YouTube - kittens inspired by kittens
holy #$%@#$%@#$%@#$%!!!!!!!!!!
OMGROTFLMAO. Watch it twice. At least. [via waxy]Top 10 Incredible Animal Videos: Readers' Choice | Wired Science from
Lugejate valik 10 parimat loomavideotOldest Ever Lolcat Found *gasp* (Iz From Teh 1905) « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
oldest lolcat
funny lolcat
This captioned cat picture postcard was found by Tracy Angulo in a Seattle antique store. Tracy tells us that the photograph is from 1905, which would make this officially the oldest cat picture with a caption, AKA lolcat, that we’ve seen.tweenbots | kacie kinzer
Kacie Kinzer set out to discover how big city folk relate to their surroundings by releasing a number of cute, helpless robots onto the streets of New York with nothing but a sign asking passers-by to assist them in getting to their destination. Over the course of the following months the Tweenbots were successful in rolling from their start point to their far-away destination assisted only by strangers. Every time the robot got caught under a park bench, ground futilely against a curb, or became trapped in a pothole, some passerby would always rescue it and send it toward its goal. Never once was a Tweenbot lost or damaged. Often, people would ignore the instructions to aim the Tweenbot in the “right” direction, if that direction meant sending the robot into a perilous situation. One man turned the robot back in the direction from which it had just come, saying out loud to the Tweenbot, “You can’t go that way, it’s toward the road.”
heel leuk
Cardboard robots prove that crowdsourcing works and that people are nice.
The Reeves and Nass of the mini-robots. This is such a great result.
In New York City, we are very occupied with getting from one place to another. I wondered: could a human-like object traverse sidewalks and streets along with us, and in so doing, create a narrative about our relationship to space and our willingness to interact with what we find in it? More importantly, how could our actions be seen within a larger context of human connection that emerges from the complexity of the city itself? To answer these questions, I built robots. Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction to reach their goal. Given their extreme vulnerability, the vastness of city space, the dangers posed by traffic, suspicion of terrorism, and the possibility that no one would be interested in helping a lostGizmodo - NYU Student Conducts Most Adorable Robot Experiment Ever - Tweenbot
Best. Art. Evar.
The tweenbot, a cardboard-bodied, cheerful little bugger, is equipped with a flag stating its intended destination. Since it can only move forward, it depends on the kindness of strangers to guide it and remove obstacles.Scenes from the zoo - The Big Picture -
Check out these amazing photos!
Amazing photos as usualAsian Poses - The Definitive Guide to Asian Poses
This pose, like many other poses featured on this site, is frequently used by everyone regardless of race. This gesture creates the word “OK” using your fingers. To create the “O”, join your index finger and thumb, such that it forms a circle. The “K” is created with your remaining fingers extended. The palm of your hand should be facing outwards and your hand can be brought near your face if you wish.Have You Ever Been So Tired?
Have You Ever Been So Tired?Perfect Pandas » Blog Archive » Panda Bread
Squirrel pops up in photo
Photo of a ground squirel in Canada. You don't plan shots like these.
"My husband and I were exploring Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park-Canada when we stopped for a timed picture of the two of us. We had our camera set up on some rocks and were getting ready to take the picture when this curious little ground squirrel appeared, became intriqued with the sound of the focusing camera and popped right into our shot!"
My husband and I were exploring Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park-Canada when we stopped for a timed picture of the two of us. We had our camera set up on some rocks and were getting ready to take the picture when this curious little ground squirrel appeared, became intriqued with the sound of the focusing camera and popped right into our shot! A once in a lifetime moment! We were laughing about this little guy for days!!
This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals My husband and I were exploring Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park-Canada when we stopped for a timed picture of the two of us. We had our camera set up on some rocks and were getting ready to take the picture when this curious little ground squirrel appeared, became intriqued with the sound of the focusing camera and popped right into our shot! A once in a lifetime moment! We were laughing about this little guy for days!!mahna mahna factory
JAPAN onlineshopping
factoryはファッションとインテリアの融合を目指して、mahna mahna グループがオープンしたインテリアのレンタルショップです。
spfdesignCute as Hell Pet Community - Quite Possibly the Cutest Place on Earth
Cute as Hell is a community and shopping site made exclusively for pet people. Enter your pet in cute pet contests, build a detailed pet profile page with photos, Twitter status updates, pet commenting, and more!mental_floss Blog » The Late Movies: Dogs Welcoming Home Soldiers
I can’t begin to imagine how hard it would be to leave my family for months at a time, especially if my destination were Iraq or Afghanistan. And I don’t know how I could deal with my wife being deployed overseas. These reunion videos—for me, at least—shed a tiny beam of light on how emotionally draining being a military family can be. They’ll also make you want a dog. To commemorate Veterans Day, here are some overjoyed dogs greeting returning soldiers.
Enkele porties geluk (niet alleen honden, ook kinderen).
To commemorate Veterans Day, here are some overjoyed dogs greeting returning soldiers.
If this doesn't reach you, nothing willYouTube - Surprised Kitty
from allen. :)Is There Anything Cuter Than This?
Söpöjä eläinvauvoja.
Animals are lovable and we all love to watch their funny actions. The more we see, the more we would like to see them because they are the most adorable ones on earth. Here are some of the lovely pictures of these wonderful animals.
Unbedingt Helena schicken
brain rebooter
via Tom ( Inu Puppy Cam, Ustream.TV: Tune in daily to see the cutest Shiba Inu pups... EVER! ;) The five Shiba Inu pups (3 boys and 2 girls) were born on S...
Shiba Inu Puppy Cam @ Ustream.TV: UPDATE - Despite what was broadcasted on the Today Show this Sunday the puppies were all spoken for before they were born...BBC NEWS | Europe | Child elopers' Africa plan foiled
Two German children - aged five and six - have been stopped by police from eloping to Africa to tie the knot in the sun, reports say. The budding lovebirds, identified as Mika and Anna-Lena, packed bathing costumes, sunglasses and a lilo and headed for the airport. They even had the presence of mind to invite along an official witness - Anna-Lena's seven-year-old sister. The three got as far as Hanover railway station before police intervened. The young couple were "very much in love" and had decided to get married in Africa "where it is warm", police spokesman Holger Jureczko told the AFP news agency.
The cutest story ever. Two German children fall in love and try to run away together.
Two German children, ages 5 and 6, packed their swimming trunks and passports and attempted to sneak away to Africa so they could elope. And they even thought to bring along a 7-year old witness. Too cute.Squirrel is surprise star of holiday photo - Telegraph
Melissa Brandts and her husband were surprised to find a squirrel posing with them in a photo taken on holiday.
RT @mpbowers: squirrel hijacks holiday pic (via @cannboys) excellent! [from]
zooo grappig!hipster puppies
Just hilarious.YouTube - kittens riding vacuum
Posted by Supybot
YouTube - kittens riding vacuum
I hate having to post these, but robots + kittens = hours of web entertainment.Cthulhu Crochet and Cousins: Tiny Cthulhu! Free Pattern
Seen on Orpah: Amazing Animal Friendships
What if your best friend was an 800 pound grizzly bear? Meet naturalist Casey Anderson and his buddy Brutus. From bear-cub to best man at Casey's wedding, these two are inseparable.
A man and a bear.
Photos of man and bear.Adventures in Bentomaking: Bento Lunches by Pikko » Blog Archive » An Online Bento Evolution
bentos fofinhos
Blog Archive » An Online Bento EvolutionChimpanzee and tiger - best friends | FunTim
I'm sorry but there is nothing that kills me more than animals of different species becoming best friends. It's like a disney movie but in real life, AW.Home : We Love Patterns
Awww it is TOOO cute8in » Many Years Later! [PICS]
A compilation of some of the highlights of "Youngme, Nowme".Puppy vs. Lion Cub -
Cute friendship
cuteMila's Daydreams
it's like our very own Anne Geddes
Adorable! RT @stellawongo: Indeed the cutest thing on the internet - Mila's Daydreams via @kottke
This is my maternity leave hobby. While my baby is taking her nap, I try to imagine her dream and capture it.
Oh my God.Mila's Daydreams
A beautiful concept.
baby dreams illustrated