Ocean « Tokyobling’s Blog
Wow, now that's some serious origami!
Dark Roasted Blend: Bladerunner Tokyo (in Large-Format Photography)
"The city resembles a jungle in principle. There is the shrub layer, consisting of millions of 1-3 story buildings, then there is the canopy made of 4-12 story buildings and the emergent layer, towering high above the rest, represented by skyscrapers. Leaves and branches are mimicked by the millions of air conditioners and antennas on the rooftops. Everything is interconnected through a liana meshwork, consisting of roads, railway tracks, stairs, pedestrian overpasses, elevators and escalators."
Gorgeous photos of Tokyo. The 1st one especially
10 humor sites sure to make you LOL -
funny sites
Ikea Hack: STRIPA Shoe Rack
Two closely positioned shelves cradle the toes of shoes and hold them elevated against the wall.
YouTube - Sour 'Hibi no neiro'
This music video was shot for Sour's 'Hibi no Neiro' (Tone of everyday) from their first mini album 'Water Flavor EP'. The cast were selected from the actual...
A Japanese band's music video that uses webcams.
A music video made up from webcam videos. One of THE most creative movies I've EVER seen. PINORAMA: - michael_jackson_arcade_entry.xml Panoramic Picture
This is a virtual tour of the arcade section of the "Collection of the King of Pop", the Michael Jackson Exhibition held on April 19-25, 2009. It should be noted that these interactive panoramas were not taken at the Neverland Ranch; rather they were lensed at the Beverly Hills display area of the auction site. On December 10 2008 Julien's Auctions announced the sale of over 2000 pieces of Michael Jackson memorabilia. Jackson had contracted with the auction house to removed the items from the foreclosed Neverland Ranch. It took 30 men and 10 semi-trucks over 3 months to remove the items from Neverland. Subsequently, Jackson had a change of heart and on March 4th sued Julien's to prevent the sale of his property. The Los Angeles Superior Court ruled in April 3rd that the sale could go on, but in a settlement announced on April 14th the auction was cancelled and converted into a twelve day public exhibition of the collection after which it was returned to Jackson.
Two Centuries On, a Cryptologist Cracks a Presidential Code -
For more than 200 years, buried deep within Thomas Jefferson's correspondence and papers, there lay a mysterious cipher -- a coded message that appears to have remained unsolved. Until now. The cryptic message was sent to President Jefferson in December 1801 by his friend and frequent correspondent, Robert Patterson, a mathematics professor at the University of Pennsylvania. President Jefferson and Mr. Patterson were both officials at the American Philosophical Society -- a group that promoted scholarly research in the sciences and humanities -- and were enthusiasts of ciphers and other codes, regularly exchanging letters about them.
80 Creative and Well-designed Logos | Inspiration
Hehkuva | Lehtikuva | a Sanoma company |
Pictures made of pictures made of pictures.
Pure CSS Timeline – Notebook |
Pure CSS Timeline
おもしろいけど画像で作るべきだと思うな htmlを装飾に用いることになるからね
Lifehacker - Turn a Bookshelf into a Secret Passage - Home office
"Lifehacker reader agmk and his girlfriend hated the look of their cluttered home office and computer den. It seemed like even when the rest of their place was clean, their home office was always a little bit too messy. In an effort to make it easier to hide the nook that served as their home office they turned some Ikea bookshelves they scored off Craigslist into a pretty awesome office-concealing secret doorway."
Dude makes a batman-style hiding passageway on the cheap
Swedish Armed Forces - Recruitment 2009
Test di abilità delle Forze Armate Svedesi. Ben fatto, in Flash. In inglese. (Ma qualcuno mi dica: le Forze Armate svedesi fanno spesso cose così belle?)
How to bake cheeseburger cupcakes - a set on Flickr
God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs
God is Imaginary
Spring Cleaning Tips-– Smart Spring Cleaning Tricks
Photojojo » How to Make Moving Pictures (Just Like Harry Potter!)
As much as we like “capturing a moment” we’d still love it if the faces smiling up from our photo frames could move or wave or wink at us. Turns out they can! And you don’t even need a special potion to do it. All you have to do is take a short video, loop it, and play it in a digital frame.
How to Make Moving Pictures (Just Like Harry Potter!)
As much as we like “capturing a moment” we’d still love it if the faces smiling up from our photo frames could move or wave or wink at us. Turns out they can! And you don’t even need a special potion to do it.
Cool clock idea.
มายด์ ดรีม คล๊อก วู้วว
buy this clock
Incredible Shadow Art Created From Junk
Excelente arte com sombras do lixo
"British-born and -based artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster skilfully skirt the boundaries between beauty and the shadowier aspects of humanity, playing with our perceptions as well as our notions of taste. Many of their most notable pieces are made from piles of rubbish, with light projected against them to create a shadow image entirely different to that seen when looking directly at the deliberately disguised pile."
very cool shadow stuff
17 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped |
salar de uyuni!
This is the fourth installment of our series where we prove that sometimes, real life is stranger than Photoshop. So enjoy our continuing chronicle of jaw-dropping pics that make you shout "FAKE!" the moment you see them, but in fact are not. Even if, in some cases, we really wish they were ...
Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition - DIY Creations - Lifehacker
10 More Cool Things You Can Do With YouTube Videos
Like it says
There are plenty of sites that allow you to view and upload videos and share your memories, experiences and knowledge with the world. However, with its
10 Ways to Look Good in Photos | Online Savvy | Reader's Digest
7 Very fun games that are actually good for your brain
Stunning Space Photography | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Frank Lloyd Wright Lego Sets | Gadget Lab |
mouais, mieux vaut (re)créer soi-même qqch à partir d'une boite classique.
50 Beautifully Delicious Coffee Designs | Webdesigner Depot
Cenitales de tazas de café con su espuma dibujando diferentes formas.
Coffee time: [from]
Coffee Cups - a set on Flickr
I should buy one to impress anyone I want to impress with ...
set de copos de café desenhados !
doodle on Styrofoam cups
11 Cool iPhone Keypad Codes
Dezeen » Blog Archive » Ink Calendar by Oscar Diaz
Cool calendar using paper capilarity to mark the dates.
Ink calendar
World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale on Vimeo
"Bobby McFerrin demonstrates the power of the pentatonic scale, using audience participation, at the event "Notes & Neurons: In Search of the Common Chorus", from the 2009 World Science Festival, June 12, 2009."
Using the audience at the event "Notes & Neurons: In Search of the Common Chorus".
The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse on Vimeo
November 9th 2007 - November 13th 2008 one year on foot - 4646km through China unlimited beard & hair growth
one day we should do something so intense
44 Porn Stars Who Twitter [With Galleries] : COED Magazine
opposite of zooborns
the best blog idea EVER
awesome taxidermy
Fürchterliche ausgestopfte Viecher
HOLY SHIT! Potentially triggering/gross?
10 Awesome Images That Are Actually Paintings
a tiny thread
Simple forum that uses twitter. Small, simple, and kind of brilliant.
Twitter with threading.
finally here: threads for twitter
Pictured: Incredible watercolour paintings by boy aged just SIX | Mail Online
Yet another kid that makes me feel massively inferior.
Wow, that kid is a modern Mozart.
Simply birolliant - the incredible 10ft 'photographs' drawn with a ballpoint pen | Mail Online
10' tall.
photorealistische Bilder mit einen blauen Kugelschreiber gemalt...geil
They may look like pin-sharp photographs - but these amazing pictures are actually drawings created with the humble ballpoint pen. The stunning pictures, measuring up to 10ft high, were drawn by a rising star of the art world, Juan Francisco Casas. Casas, 31, can use up to four 14p ballpoint pens for a canvas and his works are already a sell-out at exhibitions. Formerly a traditional painter, Juan began the drawings three years ago based on photographs of nights out with his friends.
Juan Francisco Casas
Play Multitask, a free online game on Kongregate
So, you think you can multitask?
This game is rad.
this is the most exciting game ever. no. really.
"Think you can handle multiple games at once? See just how coordinated you are."
Your World of Text
An infitinate grid of text, editable by any visitor. You can even drag the screen around, to find more space and text.
Weird browser collaboration/game thing; infinitely scrollable text fiel
Text-Online-Live-Kollaboration. Einfacher geht es nicht!
Stereographics (Small planets or ultra-wide fisheye) - a set on Flickr
Sputnik Observatory For the Study of Contemporary Culture
Sputnik Observatory is a New York not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the study of contemporary culture. We fulfill this mission by documenting, archiving, and disseminating ideas that are shaping modern thought by interviewing leading thinkers in the arts, sciences and technology from around the world. Our philosophy is that ideas are NOT selfish, ideas are NOT viruses. Ideas survive because they fit in with the rest of life. Our position is that ideas are energy, and should interconnect and re-connect continuously because by linking ideas together we learn, and new ideas emerge.
Nuovo progetto per parlare di cultura contemporanea
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic -
super-interesting viz
A&P Mechanics Cable Key Ring
also watchbands, kevlar thread, tiny pen, etc
A&P Key Rings, They Do So Much. On A Visit To Our Local Airport We Noticed All The A&P (Airframe & Powerplant) Mechanics Were Sporting These Nifty Rings To Keep Their Keys And Small Tools Organized. We Thought They were So Cool We Had Some Made For Us. They Are Made From Stainless Aviation Cable With Brass Screws And Barrels. 6 Inch Cable 12 Inch Cable
Oliver's simple fluid dynamics simulator
Giant Waterslide Jump is Today's BIG Thing - AUG 05, 2009
Incredible landing and distance.
Since the dawn of time, man has battled the forces of gravity. We've built gliders, wings and contraptions of all sorts. In the end, all it took was a simple giant water slide down the side of a mountain.
I don't think it's fake.
Get Adobe Flash player
Space Panorama - Zoom in and out!
YouTube - 8-bit trip
Watch this later
Justin (shitmydadsays) on Twitter
(via @edburton)
Who Said a Yacht has to Look Like a boat? - Design Magazine -
This is such an awesome concept. Now I just need to get rich. Magazine...
عکس های یک کشتی تفریحی زیبا
too bizarre for me
Will Sweeney - Concept designer and Illustrator Steve Scott - Director, Concept designer and compositor James Littlemore - Editor / Compositor Geoff McDowall - Animator Ed Willmore - Animator Roland Edwards - Animator Dele Nuga - Digital Painter Lottie Hope - Producer Dan O'Rourke - Executive Producer Not To Scale - production Thanks to Big Active
It's called Birdy Nam Nam - The Parachute Ending.
How to speed read - Boing Boing
Explain how to read books quickly.
The Coin Flip: A Fundamentally Unfair Proposition? - Coding the Wheel
The Coin Flip: A Fundamentally Unfair Proposition?
Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage | Backblaze Blog
Build your own custom Backblaze Storage Pods: 67 terabyte 4U servers for $7,867.
TweetMyMac lets you get screenshots, iSight snapshots, and your IP address from your Mac just by sending a direct message to your specially setup Mac controlling account. You can start torrents remotely, shutdown your Mac and more.
Use Twitter to control a Mac remotely
TweetMyMac lets you get screen shots, iSight snapshots, your IP address, and more from your Mac just by sending a direct message to a Twitter account you create specifically for this purpose.
Single molecule, one million times smaller than a grain of sand, pictured for first time | Mail Online
Thought you'd be interested in this photo. Fred Page
In flight - The Big Picture -
Wu Zhongyuan
Amazing high resolution flight pictures
Just beautiful pictures.
Fold Your Own Sky King Paper Airplane - Wired How-To Wiki
Smart Wiki Search
Similarity search engine for English Wikipedia!
id•this - home
Id•this es una web donde nos ayudan a identificar elementos que aparezcan en alguna foto, o simplemente la foto completa. Al subir la imagen podemos añadir información, tiempo de permanencia de la foto (entre 1 hora y 30 días), elegir la categoría...
Crowd-sources image identificaiton.
id•this is human powered identification of anything or anyone. Just snap a photo of something you'd like identified and then send it to be identified.
Take the Marine Corps Fitness Test | The Art of Manliness
In order to get the highest possible score on the test you’d have to perform 20 pull-ups, do 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and run 3 miles in 18:00 minutes.
Elég fitt vagy?
Today we're going to give ourselves a gut check by taking a physical fitness test. 200906253026
Maemo software | Nokia › The software behind your mobile computer
Linux-based operating system on the N900
Maemo is an advanced mobile platform designed with the internet at its core. Linux-based Maemo software takes us into a new era of mobile computing.
Coole video
In praise of the sci-fi corridor - Den of Geek
Yes, it's geeky, but any industrial designer's gotta love this stuff.
Awesome and extensive post exploring the history of Sci-Fi corridors...
"Corridors make science-fiction believable, because they're so utilitarian by nature - really they're just a conduit to get from one (often overblown) set to another. So if any thought or love is put into one, if the production designer is smart enough to realise that corridors are the foundation on which larger sets are 'sold' to viewers, movie magic is close at hand."
man, i love super obsessive blog spots like this
Iced Cocoa » Keymote
iPhone App to remotely control the Mac
iPhone remote for any Mac OS X app.
Monopoly City Streets: Google Launching Online Version of Monopoly
This could be very addictive: GoogleGoogle is teaming up with board game maker Hasbro to launch a Google MapsGoogle Maps version of Monopoly. A monopoly game to let you buy any street in the world.
Monopoly City Streets: Google Launching Online Version of Monopoly [from]
Google (Google) is teaming up with board game maker Hasbro to launch a Google Maps (Google Maps) version of Monopoly (Monopoly). Monopoly City Streets, which launches Wednesday, allows users to compete in a live, worldwide version of the popular game, creating the biggest Monopoly tournament ever played.
Google is teaming up with board game maker Hasbro to launch a Google Maps version of Monopoly. Monopoly City Streets, which launches Wednesday, allows users to compete in a live, worldwide version of the popular game, creating the biggest Monopoly tournament ever played.
13 more things that don't make sense - New Scientist
Trent Walton
A Fresh Coat of Paint
cool big header images that change with each article
50+ Really Cool Twitter Mashups
Ever since Twitter released its API to the public, developers around the world rack their brains creating applications or tools that are benefitial for the users.
link com varios add ons para twitter.
A compilation of 50 Twitter Mashups
More Robots - The Big Picture -
This is great - (had to sensor excitement, lol) RT @suziam: OH.MY.[bleep].GOD. @octamed just sent me this link [from]
Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images
Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images [from]
**flickr annotation plugin
In a recent post, I wrote about jQuery plugins that let you easily add a stylish galleries and slideshows to your site. Today, we have six plugins that let you add some cool functionality and interesting effects to images. As a designer, I found plugins like this to be so useful because I would never be able to write or develop functionality like this myself. So thank you generous developer community for sharing all this great work. And now on to the plugins… jParallax jParallax turns a selected element into a ‘window.’ Through this window you can see a number of absolutely positioned layers. The layers move in response to the mouse, giving a parallax effect. The parallax effect was utilized on the popular Silverback application website last year. To download the plugin and see working demos, visit the plugin website.
If You Printed The Internet … | CreativeCloud
A bunch of stats about how big the internet is in other terms. circa sept 2009
Feels compelled to share "If You Printed The Internet … | CreativeCloud" ( ) [from]
Have your ever wondered how much ink and paper would be used if you printed the internet? Find out all you need to know in our infographic!
Robins Pages! :: projects:marioai
Research webpage of Robin Baumgarten, a PhD student at Imperial College London researching Artificial Intelligence and Emotions in Video Games. Past projects include a new AI Bot for DEFCON from Introversion.projects:marioai
super, mario AI - with source code
beatboxing app. so great
Crazy flash based music making page. I don't know what this is about but it's freaking amazing!
SIte com som - beatbox e capela
TED Blog: Wireless electricity demo: Eric Giler on
Seriously - the most AWESOME SHIT EVER! Wireless Power Motha Fucker!
Eric Giler wants to untangle our wired lives with cable-free electric power. Here, he covers what this sci-fi tech offers, and demos MIT's breakthrough version, WiTricity -- a near-to-market invention that may soon recharge your cell phone, car, pacemaker. - Nudge
Create a musical piece using 8 different patterns.
Optical Illusion Pictures at - Cool Optical Illusions
Clamato: A Smalltalk Dialect for JavaScript
"Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime. "
Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime.
Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime. Clamato is self-hosting, in that it can compile itself to efficient JavaScript, entirely within the web browser. It uses a parser library based on Lukas Renggli’s PetitParser. Smalltalk constructs (eg: temps, instance variables, message sends, blocks) generally map one-to-one to their JavaScript equivalents (respectively: local variables, object properties, method calls, functions). There are several departures from Smalltalk’s syntax and semantics. The most notable of these are: no explicit returns, 0-based indexing, no metaclass hierarchy, special syntax for instance variables. Clamato includes an (incomplete) interface to the JQuery JavaScript library, along with a Seaside-like HTML builder. Cæsar is a system browser built on all of the above. Like Clamato, it departs in a few notable ways from traditional Smalltalk browsers, but retains their spirit.
Color illusion 12
Color illusion 12
Stat Key Designer Keys
keys in animal shapes
30 Professional Logo Design Processes Revealed | Creative Nerds
Logo Design Processes Revealed
Whats in the box testfilm
Cool half-life-inspired short sci fi film
5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness |
Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain...
Courier: First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet - Microsoft courier tablet - Gizmodo
First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet
Esittelyvideon perusteella tuo virtuaalimoleskin vaikuttaa lupaavalta. Erittäin lupaavalta.
Courier -Microsoft's Tablet
To watch the video, you'll first need to install the flash player.
It feels like the whole world is holding its breath for the Apple tablet. But maybe we&#039;ve all been dreaming about the wrong device. This is Courier, Microsoft&#039;s astonishing take on the tablet.
tallguywrites: Schizophrenia
A mental health nurse's comic about schizophrenia.
A comic about schizophrenia.
Very well done.
Dark Roasted Blend: Spectacular Steampunk Art Update, Part 2
30 Sensational Print Ads From Around The World | CreativeCloud
Print advertising can inspire and shock, motivate and make you think. These amazing print advertisements show just how powerful an image really can be!
Every day, we’re bombarded by thousands of adverts, most of which are boring, thoroughly irritating or both. Every now and again, however, an advert comes along that’s so powerful, due to the originality of its content or the way that it conveys its message, that it inspires us to change our behaviour: it might make us find out some more information about a product, donate money to charity or even cut down on drinking alcohol! With in excess of $385 billion spent annually on ads, it’s unsurprising that admen give life to veritable masterpieces of visual communication from time to time. These truly brilliant ads can be found on TV, on the internet and on billboards too. But the most engaging ads of all appear in traditional print media, as people reading newspapers and magazines have time to absorb lots of information as well as creative subtleties. Below, you’ll find 30 examples representing the crème de la crème of recent print advertisements
HD video from the edge of space, courtesy of a weather balloon rigging.
amateur Hi-Def Video from The Edge of Space
Not Photoshopped: Just Incredible Forced Perspective Photography
RT @nealchambers: Non-photoshoped images that play on prospective - people can be very creative. [from]
Not Photoshopped: Just Incredible Forced Perspective Photography [from]
Popular Logos with Hidden Symbolisms
Logos with Hidden Symbolisms
skryte symboly ve znamych logach
50 Extraordinary and Attractive Billboards | 10Steps.SG
from Julianne
From 10Steps.SG
Some of these billboards are really excellent. Am I the only one who's never actually seen one in real life? Are they actually implemented or are many of them lifted from Ad Agency pitches?
82 Clever and Creative Fred & Friends Products | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
List of funny gift items. Clever and useful
cool and fun gifts
Can't you see I'm Busy! - Home - Play at work without damaging your career!
jogos que parecem que vc está trabalhando
Muy buenos juegos
dots rgar split into smaller dots when moused over
ロールオーバーするとどんどん分裂していくインターフェイス。。 感覚として凄く気持ちい感じがしていて心地よい。
Liu Bolin...The Invisible Man... - v1kram's posterous
This guy paints himself... no trick photography ... no photoshop ...he just paints himself...
Jeffrey Thomas's Portfolio: Twisted Princess
Words cannot describe how absolutely awesome these are. Eat your heart out, Disney! (Literally.)
Disney Princesses... Made really really badass! Mulan is my favorite. DON'T MESS WITH HER!
it's all a matter of perspective
18 Fresh Font Designs
This Is a Photoshop and It Blew My Mind - Photosketch - Gizmodo
eine Software, die nur durch eine Textbeschreibung komplette Bilder malen kann. What. The. Fuck?
Cool toy: 'PhotoSketch is an internet-based program that can take the rough, labeled sketch on the left and automagically turn it into the naff montage on the right.'
Blends photos in an intelligent way from a sketch
According to authors, their software can take any rough sketch, with the shape of each element labeled with its name, find images corresponding to each drawn element, judge which are a better match to the shapes, and then seamlessly merge it all into one single image. PhotoSketch's blending algorithm analyzes each of these images, compares them with each other, and decides which are better for the blending process. It automatically traces and places them into a single photograph, matching the scene, and adding shadows. Of course, the results are less than perfect, but they are good enough:
PhotoSketch: Photoshop + Image Recognition = Awesome
It composes a photo from your doodle. HOLY COW WE LIVE IN THE FUTURE
Awesome tool that allows you to sketch out an image and then find images based on your sketch.
This technology is just mind-boggling. PhotoSketch may be the coolest program we’ve seen or written about since the invisible speakers.
I Just Made Love
I don't see anything. But it's an interesting idea.
error has occured, go make love and gi
35 Smart Logos With Second Thought To Make You look Twice | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Logo Design
Smart Logos
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"One more logo showcase, but in this one you really will need to look twice! Every logo is carefully picked with second thought and I think such logos are really hard to create."
50-years-exploration-huge.jpg (JPEG Image, 3861x1706 pixels)
Ein weiteres Stück in der Infographics-Sammlung. Ist aber auch ziemlich nice.
huge images showing all space missions
beautiful image of where the last 50yrs of space exploration have gone. nice picture
40 High Resolution And Elegant Apple Wallpapers | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Be lucky - it's an easy skill to learn - Telegraph
Annotated link
My research revealed that lucky people generate good fortune via four basic principles. They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.
[A decade ago, I set out to investigate luck. I wanted to examine the impact on people's lives of chance opportunities, lucky breaks and being in the right place at the right time. After many experiments, I believe that I now understand why some people are luckier than others and that it is possible to become luckier.] haha! coincidentally I was talking with Frank M about this just today..
Very interesting. I tend to dismiss "luck" as a silly non entity but would definitely file myself under "lucky" rather than "unlucky" if you made me choose. I agree entirely that being positive and dealing with what you actually have rather than what you'd like to have are useful attributes. On the intuition front I don't think most decisions matter that much - making them one way or another and getting on with it is more important than what the decision is. I guess thinking you can make things work out either way is a "lucky" kind of a thing.
WikiReader | Home
I like the idea of this device. Free content & free updates.
They stole my idea. Lame. Yet, theirs is slightly different. I envisioned a device that also contained all the images. Well done, overall.
"WikiReader is an electronic encyclopedia giving physical form to Wikipedia. Now you can take it with you wherever you go."
Similar concept to ffffound but for shopping/finding products.
Svpply is a new retail bookmarking and recommendation service, basically fffffound but for retail items. It’s only been up for a month and in order to control the growth and quality of the site, Svpply members are typically added by invitation only.
Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan |
The Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan works very differently to conventional fans. It uses Air Multiplier™ technology to draw in air and amplify it 15 times, producing an uninterrupted stream of smooth air. With no blades or grill, it’s safe, easy to clean and doesn’t cause unpleasant buffeting.
ventilador sem abas!
35 Years of the World’s Best Microscope Photography | Wired Science |
Avicennia marina
بهترین عکسهای میکروسکپی درخلال 35 سال گذشته در اینجا گردآوری شده اند
Imagens de coisas que, ainda que estejam a nossa frente, não conseguimos enxergar
Wired Science | Beautiful microscopic photos!!!
"35 Years of the World’s Best Microscope Photography"
Your ShowtimeFu is Strong -
ShowtimeFu will show you every movie playing nearby with showtimes and theaters. You can filter your search by what time you'd like the movie to begin and/or end, select specific movies and select specific theaters. With each listing you'll see how long the movie is, the average rating on RottenTomatoes and the time you should expect the movie to end.ShowtimeFu will show you every movie playing nearby with showtimes and theaters. You can filter your search by what time you'd like the movie to begin and/or end, select specific movies and select specific theaters. With each listing you'll see how long the movie is, the average rating on RottenTomatoes and the time you should expect the movie to end.
Know Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365
quantifying and optimizing all facets of life
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About.
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About
Casual Gameplay Design Competition #6 — "Explore"
decent time passer
papercraft pictures by trogdoriangrey - Photobucket
trogdoriangrey/papercraft Photobucket album
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About - Page 1 | Maximum PC
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About
swirly.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
Acid Cat
BustedTees - Bucky Balls
Bucky Balls
Live Interactive Ships Traffic Worldwide Map
Mapa de trafico de barcos - tiempo real
Estimate Distances with Your Arm and This Rule of Thumb - measurements - Lifehacker
Quick anatomy lesson: the distance between your eyes is one-tenth the length of your arm. This is important, because it helps you estimate the distance between yourself and any object of reasonably known size to a rather accurate degree. Let's begin this with a confession: I can't estimate distances worth a darn. 100 ft, 300 ft, 20 m, I can't really do it. Thankfully with this trick, we can get pretty accurate distance estimates with only the tiniest bit of math, a general idea of the size of the object you're estimating distance from, and an arm. Basically, all you need to do to estimate a distance using this classic method is hold your arm out and stare at your thumb with an eye closed. Silly, yes, but it makes sense, because you'll switch which eye you look through and sort out how far the object appears to have "jumped" to the side:
New Soap, Old Bottle sells brand new liquid soap packaged in old plastic soda bottles, plastic water bottles, and glass beer bottles — all of this aimed at keeping our environment healthy.
Company sells cleaning products and things packaged in sanitized reused soda bottles.
AMIS Technology blog » Blog Archive » Oracle RDBMS 11gR2 - Solving a Sudoku using Recursive Subquery Factoring
Solving a Sudoku using Recursive Subquery Factoring
AMIS Technology blog » Blog Archive » Oracle RDBMS 11gR2 - Solving a Sudoku using Recursive Subquery Factoring
Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Great idea: yourself with a bigger head. My family would say that mine can't possibly get any bigger. But they'd be wrong!
This has to be the coolest costume I have ever seen. It's a giant head of himself.
לא ברור אבל ממש מגניב
SUCCEED Blog: A collection of the world's most epic, awesome, mind blowing Succeeds.
Des fail qui le sont tellement que ca devient l'inverse...Dans le genre..."t'es pas cap de.." ben si...
Finally, a counterpoint to the internet's much-beloved mockery of failure.
It's nice to see the other side of FAIL get some love.
25+ Astounding Typography Tutorials | Tutorial Lounge
Today evening we're With amazing listing of Typography Tutorials using different designing tools, Photoshop contribution is more then other tools like InDesign, Cenima 4d and Adobe Illustrator, there is designing as vector and 3D typography as well with amazing training tutorials.
ioanghip - Tweeting Cat Door
Here is a funny story. My son, Vlad, (he's 11) always plays pranks on me... and one Saturday while I was sitting on the toilet reading the news on my handheld internet enabled computer (Nokia N810), I heard him saying to my wife "I saw a weird animal outside, around the cat door dad made!". Curious to see what he is talking about, I fired up VNC and connected to the laptop that handles the cat door and.... here is the picture I found...
reynen: owl in box
More TYE
10 Image Free Sexy CSS Menu and How to Create One | Desizn Tech
Desizn Tech: Web Design, Graphic Design, Photography and Tech Blog. Have bookmarked at CSS Menu entry. Worthwhile checking out the rest of the site. Some useful freebies.
10 Image Free Sexy CSS Menu and How to Create One -
CSS Menu and How to Create One
Simple Css Menu rounded
YouTube - experiencere's Channel
Very clever campaign for Acciona, a sustainable development firm based in Spain.
Google Image Swirl
Not exactly sure what it's doing, but it looks like it is creating a mindmap of searched images. Looks super-cool
not as good as cool iris but interesting
ThinkGeek :: Fly Stick Van de Graaff Levitation Wand
Fly Stick Van de Graaff Levitation Wand - Wand with built-in battery powered Van de Graaff generator allows you to control and levitate the included mylar shapes
Do Speedy Math in Your Head - Wired How-To Wiki
(1+8 = 9) 8 If it is a double digit number like 88, where it's:
pallo.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
you can do it
Fun little thingie that allows one to play
CLvcc.gif (GIF Image, 640x480 pixels)
This is great!! Found via Mental Floss.
Mind Blowing Hyperrealistic Sculptures | Webdesigner Depot
txt2re: headache relief for programmers :: regular expression generator!%22&
regular expression generator. Because sometimes it's just not fun to come up with them from scratch ;-)
Large Hadron Collider ready to restart - The Big Picture -
C'est toujours impressionnant.
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Ironic Sans: Idea: The Outlet Wall
Posted by dieman
great idea.
"Instead of hiding your outlets behind furniture and worrying about the mess of wires tangled behind your entertainment center, consider making an entire wall that’s nothing but outlets. Then you can artfully plug in your appliances wherever the cords look pleasing to you."
Absolutely fucking awesome, "Instead of hiding your outlets behind furniture and worrying about the mess of wires tangled behind your entertainment center, consider making an entire wall that’s nothing but outlets. Then you can artfully plug in your appliances wherever the cords look pleasing to you."
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
"Deep in the bowels of the internet, I came across an exhaustive list of interesting Wikipedia articles by Ray Cadaster. It’s brilliant reading when you’re bored, so I got his permission to post the top 50 here."
Atari Video Games | Arcade
Free Adobe Flash versions of classic Atari games.
Atari Arcade is the place to find beloved Atari classics including Asteroids and Lunar Lander. You can play them all here online, any time and free of charge. To start, simply choose your favorite game from the list and get ready to have some fun!
Alll the old atari arcade games -play online
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact, "WordPress is infinitely extensible" as Matt Mullenweg says. In this post, we'll examine twenty-one really useful plugins to take your blog to the next level.
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
50 most interesting wikipedia articles
Make a thank you movie!
Любое фото и фильм с его участием
good viral piece from Sweden
Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea
The Gentlemen Purveyors of Andrews & Dunham Damnably Superior Herbal Remedies announce their intention to present, in person and for a fair price, a contest of strength and stamina between JACKEE MUNTZ & THOMAS SAMPSON.
DIY: Wine Bottle Light « Wit & Whistle
ui me imagino un set de botellas
RCA student radically improves the UK plug | ICON MAGAZINE ONLINE
A new folding plug design plus an adaptor that is a big improvement. A great example of how people take the ordinary for granted
Improving the UK 3-pin plug, so it isn't such a big cumbersome thing.
A touch of genius...
Unbelievable Paper Transformer - Video
InspirationTime - a Showcase of Beautiful Web Design
digg labs / 365
Une interface en 360 ° plutôt réussi pour gérer de sliens Digger
les évènements importants de 2009 par digg
Punched Out Font |
poster, 3d
Turritopsis nutricula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"a species of jellyfish that can live indefinitely"
Turritopsis nutricula is a small (5mm) species of jellyfish which uses transdifferentiation to become younger after sexual reproduction. This cycle can repeat indefinitely, rendering it biologically immortal. It originates from the Caribbean sea, but has now spread around the world.
Biologically immortal jellyfish
Welcome to The M.H.A.
App that locks your Mac when your iPhone goes out of range
security osx iPhone sysadmin
Lock your computer when you (actually, your iPhone) are out of range.
Faux Photoshop: 15 Incredible Images That Look Altered but Aren't | WebUrbanist
Photoshop has revolutionized design, photography and illustration to the point where any image that manages to capture something really amazing is quickly dismissed as fake. But, it is still possible to create jaw-dropping images without the help of a computer. Each of these 15 images may have you screaming “Photoshopped!” yet in fact, no digital tricks were used to create the amazing effects of seemingly impossible proportions, floating human heads, trippy Dali-esque melting buildings and more.
Travel by Cargo Ship Around the World
This is no luxury liner hopping between Caribbean islands. It is a modern freighter. Hundreds of cargo ships, carrying everything from fire engines to apples, are crossing the world's oceans and many are happy to take you along for the ride. A far more intimate and relaxed experience than you might imagine, the experience on board is a sharp contrast to the rough and industrial outward appearance a container ship tends to project. You will be one of a handful of passengers amongst a crew that is unlikely to number more than a few dozen. There will be no organized games of bingo or evening cabaret show. You might, however, be invited to karaoke with the sailors and you will almost always dine alongside the captain, who is far more likely to turn up in shorts and a t-shirt than full uniform.
フォント同士を交配させて新しいフォントの誕生を見る ( DLは不可能 )
The 50 best foods in the world and where to eat them | Life and style | The Observer
From cake, steak and tapas, to oysters, chicken and burgers, Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray.
Most Popular DIY Projects of 2009 - DIY - Lifehacker
form art
via cpb
Román Cortés » CSS 3D Meninas
CSS3 maakt #D view mogelijk!
atticus_flinch: в ролях
Fotos de famosos em seus principais papéis da carreira.
From South Africa (Clint Eastwood) to Santa Monica (Governor Schwarzenegger) to Jack Nicholson's house (um, Jack Nicholson), Empire trotted the globe to deliver you 27 of the planet's biggest stars, recreating iconic performances from two decades in film, for a unique 20th birthday celebration.
Actors recreating their famous film roles.
fotos de famosos
Eine tolle Fotoserie mit bekannten Schauspieler, die normale Kleidung tragen, aber Utensilien aus ihren Filmen dabei haben oder entsprechende Posen einnehmen. Zum Beispiel Mel Gibson im Anzug aber mit Braveheart-Bemalung. Die Serie stammt vom Empire Magazin und wurde zu dessen 20. Geburtstag erstellt: "From South Africa (Clint Eastwood) to Santa Monica (Governor Schwarzenegger) to Jack Nicholson's house (um, Jack Nicholson), Empire trotted the globe to deliver you 27 of the planet's biggest stars, recreating iconic performances from two decades in film, for a unique 20th birthday celebration."
Too cool for school
Seb raised his hand during maths class and asked "If Kate (a large girl in his class) did not eat for five weeks, would she get skinny or die?"
"If I am standing on carpet and I get electrocuted, does everybody in the room die apart from me?"
Need to read all these little stories. Too funny.
Explaining the Playstation game Grand Theft Auto 4 to his grandmother "I don't shoot everybody, just the drug dealers and hookers."
iS5vb.jpg (JPEG Image, 797x596 pixels)
Welcome to
very realistic sound movement
Holophonic Sounds
jQuery Roundabout
Para hacer animaciones de html en jquery
Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. (And now, not just turntables, but many shapes!) In its simplest configuration, Roundabout works with ordered- and unordered-lists, however after some quick configuration, Roundabout can work with an set of nested elements.
Browser Pong
During play, the negative space between windows is transformed into a playing field—the abstracted tennis court of Pong.
Super! - Large Size Panoramas
The world largest picture. The picture was made with the Canon 5D mark II and a 400mm-lens. It consists of 1.665 full format pictures with 21.4 megapixel, which was recorded by a photo-robot in 172 minutes. The converting of 102 GB raw data by a computer with a main memory cache of 48 GB and 16 processors took 94 hours. With a resolution of 297.500 x 87.500 pixel (26 gigapixel) the picture is the largest in the world. (stand December 2009)
It took 172 minutes on a rooftop to shoot 1655 overlapping 21.6 megapixel images and 94 hours to stitch them together. The result is not only a gorgeous 26 gigapixel view of Dresden, Germany, but also the world's biggest photo.
Absolutely Incredible Art made with Old Cassette Tapes | NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
Креативные рисунки из плёнки старых аудиокассет
An artist named Iri5 specializes in using non traditional media such as old books, audio cassettes, playing cards, magazines, credit cards, basically whatever he can find. She says,"It feels great to work with strange, older materials. Things that have a mind of their own. Most everything I use has been thrown away or donated at some point. Past its prime, like some of the finest things in the world. What she’s created with some old cassette tapes and reel tapes is simply remarkable. Using these old tapes, iri5 has turned them into works of art in a series that she calls “Ghost in the Machine.” The series portrays celebrities and musicians such as Marilyn Monroe, Bob Dylan, Robert DiNero, Jimi Hendrix, Ian Curtis, and Jim Morrison.
usare i nastri magnetici come un pennarello
Try doing THIS with an mp3!
FFF Tusj Font |
Fuente muy interesante
Tools Help Submit a font a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z # FFF Tusj Custom preview Number per page fonts show variants Size Only fonts with accents Euro Sort by More options Only as Public domain / GNU GPL Free Free for personal use Donationware Shareware Demo Unknown The licence is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the zips or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. Accents Euro FFF Tusj by Magnus Cederholm site [11 comments] in Script > Various Free Download FFF Tusj.ttf
Neat Free Font ( quite complete )
Most Bizarre Experiments Of All Time | MagazineTimePass
The Site is Now Missing (as of 10 march 2009) But Lucky i annotated most of the part , so click on the Expand and read from ther Annotated link
Discovery News: Born Animal: See A Fish With A Transparent Head
Peixe bizarro, transparente
Paper Commander - Wing Commander Paper Models
This space offers replicas in paper of the ships of the great saga Wing Commander, this great game of space combat that it revolutionized the world of the games, with their innovative ideas and attractive history.
Sourという日本のバンドがスゴいミュージックビデオを作った。実際にファンがウェブカメラに向けて一斉に同じ仕草をするのを編集したもの。これはビデオ史上でもとびきり難しい編集作業に属するのではないか・・・ 見ていてなんどもぶっ飛んだ。Yooouuutuuubeでも取り上げられているが、そのコメント同様これぞまさにクールでオッタマゲーだ。 是非とも週末に家族といっしょに見てほしい。素晴らしいビデオを作った制作者に敬礼!!
ひゃー こりゃすごい!楽しい!
Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / giftguide category
Core77's 3rd Annual giftguide category
Announcing the Launch of 5 Niche Galleries | Vandelay Design Blog
Today I’m happy to announce that I have launched a network of five niche gallery sites! Many of us visit design and CSS galleries on a consistent basis for design inspiration, and there is no shortage of galleries to choose from. Some of my favorite galleries are those that exist to showcase work of a specific kind (We Love WP is a good example, it is a showcase of WordPress-powered sites). Niche galleries are especially useful for designers because they allow you to get the specific type of inspiration that you are looking for without being overwhelmed by too much that doesn’t interest you. You can go to a niche gallery and quickly find helpful and relevant inspiration that applies to your own situation. With that in mind, I have chosen five topics for galleries that I thought would be of use to many designers.
50 websites you'll wonder how you lived without | News | TechRadar UK
Software and tools,Storage and files,Graphics,Research and e-learning,Mobile workers,Miscellaneous
When it comes to the Internet, we're creatures of habit – Google for search, Hotmail for email, Twitter to stay in touch and maybe the BBC's website for news. This means that we use only a handful of favourite sites, leaving the rest of the Internet unvisited. Let's put that right. By the time you've finished reading, we promise that your list of bookmarked sites will have ballooned and you'll be getting more from your surfing.
Rock For Health - News
Bathtub IV on Vimeo
This is a personal project that would not have been possible without the support of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. Thanks to the entire team for their generous access during training exercises and patrols this Summer. Since the Service began in 1973, it has carried out more than 21,000 missions ranging from urgent patient transfers to dangerous search and rescue missions.
Yo Tonton, Joli traitement Playmobil pour cette vraie vidéo : ) On mange quand ? Phil.
RT @smashingmag: A beautiful small tilt-shift video (that you probably have seen already) - - beautiful! [from]
They've taken it a step further from images to video now.
69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2009 @ SmashingApps
Coolest Web Apps Of 2009
Definitely review this list.
Lifehacker - Nine Great Uses for Binder Clips - binder clips
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Make an iPhone dock out of paperclips. Sweet. [from]
You've tamed the mess underneath and behind your desk with one of our tips, but how do you deal with that pesky cable that slips out of reach as soon as you unplug it from a device? Simple: grab a binder clip, undo one of the metal handles, slip that pesky cord inside, put the metal handle back into its place, and clip the entire gadget to the edge of your desk. Problem solved. Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life: Neil Strauss: Books Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life: Neil Strauss: Books
gameboy-timeline-HD2.jpg (JPEG Image, 2500x1061 pixels)
Picture (High Res) of the complete Gameboy Timeline, from the Game&Watch up untill the Nintendo DSi
1989, baby!! (via Rhea)
"On The Shortness Of Life"
Seneca, a Spanish-born philosopher of Rome who lived in the first century A.D., was one of the prominent sages of the Stoic school. He's chiefly remembered today for his Moral Essays, a collection of twelve articles on various ethical themes. "On The Shortness Of Life" is an essay addressed to a friend, and it is excerpted and condensed here from Moses Hadas' fine work, The Stoic Philosophy Of Seneca.
Recreating the THX Deep Note - EarSlap
<blockquote> <p>So let’s get going. SuperCollider is my tool of choice here. I start with a simple waveform. I want to use a sawtooth wave as the oscillator source, it has a rich and harmonic spectrum consisting of even and odd partials. I’ll want to filter the upper partials later on. Here is some beginning code:</p> <pre> //30 oscillators together, distributed across the stereo field ( { var numVoices = 30; //generating initial random fundamentals: var fundamentals = {rrand(200.0, 400.0)}!numVoices; Mix ({|numTone| var freq = fundamentals[numTone]; (, rrand(-0.5, 0.5), //stereo placement of voices numVoices.reciprocal //scale the amplitude of each voice ) }!numVoices); }.play; ) </pre> </blockquote>
If you’ve ever watched a movie in a movie theater, chances are that you are familiar with the “Deep Note”, the audio logo of THX. That sound is one of the first sounds we hear at the beginning of movie trailers in a THX-certified venue. The origins of that sound tickled my curiosity and I did some little research. I’m deeply moved by the history behind it, and I want to share what I’ve learned with you. Then we will move on to create that sound ourselves, get your scissors ready, and some glue!
60,000 Piece Star Wars LEGO Diorama - Film Roster
Just so awesome.
I made this same thing last weekend, but I didn't need a bunch of photos to brag about it...
Homebrew diorama of the Hoth battle.
sick crazy lego
Check out the little bloke on Neptune...
Cool graphic comparing gravity wells of solar system.
The Best jQuery Lightbox Scripts –
The Best jQuery Lightbox Scripts –
jQuery Lightbox
The Most Useless Machine EVER!
The Best Times to Buy Anything, All Year Round - Buying - Lifehacker
You're always hearing about off-season, post-peak times to save money on purchases and food, but it always arrives too late. We've compiled a timeline and lots of best-time-to-buy suggestions into one post to help you plan a more frugal 2010.
shopping, purchasing, discounts, sales, year
卜部昌平のあまりreblogしないtumblr - 俺の .screenrc が火を吹くぜ
■ これは凄い!!
52 ways to make extra money - Smart Spending Blog - MSN Money's a fine line
Every year, we throw a big, game party to ring in the new year. This year (2010) is our house's 100-year birthday, so we celebrated with cupcakes......and the cupcakes were a game. Here they are in random order - see how many you can guess! Mouse over the question mark to reveal the answer.
brilliant - includes settlers of catan, carcassone and sorry :) - Parrot AR.Drone
Welcome to 100 Hours of Astronomy
2009 internat yr of astronomy
sterrenkunde Uit meer met media
wechselnder hintergrund beim scrollen.
superb portfolio
nice scroll down effect with this portfolio
10 cool tools in Windows 7 | 10 Things |
The changes to the Windows 7 interface have gotten a lot of play, but some of the new built-in tools are just as compelling. Deb Shinder runs through some of the most impressive enhancements, from the ISO burner to the Biometric Framework to PowerShell v2. Windows 7 has received plenty of attention from the tech press, but much of the focus has been on interface changes, such as the redesigned taskbar, and new file management features, such as libraries. Some improvements are less obvious — like the new or enhanced tools that are included with the OS. Here we discuss 10 of these cool tools that make the computing experience easier. Note: This article is also available as a PDF download and as a photo gallery.
How to Create a Cool Anaglyphic Text Effect with CSS
overlap blue and red text using css
Computer Data Storage Through the Ages -- From Punch Cards to Blu-Ray | Maximum PC
Good visual/info on history of computer storage.
Far from comprehensive, but entertaining.
AT&T - 50 Things we know now that we didn't know this time last year
Amazing things from 2009
The layer, a sort of protective barrier called the heliosphere, shields us from harmful cosmic radiation. Its existence defies all expectations about what the edge of the solar system might look like. Fisher's response: "We thought we knew everything about everything, and it turned out that there were unknown unknowns." In other words: We don't know what we don't know until we know that we don't know it.
terri richardson
12 "Dead Technology" Advertisements
From the BetaMax to the HD DVD the following are a list of the ads from technology that are either in dead or dying format, or those which ...
It is interesting to look back at the various ways that technology has been advertised to consumers over the past several decades. It is particularly interesting to look back at these advertisements when the featured products have been made obsolete. From the BetaMax to the HD DVD the following are a list of the ads from technology that are either in dead or dying format, or those which are no longer in production.
12 dead technology ads: [from]
If you just went by the advertising, you would've thought Betamax would be around forever:
The Future Now: Sixth Sense Technology May Change How We Look at the World Forever
This is pretty amazing.
Sixth Sense Technology May Change How We Look at the World Forever
Perfectly Sculpted Melons
7 Cool HTML Effects That Anyone Can Add To Their Website
code to add a scrollable text box
input, text tricks background images are covered
7 Images Too Badass To Be Real (That Totally Are) |
Some things are so ridiculously awesome that they simply defy belief, and when the logical mind encounters them, it can do naught but shut itself down in numb, slack-jawed shock. These are a few
Amazing LEGO Art by Nathan Sawaya | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Lego Art! Giant 3D creations
RT @robbeef: Beautiful, creative, surreal LEGO art by Nathan Sawaya (thx! @craigymcfly) - not your toddler's work [from]
Amazing Beatbox Kid - CollegeHumor Video
Amazing Beatbox Kid (via @MariaZouroudis)
The iPhone Inspired DIY Kitchen Touch Screen Project
That's badass
How to integrate a touch screen monitor into your kitchen, for TV, recipies, internet, weather, you name it.
BumpTop Mac: Reinventing your Mac desktop.
Reinventing your Mac desktop.
misa - index
"The Misa digital guitar is a MIDI controller. It must be plugged into a MIDI capable sound module. The sound of this instrument is limited only by what you connect to it. Specifications: Linux kernel 2.6.31 (Gentoo); 24 frets; touchscreen; MIDI out; Ethernet; and SSH server."
40 Stunning Examples of High Speed Photography @ SmashingApps
really interesting pictures.
Basically high speed photography is a technique of capturing images with a remarkably quick shutter speed and mostly used for the scenes which cannot be seen with naked eyes. For high speed photography, you can use more or less any SLR camera, but an expensive camera can reach a much faster shutter speed and high speed photography is the game of shutter speed. Today, we will show you 40 Stunning Examples of High Speed Photography. In this post, you’ll find some very impressive photographs that will show you how high speed photography can freeze time setting you aside to view scenes that we would normally struggle to capture. We are sure these photographs worth a look and you’ll all like them.
First-Person Tetris
The good old tetris realized as flash online game.
3qiYJ.png (PNG Image, 434x432 pixels)
Crossing circles... sorta. :-)
Homebrewed CPU Is a Beautiful Mess of Wires | Gadget Lab |
Homebrewed CPU Is a Beautiful Mess of Wires
8-bit computer made by hand
Retro computing goodness
Windows 3.1 experience!
Windows 3.11 in web browser
Windows 3.1 desde el navegador
Windows 3.1 on the web
Outlaw Design Blog » 28 Ways to Customize Your Mac Desktop
Pimp my mac!
Román Cortés » Pure CSS Coke Can
HINT.FM: Web Seer
Web Seer Compare Google Suggest results. Try the beginnings of questions: "are men" vs. "are women" or "will he" vs. "will she."
Let's you compare difference in Google Suggest
Strange Worlds on the Behance Network
strange worlds, by matthew albanese
My work involves the construction of small-scale meticulously detailed models using various materials and objects to create emotive landscapes. Every aspect from the construction to the lighting of the final model is painstakingly pre-planned using methods which force the viewers perspective when photographed from a specific angle. Using a mixture of photographic techniques such as scale, depth of field, white balance and lighting I am able to drastically alter the appearance of my materials.
How to catch an iPhone thief: Busting an iPhone thief
This is an amazing story!
How soon until someone gets murdered when attempting to retrieve a stolen iPhone? Let it go.
MobileMe + Google + Google Maps + AT&T + White Pages + (+ un ladro più stupido della media + una coscienziosa parente del ladro) = ladro di iPhone messo con le spalle al muro.
History Lesson: The Story of Beer | Manolith
Manolith - History Lesson:
50 of the most Stunning 3d Renders | Zhoogs top Lists
Over the past couple of weeks I've been selecting these 3D renders from all over the internet. I personally think this turned out to be quite a nice selection.
Fotos impresionantes en 3D, casi realistas.
Apple’s Cool Matrix-Style App Wall
Apple’s Cool Matrix-Style App Wall
The AppWall
A Single Sheet of Paper | Photos and pics
Peter Callesen: My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic process - or maybe one could call it obvious magic, because the process is obvious and the figures still stick to their origin, without the possibility of escaping. In that sense there is also an aspect of something tragic in most of the cuts. Some of the small paper cuts relate to a universe of fairy tales and romanticism, as for instance Impenetrable Castle inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Steadfast Tin Soldier, in which a tin soldier falls in love with a paper ballerina, living in a paper castle. Other paper cuts are small dramas in which small figures are lost within and threatened by the huge powerful nature. Others again are turning the inside out, or letting the front and the back of the paper meet - dealing with impossibility, illusions, and reflection
My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic process
Mouse pointer track on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
This is my java applet. You can take it here: (PC) (Mac). Run it and leave in background. "S" - save image. "R" - restart.
Mouse pointer track after 3 hours of working in Photoshop. Black circles are pointer stops (not clicks).
Neat little piece of technology that tracks where you've been clicking, where your mouse was when you went out for a ciggie or a coffee break.
Mouse pointer track by Anatoly Zenkov. Mouse pointer track after 3 hours of working in Photoshop. Black circles are pointer stops (not clicks). This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them. Comments view profile jonobr1 Pro User says:
awesome, and the comments include a link to the java app which you can download to track your own mouse movements
Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize almost everything
Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products.
h-hoooooly shit??? (This is either awesome or going to kill a bunch of people before they go, Oh, hidden health risks. BUT MAN IF THIS ARTICLE WERE RIGHT THIS'D SO SO INCREDIBLE, and even with the health risks, there are loads of things you could use it for anyway. *_*
"Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products." Sounds too good to be true.
Kinekt Design
cool gear ring
JSUR | Journal of Serendipitous and Unexpected Results
This could be good if it takes off...
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!', but 'That's funny…'" -Isaac Asimov
超カッコイイ! 空中に文字が浮かび上がるiPhoneのアプリ「Light-Writer」 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ
PhotoSketch picture software wins plaudits - Telegraph
PhotoSketch, transforms basic stick-figure drawings in to a photograph. The software can take any rough sketch showing the shape of each object, labelled with a name, and find images that correspondent to each element. It can also judge between images to decide which is the best match for the picture, and then stitch all of the elements together in a single image, adding shadows to give a naturalistic look and feel.
shared from uncle SL
26 More Ridiculously Questionable T-Shirts [Pics] | I Am Bored
RT @Jason_Pollock #HILARIOUS: 26 Ridiculously Questionable T-Shirts via @SebastienPage @Dudeman718 [from]
26 More Ridiculously Questionable T-Shirts [Pics]. As with all t-shirt compilations, this one contains some slightly NSFW selections so proceed with caution. Now click in.
Nyle "Let The Beat Build" on Vimeo
This video was filmed in one take, with audio being recorded simultaneously with the film
Music vid shot and audio recorded all in one take is awesome [from]
tahání myší
Кто сказал, что реклама это плохо?! Нет, она может быть такой.
sweet interaction
Read at Work
[Marked as WRONG LINK by]
bibliothèque de textes littéraires en anglais, à lire au boulot, chez soi, partout... présentation originale (photos, diagrammes...) créée par le New Zealand Book Council
Eugene Hsu
Dude did his resume in Paint.
"I mean, it's pretty unlikely that you'd want to steal any of this, but just in case."
Map Envelope
Envía un mapa
kinda purty
é uma aplicação online que permite de uma forma bem clean ter uma página inicial com os quatro sites/serviços que mais usa como favoritos.
Full Screen Weather : Weather Underground
mapas com previsões meteorológicas, também dos Açores
Fool's House
Fool's House [from]
Terrible UX.... but interesting feeling behind it!
MIT Students Take Pictures from Space on $150 Budget. -
Bericht im CNN iReport
Two MIT students have photographed the earth from 18 miles in space on a $148 budget using components available off-the-shelf, including a helium-filled latex balloon and $50 GPS-equipped camera-cell phone....
Interesting article about MIT students
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
AWESOME clock!
To use the jDigiClock plugin, include the jQuery library, the jDigiClock source file and jDigiClock core stylesheet file inside the <head> tag of your HTML document
18 Incredible CSS3 Effects You Have Never Seen Before
Kinekt Design
Manufacturers of the Gear Ring, a ring that is a miniature machine made of gears and wheels.
Gear Ring
15 Way Cool Social Networking Sites You Never Heard Of
MySpace is so 2003 while Twitter remains a mystery for most college students. As for Facebook, have you tired of a site where people you barely know send you stuffed animals and flowers yet? There are hundreds of social networking sites where you
some of this are really cool sites to visit, like Geni, create a geneological tree for free, only family views it.
15 Way Cool Social Networking Sites You Never Heard Of: There are hundreds of social networking site... [from]
15 Awesome Google Services You Never Knew Existed | Mac|Life
Whether you're sending an email in Gmail, finding directions to that fancy restaurant using Google Maps, or pretending to be a part of the latest microblogging craze with Google Buzz, the G-word is everywhere. Well, it turns out that there is also a whole library of Google web applications and services stacked up behind the everyday services you may have come to take for granted.
Make Like a Dolphin: Learn Echolocation | Wired Science |
With just a few weeks of training, you can learn to “see” objects in the dark using echolocation the same way dolphins and bats do. Ordinary people with no special skills can use tongue clicks to visualize objects by listening to the way sound echoes off their surroundings, according to acoustic experts at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.
I need to try this!!
wired = weird
Ordinary people with no special skills can use tongue clicks to visualize objects by listening to the way sound echoes off their surroundings, according to acoustic experts at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.
TO. -- Get Shorty URL
Korteste URL-shortener?...
Welcome - Warby Parker
Free shipping on glasses. Can try 5 pairs and send 4 back for free.
For when I eventually need glasses, because I probably will.
The Sandpit on Vimeo
"A day in the life of New York City, in miniature" tilt-shift-film.
YouTube - OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - RGM version
Directed by James Frost, OK Go and Syyn Labs. Produced by Shirley Moyers. The official video for the recorded version of "This Too Shall Pass" off of the alb...
YouTube - OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - RGM version
Not so many music videos need to be bookmarked. This one definately does.
Un clip réalisé avec une réaction en chaine ultra synchro !
The ultimate Rube Goldberg
dynamic PNG shadow position & opacity - by Daniel Kurdoghlian |
flame | peter blaskovic | escape motions
Flame drawing tool creates abstract desktop backgrounds
24 Unforgettable Advertisements | The Best Article Every day
24 Unforgettable Advertisements | The Best Article Every day -
jQuery Spritely | Spritely
animacja w jQuery
Geological_time_spiral.png (PNG Image, 1617x1454 pixels)
visual spiral timeline of earth
Dark Roasted Blend: Medieval Suits of Armor
Paris 26 Gigapixels - Interactive virtual tour of the most beautiful monuments of Paris
Paris em 26 gigapixeis!!!
Amazing! Paris 26 Gigapixel Panorama #autopano #gigapan #photography #paris
Delicious popular
site bizarre euh pong programing art master 2 m2
sylvain pong with javascript windows
window pong in a browser
The State of the Web - Winter 2009
Funny Illustration
Did This Man Just Rewrite Science? - New York Times
This insight is the jumping-off point of Dr. Wolfram's glossy 1,263-page book, ''A New Kind of Science,'' published a month ago by Dr. Wolfram himself to the accompaniment of articles comparing Dr. Wolfram to Isaac Newton.
A New Kind of Science
simples rules and algorithms define nature, not complex ones
Altoids Tin Projects - The Best of Instructables Volume 1
On Location - One Room Configured 24 Ways -
"This room — the “maximum kitchen,” he calls it — and the “video game room” he was sitting in minutes before are just 2 of at least 24 different layouts that Mr. Chang, an architect, can impose on his 344-square-foot apartment, which he renovated last year. What appears to be an open-plan studio actually contains many rooms, because of sliding wall units, fold-down tables and chairs, and the habitual kinesis of a resident in a small space. As Mr. Chang put it, “I glide around.”"
Gary Chang's transforming apartment in Hong Kong
How to use minimal apartment space to best effect
Really awesome creative use of a very small space.
would love to see a video of this
A tiny Hong Kong apartment is a model of flexible living, featuring sliding wall units and fold-down tables and chairs.
We2Gt.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x811 pixels)
Star Wars cast in street clohes
@_ignatz [from]
I think it's pretty obvious who's who. This is also seems to be pre-accident for Mark Hamill.
Cool old photo
PHOSPHOR - E Ink Ana-Digi Watch, Digital Hour Watch & Digital Calendar Watch
Welcome to the Watches webpage of PHOSPHOR Watches by Art Technology Limited, creator of the world's first E Ink Ana-Digi Watch.
i'm buying one
10 Amazing Tricks to Play with your Brain
Scribbler :: Mario Klingemann update ::
Curtis CSS Typeface · David DeSandro
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ? ! . Q U I C K B R O W N F O X J U M P
Curtis is the name I’ve given for a family of geometric sans-serif fonts currently in development. Other incarnations exist as Fontstructions: Curtis Heavy and Curtis Pixel 14. This version takes form in CSS. All shapes are rendered by the browser, using a combination of background color, border width, border radius, and a heavily reliance on absolute/relative positioning. You can get a better idea of how the letters were formed with the Inspect display option.
css font - Adjust your mood, relax and enjoy // Rainforest
relax & enjoy
Adjust your mood, relax and enjoy
A Trailer for Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever - Funny Videos |
humorous conglomeration of all movie trailer cliches - well executed
Excuse me why I go into the other room and die of lulz. If you're willing to collect the pieces later, that'd be pretty cool.
The Varieties of Biblical Marriage
We hear a lot about “biblical marriage” these days. Some of us might not be clear on what that means. The website Religious Tolerance has provided a helpful article on the types of marriage found in the pages of the bible.
1. Polygynous Marriage 2. Levirate Marriage When a woman was widowed without a son, it became the responsibility of the brother-in-law or a close male relative to take her in and impregnate her. If the resulting child was a son, he would be considered the heir of her late husband. See Ruth, and the story of Onan (Gen. 38:6-10). 3. A man, a woman and her property — a female slave 4. A man, one or more wives, and some concubines The definition of a concubine varies from culture to culture, but they tended to be live-in mistresses. 5. A male soldier and a female prisoner of war Women could be taken as booty 6. A male rapist and his victim Deuteronomy 22:28-29 describes how an unmarried woman who had been raped must marry her attacker. 7. A male and female slave A female slave could be married to a male slave without consent, 8. Monogamous, heterosexual marriage
1) polygynous 2) levirate 3) wife's slave 4) concubines 5) soldier and kidnapped female prisoner 6) rapist-raped 7) two slaves (forced) 8) monogamous heterosexual
KEO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its name is supposed to represent the three most frequently used sounds common to the most widely spoken languages today, k, e and o... The satellite has enough capacity to carry a four-page message from each of the more than six billion inhabitants on the planet... KEO will also carry a diamond that encases a drop of human blood chosen at random and samples of air, sea water and earth.[3] The DNA of the human genome will be engraved on one of the faces. .. The messages and library will be encoded in glass-made radiation-resistant DVDs. Symbolic instructions in several formats will show the future finders how to build a DVD reader.
KEO is the name of a proposed space time capsule which will be launched in 2010 or 2011[1] carrying messages from the citizens of present Earth to humanity 50,000 years from now, when it will reenter Earth's atmosphere.
Last Day Dream on Vimeo
RT @smashingmag: Last Day Dream - - So sad, so strong, so powerful. [from]
42 second short film on life
42 seconds ...
Last Day Dream
Karagos is bloggin'
WHiChiCreative (Big Bang) | Submitted by: Eric E.
By using a Google Streetview-like camera, a system with six lenses, not as a photo but as a video camera, an all-encompassing picture is captured.
Augmented Reality by Frantz Lasorne » Yanko Design
Kid = Never ending Demand For NEW Toys! This equation holds true in all homes, however designer Frantz Lasorne has an excellent project for us that gives a second lease of life to the existing toy collection. Called Augmented Reality, the project combines the joys of virtual reality, imagination and tangible toys. Using Augmented Reality Tangible User Interface (AR TUI) via head-mounted glasses, loads of imagination and old toys, a new environment is created that allows a child to live his fantasies.
young me now me photo contest ::
The world's only immortal animal | Yahoo! Green
RT @EHillBurns: Jellyfish "can regenerate its entire body" repeatedly RT @JLVernonPhD: A must tweet! The world's only immortal animal ht ...
Oh, crap... "Worldwide silent invasion" of immortal jellyfish: Why didn't something fluffy discover eternal life?
The world's only immortal animal | Yahoo! Green
Great Girl Manipulations by Digital Artist Michael O. | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Repeating Calendar
14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite - Telegraph
Interesting story about a kid getting hit my a meteor.
You can't make this up.
"I am really keen on science and my teachers discovered that the fragment is really magnetic," said Gerrit.
Gerrit Blank, 14, was on his way to school when he saw "ball of light" heading straight towards him from the sky. A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock then hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand. He said: "At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. "Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder." "The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. "When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road," he explained.
14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite [from]
A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock then hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand. He said: "At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. "Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder." "The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. "When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road," he explained. Scientists are now studying the pea-sized meteorite which crashed to Earth in Essen, Germany.
NEW! Arduino Duemilanove
30 Beautiful Handwritten Fonts
If you guys need a beautiful font for headers or short notes, go ahead and use one of the free handwritten fonts I put together for you below. These kind of fonts are not the best choice for long text, but they are brilliant if you need to spice up your designs. These shouldn’t be missing in your font collection.
Wired For War Special: The Beautiful, Scary Robots of Shigeo Hirose
I haven't read this yet.
IVONA Text-To-Speech by IVO Software
this site can be dangerous in a fun time wasting kind of way. ideal for long boring meetings.
Photographs of people who Meade painted on
Painting real people like paintings.
painting on human
Very inspirational artist, great work mix of painting and photography.
Drum Set!
turns keyboard into a drum set
drum keyboard
20 Weird Logos That Work (and Why They Do) | Bite-Dose
I like these logos - well most of them
Mark Wagner’s Currency Collages | Bextim dot Com
Mark Wagner’s Currency Collages
Collages made from money
Privacy: Whspr Lets Anyone Send You an Email Without Revealing Your Email Address
Web application whspr! creates a private feedback form that you can share on services like Twitter without revealing your real email address. Simply enter your real email address, a description of what the form is for, and the number of days you want the form to be active. Once completed, you'll be given a URL to the form to share with others. This application could be useful for job postings, blog contests or giveaways—pretty much anything where you'd like email responses but don't want to give out an email address. If you want to send private messages instead of receiving them, check out previously mentioned Whisper Bot, or you can send your awkward messages anonymously with NiceCritic.
ply enter your real
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
5 Free Ways to Identify that Song Stuck in Your Head
SWEET MAGIC ETC (er, haven't tried any yet, but THEY LOOK AWESOME)
5 maneiras grátis de encontrar uma música que não sai da sua cabeça.
ElectroMagneticSpectrum1800.jpg (JPEG Image, 2350x1600 pixels)
Electromagnetic spectrum with a lot of histories!!
the electromagnetic spectrum, a radial image with a lot of information
English Russia » Hermetic Art
Interesting news from Russia in English language.
Alex Andreev
Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD on Vimeo
Downhill Action
Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD on Vimeo
A Film by: Ari Marcopoulos Director of Photography: Colin Blackshear Producer: Neville Wakefield
Obama: The College Years - Photo Essays - TIME,29307,1866765_1815160,00.html
In 1980, when Obama was a freshman at Occidental College in Los Angeles, he was approached by an aspiring photographer named Lisa Jack, who asked him if he would be willing to pose for some black and white photographs that she could use in her portfolio.
睡眠のクオリティを高める10の方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Let's go have some tea. We will take a mountain trail stroll in Chia - 1st - Let's take the tram up to the start of the trail...
Tem certeza de que você precisa ir NESSA casa de chá? O caminho é um pouco... difícil...
Interdit à ceux qui ont le vertige (via @skullpat & @buzz_tweet_fr)
panurge: Beautiful
Infra-red photography
infrared photography.
Why a Mac is really the only option. Can your PC do this? – The Next Web
RT @vendeesign: Voila pourquoi je veux un Mac : [from]
Cute MAC animation
Posted by MacRohard
Tilt-shift Video: Amazing Tilt-Shift Time-Lapse Videos Make Lilliputians of Us All
Amazing Tilt-Shift Time-Lapse Videos Make Lilliputians of Us All #videos
Tilt-Shift - Video
YouTube - HD: Super Slo-mo Surfer! - South Pacific - BBC Two
Great: Super Slow motion Surfer in HD Two
A slow motion capture of wave surfer Dylan Longhorn in a 12 foot monster barrel
Linda Vista Hospital
Linda Vista Hospital
abandoned hospital in Boyle Heights
Abandoned building. Vivid setting for a modern adventure game.
Terrorífco! y de noche y poca gente tiene que ser de infarto!! Alé ahí van las fotos de un hospital abandonado. Gracias AG (Arturo Goga).
reference photos for decrepit building
Gordon Ramsay Swears at You!
Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. Get Adobe Flash player
PARIS - panorama | © gillesvidal - photographe
gilles vidal - photographe
Non-Von 1 |
I’ve always wanted my own supercomputer. Let’s be honest, what self-respecting geek doesn’t? Unfortunately, I’m usually poor, and I live in a space that’s ~300 ft^2 (that I share with someone else), so actually owning anything considered a supercomputer is out of the question. Fortunately, “Supercomputers” from the 1980’s weren’t actually all that complicated, and cheap FPGA boards have gotten pretty good. And thus, I give you the Non-Von1. What is the Non-Von 1? For those out there that love both retro computing and weird computer architectures, this one is for you. The “Non-Von” was a “Non-Von Neumann” computer that came out of Columbia University in the early 1980’s.
A supercomputer that does NOT use the Von Neumann architecture...lemme at it!
I’ve always wanted my own supercomputer. Let’s be honest, what self-respecting geek doesn’t? Unfortunately, I’m usually poor, and I live in a space that’s ~300 ft^2 (that I share with someone else), so actually owning anything considered a supercomputer is out of the question. Fortunately, “Supercomputers” from the 1980’s weren’t actually all that complicated, and cheap FPGA boards have gotten pretty good. And thus, I give you the Non-Von1.
It's for those who've seen too many Bruckheimer films.
Most Awesomest Thing Ever
Abstruse Goose » True Things
"There are many things I know are true... ... but don't really believe"
Gizmodo - Long-Exposure Shot of a Roomba's Path Shows Beautifully Organized Chaos - Roomba
Cool long exposure pic of a roomba at work: [from]
RT @bfeld: Retweeting @bwyman: Awesome long-exposure shot of a Roomba in action. [from]
Music Catch 2 - Ninja Games - Play free online games at
Captura las notas musicales
Auditorium meets Guitar Hero!
Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again
Cathie Jung
You may think that these amazing images are photoshopped. Sometimes life is even stranger than anything you can photoshop.
20 Free Role Playing Games for the iPhone
Here are 20 of our favorite free role playing games for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
virtual windows . DIY
Cool: The Complete Animated History of the Internet
The complete, comprehensive history of the Internet from 1957 to 2009, in just 8 minutes.
YouTube - Phonographantasmascope
45fps zoetrope, 25fps camera?
animatsioonid vinüülimängijale, stroboskoobina töötab vist kaamerakatik?
Dark Roasted Blend: Most Powerful Supercomputers: Brains and Beauty
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." - Popular Mechanics (1949)
IOCCC entry from 1990 that forms a dialogue between two characters in code.
Funny argument between a man and a woman written in c [for:twitter]
C Prog in the form of a conversation
Hilarious and amazing piece of code in C, it reads like a conversation between a couple, while it compiles well.
"[...] obviously, (char)lotte and (char*)lie are incompatible types..."
Adobe Edge: October 2008
Le meilleur de Flash Ocy 08
Neat Flash Sites
Brian Dettmer: Adaptations
This is an interesting use of books: Brian Dettmer: Adaptations [from]
Cool Hunting: Brian Dettmer: Adaptations
Artist Brian Dettmer dissects books to expose the beauty of their anatomy. Using an X-acto knife and tweezers, Dettmer pulls away carefully selected layers of books, revealing a complex view of their internal organization.
HTML5 Video Destruction
RT @draenews: Del HTML5 Video Destruction:
dynamic "blowup" of running video
AJAX APIs Playground
Starring the Computer
a website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance (ie. how important it is to the plot), realism (how close its appearance and capabilities are to the real thing) and visibility (how good a look does one get of it).
via marisaolson
Starring the Computer is a website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance (ie. how important it is to the plot), realism (how close its appearance and capabilities are to the real thing) and visibility (how good a look does one get of it). Fictional computers don't count (unless they are built out of bits of real computer), so no HAL9000 - sorry.
website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television
10 Most Diabolical Fish On Earth
On the one hand, fish are inoffensive creatures. Wet, slimy, and not especially gifted in the brain cell department, the majority aren’t much to worry about unless they’re getting overcooked on the barbecue. Yet on the other hand there are a few species that are slightly more loathsome to our palates. These are creatures straight out of our nightmares – some more fangs than fish; others that look like they’ve barely swum out of the primeval sludge. Brace yourself.
vintagephoto: 1938 underwater photography by Bruce Mozertom
Amazing underwater photography from 1938.
fotos de acciones normales abajo del agua
Dark Roasted Blend: Monstrous Aviation, Part 2 - Huge Helicopters
Mil V-12, oy!
Awesome helicopters
Fotografías y textos de los helicópteros más grandes del mundo.
50 Greatest Guitar Solos - Guitar World
Algunas lecciones clasicas de la revista Guitar World.
Los 50 mejores sólos de guitarra según Guitar World.
Guitar World give their run-down of the 50 greatest guitar solos ever. Opinions usually run high on this type of list - I’d be interested to hear what your thoughts are on the final 10.
A revista "Guitar World" publica uma lista do que considerm sejam os 50 melhores solos de guitarra da história do rock.
2quu0qw.jpeg (JPEG Image, 900x562 pixels)
A screen caption of Adobe photoshop made in real life
YouTube - Monumental VIdeo projection 2009
some awesome projection that looks like it alters the surface being projected on
3D Projection
forget the Christmas lights, just set up a projector
projecting images on buildings
sanfranfromairship.jpg (JPEG Image, 7000x2748 pixels)
.jpg (JPEG Image, 7000x2748 pixels) - Scaled (20%)
Sesam 3D-kart
これは! すべて自動生成らしい3Dマップ
jQuery Circulate
in20years - Meet the older you! Make your face old for FREE
in20years - Meet the older you! Make your face old for FREE
gigapan: Dubai 45 gigapixels
RT @CanonFrance La nouvelle plus grande photo du monde fait 45 Mards de pixels, et c'est un pano de Dubaï en EOS 7D
Ultimate Black Belt Test ’10: Greensboro, AL
jQuery Sliding Clock v.1
une horloge en jquery
Impressively simple
How to Quit Facebook Without Actually Quitting Facebook - Facebook - Lifehacker
With all the privacy issues surrounding Facebook, many people are considering quitting the site altogether. If you're not ready to take it that far, here's how to avoid the privacy breaches without completely deleting your account and losing touch with your friends.
The Man in Blue > JS-909: A drum machine in JavaScript
"there was but one thing I could do: make a drum machine. Without libraries. Without Flash."
Ridiculously cool - a drum machine in JavaScript. Die, Flash, die.
there was but one thing I could do: make a drum machine. Without libraries. Without Flash. I'm fully aware that there's much better ways of working with sound on the Web, but I'm also fully aware that I like making useless toys. The result of these two realisations? JS-909.
10 Golden Lessons From Steve Jobs
useful info
Well! This is my thoughts of the day “To have the courage to follow your heart and intuition”
Dog Having a Blast in the Snow - Video
Dog Having a Blast in the Snow - Video
Sweden's Ultra-Modern Underground Data Center - HotHardware
data centre as bomb shelter-come-DJ bar
Very Cool. I want this!
Underneath Stockholm, deep in the bedrock exists a data center better than any high tech lair Hollywood could probably dream up. Bahnhof, one of Sweden's largest ISP's has created a bunker of high tech goodness that is surely to astound.
these people need to start doing centers and offices in the U.S....
Kon + Amir Present: The 50 Greatest Hip-Hop Samples Of All Time
hiphop samples
Love this! Too much good stuff.
Mesmerizing Monday: 10 Hypnotic Gadgets You Just Can't Stop Looking At
waterfall printer, cloud, nautilus sink, rotopault, flying fish airship, book scanner, drinking bird, jellyfish
YouTube - Mascarita Dorada: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?
If you click one link on twitter today to watch a 30 second video, it should be this one: #mexicanwrestling [from]
Blaine WA Real Estate Listings - One of a kind house for sale
The Fortress. The Underground Fortress is an 8th wonder of the world! It is an unbelievable feat of engineering. The Fortress goes a total of 45 feet under the house! That is below sea level! The fortress has over 1600 sq. ft. of living area, plus hundreds of more square feet of passages and secrets rooms. It was all hand dug over a 20 year period, and all the walls were constructed with a small electric hand cement mixer. There are 3 ft concrete walls, using 5-bag cement (20% denser than regular cement). Not only are the walls thick and dense, but the finishing work is amazing quality. These walls keep it a constant 60F degrees year round. It is so well insulated that even one small space heater can heat all 1600+ sqft of fortress space in a few hours. The fortress has amazingly fresh air in it with an incredible air ventilation system that pulls air outside and brings fresh air in, leaving no moldy or musty smell that you commonly smell in basements.
The Fortress goes a total of 45 feet under the house! That is below sea level! The fortress has over 1600 sq. ft. of living area, plus hundreds of more square feet of passages and secrets rooms. It was all hand dug over a 20 year period, and all the walls were constructed with a small electric hand cement mixer. There are 3 ft concrete walls, using 5-bag cement (20% denser than regular cement). Not only are the walls thick and dense, but the finishing work is amazing quality.
Everything having
"The Underground Fortress is an 8th wonder of the world! It is an unbelievable feat of engineering. The Fortress goes a total of 45 feet under the house! That is below sea level! The fortress has over 1600 sq. ft. of living area, plus hundreds of more square feet of passages and secrets rooms. It was all hand dug over a 20 year period, and all the walls were constructed with a small electric hand cement mixer." Full of survival gear, nitrogen-sealed food supplies, etc.
The Pizza Box of the Future Has Arrived - Asylum | Men's Lifestyle | Humor, weird news, sex tips, fashion, dating, food and gadgets
RT @sudestada Me late: RT @elefantastico The Pizza Box of the Future Has Arrived - [from]
Don't you love when something so right is also ingeniously simple? Then you'll love this pizza box. And if you happen to be a CEO of a major pizza chain, get on the bus.
The convertible pizza box! Delivery box, plate, storage all in one, and eco-friendly. [from]
The Swinger « Music Machinery
Swinger uses the new Dirac time-stretching capabilities of Echo Nest remix.
fun software hack that takes any song and makes it swing...with examples
Stretches the first half of each beat and shrinks the latter. Via
HOLY SHIT! The Swinger is a bit of python code that takes any song and makes it swing. It does this be taking each beat and time-stretching the first half of each beat while time-shrinking the second half. It has quite a magical effect.
20 cool things to do with your iPhone | News | TechRadar UK
NormandySupply_edit.jpg (JPEG Image, 2804x2150 pixels)
Normandy invasion photo
Part of Operation Overloard, which began with D-Day. This is the beach after the Allies took over. (Full Wikipedia article : )
A large picture of the Normandy beach landings, useful for stimulating student discussion and interest.
CR Blog » Blog Archive » A Designer’s Portfolio, 16th Century-Style
Macclesfield Alphabet Book
hand type
Ten beautiful computers | Boing Boing Gadgets
They ended their lives as museum pieces, aquariums, couches, and even at the bottom of the sea. But these are the ones that stay with us.
I. Am. So. Old.
Out of this world: British teddy bears strapped to helium weather balloon reach the edge of space | Mail Online
Spaceflight 12-2008
Awesome Balloon Experiment 2
Content Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
js iPod touch
3d:n piirtäminen 2d canvasilla.
The Periodic Table of Typefaces - instant fundas
The Periodic Table of Typefaces is obviously in the style of all the thousands of over-sized Periodic Table of Elements posters hanging in schools and homes around the world. This particular table lists 100 of the most popular, influential and notorious typefaces today.
Lego Safe is ultra secure -
the cutting edge of Lego safe technology...
Terminator Salvation Poster
bonne idée de "poster enrichi"
só pra lembrar como é bacana esse "living poster"
Not sure how the movie will be, but this poster is awesome.
Simple elixir called a 'miracle liquid' - Los Angeles Times,0,1620173.story
Electrolyzed water yields two compounds as a degreaser and sanitizer
Sounds like the old "Saturday Night Live" gag for Shimmer, the faux floor polish plugged by Gilda Radner. But the elixir is real. It has been approved by U.S. regulators. And it's starting to replace the toxic chemicals Americans use at home and on the job. The stuff is a simple mixture of table salt and tap water whose ions have been scrambled with an electric current. Researchers have dubbed it electrolyzed water -- hardly as catchy as Mr. Clean. But at the Sheraton Delfina in Santa Monica, some hotel workers are calling it el liquido milagroso -- the miracle liquid.
Awesome Geek Blog: File transfer over sound card
Ah, I thought, and wrote a program that encoded data in sound. When I did it back then I used a bad algorithm. It was very noise sensitive and tried to do too much at the same time. As of then, I've improved (and simplified) the concept to using a sort of pulse width modulation (an idea I got when I read about the ZX Spectrum Tape Loader.)
Dirk had an accident. Below is the X-ray showing his totally crushed finger tip. It took 1 1/2 hours of surgery to remove the shattered bones and repair the damage. Medically speaking, he crushed his right index finger distal phalange. The magnets had a 50 cm (20 inch) separation when they decided to fly together.
includes gory finger photos...
accidente con imanes de neodimio. muy explícito :-(
Horror, Morbid and Mystic Art Pictures | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
In this post we present some amazing examples of morbid and mystic art. Hopefully, you’ll love some of them or at least will find them creative or inspirational. Please explore the further works of the artists linked below and also feel free to suggest other artworks in the comments to this post.
ハヤブサとタカにカメラを搭載!鳥の目線で見る動画 - 地球はすごい!明日の地球 自然 動物 風景の動画や写真
Featured Desktop: The Giant Flip Clock Desktop
desktop customize
Follow the links in this post to cusomize your own desktop.
Method Art
Andrei Alexandrescu
nice open source data framework for real time video effects
a video showing some realtime techniques for computer vision
MJ Violin - CollegeHumor video
Yes, the Smooth Criminal part is pretty cool but Owner of a Lonely Heart is amazing!
Check out Owner of a Lonely Heart and Smooth Criminal played on the violin. Pretty smooth.
Owner of a Lonely Heart and Smooth Criminal, violin style. Classic music just got more classical.
YouTube - Air traffic in 24 hours.wmv
very cool
8in » Many Years Later! [PICS]
A compilation of some of the highlights of "Youngme, Nowme".
White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code -
WASHINGTON — The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.
Honest Tea
The rug is still there, as are the presidential portraits Mr. Bush selected — one of Washington, one of Lincoln — and a collection of decorative green and white plates. During a meeting last week with retired military officials, before he signed an executive order shutting down the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, Mr. Obama surveyed his new environs with a critical eye. “He looked around,” said one of his guests, retired Rear Adm. John D. Hutson, “and said, ‘I’ve got to do something about these plates. I’m not really a plates kind of guy.’ ”
17 Amazing/Beautiful Examples Of Origami Art
Mecano - Your world is their playground
I don't think Mecano would be the same without Flash.
Your world is their playground. And so you gain to entertain. Especially in an oversaturated world where new medias rule. Mecano creates playful marketing strategies for the new digital culture.
mecano portfolio
Inside the ‘James Bond Villain’ Data Center « Data Center Knowledge
Fabulosas gotas en PSD | Diego Mattei Blog
Fabulosas gotas en PSD
Si bien existen en la red numerosos tutoriales sobre como crear gotas, nada mal viene una buena colección de este recurso…. sobre todo si la calidad es
Inhabitat » Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone
Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone
It'll be interesting to see how practical this turns out to be.
Charting the future of cell phone technology, Kyocera recently unveiled a kinetic energy-powered phone that is capable of folding up like a wallet.
Inhabitat »
A Green Design Blog, Sustainable Design Blog, Future-forward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home.
Fuck the iPhone, I want one of these.
Cool Tools: Uni-ball Kuru Toga
The Kuru Toga is a self-sharpening mechanical pencil that solves a problem that's inherent with normal mechanical pencils.
Self Sharpening Lead. Way Cool. Hard to find.
How to Make Hot Ice - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Make Hot Ice.
Bellflower Home Business
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger -
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
It is an old architectural trick used since the invention of mirrored glass: covering buildings with the reflective material and declaring that they blend in with the surroundings. Most architects use it to convince wary citizens that it is OK
invisible treehouse
Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine
Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench
RT @Pogue: Just how deep is BP's nasty oil rig? This'll give you some idea... (via @armenoush)
30 Unique Logo Designs That Actually Say Something | DevSnippets
Unique Logos
30 Unique Logo Designs That Actually Say Something #Design – Dan Martell (danmartell)
YouTube - Google Chrome Speed Tests
Nova Propaganda do Google
감자로 오셨을때가 좋았는데^^ RT @gatorlog: 빛과 소리로 세상에 오신 크롬님. 믿~씁니다 RT @channyun @hyunwook 구글 크롬의 놀라운 스피드를 강조한 동영상 광고.
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on!<br><br>Equipment used: <br><br>- Computer: MacBook ...
Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video: – Matt Cutts (mattcutts)
RT @mattcutts: Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video:
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on! ... Chrome Browser vs. Potato: We used a version of the web page that is accessible when logged in. About four hours into the Potato Gun shoot we decided to use a locally loaded version of the web page to enable more precise synchronization with the potato gun. We finally got the shot we were hoping for after 51 takes. Chrome Browser vs. Sound: We loaded an artist page from, a streaming internet radio service directly off the web on a 15Mbps internet connection. Chrome Browser vs. Lightning: We used a locally loaded version of that was legally approved for use in this video (and all the standard website permissions procedures that goes into making videos!) While we had a super fast 15Mbps internet connection in the studio, any live internet connection introduces quite a bit of variability.
Six Degrees of Black Sabbath #6dobs
Neat website which finds the path that connects two artists, or finds the top connected artists or the strongest connected artists
Los 6 grados que separan al Rock.
this rules
80 Photographies de Tokyo en HDR | Geekiz Magazine
80 Photographies de Tokyo en HDR #hdr #photography
Unbelievable Pencil Art by Paul Lung
Not a fan of cats, but this guy is damn good.
صور ماكانت اتوقع انها عبارة عن رسمات بقلم الرصاص لفنان صيني – سعود الهواوي (saud264)
Want a good time waster? Let your Twitter avatar battle it out with another avatar:
USB Typewriter
Nostalgisch! een USB tikmachine voor ong 500 $ die je met je computer kunt verbinden via @cclark2
込められた意味がよく分かるクリエイティブなロゴいろいろ - かちびと.net
Saturday Design Inspiration – 50+ Examples of Criterion Box Art- unstage
Saturday Design Inspiration – 50+ Examples of Criterion Box Art- unstage -
unstage is a daily updated blog dedicated to showcasing the best artists, graphic designers, illustrations, short and longform films, architecture, photography, fashion, music and gadgets.
Long regarded as some of the highest quality DVD’s available, the Criterion Collection is also known to release DVD’s with fantastic box art. For your Saturday design inspiration, here are 58 of the coolest Criterion Collection DVD box covers.
Saturday Design Inspiration – 50+ Examples of Criterion Box Art- unstage
Awesome graphic packaging design
by unstage
10 Awesome Webcam Feeds From Around the World
a list of ten fascinating webcam feeds from around the world that offer a scintillating glimpse into other people’s lives, and fascinating looks at famous landmarks.
Check out these great webcam feeds that offer a scintillating glimpse into other people's lives, and fascinating looks at famous landmarks.
Evolution Timeline - AndaBien
AndaBien - Evolution Timeline
To scale.
Surrealistic paintings by Tetsuya Ishida ::: Pink Tentacle
Tetsuya Ishida
frLHu.jpg (JPEG Image, 896x5704 pixels)
Does seeing this make you feel small? [pic] – David Alfaro (agilenature)
A Terra é um nada perdido no universo. Compare as escalas das estrelas e galáxias:
Swedish subway system -
Fotos toll gestaleter schwedischen U-Bahnstationen
RT @petapixel: The Swedish subway system:
RT @catarino: Swedish subway system :|
Classic Pop Icons Seen In A Different Light (PICS) | I Can Has Internets
RT @Pobla: Pop Icons In A Different Light | I Can Has Internets
"Apple of My Eye" - an iPhone 4 film on Vimeo
reklamfilm inspelad och redigerad i iphone4
xuq29.gif (GIF Image, 700x700 pixels)
xuq29.gif (GIF Image, 700x700 pixels) - Scaled (88%)
Playing Super Mario Bros. Crossover requires Flash Player 10. Click here to get it. Get Adobe Flash player
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
paginas muuyyyyy chulassss
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Googleが出してきたFont APIのすごさを体感したいなら…『Font Previewer』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Time to get classy :
Great collection of musik and sounds to set a nice ambient atmosphere.
RT @cykod: Follow instructions here and then read the crowd-sourced crime-noir it inspired here
rain, jazzy sexy music and a fireplace. what else?
Time to get classy :
Great collection of musik and sounds to set a nice ambient atmosphere.
RT @cykod: Follow instructions here and then read the crowd-sourced crime-noir it inspired here
CSS Starbursts with CSS3 transforms and transitions
huh: #css #dev #yam
CSS3 Starbursts - By @mattjamestaylor (via @ImpressiveWebs) – W3Avenue (w3avenue)
Sculptris is insanely cool, free 3D modeling software
In simple terms, it's sculpting software. It's free, and it's accessible
Sculptris is insanely cool, free 3D modeling software
By default, a line crosses the sphere
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
site design 40 blog designs
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration -
awesome ass design blogs
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
diseño de blogs
The Perrier Mansion
Com a Dita Von Teese é facil vender qlqr coisa, até água vi no @acriativos
8 Abandoned American Theme Parks “Open” for Exploration | NileGuide
special urban explorers US cc @emich RT @mllyssa: Abandoned Theme Parks 'Open' for Exploration
Wow. Creepy/awesome/sad RT @hugel: Abandoned Theme Parks of America (via @caseydonahue)
YouTube - The latest version of the LittleDog Robot
RT @catenary: Amazing agile little robot:
Cool dog like robot that walks on all fours, very cool.
This is awesome, but the problem remains that it reminds me that Skynet is possible.
8 Abandoned American Theme Parks “Open” for Exploration | NileGuide
special urban explorers US cc @emich RT @mllyssa: Abandoned Theme Parks 'Open' for Exploration
Lagoa Multiphysics 1.0 - Teaser on Vimeo
This is a new Multiphysics simulation by Lagoa Technologies Inc.
The Future of Physics - Visualizing and Modeling Materials #physics via @anselm
This is a new Multiphysics simulation by Lagoa Technologies Inc
Loop full or part of a YouTube video | EndlessYouTube
Loop full or part of a YouTube video | EndlessYouTube