Rules of Database App Aging - Push cx
"all fields become optional" etc. good stuff.
Rule 3. (too true!) Chatter Always Expands
This will be incomprehensible to non developers in the audience, but oh god, this is so painfully, painfully true.
"I mentioned I’ve learned some rules of how database apps change over time, now that I’ve done a few dozen. They are: ... "Is the Relational Database Doomed? - ReadWriteWeb
Recently, a lot of new non-relational databases have cropped up both inside and outside the cloud.
Article about where key/value databases should be used over relational databases, with some examples of dbs available.
purpose of the key/value databases. is the paradigm changing these days?Tokyo Cabinet: Beyond Key-Value Store -
database blog
A database lib
bdb alternative und sehr schnellDirected Edge News » Blog Archive » On Building a Stupidly Fast Graph Database
connected to and things that connect to them. These are symmetrical — so creating a link from item A to item B, creates a reference from item B to item A.Some Notes on Distributed Key Stores « random($foo)
Distributed Key Stores
(Anti RDBMS) Key-value storesJedi/Sector One's random thoughts - An overview of modern SQL-free databases
Traditional SQL databases with "ACID" properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) give strong guarantees about what happens when data is stored and retrieved. These guarantees make it easier for application developers, freeing them from thinking about exactly how the data is stored and indexed, or even which database is running. However, these guarantees come with a cost.MIT Database Systems (6.830) TA Course Notes - marcua's blog
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Navigate * Website * Twitter * Subscribe * Archives * Random Subscribe by Email MIT Database Systems (6.830) TA Course Notes In Fall 2008, I had the pleasure of TAing Database Systems with Sam Madden, Mike Stonebraker, and Evan Jones. I figured that I could take notes to help students follow the lectures while clarifying any confusing points that were raised during discussion. It would also help me avoid the embarrassment of forgetting something mentioned during a lecture and having students explain it to me during office hours:). I decided to take notes in plain text, mostly out of laziness. This turned out to be a challenge for drawing things like query plans, but forced me to distill explanations into a conversational tone that provided an alternative to traditional diagrams. Some students in the class told me that they benefited from and enjoyed the notes, and so I decided to open them up for reuseCouchDB: Perform like a pr0n star
Check out this SlideShare Presentation : CouchDB: Perform like a pr0n star [from]Official Google Research Blog: Google Fusion Tables
Database systems are notorious for being hard to use. It is even more difficult to integrate data from multiple sources and collaborate on large data sets with people outside your organization. Without an easy way to offer all the collaborators access to the same server, data sets get copied, emailed and ftp'd--resulting in multiple versions that get out of sync very quickly. Today we're introducing Google Fusion Tables on Labs, an experimental system for data management in the cloud. It draws on the expertise of folks within Google Research who have been studying collaboration, data integration, and user requirements from a variety of domains. Fusion Tables is not a traditional database system focusing on complicated SQL queries and transaction processing. Instead, the focus is on fusing data management and collaboration: merging multiple data sources, discussion of the data, querying, visualization, and Web publishing. We plan to iteratively add new features to the systems as weShould you go Beyond Relational Databases? | Think Vitamin
Relational databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and various commercial products, have served us well for many years. Lately, however, there has been a lot of discussion on whether the relational model is reaching the end of its life-span, and what may come after it.
Alternatives to SQL dbs - document, key-value, graph databasesNo to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam
No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam
The meet-up in San Francisco last month had a whiff of revolution about it, like a latter-day techie version of the American Patriots planning the Boston Tea Party. The inaugural get-together of the burgeoning NoSQL community crammed 150 attendees into a meeting room at CBS Interactive. Like the Patriots, who rebelled against Britain's heavy taxes, NoSQLers came to share how they had overthrown the tyranny of slow, expensive relational databases in favor of more efficient and cheaper ways of managing data. "Relational databases give you too much. They force you to twist your object data to fit a RDBMS [relational database management system]," said Jon Travis, principal engineer at Java toolmaker SpringSource, one of the 10 presenters at the NoSQL confab (PDF). NoSQL-based alternatives "just give you what you need," Travis said. Open source rises up The movement's chief champions are Web and Java developers, many of whom learned to get by at their cash-strapped startups without Ora
The meet-up in San Francisco last month had a whiff of revolution about it, like a latter-day techie version of the American Patriots planning the Boston Tea Party.
piece on an alternative approach to data managementMy Thoughts on NoSQL - Die in a Fire - Eric Florenzano’s Blog
Over the past few years, relational databases have fallen out of favor for a number of influential people in our industry. I'd like to weigh in on that, but before doing so, I'd like to give my executive summary of the events leading up to this movement
Tokyo Cabinet
Обзор нескольких опенсурсных нереляционных БД.
Thoughts on NoSQL, Tokyo Cabinet, CouchDB, Redis, and Cassandra.Choosing a non-relational database; why we migrated from MySQL to MongoDB « Boxed Ice Blog
Good list
list of many database softwares and categorized
Liste de logiciels de bases de données classés par modèle de gestion de l'information (relationnel, XML, RDF...)SQL Databases Don't Scale
Here’s a dozen tips for working with a PostgreSQL database. It is a sophisticated and powerful piece of software and just knowing a few rules of thumb before diving in can be a huge help.
Here’s a dozen tips for working with a PostgreSQL database. It is a sophisticated and powerful piece of software and just knowing a few rules of thumb before diving in can be a huge help. If you want more detail read the amazing documention. My list of tips was very long so I just chopped off a dozen for this post.NoSQL: Distributed and Scalable Non-Relational Database Systems | Linux Magazine
From @jesserobbins
Non-SQL oriented distributed databases are all the rage in some circles. They’re designed to scale from day 1 and offer reliability in the face of failures.
NoSQL: Distributed and Scalable Non-Relational Database Systems
lWhy I like Redis
Like mongodb but lives in memory with replication and periodic store-to-disk. Like memcached but with data structures. Great for non-critical data or replicated critical data.Jonathan Ellis's Programming Blog - Spyced: CouchDB: not drinking the kool-aid
Poor SQL; even with DSLs being the new hotness, people forget that SQL is one of the original domain-specific languages. It's a little verbose, and you might be bored with it, but it's much better than writing low-level mapreduce code.assertTrue( ): NoSQL Required Reading
Starting from Dynamo, ending with (roughly) follow @nosqlupdate on Twitter.
Materials that you need to read in order to get started with NoSQL
List of resources to read to get up-to-speed on the NoSQL movement.Why I think Mongo is to Databases what Rails was to Frameworks // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
Below are 7 Mongo and MongoMapper related features that I have found to be really awesome while working on switching Harmony, a new website management system by my company, Ordered List, to Mongo from MySQL.
The more I work with Mongo the more I am coming around to this way of thinking. I tell no lie when I say that I now approach Mongo with the same kind of excitement I first felt using Rails. For some, that may be enough, but for others, you probably require more than a feeling to check out a new technologyVineet Gupta: NoSql Databases – Part 1 - Landscape
At Directi, we are taking a hard look at the way our applications need to store and retrieve data, and whether we really need to use a traditional RDBMS for all scenarios. This does not mean that we will eschew relational systems altogether. What it means is that we will use the best tool for the job – we will use non-relational options wherever needed and not throw everything at a relational database with a mindless one-size-fits-all approach. ... ... This post covers the current landscape of the NoSQL space. In a subsequent post, I intend to cover in more detail the various problem areas addressed by NoSQL systems and the specific algorithms used.
Really detailed description of a number of NoSQL solutions. Interesting reading on Cassandra and Voldemort.
This post covers the current landscape of the NoSQL space. In a subsequent post, I intend to cover in more detail the various problem areas addressed by NoSQL systems and the specific algorithms used.World Government Data |
Tehgrauniad's search engine for government data sets.
more info :
The one-stop shop for World Government datasets from The Guardian.
Buscador de datos gubernamentales mundiales de The Guardian
Governments around the globe are opening up their data vaults – allowing you to check out the numbers for yourself. This is the Guardian’s gateway to that information. Search for government data here from the UK (including London), USA, Australia and New Zealand – and look out for new countries and places as we add them.James on Software | Introducing Friendly: NoSQL With MySQL in Ruby
I've been a big proponent of NoSQL for a while. I have played with just about all of the new generation of data stores. We almost got cassandra running in production once, and we've been running mongodb in production for about six months now. But, here's the thing: as awesome as these new dbs are, they're still young. Our app generates a ton of data and gets pretty serious traffic. So, we started hitting walls quickly. To make a long story short, we decided to fall back to MySQL. It's battle hardened. We know its production characteristics and limitations. Backups are a science. We know we can count on it. But, we have a lot of data, and adding fields and indexes was starting to get painful. Flexible schemas are one of the things that attracted me to NoSQL in the first place. Then, I remembered this article about How FriendFeed uses MySQL to store schema-less data. So, I decided to implement the system they describe in the article. Since we put Friendly in to production, we've seen
Friendly makes MySQL look like a document store. When you save an object, it seralizes all of its attributes to JSON and stores them in a single field. To query your data, Friendly creates and maintains indexes in separate tables. It even has write-through and read-through caching built right in.
Introducing Friendly: NoSQL With MySQL in Ruby Dec 16 2009 I've been a big proponent of NoSQL for a while. I have played with just about all of the new generation of data stores. We almost got cassandra running in production once, and we've been running mongodb in production for about six months now.25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines
25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines
RT @tweetlicius: 25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines -
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars | Online Universities
Undergraduates and grad students alike will appreciate the usefulness of these search engines that allow them to find books, journal articles and even primary source material for whatever kind of research they’re working on and that return only serious, academic results so time isn’t wasted on unprofessional resources.Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems - Nathan Hurst's Blog
Good discussion in the comments as well.I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Data Debasement | PBS
The second time through the Appistry team tossed the database, at least for its duties as a processing platform, instead keeping the transaction -- in fact ALL transactions -- in memory at the same time. This made the work flow into read-process-write (eventually). The database became more of an archive and suddenly a dozen commodity PCs could do the work of one Z-Series mainframe, saving a lot of power and money along the way.Database Versioning
Migrations bother me. On one hand, migrations are the best solution we have for the problem of versioning databases. The scope of that problem includes merging schema changes from different developers, applying schema changes to production data, and creating a DRY representation of the schema. But even though migrations is the best solution we have, it still isn’t a very good one.
Check the brainstorming at the end. I love where he's going. Short version: a schema.yml file identified by its SHA1 hash. Migrations are for translating data between versions. Great comments at the end by the smart people in the community.
On one hand, migrations are the best solution we have for the problem of versioning databases. The scope of that problem includes merging schema changes from different developers, applying schema changes to production data, and creating a DRY representation of the schema.Readings in Database Systems Web Supplement
This book is one of the fundamental database theory books available today. A list of the papers featured in the book, as well as various lecture notes, are listed. Need to track down some of these papers.Google Begins to Make Public Data Searchable - ReadWriteWeb
Google Begins to Make Public Data Searchable <-- event of historic importance [from]
Google just announced its first foray into making public data searchable and viewable in graph form. The company is starting with population and unemployment data from around the US but promises to make far more data sets searchable in the future. The potential significance of making aggregate data about our world easy to visualize, cross reference and compare can't be overstated.