sam_storyteller: The Ten Commandments Don't Apply To Angels
Title: The Ten Commandments Don't Apply To Angels Rating: PG-13 (language) Fandom: Supernatural (Spoilers through the premiere of S5) Summary: Dean keeps insisting Castiel do things that humans do; sometimes Castiel is grateful for this, and sometimes...not so much. Mild Dean/Castiel. Notes: BETA CREDIT to [info]51stcenturyfox and [info - personal] girlpearl, who rock. I suppose this is something of an AU. It'll probably be jossed by Thursday anyway. But it was fun to examine the concept of how an angel might cope with human life. Also, yes, I know the commandments are out of order. Cope. [info]sadcypress has podficc'd "The Ten Commandments Don't Apply To Angels", and you can find the recording for download here. It's a great emotive reading and the audio is very clear, so I hope you enjoy it and let her know how she did!
A run through of the ten commandments after Castiel's fallen... or how cas learns to be human, and learns about his and his bodies wants
Man, how did I not bookmark this before? I love fic that deals with Castiel learning to be human, but it's sometimes hard to pull it off -- this fic does it perfectly.
How the commandments apply to Castiel after he falls. Nice concept, neatly executed.
Dean keeps insisting Castiel do things that humans do; sometimes Castiel is grateful for this, and sometimes...not so much.
Summary: Dean keeps insisting Castiel do things that humans do; sometimes Castiel is grateful for this, and sometimes...not so much. Mild Dean/Castiel.
"Were you praying?" Sam asks him. "Yes," Castiel says. "I pray too," Sam says. Sam Winchester did unspeakable things to and with a demon. He has killed. He is unholy in every possible sense of the word. And yet...he is not damned. Perhaps there is hope for Castiel too. Dean just snorts at them from the table where he's cleaning his gun. "God-botherers," he says, shaking his head.tuesdayfic | Supernatural: The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester
angel married....accidentally. ha
Summary: Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. Word Count: 11,101 words
The one where Dean and Castiel have accidentally started a marriage/courtship ritual.
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this.
as only afterward, when Sam was rubbing feeling back into his wrists and Dean was hanging up from his anonymous 911 call that Castiel said, "The next time you summon me by name, I expect to fuck you," like someone else might say, "The next time we throw a party, you're bringing the beer." "Really?" Sam said. "You guys can't wait until you're alone to have these little talks?"
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. [BWEEEEE!!!]
"Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this." EEEE! ^___^ <33333 Excerpt: "It was only afterward, when Sam was rubbing feeling back into his wrists and Dean was hanging up from his anonymous 911 call that Castiel said, 'The next time you summon me by name, I expect to fuck you,' like someone else might say, 'The next time we throw a party, you're bringing the beer.' 'Really? Sam said. 'You guys can't wait until you're alone to have these little talks?'" (Marking)