Pages tagged definition:

Just What is Social Media, Exactly?

Mashable site used for uni: Social media are platforms for interaction and relationships, not content and ads
maybe I should know this, but I wanted a touch up- and even though it's bias because it's not "formally" written, I think it's helpful.
"What is social media, and is social media actually media in the traditional sense of the word?"
Everything You Wanted to Know About Semantic Technology, But Were Afraid to Ask (at SemTech 09)
To decribe about what semantic technology is in search engine technology
Participants in the 2009 Semantic Technology Conference walked away considering fundamental questions about what is and isn't semantic technology. The relevance of this post's title will hopefully become clear by the end to those of you mischievous readers who may have stumbled upon it with other ideas. The conference was a great and well-organized affair in San Jose, California. One of the highlights was the Semantic Search Keynote panel, with all of the major players on stage (Ask, Bing, Google, Hakia, TrueKnowledge, and Yahoo!), as seen in the picture below.
What is Biotechnology?
RT @draenews: Del What is Biotechnology?:
Something on bio, im even in the academy!