Pages tagged dailyshow:

CNBC Gives Financial Advice | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

CNBC Financial Advice
first video against Santelli
The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Twitter Frenzy | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Sam Bee says Twitter has become such a big deal because it's awesome and our rotting corpses are grabbing for its glimmer.
Why Neoconservative Pundits Love Jon Stewart -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
"Conservatives like Stewart because he's providing them a platform to reach an audience that usually tunes them out. And they often find that Stewart takes them more seriously than right-wing political hosts, who are often just using them to validate their broad positions, do. Stewart will poke fun, but he offers a good-faith debate on powder kegs — torture, abortion, nuclear weapons, health care — that explode on other networks. Stewart's interview of Cliff May — a crackling, lengthy debate about where to draw the line between freedom and security — produced one of the most clarifying discussions about torture on television. 'Literally, this is the best conversation I've had on this subject anywhere,' May told Stewart."
A look on why conservatives like to go on Jon's show
8/9/09 at 9:10 PM
John Bolton, William Kristol, and others explain why 'The Daily Show' is the best place to get their views heard.
"Conservatives like Stewart because he's providing them a platform to reach an audience that usually tunes them out. And they often find that Stewart takes them more seriously than right-wing political hosts, who are often just using them to validate their broad positions, do. Stewart will poke fun, but he offers a good-faith debate on powder kegs — torture, abortion, nuclear weapons, health care — that explode on other networks...Since the beginning of the Obama administration, Stewart has interviewed more conservative pundits than liberal ones. It may be because it's simply easier to tangle with an ideological adversary than to needle a compatriot...When he's interviewing a liberal politician or pundit, he comes from a weaker position. His offensive instincts are blurred — notwithstanding his on-air indictment of Jim Cramer — and occasionally he fawns."
The Daily Show Full Episode | Thursday Mar 12 2009 | Comedy Central
links to broadcast and unedited videos of Cramer-Stewart interview
Jon Stewart skewers Jim Cramer
Thursday Mar 12 2009 | Comedy Central. John Stewart interviewed CNBC pundit Jim Cramer, berating him for misreporting news on the financial crisis on his show ‘Mad Money.’ Stewart used video clips where Cramer contradicted himself.
John Stewart and the daily show
End Times | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Böse böse ... böseböse ...
"Jason Jones visits the the New York Times' offices to find out why the last of a dying breed prefers aged news to real news. "
'aged news'
The Daily Show's segment on the decline of the New York Times ("reporting the news, making stuff up, getting us into war") is fantastic - and reaches its peak when Jason Jones asks an editor to describe the appeal of "aged news," and when the editor asks him to explain, he challenges the editor to find a single thing in the paper that happened that day.
»What, a landline phone?«
Baracknophobia - Obey | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Only now with the advent of Potato Day has tyranny come to our shores.
Very funny, or really scary? (Via Daring Fireball: ).
Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer: The Extended Daily Show Interview | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central
Stewart takes financial news analysts and reporters on for knowing about the financial crisis and not reporting on it, for financial news being in bed with that sector of the economy. "Much of the interview had to be cut for time. But this is the internet, where all we have is time. So, here now, is the exclusive, uncensored, complete three-part interview."
Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart went toe-to-toe last night. It was just like Ali-Foreman, only with more head trauma. But you didn't see everything. Much of the interview had to be cut for time. But this is the internet, where all we have is time.