Facebook | How to permanently delete your facebook account.
Ever tried to leave Facebook and found out they only allow you to "deactivate" your account? All your personal data, including photos, interests, friends etc will still be saved indefinitely! You don’t have to be a conspiracist to find this quite fishy (or simply annoying)! Look further down for instructions on how to get your account permanently deleted.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.How to undelete any open, deleted file on linux. | final cog
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem. When a file is deleted in linux, it is simply 'unlinked'. The inode, which contains the file's data, is not deleted until all processes have finished with it. This is why processes can carry on writing to deleted files. (Incidentally, this is why linux can be upgraded without requiring a reboot. Programmes, which have shared libraries open, carry on using the old versions of shared libraries until they finish.)
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem.
"There are many situations where a file has been deleted, yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem."
Si un fichier est effacé mais toujours ouvert par une application, il est très facile de le récupérer.Codyssey.com - Free shredder
An ordinary deleting of files isn't enough! When you wish to delete any sensitive information, like industrial secrets or some unwanted content, you want to be sure that it will be deleted permanently. Sorry to say, there is a plenty of software recovery tools that can restore your deleted items. If you need to destroy any data and eliminate any possibility of its restoration you need a "shredder". This software destroys the data you choose before the deletion, using a complicated procedure of filling the actual content with random data.
Free document shredder (download)
Hard disk erasing utility (so deleted file cannot be recovered). Similar software: "Eraser", see http://www.heidi.ie/node/6How to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine
Features by PC Magazine
Oh sweet. Now I can finally get rid of my stupid myspace.
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind.Animated Ajax Record Deletion Using jQuery
Animated Record Deletion using jQuery
cancellazione record visuale tramite jquery...belloHow to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind.lose/lose
Lose/Lose is a video-game with real life consequences. Each alien in the game is created based on a random file on the players computer. If the player kills the alien, the file it is based on is deleted. If the players ship is destroyed, the application itself is deleted.
Lose/Lose is a video-game with real life consequences. Each alien in the game is created based on a random file on the players computer. If the player kills the alien, the file it is based on is deleted. If the players ship is destroyed, the application itself is deleted. Although touching aliens will cause the player to lose the game, and killing aliens awards points, the aliens will never actually fire at the player. This calls into question the player's mission, which is never explicitly stated, only hinted at through classic game mechanics. Is the player supposed to be an aggressor? Or merely an observer, traversing through a dangerous land? Why do we assume that because we are given a weapon an awarded for using it, that doing so is right? By way of exploring what it means to kill in a video-game, Lose/Lose broaches bigger questions. As technology grows, our understanding of it diminishes, yet, at the same time, it becomes increasingly important in our lives. At what point does
a video-game with real life consequences
Lose/Lose is a video-game with real life consequences. Each alien in the game is created based on a random file on the players computer. If the player kills the alien, the file it is based on is deleted. If the players ship is destroyed, the application itself is deleted. (via geekologie)
holy shit game that deletes files on your hard drive. epic and imaginitive
a videogame that deletes your files!Perfection kills » Understanding delete
A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to glance through Stoyan Stefanov’s Object-Oriented Javascript. The book had an exceptionally high rating on Amazon (12 reviews with 5 stars), so I was curious to see if it was something worth recommending. I started reading through chapter on functions, and really enjoyed the way things were explained there; the flow of examples was structured in such nice, progressive way, it seemed even beginners would grasp it easily. However, almost immediately I stumbled upon an interesting misconception present throughout the entire chapter — deleting functions. There were some other mistakes (such as the difference between function declarations and function expressions), but we aren’t going to talk about them now. The book claims that “function is treated as a normal variable—it can be copied to a different variable and even deleted.”. Following that explanation, there is this example:
Description of the delete statement in Javascript and how it really works.Delete Your Account
Information on how to delete your account from all of the major social networking, blogging, shopping, etc. sites and services across the web.
如何删除各种服务?一站式!How-To Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account
this seems a lot harder than it should be.How To Permanently Delete Your Account on Popular Websites - Smashing Magazine
How difficult is it to deleted your social networking account? in some cases very and in others imposible
[...] we’ll take a look at the account deletion processes of popular websites and services, and how easy or difficult they make it. Then we’ll discuss why sites make things so complicated, and some things to consider when designing your own deletion policies.
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