» 24 Modern Mugs and Creative Mug Designs
wonderful mug collection..
Modern mugs and creative mug designs from all over the world.10 Examples of Creative Twitter Uses | Houston Search Engine Marketing and Optimization Services
great stop motion of a girl on a bed and her dreamHow to Create a Professional Logo | Webdesigner Depot
good descriptions of vector vs. bitmap, tooTop 100 Creative Writing Blogs | Best Colleges Online
jim...sadly your blog is not on here....YET! although...i guess your blog isn't really geared towards writing...
Creative writing blogs.30 Dual Element Logos, Do You See Them All? | Fuel Your Creativity
30 Dual Element Logos, Do You See Them All?51 Creative Business Cards That Will Make You Look Twice
Toast Messengerlogo design processes and logo inspiration | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer
logo design processes and logo inspiration
logo design processes and logo inspiration | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer - + Color + Concept = 40+ Creative & Inspirational Piece of Art | Noupe
kitiman for AND
Rockin'17 creative websites to bookmark (unless you are dumb)! - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS
At the risk of having you never come back to this site, I have compiled a list of 17 other sites to feed your creative appetite. Dozens more could have been
Probably the best of "list of" list I've seen a very long time.12 Ways to Add Randomness and Creativity to Your Photography
draxc0la design
cool sites
design inspiration - submit hereSoulPancake | Just Remember This Word: Muto
Guernica39 Creative Lego Advertisements - Creativty without bricks : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Lego creativity is not limited to building bricks and stop motion movies, it extends even to advertising. As with plastic bricks, they can take the simplest concept and often make a powerful and witty statement. There approach is often minimal, a trait I like, as you will be able to see in the first few images below. There is no end to Lego creativity. (Were I could I have linked to the original source).
Lego creativity is not limited to building bricks and stop motion movies, it extends even to advertising. As with plastic bricks, they can take the simplest concept and often make a powerful and witty statement. There approach is often minimal, a trait I like, as you will be able to see in the first few images below. There is no end to Lego creativity.40 fresh websites for daily visual inspiration | Inspired Mag
nice jquery stuff70 Outstanding Out of Bounds Photos | Inspiration
digg_url = ''; Out of bounds (OOB) photos are post processed photos where the contentsClever and Creative Bus Advertising
40 fine logos from smashing mag
Beautiful And Creative Logo Designs For Your InspirationYouTube - オオカミはブタを食べようと思った。Stop motion with wolf and pig
Stopmotion from a japanese guy, made with photographs inside a room
An amazing stop motion video.evolution_advertising.jpg (JPEG Image, 1086x683 pixels)
Career evolution40 Beautiful and Creative Logo Designs For Your Inspiration
As a designer, I think we all have experienced the hard time of finding new ideas and inspirations.
Artigo, encontrando inspiraçãoCreative Print Typography Layouts | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Sehr inspirierende Liste volle Typo-Layouts.
In print design, typography is one of the more crucial aspects. Typography is essential the practice of organizing, arranging, and modifying type. The typography techniques uesed in print has a direct impact on how the reader is able to receive the image. In print, typography doesn’t have to be plain and boring. It can be beautiful, creative, and colorful. There are a number of ways to liven up typography, such as creative and original layouts, using color variations, use of fancy fonts, and much more.Five Reasons Why
Sehr interessanter Artikel bei Smashing Magazin.Hypercritical - Ars Technica
Good article on being hypercritical.
Knowing what's wrong is a prerequisite for fixing it. That may sound trite, but...
As far back as I can remember, I was told I would grow up to be an artist. By age six, my obsessively detailed renderings of Mechagodzilla, et al. were already drawing attention from adults. By the time I was eight years old, my parents had been persuaded by teachers and friends to enroll me in private art lessons. I recall the informal "admissions test" with my first art instructor. A scale model of a bull was placed in front of me on a table and I was asked to draw it. The plastic bull was a faithful reproduction, full of muscles and knobby joints. It was an ugly, forlorn thing, far removed from my normal subject matter. After a few minutes, the resulting drawing was roughly in proportion, the details were well represented, and the perspective was pretty close. I was in. Thus began eight years of regular art instruction. I progressed from pencils and pastels to watercolors and acrylics, and finally to oils. The content was mostly classical: lots of still lifes and landscapes. Meanw
Interesting piece, via S.teave
John Siracusa on the role criticism plays in design.100 Excellent Online Tools to Feed Your Creativity | Online College Degree
Many experts say that creativity is not necessarily something you have or don’t have, but that can be nurtured and developed. If you are searching for ways to feed your creativity, then take a look at these online tools. From tools that help you organize, plan, and brainstorm to tools that inspire through writing prompts and creative photos to tools that work to develop the creative mind, you will find plenty of inspiration in this list.
Misc tools for sparking creativity (mind maps, writing tools, etc.)subprime on Vimeo
"watch the american housing market spiral out of control."
watch the american housing market spiral out of control.
watch the american housing market spiral out of control. / / standingwavesound.com25 One Page Portfolio Websites of Designers on Twitter | The Design Cubicle
Collection of advertising concepts draw up and ready to produce.100 Most Creative People in Business | Fast Company
a must read!
Most Creative People in Business
CreativePeople16 Unveiled Logo Design Processes! | The Design Cubicle
16 logo processes unveiled by a few of my favorite colleagues, logo and graphic designers100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art | Webdesigner Depot
100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art
PAGINA DE ARTISTAS E INGENIEROS DE PAPELBreaking The Design Cycle: Get Creative To Be Creative | Webdesigner Depot
Designers, we have a problem. It seems we have forgotten how to be creative.
Difficile d'exposer une méthode pour être créatif et innovant, il s'agit de quelques trucs pour se re-oxygéner la tête avant de partir sur un nouveau webdesign.25 Fun & Creative Web Designs from DeviantArt | Spyre Studios
How many web designers can say that there are too many places to draw inspiration from? Exactly. None. Inspiration is welcomed from high and low, far and wide. Sure, there are css galleries you can check out, or even other designers portfolios you may be friends with on twitter or other social media websites, but what about DeviantArt? I have taken the time to gather some of the best, most creatively designed websites from users on the site and put them together in this list of 25 Fun & Creative Web Designs.
25 Fun & Creative Web Designs from DeviantArt | Spyre StudiosAdobe Creative Suite 4
great ideas from four of the best!
4 trabalhos de explodir cabeças com o CS4. Simplesmente FODA!!!!!100 Most Creative People in Business | Fast Company
business innovation
AR Rahman ranked 47th !80 Creative Ways to Customize Your MacBook | Webdesigner Depot
this bookmark brought from the home.
The MacBook and MacBook Pro are stunning examples of minimalist design. Their sleek lines, simple shapes, and uncomplicated designs are pinnacles of modern20 Creative and Unique Typefaces
awesome typefaces
fonts typography free font resources design inspiration typefaces creative typographie
We live in a world surrounded by Times New Roman, Arial and Helvetica, typefaces so functional that they have long since become boring. In this article, you will find very creative fonts that surely push the limits of uniqueness.Circle the Cat ~ Grandma Faith's
a good one..not very difficut..but mind you not a cake walk as well :)
fun simple game
Thanks for this Kat - I was going to do some work today100 Creative Twitter Backgrounds Featuring Illustration | Webdesigner Depot
Vous ne le savez peut-être pas mais Twitter vous permet de personnaliser le fonds d'écran (Wallpaper) de votre compte. Vous le verrez alors dès que vous vous rendrez sur votre page Twitter mais tous les visiteurs affichant un de vos Twitt le verront aussi. WebDesignerDepot nous propose à ce sujet une sélection de 100 très jolis arrières-plan récupérables pour votre propre compte Twitter... Enjoy !
FANTASTIC TWITTER BACKGROUNDS!! These are great!Can Hands: Pringles
Great ad concept
This is the first time I click on ads purposefully.
ignore the article. click the banner ad. There's a reason it won an award. Shear awesomeness.
The best ad ever.20+ Resources and Tutorials for Creative Forms using CSS : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Creative CSS Forms80 Creative and Well-designed Logos | Inspiration
ロゴまとめ80 Corporate Website Designs For Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
50 Creative and Inspirational Personal Portfolio Websites : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Creative Portfolio designsAmazing Light Paintings | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Light paintings, aka as light drawing or light graffiti is a photography technique in which exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room. The images we will show here are all from Jan Wöllert and Jörg Miedza, the guys behind LAPP-PRO.Incredible Shadow Art Created From Junk
Excelente arte com sombras do lixo
"British-born and -based artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster skilfully skirt the boundaries between beauty and the shadowier aspects of humanity, playing with our perceptions as well as our notions of taste. Many of their most notable pieces are made from piles of rubbish, with light projected against them to create a shadow image entirely different to that seen when looking directly at the deliberately disguised pile."
very cool shadow stuff30 Photo Manipulation Tutorials for Photoshop | Vandelay Design Blog
With Photoshop, amazing results are possible for photo manipulations. In this post we'll feature 30 tutorials for creating your own photo manipulation. The tutorials shown here will teach a wide variety of techniques and will work towards end results of all kinds. Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation
30 Photo Manipulation Tutorials for Photoshop10 Creative Brochure designs - Blog - Touchey - design magazine
10 Creative Brochure designs - Blog - Touchey - design magazine -
Design Inspiration resource for professionals and students. Get tips and check the latest interactive, graphic, interior, architecture and industrial design trends. lebanon, middle east, dubai, qatar, ksa, jeddah
Creative Brochure designsMore than 100,000 icons in one place - The ultimate icon collection.
The ultimate icon collection.Do You Have These 11 Traits of Highly Creative People? | Copyblogger
Would you like to be more creative in your copy and blogging? It’s really not as hard or mysterious as you might think.
Are willing to TEST new ideas and compete with others based on results. Isn’t that what they mean by the “market of ideas”? Isn’t that what business competition is about? If you’re afraid of being wrong or losing, your creativity will suffer.
Think of creativity as a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. To increase your creativity, you simply need to “act” like a creative person. Not surprisingly, people recognized as creative tend to share common traits.40 Fresh Creative and Inspiring Photographs | Inspiration
Blog de graphisme dédié aux cartes de visite110 Fresh Logo Designs For Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
Beefcake sells! I don't know if this site got him a job, but it got him tons of publicity (including the NYTimes) and LOTS of traffic.Salon People Feature | The 7 vices of highly creative people
Excellent Excellent Article.
ein without his pipe, George Burns without his cigar or Jackson Pollock without a cigThe Little But Really Useful Guide to Creativity
“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” - Albert Einstein10 Creative Contests Powered by Social Media
Webdesigner Depot40 Stunning and Creative Web Sites | Inspiration |
Een aantal erg leuke designs voor kantoorruimtes, om de creativiteit te stimuleren. Doet mij erg denken aan ideeën die ik heb voor mij nieuwe kamer (zie volgende bookmark)Excuses, Excuses: An Excerpt from Teacher Man | Book Excerpts | Reader's Digest
An example of a great educator seizing and idea and putting it into practice.
Frank McCourt75 Free Useful Icon Sets for Web Designers and Developers | Icons | instantShift
Icons are the basic requirement of any web related projects and good icons are like a treasure for web designers. The demand for good icons are too much in , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.60+ Unusual Business Card Ideas & Designs
60+ Unusual Business Card
EXCELLENT business cards design50 Beautiful and Creative Portfolios
By Creative Apps For Your iPhone
kul, but most of them ain't free50 Extraordinary and Attractive Billboards | 10Steps.SG
Creative Billboard Advertisement
cool ads.
Outdoors Interessantes!
Out dorr referência99 Creative And Beautiful Looking Portfolio Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
Designing of Portfolio is a quite difficult job for an artist as he needs to show his ability of design in it which leads him to get busy with new clients. The more time and effort you dedicate for a usable, eye-catching design and hitting your objectives, the higher are your chances for getting better account balance in the end of the month.Top 10 Tricks for Creatively Hiding Your Stuff - Security - Lifehacker
Every kid has a creative stash for secret stuff, but that useful enthusiasm doesn't have to die off just because we've traded treehouses for desks. See how you can hide money, files, workspaces, and more in today's Top 10.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Optical Illusion Pictures at - Cool Optical Illusions
40 Breathtaking & Creative Logo Designs Just to InspireHow to Create a Hellacious Flaming Skull in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
from Julianne
From 10Steps.SG
Some of these billboards are really excellent. Am I the only one who's never actually seen one in real life? Are they actually implemented or are many of them lifted from Ad Agency pitches?45 Absolutely Astonishing Helvetica Typographic Posters | Desizn Tech
Helvetica is not a just a font. It is a culture, motivation and trend. Designers all over the world loves to incorporate Helvetica in their work. Are you a Helvetica Fanatic ? Are you passionate about Helvetica? Here are 45 really amazing poster about Helvetica that expresses what is Helvetica and how it has inspired good designs.
helveticeD&AD | Creative Search
Creative Search is a search engine that gives you sorted results. Results for: D&AD57 Creatively Designed Examples Of Typography In Logo Design @ SmashingApps
Collection of exceptional examples of most creative typography based logo designsHow to Make a Creative Blog Layout - Psdtuts+
how to make a good looking layout
In this tutorial, we'll make a creative blog layout using mostly simple shapes, a few brush techniques, some images, and a dose of Photoshop ingenuity. Creating web design layouts is easier than you may think. You can learn to build attractive designs rapidly. Creating this design will take less than two hours and you'll learn some professional tips along the way. Let's get started!18 Really Beautiful and Creative Web Designs | TutZone
hartas transparentesDigital: Online Ads Not Working for You? Blame the Creative - Advertising Age - Digital
If you're worthy of entry, they'll give you an intro to someone else they deem cool.
Introductory service for geeksCreative Block ★ Design ideas for when you're out of ideas.
500 Internal Server Error50 Clever, Creative Logos
50 Clever, Creative Logos
If you’ve browsed through any logo design galleries, you’ve probably noticed some that take a very creative approach. In this post we’ll feature 50 clever logos for your design inspiration.Thirty Conversations on Design
We asked them two questions: “What single example of design inspires you most?” and “What problem should design solve next?” Their answers might surprise you. But hopefully, they’ll all inspire you. Discover what they have to say. Then share your thoughts. After all, this is a conversation. We’d love for you to join.
bate papo (pq não?) sobre design com gente bacana
We’ve collected the thoughts of 30 of the world’s most inspired creative professionals. Architects, designers, authors and leaders of iconic brands.EnergyLab
לא ברור אבל ממש מגניבTeenage Photographer – 365 Days of Danboard | The Design Inspiration
ダンボール人形10 Fantastic and Creative Web Design Styles - Inspect Element
Web agencies are the ones that make the trends regarding webdesign. There are a lot of freelancers and companies nowadays. Some are great and some are not… well… we selected a few of great ones to showcase their work. Please check our list and comment about it and submit your own agency if you think [...] Related posts:<ol><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Creative Media Free CSS Template'>Creative Media Free CSS Template</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: 30+ amazing cartoony websites'>30+ amazing cartoony websites</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: 30 inspiring dark website designs'>30 inspiring dark website designs</a></li></ol>50 Creative WWF Campaigns That Make You Think Twice | The Design Inspiration
Some really imaginative graphics from the World Wildlife Fund.
Son bien creativos los guachitos. Vale la pena ver las 50 fotos que muestra este blog, creeme :)10 Weird Ways to Distribute Music | Epicenter |
pretty cool list.
If you can’t sell music, sell something else. From soup cans to sonic Buddhas, there is life beyond the stream. Here are 10 of our favorites.
ndustry execs may fret about declining traditional sales, but some enterprising artists and labels have devised new ways to sell music that give fans something to collect, even in an age when the music itself can be infinitely duplicated for free. Or when the cloud makes the very idea of collecting and owning music seem quaint.
For reference.A LA CARTE MAPS - Discover the world à la carte
A la Carte Maps provide a unique approach to traveling by combining guidebook, tourist map and a piece of art in one. No matter whether you travel for business or for leisure, with our "My City à la Carte" Maps you have a local friend in exciting cities all over the world. Not only will this friend provide you with the most important information about your city, he or she will also reveal the city's best-kept insider tips by writing them on a beautiful hand-drawn map.
hand-drawn maps for several global cities
Von Künstlern handgezeichnete Karten verschiedener Städte. Für jede Stadt einen eigenen Künstler.AdweekMedia: Best of the 2000s: Vote Now
Fuel Your Creativity
creativityVictors & Spoils - The world's first creative (ad) agency built on crowdsourcing principles.
digital45 Advertisements You Will Never Forget | Web Design Ledger
30 Highly Creative Blog Design Layouts | Spyre StudiosUser Experience Designer vs. Creative Director | UX Booth
Sometimes, as a strategist, I think I fill both roles. And I know I'm wrong about that.The Secret to Being Insanely Creative | Zen Habits
30 waySprixi - Free images to choose and use!
Choose a freely licenced image then use it immediately. Download and link images for your presentation, blog, profile, email or instant message.
Buscador de imagenes libresAbsolutely Incredible Art made with Old Cassette Tapes | NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
Креативные рисунки из плёнки старых аудиокассет
An artist named Iri5 specializes in using non traditional media such as old books, audio cassettes, playing cards, magazines, credit cards, basically whatever he can find. She says,"It feels great to work with strange, older materials. Things that have a mind of their own. Most everything I use has been thrown away or donated at some point. Past its prime, like some of the finest things in the world. What she’s created with some old cassette tapes and reel tapes is simply remarkable. Using these old tapes, iri5 has turned them into works of art in a series that she calls “Ghost in the Machine.” The series portrays celebrities and musicians such as Marilyn Monroe, Bob Dylan, Robert DiNero, Jimi Hendrix, Ian Curtis, and Jim Morrison.
usare i nastri magnetici come un pennarello
Try doing THIS with an mp3!50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration | Designer Daily
publicidad creativa48 Creative Websites Designed in Blue
En form för logoprocess35 Tip Jars Designed to Make You Give More | Top Cultured
35 Tip Jars Designed to Make You Give More (these r hilarious—i'd tip more!) [via @pixel_jockey] [from]25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design | Line25
25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design -
Des exemples d'utilisation de textures papier dans le webdesignMost Beautiful Websites of 2009 | CrazyLeaf Design Blog
Cool to show Dreamweaver level 1 and HTML classes
A collection of the most beautiful website designs of 200910 Tips for Creating Compelling Web Copy | Web Design Ledger
You are the most important person in the world. Wow, I got you to read the second sentence. Your interest is now piqued and you want to read more. If you do200+ Big and Beautiful Highly Detailed Icons | Web Design Ledger
If you're one of many web designers suffering from an icon collecting addiction, you should probably skip over this article. It might be too much for you toThe DuckDuck Collective
Coletivo de fotógrafos. Bem bacana.
very neat web design. 이런식의 콘텐츠가 메뉴를 클릭하면 드롭다운되게끔?
Photo Film DesignBeautiful Design Resumes and their Matching Portfolio Websites | Creative Opera Design Blog: Creative Advice and Inspiration for Graphic Designers and Web Designers
ill beds...some shit is weird though, can't fuck with the constraining shit
poodle ramp!
These groundbreaking modern (and postmodern) beds and be designs seem to work to free themselves from convention, predictability and even gravity.30 Hilarious Print Advertisements | Spyre Studios
In today’s world of interactive web-based marketing, viral campaigns and high production television commercials, the print ad remains one very powerful and effective means for advertisers to reach their audience.
Interessante Print-WerbungInternet Online Website!
It takes a whole bunch of people to make a website. Aquent can get you that whole bunch of people. Find out who you need at internetonlinewebsite.com50+ Beautiful Websites with Great Colour Schemes | Inspired Magazine
A collection of nicely designed websitesCR Blog » Blog Archive » Step into my cardboard office…
Step into my cardboard office…
CR Blog - news and views on visual communications from the writers of creative review
CR Blog » Blog Archive » Step into my cardboard officeâ¦
Escritório feito em reboard30 Websites with Lovely Layout and Typography
If you are new to TDC and didn’t know — well lets just say I love me some good ol’ typography — I come from a traditional print design background where layout and typefaces were used more flexibly. With (more) recent advances in web technologies and real font integration services, such as Typekit, the web has definitely become a more beautiful and interesting place aesthetically.
30 Websites with Lovely Layout and Typography - to Create Creativity
teaching for creativityRecord Tripping - A Bell Brothers Game
record tripping, a bell brothers game
An immersive gaming experience that begins with the scratch of a record.60 Excellent Gadget Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials - Noupe
Envía un mapaISO50 - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Overcoming Creative Block
"...I decided to ask some of today’s most exciting artists and creators what they do when the ideas aren’t flowing. I left the question fairly open ended and asked, What do you do to inspire your creativity when you find yourself in a rut? As expected, I was presented with an array of strategies, ranging from listening to Boards of Canada in a forest alone, to cooking up a storm (recipe provided) and waiting for the mind to clear."Web designs with exceptional forms of navigation « CreativityDen
Web designs with exceptional forms of navigation « CreativityDen - Barcodes - Functional Decorative Barcodes UPC EAN
Interesting solutions in dealing barcodes in a way that integrate with the rest of the designGive Your Resume A Creative Boost | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
give your resume a creative boost
What if one day you decide that it’s time to have a change, and want to try for another creative job? What if you are a student, looking for a design internship? What if you are a fresh graduate, hoping to apply for your first job at a design agency? You could be any one of the above. No matter what your situation is, it is always prudent to have a well crafted resume to call upon when needed. It is your ticket to new job opportunities and clients. Give Your Resume A Creative Boost Image from: hellotkt Your resume's not just a list of achievements and your education history, it is also the first and the most crucial step to opening the door of communication with the company you are applying to. Your resume represents who you are and what you know, but most importantly, it must be able to communicate that effectively. Therefore it is definitely worth investing your time to give special attention to its design and content. There are plenty of resume writing resources on the web, b» 25 Design Portfolios that will Melt Your Face Off! :: Positive Space Blog
Creative Resumes
Are you one of those job seekers who have been sending far too many resumes and been hit with far too many disappointment? The problem may not lie with your qualification or skills set. Employer filters tons of resumes on daily basis, only the outstanding ones get noticed. creative resumes A creative resume is fairly important. Not only it resembles your personality, it also speaks your capability and creativity. Putting more effort and thoughts into creating an impressive resume is definitely worthwhile, as it is usually the first thing any employer sees before flipping through your entire portfolio. Today we want to bring to your attention a collective of 45 creative and beautiful resumes that will definitely impress an employer. Let’s not take any chances to let your dream job slip away (again). Full list after jump. Curriculum Vitae by Jonny-Rocket A CV that probably laid the author the job and great at attracting attention among several hundred applicants. Curriculum_Vitae-by12 Practical Ways To Become More Creative | Freelance Folder
Logo is a symbol or emblem commonly used by companies and individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition.15 Essential Interviews For The Creative Community | Inspired Magazine
// We made a selection of inspiring interviews with outstanding personalities, must reads for every freelancer, designer, webpreneur, & co. There » Creative Bus Stop Advertisements
EPA art
Creative Bus Stop Advertisements12 Water Inspired Web Designs
12 Water Inspired Web Designs -
water fun
very cool ways to use water as an inspirationFreshBump - 10 Design Quotes Designed
To get you through Monday: "10 Design Quotes visualized" ( – Jan Jursa (IATV)
There's no shortage of uninspiring quotes punishing our eyes and ears on a daily basis. Blame advertising, or HR, or your annoying Facebook 'friend' who won't stop posting on your wall. These pithy statements bombard us by the hour, often in miniscule type, often completely irrelevant to our lives. Freshbump has commissioned 10 designers to stop the madness. Feast your eyes on 10 creative quotes, presented how they should be. Visually.The Lost Principles of Design | Fuel Your Creativity
In the instant design age many of us often stray away from the basics in design. If you had a professor in college who taught you the fundamentals of design these may be engrained into your skull. For the self-taught, you may have a book on your desk with these very principles that you refer to on a daily basis. However, the more and more people that flood the internet for design content need to learn the basics before trying to make a stellar gradient in Photoshop. While this is cool and amazing right now, there will come a point where this style is left behind and a new style is made. In history, this lesson has repeated itself with movements like the Bauhaus and Swiss Modernism and will soon label our current trends as part of history. The fundamentals of design will however, never change. They are the glue that holds the industry together and we need to learn & take them to heart.50 Extraordinary Creative Free Fonts for Designers | Smashing Buzz
??????????????70+ Most Artistic and Creative Resumes Of All Time
When it comes to job hunting, the first thing which comes to our mind is a resume. And when we think of creating a resume, we mostly think of something that is clean and contains every bit of information to impress the employers.
most are bunk but look thruDark Roasted Blend: Creative Ads, Issue 11
INSPIRACIÓN - Recopilación de piezas gráficas para publicidad interesantes.
kreatív reklámokMark Wagner’s Currency Collages | Bextim dot Com
Mark Wagner’s Currency Collages
Collages made from money80 Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials, Part III | Photoshop Tutorials
About CS5
If i get cs5 i will cutout horses-all-day-long! Dying Art Of Design - Smashing Magazine
essay by Clive James
Are we able to think clearly when surrounded by mess because chaos is inherent in all our minds, even those of the great writers and thinkers?iHanna’s Creative Space » Blog Archive » 100 Ideas to Spark you into Creative Action
Cosa degli adulti folli riescono a fare coi mattoncini Lego. Blog, Giocare, LegoCreative Sessions | Tuts+
Good source for several blogs50 Websites to follow if you’re into Web Design | The Interactive Wall
Websites to follow.2quu0qw.jpeg (JPEG Image, 900x562 pixels)
A screen caption of Adobe photoshop made in real lifeHow to Be Creative - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Be Creative.38 Creative Gift Ideas
What makes a good Creative Director
Attempting to make Denver suck less, Daily.
What makes a good creative director? Part 1 of 2.
And it’s great. It’s annoyingly terrific. You kick yourself and wonder why you didn’t think of it. You look at the CD with a new-found respect.60 Creative Flash Websites You Should Not Miss | Web 2.0
60 Sites creativos feito em Flash.
厳選したFlashサイト60 昔からあるサイトもチラホラ
見ておきたいFlashサイト60Give Each Blog Post a Pretty Face With Flickr |
The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills, but I figured I’d save you some time.Creative Uses of Stickers in Advertising | Webdesigner Depot
Write me a story: Kids read (and vote on their favorite) and write short stories on this kid-friendly site
Use the prompts to write your own story online and submit it. It might be published the next week!
students can practice their writing skills, stretch their imaginations, read fun stories, and maybe even get published on the Internet! Each week students are challenged to write a story using a preselected character, place, and prop. Five stories are randomly selected each week and showcased in the Web site’s Stunningly Stupendous Stories section the next week.
Students can write their own stories and comment on other students writing
Each week this site gives a character, place and prop and asks you to create a short story.FICC FREELANCE NETWORK | フリーランスWebクリエイターネットワーク
FICCによるフリーランスのためのネットワーク。かっこいいオープニング。The No. 1 Habit of Highly Creative People | Zen Habits
Creativity is essentially a lonely art
Habit of Highly Creative People | Zen Habits25 Examples of Super Creative Resume Design | WorkAwesome
Turn your handwriting into a digital font and send handwritten e-mails to your friends! Transforma tu letra a mano en una digital y envía e-mails manuscritos a tus amigos!30 Innovative And Creative Text Effect Tutorials | SpyreStudios
アイコンセットへのリンク集込められた意味がよく分かるクリエイティブなロゴいろいろ - かちびと.net
30 Professional And Creative Fonts For Free Download -
Awesome fonts
high quality free fonts, which are almost suitable to be used for any design projectCreative Logo Design: 30 Negative Space Logos | Naldz Graphics
These are times when the 404 page will receive a few visits, but visiting an error page isn’t necessarily part of a pleasant user experienceMost Creative People In Business 2010 | Fast Company
I like @fastcompany's Top 100 Creative People in Business list, though I wish it was easier to navigate
businessFresh and Excellent Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters (From 2010) - Noupe
Compartilhe seus vídeos com seus amigos, com sua família e com o mundo
esperaré interesante pa ud una así en el transmilenio
Ridley Scott wants to crowd source footage from YOU:
LG partnership - Crowdsourcing...Everyone to upload photo and crowd source.A Creative Brief To Guide Social Media Efforts - PSFK
A Creative Brief To Guide Social Media Efforts #socialmediaInspiration - 25 Different, Creative Site Designs | Think Design
Think Design collection of beautiful website layouts.
Inspiration - 25 Different, Creative Site Designs