Pages tagged cramer:

The Daily Show Full Episode | Thursday Mar 12 2009 | Comedy Central

links to broadcast and unedited videos of Cramer-Stewart interview
Jon Stewart skewers Jim Cramer
Thursday Mar 12 2009 | Comedy Central. John Stewart interviewed CNBC pundit Jim Cramer, berating him for misreporting news on the financial crisis on his show ‘Mad Money.’ Stewart used video clips where Cramer contradicted himself.
John Stewart and the daily show
Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer: The Extended Daily Show Interview | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central
Stewart takes financial news analysts and reporters on for knowing about the financial crisis and not reporting on it, for financial news being in bed with that sector of the economy. "Much of the interview had to be cut for time. But this is the internet, where all we have is time. So, here now, is the exclusive, uncensored, complete three-part interview."
Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart went toe-to-toe last night. It was just like Ali-Foreman, only with more head trauma. But you didn't see everything. Much of the interview had to be cut for time. But this is the internet, where all we have is time.