Running Windows Programs On Ubuntu 8.10 With CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Running Windows Programs On Ubuntu 8.10 With CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0I never make stupid mistakes. - Destiny Revisited (Merlin/Arthur, McKay/Sheppard, PG-13)
It takes Merlin one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven years to find Arthur. The shock of seeing him again almost makes him forget the cold, dozens of metres beneath the ice; the giddiness makes him light-headed. His name's not Merlin in this incarnation, of course. It's Rodney – at least, Merlin says it's Rodney, because that's better than the other one – and he's not a sorcerer as much as… well, a magician perhaps. Because these days, science is magic, and Merlin has learned so much that of all the people on Earth, he's still among the most powerful.
SGA/Merlin fusion; They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behavior – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
It takes Merlin one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven years to find Arthur. The shock of seeing him again almost makes him forget the cold, dozens of metres beneath the ice; the giddiness makes him light-headed.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears. [~2,600]
SGA/Merlin crossover of amazing WIN.
Summary: They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears. **||** [2.610 words] This doesn't work perfectly, but it works well enough to be intriguing.passe_simple: Brendon Urie and the Muggle Who Wasn't 1/2
Spencer was bored in math class, which was why he was looking up and noticed the weird kid sitting ahead of him.
Brendon was still staring at his pen. He put it down on the desk and smiled sort of secretly at it, and then – and then it started to float. Brendon Urie is a wizard who's family is being threatened by Voldemort's followers after his older sister Kara kills someone important.
Brendon's the new weird kid in school. But he's weird for a very good reason.
This makes me happy in so many ways; it's my very favourite kind of crossover.
Brendon's the new weird kid in school. But he's weird for a very good reason. It's panic in the hp world sorta.
Harry Potterr au
18000. Brendon the wizard has to hide out at a muggle school when death eaters are after his family.oxoniensis: Star Trek fic: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
oxoniensis's Star Trek crossover story.
(or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
Crazy random crossover fic ftw! Featuring Star Trek: Reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter (but that last one is kind of a stretch)
Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa.
Jim's been taking fencing lessons from Sulu for over a month when Arthur Pendragon comes on board.
self-explanatory! (guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter)
or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise
Title: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise) Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa. Rating: PG-13 Word count: 3,169 words Beta: Thanks to the wonderful [info]littledrop for encouraging and being my Trek expert. Notes: For [info]such_heights and [info]undeny, even though I abused their prompts horribly.ignipes: Star Trek fic: People Who Repair Quantums, or Five Planets The Enterprise Never Visited
Pretty much what it says on the tin.
First contact diplomacy was one thing, but Jim was having a hard time figuring out how to start the conversation without saying, "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?" [Planets visited: Arrakis (from Frank Herbert's Dune), LV-426 (from Alien), Tatooine (from Star Wars), Discworld (from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series), and Gallifrey (from Doctor Who).]
Summary: "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"
First contact diplomacy was one thing, but Jim was having a hard time figuring out how to start the conversation without saying, "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"
"So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"
Star Wars! Dune! and some others. <3
five hypothetical visits to planets from other sci-fi universes. see if you can guess which.
"While it is highly improbable, due to fundamental gravitational interactions, for a stable planetary body to take the shape of a finite convex disc rather than the more common oblate spheroid, it is not physically impossible for the accretionary process to create--"Super Mario Crossover
Awesome flash reboot: play Contra, Zelda, etc. characters in SMB
Play the original Super Mario Bros with characters from classic Nintendo games.
Play Super Mario Bros. as Mario, Link, Samus, Simon Belmont, Mega Man, or one of the Contra guys. Too bad it's in Flash.