Pages tagged directory:

Find ‘Em On Twitter: 15 Twitter Directories Compared

Searching for people or applications on Twitter? Good luck with that. Since Twitter offers little in the way of people search features (though they now have a suggestion tool), your search for interesting and dynamic people to follow and applications to use could be a giant time suck. Thankfully there are more than a few third-party resources that you can turn to for finding new people to follow, and new tools to help you do what Twitter won’t let you. We’ll shed a little light on these 15 directories by separating them into four categories: applications, people, politics, and strictly business.
IPhone Apps: How to Find Awesome iPhone Apps
twibs : find the businesses on twitter - 3,528 businesses and counting!
Twibs is an index of businesses on twitter. You can search and browse businesses on twitter, both by alphabetical and tags for businesses using twitter. If you are a business on twitter, add your business to twibs today!
Listing of all businesses on Twitter!
twtbase - Twitter Application Database
Application Databace
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter - Google Docs
Thanks to all for contributing to this list & sharing it with others. You can either add/modify directly on this spreadsheet or you can add using the quick form. If you see any artists on this list that is a fake or questionable, please make a note of it. There are no guarantees that each and every account is authentic, but we can work at identifying and noting (in red text) those that are fake.
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter
The Directory
Looks like something to explore
design studios
Facebook Connect Plugin Directory - Facebook Developers Wiki
RPX supports Facebook Connect, MySpace, OpenID and other logins
List Your Business on Google Maps, Yahoo Local & More |
Yahoo Local & More |
See how your business is listed at Google, Yahoo, and other top local search engines - Surfing Torrents In Real Time
Busca de torrents.
/* */
A site for web developers to show which sites they've created.
See who built sites and claim your own. lets you claim the sites you build!
WeFollow: A User Powered Twitter Directory
Founded by Kevin Rose
A User Powered Twitter Directory
Web Apps - index of web applications and online tools - Go2web20
99 Essential Twitter Tools And Applications | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
full tool for twitter
Find and Follow Top Business Execs on Twitter
ExecTweets is a resource to help you find and follow the top business executives on Twitter.
Media Database
Includes country, publication, title, beat.
Media Database powered by TrackVia that features media on Twitter.
MediaOnTwitter database
A US datebase of (US) media types in Twitter
localtweeps :: Help Localize The Twittersphere!
Localize The Twittersphere!
Lifehacker - Six Best Portable Operating Systems - Portable Operating System
Why restrict yourself to merely carrying around your data on a thumb drive? Take your entire operating system on your flash drive with the excellent portable operating systems you'll find inside this week's Hive Five.
Portable linux OSs
interesting portable os systems
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
Looking for a customer service number? will get you there FAST!
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
Hive Five: Five Best Linux Distributions
There are many, many Linux distributions, and a lot of unique reasons to like them. Read on to see which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to date.
Social Studies Essential Terms
Good to remember
Journalists on Twitter - Muck Rack
Follow the live feeds of top journalists on Twitter. You can also add a journalist.
The Best Recipe Search on the Web
SingleFunction - Showcasing Single Function Websites
SingleFunction is a showcase of one purpose, one function, single serving sites; meaning, websites that have one functionality, no clutter, and require no learning curve. Being a big fan of simplicity, I thought it would be a good idea to share my passion… I decided to list my finds of single function sites, allow other enthusiasts to do so as well, and make it an effortless experience for anyone to find them.
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges Online
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges Online
Bookmarklet Directory -
Find and review bookmarklets at
Web applications directory, reviews, and ratings | AppUseful
Social Directory for Useful Web Applications and Websites.
Global VC Blog Directory – Ranked By # of Google Reader Subscribers (May 2009) « Thinking About Thinking
Larry Cheng: So, here’s a more difficult than expected attempt at pulling together a global directory of blogs written by current VCs. To help put the blogs in some context, they are ranked by their # of Google Reader subscribers. In addition, some blogs despite having subscribers have not posted in 3 months and they are denoted by an *. This directory will be updated quarterly highlighting any new blogs and the movers/shakers based on subscriber growth. If you don’t have the time to sort through all of the blogs, I will write a bi-weekly summary highlighting the “best VC blog posts” from the VCs in this directory.
List of top VC blogs. Look through and add to my reader.
LUNARAMA - late night restaurants and joints
Great Food!
When everything else is closed.
unarama is a public directory of all-night restaurants and joints. Browse through the list of cities on the right. Don’t see your habitat or favorite all–night spot? Contribute! Thanks to everyone who’s come through with submissions for the site! I apologize for the overwhelming location list — I wasn’t expecting representation from so many medium–sized cities. A simplified directory is in the works, as is better international support.
late night restaurants and joints
Social Media Directory for Designers
The Directory for Designers was created so that designers from all across the globe could share their various social media profiles allowing the community to easier connect. If you're looking for someone in particular just search for that person's name and find all of the directories they're members of. If you want to find other designers at a particular site, go to that site's directory and start adding friends. And don't forget to add your own information while you're there!
I like the background image
Diretório Social de Mídias para Designer's
directory for designers
Open Web Tools Directory
AndroLib, Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
40 Superb Psychology Blogs | PsyBlog
Forty of the best psychology blogs, chosen to give you a broad sweep of the most interesting content being produced online right now. The list is split
40 Superb Psychology Blogs
Better Default Directory Views with HTAccess • Perishable Press
Beautify your default directory listings! Displaying index-less file views is a great way to share files, but the drab, bare-bones interface is difficult to integrate into existing designs. While there are many scripts available to customize the appearance and functionality of default directory navigation, most of these methods are either too complicated, too invasive, or otherwise insufficient for expedient directory styling. In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to use the built-in functionality of Apache’s mod_autoindex module to style and enhance your default directory views with a smorgasbord of stylistic and functional improvements.
Directory: 100 technology experts on Twitter | Between the Lines |
Larry Dignan, Sam Diaz and other IT industry experts, blogging at the intersection of business and technology, deliver daily news and analysis on vital enterprise trends.
One the most important — and most difficult — things to do when you first start using Twitter is to develop a good list of people to follow. You can check your friends’ lists of followers, watch for interesting people that come up in @replies, and look for personalities and brands who promote their Twitter addresses. But, it can take several months to build up a good list. For technology professionals, I’m going to give you a big head start.
Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces
Typedia is a resource to classify, categorize, and connect typefaces.
If this gets the depth of the community behind it, it could be a fantastic typographical resource.
100 Best Twitter Feeds for Librarians of the Future - Online Courses
review for Tarlton 2.0 committee
Library twitter feeds - divided by librarian, library jobs, etc. Also links to online education resources, etc.
If you’re studying to become a librarian, Twitter is a great place to find information. Whether you’re learning from other library professionals, staying on top of news, or checking out resources, you can find what you need on Twitter. Read on, and you’ll find 100 of the best Twitter feeds for future librarians.
100 Terrific Twitter Feeds for Teaching Advice | Online
teacher advice.
RT @TeachaKidd 100 Terrific Twitter Feeds for Teaching Advice [from]
Great list of people to follow on Twitter.
Education folks to follow on Twitter
Iphone apps directory - Gizmodo
Gizmodo's essential iphone apps director
[en] Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love.
"Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love."
Redbeacon Homepage
Redbeacon isn't like typical local search directories that simply return local business listings with ratings and reviews, leaving you to sort through dozens of entries. Instead, we notify businesses and professionals in your area that we believe can serve you best, and invite them to submit a price quote for your job.
Compare prices and book an appointment for any local service!
""this is good""
12 Web Design Directories To Improve Your SEO | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
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Can record call history when calling a 1800 number
Deep Dialing: Tired of pressing 1 for this and 2 for that? We've mapped out the phone menus for hundreds of companies. Find the spot you need to call, then click, and we'll automatically connect you.
connect more quickly to customer service reps and record the conversation
oneforty the Twitter outfitter
Birdsall’s Massive Twitter Sites & Tools Directory - Birdsall Social Media
Just spent about 3 hours using some of the resources here. Must have
Massive is hardly enough to describe this compendium of Twitter stuff
Every day I run across some cool new site for Twitter. Who would have thought that micro-blogging would inspire so many random data mines & apps? I’ve compiled several published lists, my bookmarks & links I’ve been sent – so I can’t claim to be the origin of this list. Keep in mind, many of [...]
Scribnia - A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists
A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists. Find better writers online
Scribnia is a blog directory that's all about writers. We aim to be the definitive source for people's opinions about bloggers, columnists, reporters, and other writers whose work is available online. Come on in and add your blog to our blog directory!
Bloggers add yourself to the site. Readers review them.
Google Holiday Logos: 2009 October - December
Holiday Logos and Events - Google style! A collection of all Google logos commemorating holidays and events around the world.
Listorious: Discover the Best Twitter Lists
9 Useful Sites For Finding People To Follow On Twitter |
9 Useful Sites For Finding People To Follow On Twitter -
More tools to help you find followers on Twitter
twitter help find people to follow who to twitter_help
Google Press Center: Twitter Directory
All the different Google accounts on Twitter
Google accounts on Twitter published October 31
Everything you ever wanted to know about Twitter | Charles Curle Design
INSANE MASTER LIST torrent downloads - Torrents at best! - Videos Worth Watching
Vidque allows users to grab videos from YouTube,, TED, and Vimeo to put into their own collections that they can share with others. Vidque uses the videos you grab to help you locate more videos.
The Big List Of Search Engines & Their Employees On Twitters
Yesterday, Google joined Twitter with a company account. We twittered a few search engine-related addresses as part of our post about that, but we wanted to do
My top list of best blogs 2009 and some blog info | Yuri Arcurs
Social Media Today | Social Media Policies of 113 Organizations
Sortfolio : Find a great web designer by style, budget, and location.
Search Engine, Web Search, People Search, Local Search and Search Engine Marketing Info -
Digg Founder Launches WeFollow, A User-Generated Twitter Directory
Digg Founder Kevin Rose has launched WeFollow, a User-Powered Twitter Directory that categorizes Twitter users by interests and industry.
A new user-generated Twitter directory by Kevin Rose
50 Cool Search Engines for Serious Readers | Online Colleges
Cf Titre
Featured Mobile App Makers | - Home of the Finest Mobile App Makers
Home of the Finest Mobile App Makers
Online directory of iPhone Application Makers, a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
Received this from Frances as a design reference.
" is a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry."
50 Gorgeous Wallpapers to Spice Up Your Desktop - Noupe
Desktop wallpapers are the simplest and quickest way to personalize your desktop. With so many free designs to choose from, you can easily change your wallpaper to...
Coletânea de wallpaper diversos
Developers, Programmers, and Tech Companies on Twitter -
100 Awesome Business Blogs that are Better than an MBA
collection of links to resources
androidappsdirectory - Gizmodo
Great Spot for all the Android Apps.
Muy groso RT @ezenastasi: @Grizzluza @damianemanuel1 For you #android users/lovers. The Android App List.