Pages tagged copy:

DVDSmith Movie Backup: DVD Decrypter to copy DVD movie to computer hard disk, and remove all the CSS, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs and Sony ARccOS protections

DVD Decrypter to copy DVD movie to computer hard disk, and remove all the CSS, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs and Sony ARccOS protections
Downloads: DVDSmith Movie Backup Copies Everything or Just Video Easily
para copiar DVD's en la compu!
zeroclipboard - Google Code
The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.
DVDのコピーガードを解除して、ディスクイメージとしてマウントしてくれる『Fairmount』 | Macの手書き説明書
市販のDVDは違法にコピーされないよう暗号化されており、そのままFinderでデスクトップなどにファイルをコピーしても、動画内にノイズが走り碌に見られないようになっています。 しかしFairMountを使えば暗号を解除した状態でマウントしてくれて、後は煮るなり焼くなり思うがままです。
CopyTaste | CopyPaste has never been so tasty!
Sharing tool
CopyTaste enables you to create your own private URL with the data you wish to share with your friends or colleagues
sharing collaboration text copy share copy paste web2.0
CopyPaste has never been so tasty!
5 Writing Tips for Web Designers
Web design hints
The Last DVD and Blu-Ray Ripping Guide You'll Ever Need
How the Web Made Me a Better Copywriter — AIGA | the professional association for design
by Cathy Curtis posted on AIGA | the professional association for design website
Great website!!! Article is very instructive
Excellent guide to writing for the web from Cathy Curtis, a former staff writer for The LA Times.
"It struck me recently that the web has led me to develop a different way of writing—tighter, simpler, more transparent. The results, I believe, are greater clarity and persuasiveness, and a speedier, more user-friendly read."
Free Utility: RichCopy, an Advanced Alternative to RoboCopy
I'm setting up some maintenance scripts for backing up my web-site development server on my Windows Home Server, as a first step in transitioning the web development to the WHS itself. I have an xcopy script that I've been using. Robocopy and Richcopy might work better for some tasks.
50 Trigger Words and Phrases for Powerful Multimedia Content — Copyblogger
Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and the almost right word is “the difference between lightning and ...
Hey! Paste It
Lets you easily paste and share text online. Just enter some text into provided field and click “Paste online” to instantly get the URL that contains your text. No page reloading, everything is instant and happens on one page. You can access the text anytime or share it with others by forwarding the URL.
Lets you easily paste and share text online.
Cole um texto e ganhe um link para compartilhá-lo com as pessoas
PureSync Homepage - Synchronize folders and files, automatic backups, photo sync
PureSync Professional - Supports FTP - Execute backups and synchronization as different user - Copying of opened/locked files - For business use
Restaurant Clone / CopyCat / CopyKat Recipes
The Seven Deadly Sins of Website Copy | The Michel Fortin Blog
A List Apart: Articles: Content Templates to the Rescue
I think the notion of content templates will be useful. Both for the Collections overview working group and for the implementation of a CMS at NLA Web.
How To Copy a DVD with VLC 1.0 :: the How-To Geek
Need a small section of a DVD to play in class? The new version of VLC, the open source media player now has this functionality. Go to view then advanced controls once installed.
73 Ways to Become a Better Writer | Copyblogger
Do you want to become a better writer? Silly question, eh. The good news is that writing makes you a ...
Great blog about writing
Don’t Do These 12 Things When Writing Headlines | Copyblogger
Don't miss these guys at Copyblogger. It's a gold mine!
from Copyblogger
Interesting article with links to related info
August 19, 2009: Copyblogger writing a great blog post is like running a relay race. Your headline starts the race, but then it passes the baton to your opening paragraph, and its job is done. Sure, it’s important to start the race well, but if the next guy falls on his face, then how well the first guy did doesn’t much matter, does it? Every piece has to do its part.
how to write headlines that get attention
Ralph Arvesen : Copy Path Shell Extension
Display the context menu and notice the new Copy Path menu.
hich implements the IContextMenu and IShellExtInit interfaces in .NET 2.0. I plan to cleanup the code and create a codeproject article but that task always falls to the bottom, so I'm providing the util without code in case anyone finds it useful.
Neat tool!
This Windows application injects a "Copy Path" menu that displays when you right-click a folder in Windows Explorer. Freeware.
created a File Link shell extension in C++ a while back that allows you to copy path-info (full path, location, filename, UNC) for one or more files to the clipboard .
All Restaurant Recipes
We have collected several thousand recipes that are tailored to your favorite restaurants. All Restaurant Recipes has divided up our entrees based on the name of the recipe. So when you look at our main recipe page you will see sections such as "AB", "AC", "AI" Those are the first two letters of the recipe. For example in AB you have recipes like Abuelo's Cilantro Lime Soup.
The Secret Recipe Forum - Free Copycat Recipes - Top Secret Restaurant Recipes
Seth's Blog: The power of smart copywriting
Words sell.
Pastebot | Tapbots
Pastebot is a powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch.
Convertbot Overview Pastebot is a powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch. Organize, apply filters to, and copy clippings to be pasted or sent to other apps.
"A powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch. Organize, apply filters to, and copy clippings to be pasted or sent to other apps".
10 Tips for Creating Compelling Web Copy | Web Design Ledger
You are the most important person in the world. Wow, I got you to read the second sentence. Your interest is now piqued and you want to read more. If you do
404 Blog Not Found:tips - Mac OS X - asrでボリューム全コピー
Add professional copy-editing to your writing process - Wordy
A Wordy editor will check your text for grammar, spelling, punctuation and structure. Wordy has editors that specialise in a wide range of subjects, which ensures your text will be of the very highest quality.
danish company that does editing with a very quick turnaround
Wordy is the fastest, most reliable way of adding professional copy-editing to your writing process
A List Apart: Articles: Words that Zing
Words that Zing
高速ファイルコピーツールまとめ | IDEA*IDEA
Why is Business Writing So Awful?
Couldn't Agree More!
Nearly every company relies on the written word to woo customers. So why is most business writing so numbingly banal?
One of my favorite phrases in the business world is full-service solutions provider. A quick search on Google finds at least 47,000 companies using that one. That's full-service generic. There's more. Cost effective end-to-end solutions brings you about 95,000 results. Provider of value-added services nets you more than 600,000 matches. Exactly which services are sold as not adding value? Who writes this stuff? Worse, who reads it and approves it? What does it say when tens of thousands of companies are saying the same things about themselves?
Three Steps That Guarantee Every Word of Your Copy Gets Read — Copyblogger
Dave Navarro's thoughts on getting visitors to stop what they’re doing, give you their undivided attention and take the immediate action you desire.
Get someone to read every word? Isn't that impossible these days? It's not impossible if you put your mind to ...
Featured Windows Download: Transfer Files Lightning Fast With FastCopy
Windows only: Free application FastCopy is a portable replacement for the standard Windows Explorer file copying mechanism. FastCopy's interface is rather cluttered but the file transfer speeds are fantastic. Copying ISO files, thousands of pictures, and other test files was extremely fast. You can opt to not overwrite, overwrite by newest or biggest file, and sync when transferring files with FastCopy. We've covered another popular file copier replacement here before, TeraCopy, and you might be wondering how FastCopy stacks up against it.
Lifehacker. File copying
Apple: iPhone Copy and Paste Now Working Between Safari and Mail
//As you can see in the video, Pastebud—as the service is called—works using two bookmarks in Safari. One prepares and loads the page you are viewing, ready to select text at the touch of a finger. From there, you can copy any text you want and create a new mail message with that text in it. In addition to that, you will be able to copy and paste in the text field of a different web page.//
What rarefied desires we have!
Daring Fireball: Tynt, the Copy/Paste Jerks
@snipeyhead Tynt, "It’s a bunch of user-hostile SEO bullshit." - If Apture avoids stories like this, should do ok. – Ben Shive (BenSS)
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text
I found Wired Science doing this bullshit just now, when saving a bookmark to an article there. Very disappointing, guys.
Tynt is a service that automatically forces a link reference into your clipboard when you copy text from web sites using them. Worth blocking.
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text.
of where to find and how to edit your hosts file on Mac OS X or Window
20 Websites with Carefully Crafted and Convincing Copy | Design Shack
via Lisa Bledsoe
The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
"design and copywriting are two sides of the same coin; inseparable in every way"
The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better