Wordle Blog: How to make Wordle safe for classroom use.
Simply have your networking administrator block the following base URLs1: * http://www.wordle.net/gallery * http://www.wordle.net/next * http://www.wordle.net/random Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fblog.wordle.net%2F2009%2F08%2Fhow-to-make-wordle-safe-for-classroom.html
what urls to block to make Wordle safe for schools
from Jonathan Feinberg, Wordle creatorLessons by Grade Level
Social Networking Online Behavior SafetyLesson Plans and Student Activity Sheets
"CyberSmart! original, nonsequential standards-based lesson plans and student activity sheets actively engage students in making good search decisions and in evaluating the resources they encounter online. "
Original, nonsequential standards-based lesson plans and student activity sheets that actively engage students in making good search decisions and in evaluating the resources they encounter online.
Lesson plans and activites for grade k-12.
Cybersmart lessons...a number of high school lessons are "in development" but look very useful once completed.Classroom Resources to Counter Cyber Bullying - Portal Page
Cyberbullying can be much more severe in its effects than offline bullying because the targets feel they have no escape. Also, given the wide scope of the Web, there can be many more witnesses to the bullying. School administrators and teachers are struggling to address this issue with students. When real-world bullying occurs in a schoolyard or classroom, teachers are often able to intervene, but online bullying takes place off the radar screen of adults, making it difficult to detect in schools and impossible to monitor off school property. Despite this, schools are increasingly being expected to address issues relating to cyberbullying. Dr. Shaheen Shariff of McGill University emphasizes that schools have a responsibility “to adapt to a rapidly evolving technological society, address emerging challenges, and guide children to become civic-minded individuals”[3].
Lessons on cyberbullying to use in middle school
Resources for teachers to support them address the issues of Cyberbullying.
Canadian website offering resources and ideas for teaching about cyberbullying.
Media awareness Network-Online bullying. gr. 5-12Protecting Reputations Online in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation
Welcome to Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”.
Internet safety website
Internet Safety
Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children.A Thin Line : www.athinline.org
Do you have digital drama? Take our quiz to find out whether you're asleep at the keyboard, on top of your game, or even creating drama for others.ProtectKids.com - Making the Internet Safer for Children and Families
Help students prevent from online predators, cyberbullying, and sexual abuse
This website has information and links from internet dangers to how to report a web crime. This site also gives tips for parents and has link to other cafety sites.Digital Citizen - acceptable use agreement | Educational Origami
an example of a constructive acceptable use policy
A good example of a positive student use agreement for ICT.