Pages tagged decor:

Factory 20 : Factory 20

You want some vintage furniture? This place looks amazing.
love their furniture
old factory things made into furniture $$$$$
antiques dealer... changing inventory
Craftynest was launched by Monica Ewing in June 2008 to share practical and pretty DIY ideas for the home. Each craft is created with two goals in mind: that it's green and/or affordable.
Tutorials on how to improve your home.
Hu2 stickers - wall design
Removable wall stickers
chalkboard vinyl!
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » diy project: window films
great idea for window film
Yes! DIY window film design!
to do to hutch!
artstick wall stickers, decals, sticker, vinyl stickers, online
artstick wall stickers, decals, sticker, vinyl stickers, online
Adesivos lindos...
Etsy :: The Storque :: How-To :: How-Tuesday: Pillow With Rosette Clusters From Felt Furnishings
ruffles from several circles
throw pillow
Decorati | Access to Interior Design & Home Decorating Advice, Services and Products
Interior design online. Browse designer portfolios, get design advice from professionals, shop trade products from Schumacher, Duralee, Robert Allen, and many more.
Online magazine
How to create a fiber optic starfield ceiling
Hi everyone,This is a quick instruction guide on creating a fiber-optic starfield ceiling. The stars have a very natura...
this is -SO- on the to do list!! you have NO idea!!
Apartment Therapy Chicago | How To: Make "Fold, Stitch & Stuff" Floor Cushions
Making fold, stitch and stuff floor pillows in a couple of hours.
from Sthlm – Independent Swedish design
Knock Off Wood
Apartment Therapy ohdeedoh | How To: Make a Hanging Book Display Megan's February Jumpstart Project 2009
How To Paint a Room Home Hacks | Apartment Therapy Re-Nest
Top 10 Geekiest Decorations for Your Home or Office [PICS]
The City Sage
Tutorial: Easy Envelope Pillow Covers | Tiny Décor Blog
Covering a pillow doesn’t get any easier than this. No zippers or buttons to mess with. You don’t even have to pin this. In about 15-20 minutes you will have a beautiful custom made pillow cover. Supplies: * Pillow insert ( I used a bamboo fiber insert) * Fabric (see step 1 for size) * Thread Step-by-step: 1. Cut a piece of fabric the height of your pillow insert plus 1 inch and twice the width of your pillow plus 6 inches. (I used a 12 x 16 inch pillow insert, so I cut my fabric 13 x 38 inches)
6 easy steps to a beautiful pillow cover.
just to compare, here's another one...
Mood Board Creator by Olioboard
put interior design items on a "board' to see if they go together
MoodBoard-creation web tool
online design board!!!