Pages tagged core:

The Human Condition : Stop Doing Sit-Ups: Why Crunches Don't Work

Everyone knows that road to flat, tight abs is paved with crunches. Lots and lots and lots of excruciating crunches. Or is it? As it turns out, the exercises synonymous with strong, attractive abs may not be the best way to train your core—and may be
Interesting, I wonder when the article telling us how bad pushups are for you will come out. What about breathing? Anyone else feel this way?
"it won’t matter how muscular your torso is if your body fat is too high. The best way to build strong, visible abs isn’t through repeated sit-ups, but by engaging in circuit training that has you working your entire core while you’re burning calories – and to keep yourself disciplined during meals." YES INDEED (but you should definitely do crunches every day :) )
Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back? - Well Blog -
“There’s so much mythology out there about the core,” maintains Stuart McGill, a highly regarded professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada and a back-pain clinician who has been crusading against ab exercises that require hollowing your belly. “The idea has reached trainers and through them the public that the core means only the abs. There’s no science behind that idea.” (McGill’s website is