Pages tagged destinations:

The cheapest places to live in the world. $500 a month - Travel Blog Magazine

If you’re 45 years or more you may consider retiring to Belize. The Retired Person’s Incentive Program may allow you to live a tax free lifestyle which should definitely help you saving up a few bucks.
(If it gets really bad...we might consider this!)
Top Tourist destinations in Europe
유럽여행을 하고 싶다. 영어공부도 열심히하고 기회가 된다면 가보고 싶다. 누가 나좀 보내줄 사람 없을까... 돈모아서 계획하고 가야겠지 근데 사실 외국에 한번도 나간적이 없고 아는 사람도 없어서 무서울것 같은데.//그런데 진짜로 보고싶다. 실제로 한번 보고싶어 사진도 찍고싶고...
The 31 Places to Go in 2010 -
The 44 Places to Go in 2009 - Interactive Graphic -
New York Time's selection of the 44 Places you Must go in 2009.
From the Aegean Sea to Zambia, this year’s most compelling destinations are awash in sublime landscapes, cutting-edge art, gala music festivals, and stylish new resorts.
Places to go.
I love this list - although some of my favorite places aren't on it.