Pages tagged customerservice:

HOW TO: Survive a Social Media Revolt

Muhammad Saleem discusses the recent Hulu crisis and how to survive a social media revolt.
Easy come, easy go - that is how these 2.0 services should be perceived.
Seth's Blog: Five tips for better online surveys
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
Looking for a customer service number? will get you there FAST!
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
HOW TO: Use Twitter for Customer Service
Customer service can evoke some serious misgivings or negative emotions. Although customer support is designed to help the consumer, the pain of waiting for a phone representative and the impersonal emails can cause more damage than good for a brand. People are turned off by the term and companies have begun to use different terminology to describe their efforts.
Best Buy Goes All Twitter Crazy With @Twelpforce
Once registered, tweeting Best Buy employees from across all operations can send messages from the @Twelpforce account, and if they add the hash-tag #twelpforce, their messages will automatically show up under the twelpforce handle with a credit to their proper Twitter account. This is similar to how we handle the auto-posting of TechCrunch posts on our Twitter account.
Best Buy employees can use their company and Twitter ID to register for the service here, after which tweets from the lot of them will be displayed in a single stream on the same page. Once registered, tweeting Best Buy employees from across all operations can send messages from the @Twelpforce account, and if they add the hash-tag #twelpforce, their messages will automatically show up under the twelpforce handle with a credit to their proper Twitter account. This is similar to how we handle the auto-posting of TechCrunch posts on our Twitter account.
Brilliant: Best Buy transforms army of employees into helpful customer service Twits w/ @twelpforce [from]
Olark - easy live chat for engaging visitors and converting sales
Increase online sales and improve customer service by chatting with visitors to your website using a standard chat client.
Live chat with users on your website. A great way to engage. Considering how it might make visitors feel though? - Welcome
Can record call history when calling a 1800 number
Deep Dialing: Tired of pressing 1 for this and 2 for that? We've mapped out the phone menus for hundreds of companies. Find the spot you need to call, then click, and we'll automatically connect you.
connect more quickly to customer service reps and record the conversation
Zappos - SXSW - 3-14-09
I'm into Tony now.
Great presentation about brand values, customer service, and motivation. Audio is available too in a link provided in the comments section
One Hundred Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do (Part 1) - You’re the Boss Blog -
Why I'd rather be punched in the testicles than call customer service - The Oatmeal
Get Satisfaction, Or Else... - (37signals)
Now that the dust has settled a bit, it seems that this convo at @37signals actually benefitted @getsatisfaction - [from]
note critiche sul get satisfaction
Followbase - Customer service & support via Twitter
Esto es para dar de alta tu negocio. Algo así como para que vayan tus clientes y te pregunten. Está badado en twitter, pero hay que mirarlo.
Getting Intimate (with Customers) on Twitter
Businesses should lose their inhibitions over using the microblogging tool to get closer to their customers
Twitter como canal de comunicación con los usuarios
It offered followers special discounts on rebuilt PCs. Twitter let Guerrero get to customers quicker and at lower cost than by direct mail. It let anyone interested in a deal follow him for announcements. It reduced his need to jockey for prominent space on the company's massive Web site, where refurbished products were often relegated to the online equivalent of Siberia.
090906 part of a special section on microblogging
Executive Bomb
telephone / email loopup
"Welcome to, start your Executive Email Carpet Bombs here!"
To avoid sabotage by a company submitting mis-leading or false details, entries to the database are added on top of those already within the database. The most recent entries will be displayed first, but ALL entries will be displayed. Entries will only be removed if they are confirmed to be so far outdated that they are little use to anyone. If you are 100% sure that information in the database is incorrect then you can email us using the address on the contact page. This ensures that any falsely submitted details (we can't confirm them all) will not overwrite any other details about the same company.
Enter a company name and get executive email addresses
The Real Secret of Thoroughly Excellent Companies - Peter Bregman -
Michael practices proximity management. Every month he meets informally with each employee group. No agenda. No speeches. Just conversation. That helps him solve problems: for example, the time guest check-in was being mysteriously delayed.
Maniacal Rage: Reading post
The tumblelog of Garrett Murray.
"This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down."
Bad reviews in appstore and no way to respond
A piece on how the approval process stops developers from being responsive to users, by delaying necessary fixes and cutting the lines of communication.
when Apple ties my hands behind my back and lets users punch me publicly in the face without allowing me to at least respond back, it’s hard to get excited about building an app
Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps
This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down.
"Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down." Sad, really.
Businesses use Twitter to communicate with customers -
Customer service + Twitter
Comcast's deft use of Twitter underscores what is becoming a staple in modern-day customer service. Increasingly, corporate giants such as Comcast, PepsiCo, JetBlue Airways, Whole Foods Market and others are beefing up direct communications with customers through social-media tools such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Welcome to - The Customer Switchboard
...very cool idea...