disarm_d: Moments Like These | Brendon/Shane | NC-17 | ~ 4800 words | PWP
They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Omg so hot. Shane helps Brendon unwind. Mild d/s stuff. "Shane stretches out on the bed beside Brendon. He's still wearing his pants, so he lifts his hips and pulls them off, tugging his boxers down as well, then wiggles up close beside Brendon. Brendon's sweating and Shane watches him try to force himself to relax. "Do you think you'll still be open for me by tomorrow morning?" Shane asks, his voice rough. He's probably just about as hard as Brendon is right now. Brendon shivers, reaching for Shane with both hands and pulling gently. He tilts his head up and waits for Shane to kiss him, then sucks eagerly on Shane's tongue. Shane bites hard into Brendon's lower lip, just to hear the low noise Brendon makes, then pulls away. "Go to sleep and I'll fuck you in the morning." Shane looks Brendon in the eye and asks, "'Kay?" Brendon nods quickly. Shane says, "Tell me." "I'll wait 'til morning," Brendon says. "You'll fuck me in the morning.""
Standalone. They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
SUMMARY: They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Brendon says, "It's a hotel night," in a low voice, then grins at Shane, all crinkly eyes and pink cheeks. Shane smiles back, gently knocks his elbow against Brendon's, then starts zipping up his camera case. "You saving your shower for the hotel?" Shane asks. Brendon's got a towel slung around his neck, but he's still in his stage clothes.
4800 words | They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.