Pages tagged digitalstorytelling:

Pinky Dinky Doo

Games, videos, story podcasts and prntables. Pinky Dinky Doo harnesses the power of television, print, and interactive media to promote reading and imaginative storytelling.
digistories / FrontPage
a wiki all about creating and sharing digital stories | Home
Animation online - create an account and get creative.
Draw and animate online easily, collaborate with friends and other artists by reusing props.
DoInk is a place to enjoy art and animation, and make your own. Draw and animate online easily, collaborate with friends and other artists by reusing props. There's an audience here for you - So if you want to be entertained, learn something new, or create something fun, do it on DoInk. | Draw, Animate, and Collaborate
games for fw student life
At the core of FreshBrain is an open and free web site that provides teens with the opportunity to explore, engage, and create through activities and projects. FreshBrain takes advantage of the latest technologies, such as web conferencing and social networking, to provide a very progressive environment where teens can complete activities and work together on projects. This experience is enhanced with Advisors, available to support and mentor teens who are working on projects, with the intention of increasing the likelihood of success. Providing the latest tools in technology, and a social interactive networking environment, has enabled teens to explore, create, and share with others. A result of pulling these two key online arenas together into one solution has enabled FreshBrain to attract teens comfortable with technology and communicating online. Creations from FreshBrain users range from music videos to logo designs.
An awesome resource for how-tos in technology and exploration online. It is geared towards teens, but why can't teachers use it for quick lessons for themselves or their class?
Technology for students
At the core of FreshBrain is an open and free web site that provides teens with the opportunity to explore, engage, and create through activities and projects. FreshBrain takes advantage of the latest technologies, such as web conferencing and social networking, to provide a very progressive environment where teens can complete activities and work together on projects. This experience is enhanced with Advisors, available to support and mentor teens who are working on projects, with the intention of increasing the likelihood of success. In addition, FreshBrain provides teens with tools and training in the latest technologies to complete these projects.
Fourteen Interesting Ways* to use Voicethread in the Classroom - Google Docs
Another collaborative Google presentation on uses for an online tool. This time: voicethread.
Some simple ways of creating activities for VT.
Welcome - ISTEvision
ISTE vision for videos from NECC
videos from ISTE
Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers
to use humor in presentations and classroom material
Comics in the classroom
Understand how comics are beneficial in schools and ways they can be used.
Glogster Tutorial
visual tutorial for leaning gloster
Creaza - Home
a suite of web-based creativity tools.
Amazing Video Editor via @TeachaKidd
Video editor, comic strip creator and more.
50 Ways To Create Digital Stories With Students | The Edublogger
A good summary of digital storytelling
Creating stories using web tools is fun and engaging for student while also teaching them new skills. Best of all you can embed them in blog posts to grab readers; including something a bit different makes reading posts more interesting.
Storybird - Collaborative storytelling
A sight for creating stories around images.
Storybirds are short, visual stories that you make with family and friends to share and (soon) print.
Digital Storytelling Toolkit by the Llano Grande Center
teacherlibrarianwiki / Copyright Friendly Image Sources
In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions. Check out this cool video for an explanation of new, alternate forms of licensing: Creative Commons Video Most of the images in the collections below include images with a variety of less restrictive licensing. Though students may not need to ask permission to use them when publishing on the Web for educational purposes, they should cite these images unless otherwise notified! Important: Any copyright notices on these pages, should be read carefully and heeded!
"In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions. Check out this cool video for an explanation of new, alternate forms of licensing: Creative Commons Video Most of the images in the collections below include images with a variety of less restrictive licensing. Though students may not need to ask permission to use them when publishing on the Web for educational purposes, they should cite these images unless otherwise notified! Important: Any copyright notices on these pages, should be read carefully and heeded!"
In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions.
KODAK: K-12 Solutions - Lesson Plans
using photos in the classroom
A little-known aspect of Kodak's website offers lesson plans for every grade level in twelve subject areas. The lesson plans are organized by grade level and subject area. These are not skeleton lesson plans, the Kodak lesson plans have very detailed directions for classroom implementation. All of the lesson plans include the use of photographs and or cameras.The Kodak Lesson Plans provide good ideas for integrating art and photography into just about any subject area.
good ideas for integrating art and photography into just about any subject area
Lessons for using digital cameras and digital photography in class with students.
21st Century Teaching / Ideas for Photostory 3 Projects
21st Century Teaching
A great list of digital story telling ideas and projects. All in a wiki.
Tap Into The World Of Comics
presentation on how to use comics in the classroom
20 uses for comics in the classroom
Twenty ways to use comics in your classroom
Using comics in the classroom.
Open Thinking Wiki
digital storytelling resources
digital sorytelling resources
Brilliant list of resources about digital storytelling
Memoov - Animation Studio online
create animated movies online
consente di creare buffe animazioni in stile cartoon da condividere nel web.
Memoov is an open online platform that enables you to create & share your animated videos. Check it out. It's all free.
online movie generator
10 Digital Writing Opportunities You Probably Know and 10 You Probably Don't |
Overseas and Overwhelmed – Pictory
Twenty-five visual tales of culture shock.
We can’t leave the house without encountering the strange and extraordinary, and people who live differently than we do. When we go overseas those feelings are multiplied. Broken conversations, disorienting locations, and jetlag are the hallmarks of international travel. Some find this exhilarating — but most of us end up somewhere between amazed and exhausted. They say we’re at our most creative when we’re farthest from home, and it makes sense. What better way to get a new perspective on who you are and where you come from than to be removed from it?
Very pretty site about photographs with an intriguing UI.
Creative Educator - Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum
Great site on digital storytelling and how it relates to 21st century learning
article by Bernajean Porter
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
Digital Directors Guild
designed to help teachers develop digital storytelling projects for their classrooms.
Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students
Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students.
StoryJumper: create your own children's book.
Digital Storytelling Teacher Guide
500 Internal Server Error
Making Stopmotion Movies
Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano in Education & Language
Suggested by TCEA Tweet
guide was written especially for educators, who want to teach 21st century skills, such as collaborating, communicating, and connecting, through digital storytelling
This guide was written especially for educators, who want to teach 21st century skills, such as collaborating, communicating, and connecting, through digital storytelling
Interactive Teaching & Learning
Make books your way! Share with the world. •Free to Make & Publish books •Bookstore Quality Books, Buy One or Many •No Software, Easy Book Builder, 100% Online
Makes interactive, online books, including digpix, uploaded graphics. Start from word files, PowerPoint slides, or templates. Shared by URL. Printed copies of books can also be ordered (for a fee).
Web Comic Strip Creator - Chogger
Pagina para crear comics (parece facil de usar)
Make your own comic strips with your own images!
a free comic strip creation tool offering a good selection of editing tools. Chogger allows you to draw images from scratch or use your existing images. You can even connect your webcam ...
Chogger lets you create and share web comics online! You can build comic strips by adding drawings, photos, and speech balloons
augmented reality
ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that is designed to let anyone easily create their own customized 3D pop-up books.
RT @tcea: New #animated #comiccreator called #Stage'd available at Use it to create #3D digital plays!
From Kelly Tenkely: Stage’d is a tool that helps students to tell digital stories in a new 3-d way. Students can create a stage full of characters and dialogue as if they are directing their own digital play. They can choose characters, costumes, animations, set design and provide characters with dialog. When the 3-d comic has been saved, it can be emailed or linked to with a unique url. Stage’d is perfect for use in any classroom, to save a comic requires no personal identifying information or even an email address. All students have to do is type in the name of the director (first name only or a pseudonym)."
Staged is a very simple to use 3D comic design webtool that allows students to create animated comic strips that speak with speech bubbles. It would be a great way to have students act out a scene from a novel or history.
create a 3C comic
A digital toy for creating animated comics.
Welcome to Digital Documentaries
Digital Documentaries is a professional development program that helps teachers inspire their students to write and learn about local history and their community. Students research, direct, and produce their own video examining local issues or historical events while meeting social studies and language arts requirements for grades 5-12.
Great info explaining elements of a documentary.
VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos
RT @mike08: RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
RT @mike08: RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use #voicethread in education: #austl
RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
RT @tenteacher: Great resource! RT @nharm 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
100 ways to use voicethread in education:
This can be used within the writing process in all aspects especially for your student publications.
voicethread it a great collaborative tool with slideshow and video capabilities
ReadWriteThink: Student Materials: Flip Book
Create a flipbook
A flip book maker! Possibly for primary school usage?
Read Write Think provides teachers, particularly reading and writing teachers, with a wealth of information and teaching resources. One neat resource of theirs that I recently learned about through Doug Peterson is their flip book maker. Read Write Think's flip book maker provides a template for students to use to create and print a ten page flip book. Students can use the flip book maker to design pages that contain various combinations of text and images. The flip book maker provides drawing tools that students can use to create original drawings to illustrate their stories.