The Crisis of Credit Visualized
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. For more on my broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex world, visit my website here. or email me at:
This short ten-minute video conveys the essentials of how the credit crisis occurred. It's a great example of information that is be explained using the smallest amount of words and images. It takes something both large and complex and personalizes/simplifies it for the lay audience. If you're looking for tips when putting together a presentation for non-scientists, this is a great resource to look toward for inspiration.
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated.
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. For more on my broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex worldYouTube - The Crisis of Credit Visualized - Part 1
Great explanation of the credit crisis...
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis. By Jonathan Jarvis.
Information and Aesthetic. Nice./* */
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See who built sites and claim your own. lets you claim the sites you build!5 Credit Card Company Tricks — and How to Thwart Them ∞ Get Rich Slowly
an interesting blog post on how banks set credit card limits
Today, we are bailing out the banks because of their greedy and deceptive lending practices in the mortgage industry. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. More is coming, I’m sorry to say. Layoffs are being announced nationwide in the tens of thousands. As people begin to lose their jobs, they will not be able to pay their credit card bills either. And the banks will be back for more handouts.
The Worst Is Yet To Come: Anonymous Banker Weighs In On The Coming Credit Card DebacleYour Rights: How To Report Merchants For Requiring A Minimum Purchase Or Making You Show ID
Stores are violating their contract with the credit card companies if they set minimum or maximum charges, or force you to show ID in addition to your credit card (with the obvious exception being for age-limited purchases). Depending on your state and your card issuer, surcharges or "convenience fees" may be banned as well. The best way to straighten these guys out is to report them to the credit card company. [US Info]
So awesome.
ant must not require, or post signs indicating that it requires, a minimum or maximum transaction ammount to accept a
Apparently it's against Visa's policy to require ID.Credit Card Terminal - apps - innerfence
I love thisn program.
CC processing
Turn your iPhone into a mobile virtual terminal for charging customers’ credit cards. Deal with declined cards on-site as services are rendered. No special hardware required, just your iPhone (or iPod Touch with the 2.0 firmware update).Credit Card Repayment Calculator
calculate how long you'll be in credit card debt, from board of governors of federal reserve system
from the Federal Reserve【課金サービス開発日誌】 クレジットカード課金、審査OKまでの流れ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
(個人や零細企業が)Webサービスでクレジットカード課金Your Credit Report: What it Says About You, Your Credit Rating, Reporting Agencies, Loan Decisions, and Correcting Errors - an FRBSF Brochure
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provideswin-at-the-credit-scoring-game.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Winning at the Credit Score GamePacking the Right Credit Card - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Tips on credit cards AND travel insurance
Suggests getting a Capital One card.
But why pay any fees at all? To keep from handing banks money unnecessarily (isn’t the bailout enough?), I also keep a money market account at Capital One Direct Banking, which charges nothing (and earns me No Hassle rewards points). I linked this Capital One online account to transfer money regularly from my Bank of America account. The transfers can take awhile — up to a week — so I always make sure to get that under way well in advance.
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List of multiple agencies that have information about you10-places-not-to-use-your-debit-card: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Whilst bank cards along with money cards may appear virtually the exact same, its not all plastic may be the identical.
Although charge cards and money cards may well look almost the exact same, not all plastic will be the exact same.
Although bank cards along with money handmade cards could appear practically identical, its not all plastic will be the exact same.
Whilst charge cards along with debit handmade cards could glimpse almost identical, not every plastic material may be the same.
Although plastic cards and also debit greeting cards could glimpse nearly the same, not every plastic could be the exact same.
When credit cards as well as money handmade cards might glimpse almost identical, not all plastic-type may be the identical.
When credit cards along with money handmade cards might glimpse practically similar, not all plastic material will be the same.
Whilst plastic cards along with money homemade cards may well appear practically the same, not all cheap could be the similar.
Whilst credit cards along with debit cards may well look virtually the exact same, not every plastic will be the similar.The Simple Dollar » A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Credit Card Interest Rates Reduced
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of - Generation Money
When used wisely, credit cards can be the cornerstone of a sound financial strategy. A solid credit history makes you a good credit risk and that in turn allows you to purchase the necessities of life. But credit cards can also be a slippery slope. One misstep and you’ll tumble into the abyss of credit card debt hell, a mounting spiral of missed payments, fees, high APRs, and rate increases that will take years to recover from. Only by remaining vigilant can you hope to avoid this fate. Here’s our guide to what you may experience on the way down.
mmm, reminds me to top mine up. oooh for real-time banking!Credit Cards - Compare Rewards Credit Cards - Apply for the Best Credit Cards