Visual Representation of Tabular Information - How to Fix the Uncommunicative Table | FlowingData
table data visualisatingGeek Chart - Show Where You Share
some web aplication to get a geekiness graphic.
A Geek Chart is a badge to put on your website that shows where you share stuff online. Each slice of the Geek Chart is a link to your profile on sites like Flickr, Twitter, Youtube, Digg and more.Axiis : Data Visualization Framework
우아한 차트를 만들어주는 프레임웍이란다13 Interesting Infographics for Web Workers | Web Design Ledger infographics for web workers
Infographics are a great way to get people to actually look at data. The use of visual design elements can simplify complex information and make it easier to digest5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2009 | FlowingData
Very interesting online data visualization example. Found the NYT unemployment chart by demographic very interesting and easy to use.
| FlowingData" Data has been declared sexy, and the rise of the data scientist is here. Easy Way to Make a Treemap | FlowingData
I think this would be pretty easy to do with gpplot2, but Portfolio looks like its worth checking out too.
Here's a really easy way to make your own treemap in just a couple lines of code. We're looking to make something like this:The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook
(d)Evolution of privacy on Facebook. Very cool. – Matt Suddain (suddain)
This really brings the point home.
Really interesting infographic showing how Facebook's default privacy settings have increasingly exposed one's profile to a broader and broader audience.
Visualizing Facebook's Privacy Evolution #fb #privacy #temporal
The Evolution of Privacy on FaceBook (I'd call it devolution.) #eventprofs #assnchat #engage365
RT @draenews: Del The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook:
In the beginning, it restricted the visibility of a user's personal information to just their friends and their "network" (college or school). Over the past couple of years, the default privacy settings for a Facebook user's personal information have become more and more permissive. They've also changed how your personal information is classified several times, sometimes in a manner that has been confusing for their users. This has largely been part of Facebook's effort to correlate, publish, and monetize their social graph: a